Imagine starting a marriage with combined debt over $100K. That’s Jamie and Jenna’s story. They mapped out a pay-off plan and it ended better than they ever thought possible. Find out their strategy.
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- [Narrator] Jamie andJenna were crazy in love
and horribly in debt.
As they were planningtheir future together
the couple took a cold,hard look at their finances.
- Total combined student loans
and we both had a littlebit of credit card debt
and a car loan out, too.
It was right around $100,000.
- [Narrator] The two were both working
as part-time teaching assistants,
neither jobs pay more than 20,000 a year.
- And I remember, again,
both of us almost laughingat the mountain of debt
that we knew that we were under.
- [Narrator] Unsure of what to do next,
Jenna prayed about the debtand the future marriage.
She says, that's when God madeher an unbelievable promise.
One that she immediatelyshared with her fiance.
- Jesus is now saying us, as a couple,
are going to be debt free in five years.
- It was like, one ofthose, you gotta be kidding.
Like, there's no way that that's possible.
- [Narrator] The couple mapped out a plan
to pay off their debt.
They created a budget basedon their limited income.
They also decided their firstexpense would be tithing.
- I knew that it wassomething that would honor God
and something he calls us to do.
- When I heard the idea of tithing
would be 10% of your income,I did a quick math calculation
and I'm like, that's alot of money every month.
- [Narrator] A few monthsbefore their wedding,
both Jamie and Jenna
were offered full-time teaching positions
but with just a few weeksto go before the big day,
bad news.
Their school hadn't been taking out
the state mandated retirement deduction.
To make up for the shortfall
both Jamie and Jenna hadtheir paychecks slashed.
- They were literally taking
half of each of our salary every paycheck
for the next six pay periods.
- It felt like a gut punch,we had been working so hard.
- [Narrator] Now the twowould have to make do
with even less than they had planned.
The couple went on with the wedding
and despite their limited income,
held on to their promise from God
and stuck with their plan to tithe.
- For the first year or two we struggled
with the idea of being so restricted
and sacrificing things and notbeing able to do the things
that we saw our friends andfamily and community doing.
- [Narrator] Jamie and Jenna
picked up side jobs along the way
and continued to titheoff of what they earned
and they credit that forhelping them get through
those lean months.
- 12 weeks ago we had half a paycheck,
12 weeks later, you know, fast forward
we got through that stressor
and we didn't have to dipinto our savings at all.
- I think
continually being humbleenough to say yes to Jesus,
that he has more plansand bigger plans for us
than we could ever dream for ourselves,
I think is a big part of what tithing is
and how Jesus can reallytransform your life.
- [Narrator] The two continuedto chip away at their debt.
The school stopped garnishing their wages
and they even earned pay raises.
Their daughter was born in 2017.
Then in January of 2019,
shortly before they celebratedtheir fifth anniversary,
Jamie and Jen have paid offthe last of their $100,000 debt
just as God had promised.
- I wouldn't have believed it possible
to pay off $100,000 in debt in five years
but we said yes to Jesus,
did Jesus 1 + 1 equalswhatever he wants it to.
- Today Jamie and Jennaare still teaching.
They own a home and they'vealso started a financial blog
where they tell theworld about how tithing
put them on the road to financial freedom.
- If we hadn't committed to tithing
and made that anon-negotiable in our lives
and in our budget, thenour budget wouldn't work.
- Looking from the time westarted to where we are now,
$100,000 in five years on teaching salary,
we could not have done itwithout Jesus providing.