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The 700 Club - April 15, 2021

A baseball pro almost loses his career before it begins. See how this Saint Louis star walked out of the ICU and back onto the pitcher’s mound. Plus, can Americans break our addiction to sugar before it’s too late? CBN News has the answer ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Reporter] Coming up, the hidden killer.

- It really is everywhere.

- [Reporter] And Americans are eating

pounds of it every year.

- They do feel thatthat uplifting feeling.

- [Reporter] Can webreak our sugar addiction

before it's too late?

- The problem is these longterm effects.

- [Reporter] And then, thebaseball pro whose career

nearly ended even before it began.

- I remember getting hit andthen being a bit stunned.

- [Reporter] How this St. Louisstar walked out of the ICU,

and back onto the pitcher's mound.

- Praise the Lord forputting me through that.

- [Reporter] On today's "700 Club."

(triumphant music)

- Well, welcome to thisedition of "The 700 Club."

You wouldn't believe what's in your food,

and how much sugar we're all assuming

and consuming every day,

and how come America is so overweight.

We are now coming to a pointwhere obesity is a crisis.

We'll have all that for you today,

and you will be shocked atwhat we're going to show you.

But first of all, it's time to end

what's called the forever war.

President Biden is pulling

all U.S. troops out ofAfghanistan on September the 11th,

20 years after theinfamous terrorist attack

that started it.

The big question, oncethe U.S. withdrawal,

will ISIS and Al Qaeda come roaring back?

And will we have more terrorist attacks?

The Taliban may take over.

Now under the Taliban rule,

it was against the law to educate women.

Are they gonna bring that back in?

And while they're hailing,"This is a great move,"

do you realize what theywill do to the women,

how they will be subjugatedunder the rule of the Taliban?

It is a horrible scenario,

and many senators arereally raising the alarm.

Charlene Aaron brings usthis consequential action.

(wind whooshing)

- Secretary of State Antony Blinken

made a surprise visitto Afghanistan today,

to sell the country's leadersand a concerned public

on President Biden's plan

to pull American troops from the country.

The visit comes a dayafter the president said

the 9/11 attacks could no longer justify

U.S. forces staying there.

- We went to Afghanistanbecause of a horrific attack

that happened 20 years ago.

That cannot explain why weshould remain there in 2021.

- [Charlene] The pullout plancalls for all American forces,

numbering some 2,500, to bewithdrawn by September 11th,

the anniversary of the attacks,

which were coordinated from Afghanistan.

- War in Afghanistan was never meant to be

a multi-generational undertaking.

We were attacked.

We went to war with clear goals.

We achieve those objectives.

- [Charlene] But Republicanslike Senator Lindsey Graham

oppose withdrawing the troops,

saying it could lead tothe comeback of terrorism.

- Again, there are no great outcomes,

but this is the worst possible outcome,

is to pull up and leave,

and hope that things will turn out well.

That did not happen in Iraq,and it did not happen here.

- Foreign terrorists will not leave

the United States alonesimply because our politicians

have grown tired oftaking the fight to them.

- But the president disputes that claim,

saying the U.S. will prevent

the re-emergence ofterrorists in the region.

Regardless of the criticism,

president Biden has made his decision,

and the U.S. will be out ofAfghanistan within five months.

Charlene Aaron, "CBN News."

- I think it was theformer secretary of state

who said, "If you break it, you own it."

And I think we've broken up Afghanistan.

I know it's uncontrollable.

They'd got to Alexander the Great,

who since been the downfallof many over the years.

But at the same timethe Taliban is a force,

and it is a strong force,

and it will be a breedingground for terror.

And who knows what they will do?

Well in other news,although they denied it,

they denied it and they denied it,

now they're talking aboutpacking the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court has beenthe play thing of the left,

because it has done their bidding.

And they've been able topush through the judiciary,

items that could not bevoted in by the electorate.

But now the Supreme Court has changed,

and it's becoming conservative.

So they're now saying, "We're going to put

four more judges on the Court."

Well, what did Joe Biden once say

about packing the Court?

Efrem Graham has that.

(wind whooshing)

- Pat, Democrats plan tounveil the measure today

in a news conference at thesteps of the U.S. Supreme Court.

"The Intercept" reports the proposal

has sponsors in both the House and Senate.

It would increase the number of justices

from the current nine to 13.

The move comes after PresidentBiden announced a commission

to study the federal courts.

Progressive activists have been pushing

for Democrats to quote, "Pack the Court,"

by adding more justices whowould support liberal policies.

Republicans quickly attacked the move,

and the idea hasn't been popular.

A "New York Times" SiennaCollege poll last October

found 58% oppose increasingthe size of the Court,

while only 31% supported it.

The poll was taken

during the presidentialcampaign last October,

when then candidate Biden tookno position on Court packing.

But as a Senator in 1983,

he blasted FDR for trying to do it.

- President Rooseveltclearly had the right

to send to the United States Senate,

and the United States Congressa proposal to pack the Court.

It was totally withinhis right to do that.

He violated no law.

He was legalistically absolutely correct,

but it was a bonehead idea.

- Normally the deadlinefor filing your taxes,

but this year, the IRShas extended it again,

because of COVID-19.

And hot off the press in Washington,

this year's "Pig Book," the annual look

at how Congress wastes your tax dollars.

Paul Strand has the story.

(wind whooshing)

- [Paul] A number oflawmakers still concerned

about spending and deficits,

joined in a virtual newsconference to highlight

out of control spending they say

could eventually bankrupt America.

- There's a dirty littlesecret in this town.

And there's a consensus that says

spending and debt just don't matter.

- The 2021 "Pig Book" highlights

some of Capitol Hill's latestcases of wasteful spending.

$1.7 billion for 17 F-35 jet fighters,

not even requested by the Pentagon.

$663,000 to help wipeout the brown tree snake.

$19.7 million handed over tothe East-West Center in Hawaii,

though there was no formalbudget request for it.

Tom Schatz, who overseesthe annual "Pig Book"

points out after a supposed 10 year ban,

these wasteful earmarkprojects have returned,

but in disguise.

- The new earmarks are calledcommunity project funding,

an absurd designation that covers

almost everything the government does.

- [Paul] Senator Rand Paul points out

the "Pig Book" says thesepork barrel projects

are back with a vengeance.

- It highlights 285 earmarks,costing $16.8 billion.

- For far too long,earmarks have been used

as a form of legal bribery,

enabling party bossesto pass irresponsible

and bloated spending,

that has ballooned government spending,

and added to our staggering$28 trillion national debt.

- [Paul] And they warn thatmuch worse is still ahead,

thanks to President Biden'smassive Infrastructure Bill.

- Two Trillion plus plus plus,the number keeps growing.

- [Paul] Only about 6% will go for things

like roads and bridges,

while the rest covers a wide range.

- On silly things like asquirrel sanctuary in Tennessee,

or turtle tunnels in Florida,

and critter crossings in Vermont.

- [Paul] Paul Strand,"CBN News," Washington.

- Wasteful spending, Pat.

- You know, ladies and gentlemen,

somehow or other thereare people in Washington

who don't think it's their money,

they're spending your money,

and as I believe MargaretThatcher says so wisely,

"Socialism within, when there'snobody's pockets to pick,"

and they're going to bankrupt our country.

Do you realize what this isgonna do to your children?

Your children and grandchildren

will not have the same country you have,

because of this wasteful spending.

America will go intothe dustbin of history

if they don't stop this stuff,

because we cannot forever run on the tab.

Nobody, try doing it in your own house,

you're gonna spend, spend,spend more than you take in,

and sooner or later, the Bible says,

"The debtor is the servant of the lender,"

and we will be in bondage,

whether it's to the Chinese,or some other group,

we will not be able to defend ourselves.

They've got to stop it, butnobody wants to stop it,

because they're alwaysspending somebody else's money.

And when there are nomore pockets to pick,

maybe those socialists

who are running the government will stop.

But until then, as longas there's money to be had

from someplace, they'll keep on doing it.

So you ought to pray, please let it stop.

All right, Efrem?

- Pat, more violenceovernight in Minnesota.

Protests erupting forthe fourth straight night

outside the police department,

over the death of Daunte Wright.

Demonstrators tried to get over a fence

that was added to protect the department.

Today in court, Kim Potter,

the officer who shot Wrightduring a traffic stop Sunday,

she faces a judge.

Prosecutors charged Potter

with second degree manslaughter Wednesday.

The former Brooklyn Center police chief

has said that Potter, a26-year veteran in the force

meant to pull her taser, but instead,

she pulled her gun, Pat?

- You know, I asked for a demonstration,

and I have here in front of me,

this is not the real thing is a plastic,

but this is, in our police department,

we use the SIG, SIG Sauer.

Others use the Glock, but itlooks something like this.

And it feels like this, this is as I say,

is a plastic weapon.

This, they don't even maketasers any longer black.

This is a taser.

Now, Terri, I know cross,and all that rest of it,

but can you feel this one,

and then feel this one and tell me

you couldn't tell the difference?

- This is lighter.- Of course it's lighter.

We know we don't have the battery in that,

because if we did-

- Also, I'm gonna say, youknow I think a lot of people

are thinking like I was, that both gun,

both the gun and the taser,

would be put on your dominantside, but it's not that way.

- [Pat] They have to cross,

where they have them on different-

- So you actually haveto reach across yourself

to get the taser.

- Yeah, and you feelthe difference, I mean-

- It's definitely discernment.

- There's just no comparison.

As I say, they're not making tasers

in this yellow coloranymore, they're making,

in black, they're making them yellow.

Now how she made the difference,

where she shot that poor guy to death,

saying, "This is what I thought,

this is I thought was my taser."

And if you can't tell the difference

in the feel of those things, it's crazy.

Anyhow, she deserves.

But I, you know, I am pro-police, folks.

I think we need the police.

We need their serviceand they do a good job.

But if they don't stop thisonslaught, they cannot do this.

You know, the police in Virginia

picked up a lieutenant in the Army,

and began to give him trouble.

And our state police are highly trained,

but why they don't stop this,

and this thing that'sgoing on in Minnesota.

But the Derek Chauvin,

I mean, they oughtaput him under the jail.

He has caused so much trouble

by kneeling on the, the deathof George Floyd is just,

I mean, on his neck, it's justterrible what's happening.

And the police, why don'tthey open their eyes

to what the public relations are?

They've got to stop this stuff.

- Maybe they need moretraining, consistent training.

I don't mean training-- The problem is-

- Things, but consistent.- We've got to pay them more.

We don't have the finestin the police department.

They they're low paid people, Terry,

They don't get a headache with,

it's not a question of training,

it's the question of hiringa more superior workforce,

and we are doing it, but we need police.

We need them and we need to honor them.

And I'm all for it.

But at the same time, wecannot have a bunch of clowns

running around who are underpaid,

and who really are notthe best and brightest.

We've got to have thebest in there, Efrem.

- Pat, we turn overseas now to Israel,

which is celebrating its independence.

Throughout history, Jewshave fought in many wars

in the U.S. military,including World War II.

As Chris Mitchell now reports,

one soldier in the Israeli Defense Force

has told "CBN News" how hisfamily's 300 year history

of military service on three continents,

took them through the second World War,

and finally home to Israel.

(wind whooshing)

- [Chris] at age 18, JesseEbner immigrated to Israel,

to enter the IDF, andfulfill a family tradition

that goes back generations.

- I knew I was going to the military,

based off of my family's history,

that everybody for the past 300 years

has been in one military or another,

starting back in the Austrian Empire,

all the way to the United States.

And I decided that I had to come here

for ideological reasons.

- [Chris] Ebner'sgrandfather and great uncles

fought with the Americanmilitary during World War II.

Those uncles helped defeat Nazi Germany,

and liberate the Dachauconcentration camp.

- One brother was in the 101st Airborne.

They liberated the Dachau internment camp.

And his other brother was inthe 1st Infantry Division,

and he landed also at the D-Day landings.

- [Chris] Meanwhile, Grandfather Jacob

served in the Pacific,fighting the Japanese.

- My grandfather, he was a CB.

A CB as a combat engineer in the Navy,

and during World War II,their job was to open the way

for the Marines to land on the beaches

to fight the Japanese.

So he was in IWA Jima,he was in Guadalcanal.

His job was to get onto the beach,

defuse mines, to stop tank traps,

in order for the Marinesto be able to have

a successful invasion of these islands.

- [Chris] This military heritagethat began centuries ago

also led to a name change.

- We originally were the Cohen family,

and they decided thatthey wanted to be officers

in the Austrian military,

so they bought the last name Ebner,

which was a nice Austrian last name.

And it just continued up untilmy father himself was also,

he was a fighter pilot inthe United States Air Force.

- [Chris] Ebner now feels hisfamily has come full circle.

- I think partially it washearing about the experiences

of my grandfather and his brothers,

to find something that I could fight for.

And I saw Israel, it's our homeland,

and it's something thatwe can fight for now.

And it's something that exists.

And it might've beensomething that 300 years ago,

my family would have liked to have done,

but to not have the opportunity to do it.

Something that I feelcould close the circle also

of my grandfather's brother,who liberated the camp,

that people that were in the camps now,

that we can stand up for ourselves.

- [Chris] With antisemitismon the rise around the world,

Ebner says it's importantfor Israel to be here

for the Jewish people,

and for the IDF to be able to protect it.

- I'm happy to wake up every day to know

that I'm doing my part to make sure

that the world is a little bit safer.

We're on the front lines ofwhat could happen to the world.

And that's why we need tobe the strongest we can be,

and keep up what we're doing,

because I believe the IDF

is the strongest army in the world,

and that we're ready for whatever

our neighborhood can throw at us.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,"CBN News," Rehovot, Israel.

- As we mentioned, today isIsrael's Independence Day,

the Jewish state being established

after an historic battle,

just three years afterWorld War II, in 1948.

With a ceremony on Wednesday night,

Israel began celebrating 73 years

since the modern Jewish state was formed.

Yesterday on its Memorial Day,

Israelis visited cemeteries,

and media broadcast documentaries

about the country's wars,and soldiers recollections.

The Independence celebrations comes

as Israel begins to return

to much of the pre pandemic routine,

because of the breakneck paceof its vaccination drive.

Israel's victory inits War of Independence

has been called a modern day miracle, Pat.

- Well, it was a miracle.

It really was a miracle of God,

because, you know, as soonas independence was declared,

the Arab nations all jumped on Israel.

And Israel had the smallestlittle army to defend itself.

And yet they managed to pull it off,

and they fought like tigers and they won.

They won a victory, and Israel now

is the strongest democracyin the Middle East.

And they're our strongest ally.

And I, for one, am a fan of Israel,

I'm sure they know and you know

that we stand with Israel,

because they're God's chosen people,

and the nation of Israelis going to stand.

And Jesus said this grace, you know,

some of the interpretationin the King James

isn't exactly true.

But basically what he'ssaying is this people,

you know, will endure until I come back.

They'll always be in Israel,

and as you know, theprime minister of Israel

was asked by Queen Victoria,

"Mr. Prime Minister, canyou give me an example

of the existence of God?"

And his answer was,"The Jew, your Majesty."

That was Benjamin Disraeli.

The Jew was the greatest example

of the existence of God, Terry.

- Well, today, let's standwith the people of Israel,

on the anniversary of their independence.

One of the best ways that we can do that

is by sharing with othersthe remarkable story

of Israel's destiny and courage.

For your gift of any dollar amount,

we will send you a DVDcopy of the CBN film,

"In Our Hands: The Battle forJerusalem," very inspiring.

Not only will you receive a copy

of this extraordinary docudrama,

you'll also have instantaccess to 4k streaming

on the CBN Family App.

Please also consider giving this DVD

to a friend or a lovedone, as a special gift.

But to get your copy of, "In Our Hands,"

along with the instant4k streaming access,

just call our toll freenumber, it's 1-800-700-7000.

Or visit

Together, let's blessthe nation of Israel.

Well, still ahead on our program today,

struck in the head bya one-line drive, what?

That's what could haveshattered this man's dream

of making it to the Big Leagues.

Even worse, it could've ended his life.

So what happened instead?

Daniel Ponce de Leonwill tell you himself,

that's coming up.

But first, calling all sugarholics,

you won't believe how muchsugar you're consuming each day,

and the havoc it'swreaking on your health.

Lorie Johnson joins uswith the bitter truth

about your sweet tooth, after this.

(dramatic music)

- It's the shocking truth.

60 pounds, that's how much sugar

American adults consume each year.

No wonder more than 40% ofthe American people are obese.

And who consumes even more sugar?

You guessed it, little children.

Lorie Johnson bringsus this alarming report

on the havoc sugar canwreck on your health.

(wind whooshing)

- More than 42% of adults are now obese,

making it the first time the national rate

has passed the 40% mark.

One reason, we consume three times

the recommended amount of sugar.

Most American adults consume

about 1/3 of a cup of sugar each day.

Think of it, that adds upto about 60 pounds a year,

this much, but guess what?

Kids consume even more thangrownups, 65 pounds a year.

A lot of that comes from beverages.

Kids consume 30 gallonsof liquid sugar a year,

enough to fill a bathtub.

Fruit juices, sport and energy drinks,

even tea and coffee areoften loaded with sugar.

This one Starbucks item

contains more than 14 teaspoons of sugar,

almost two days worth.

Candy bars make peoplehappy without them realizing

they're eating a wholeday's sugar allotment.

- They do feel that upliftingfeeling for a few minutes,

but the problem isthese long term effects.

- [Lorie] Doctors sayconsuming too much sugar

can lead to cancer, heartdisease, and brain disorders.

- Sugar has been shown inseveral research studies

to worsen depression, to worsen anxiety,

and associated with things

like brain atrophy and dementia.

- [Lorie] Even foods that seem healthy

are often loaded with sugar,

like this protein bar,with eight teaspoons.

Canned peaches in syrup, 18 teaspoons.

Baked beans, 22 teaspoons.

In her book, "Breaking Up With Sugar,"

Molly Carmel describes herdecision to lose weight,

after tipping the scale at 325 pounds.

- Sugar is a tricky, tricky,tricky little abuser,

because it really is everywhere.

I gave up ketchup, Igave up teriyaki sauce.

I gave up a lot of salad dressings.

- This tiny jar of pasta sauce

contains five teaspoons of sugar.

And this small bottle ofbarbecue sauce has 54.

Health experts say one of the best ways

to reduce sugar intake isto avoid processed foods,

and cook at home, from scratch.

- All right, Lorie Johnson's with us.

And we have in front of us all this stuff.

Lorie, what does sugar do to us?

- Well you know, sugar is the root cause

of so many diseases, and obesity is too.

Did you know Pat, that asfar as COVID-19 is concerned,

that obesity is the secondgreatest risk factor

for having complications,hospitalizations, and death?

We know age is number one,but obesity is number two.

And it's because obesitycauses inflammation.

Obesity is an inflammatory condition.

And we know that so manydiseases, including COVID-19,

are inflammatory diseases.

- Well, why are they putting so much sugar

and all this stuff?

I mean, not to mention thehigh fructose corn syrup,

which is a killer.

- Well, the main reasonis because it's addictive.

And so if you are in thebusiness to sell food,

and make money selling food,

if you can make peopleaddicted to your food,

that they constantly want more and more,

you're going to make a lot of money.

- Well, but this was killing people?

- Right, that's true.

And that's my job is to inform people,

because the food manufacturers,

their job is to make money,not make people healthy.

- All right, let's go down the list.

You've got an array here, talk to us

about what you got in front of me.

- Well, first of all, Ithink a lot of people realize

things like birthday cake are sweet,

but they may not realizeexactly how sweet they are.

This one piece of birthday cake

contains 1/2 cup of sugar.

Now the American Heart Association says

people should consume

anywhere between six and nineteaspoons of sugar a day.

Six teaspoons for small people like women,

nine teaspoons for larger people like men.

So you can see, 1/2 of a cup,one piece of birthday cake

is way more than that.

Let's move down here tosome of the other products.

Oreos, this is a box of Oreo cookies,

and it contains 1 1/3 cups of sugar.

Obviously that's for the whole package,

but let's face it, Pat,

a lot of people eat almosta whole package at once.

- Yeah, they're addictive, Lorie.

- And then also downhere, we have Coca-Cola.

Soda, sweetened beveragesare the number one source

of added sugars in the American diet.

So a lot of health professionals say

the first place to startcutting back on sugar

is stop eating sweetened beverages.

- Well, this is Cokes,Pepsis, all those things.

- All those things, and a lot, again,

a lot of people know thatsoda has sugar in it,

but also people might notrealize that the sports drinks,

the energy drinks, the tea and the coffees

are also loaded with sugars.

- Let's go back to Coke, ifyou drank a standard Coke,

I mean, this is the huge size.

This is more than one cupof this great big one.

But if I drink the one youget out of a vending machine?

- Right, that's about 1/3 of that,

so we're talking about maybelike 1/3 of a cup of sugar,

which again is way morethan your one day allotment.

- One Coke, so if a guy drinksfour or five Cokes a day,

he's loading up on sugar.

- Exactly, and I'm glad you said that,

because not many peopledrink just one Coke a day.

If you're drinking Coke,you're usually addicted to it.

- Well, it's so refreshing.

And everybody thinks I needthat, I need that boost,

but actually you needto kick that's there.

They load it with some caffeine,

and then the along withthe sugar, it's all it is.

- Right, and I'm glad youpointed out that it is delicious,

and no one's saying thatthese foods aren't delicious.

But we need to shift, accordingto the nutrition experts,

shift our priorities.

We shouldn't be eating foodbased on how good it tastes.

- Well, you know what,

Coke is one of the biggestcompanies in America.

I mean, big, I mean,you know Warren Buffet,

who had a big stake in Coca-Cola,

and it's one of the huge corporations,

and they do it, you know,

they brought out another kinda Coke.

The advertisers say,well we better teach you

to love the product.

I mean, and then Pepsi's coming on,

and the two of them are fighting together,

but they're both loaded with sugar.

It's caffeine, sugar and sugar.

- Right, and here's another thing

a lot of people might not realize,

there's a lot of these soda companies

have shifted to the water industry,

and they have these vitaminwaters, and these smart waters,

and these flavored waters.

Again, loaded with sugar.

- Well, now down the line, you've got,

now what you've got in front of you?

- This is Cap'n Crunch cereal,

and this is a box of Cap'n Crunch,

and it contains morethan 1 1/4 cups of sugar.

So again, we need to be very careful.

Food manufacturers havelearned ways to trick us

into making us think that their products

are healthier than they are.

If you look on the box, oron the carton of anything,

it'll tell you how manygrams of sugar per serving.

But what they've started doing

is making those servings really,

really unrealistically small.

- You know, the Oreos,

what it was, the oat cereal,

you remember the advertisements,

the little guy put thoseHoney Bunches of Oats

into his daddy's pocket,goes to the healthiest heart.

Do you remember that?

- Right, right.

- I wanna keep him alive, butactually it's killing him.

- Exactly, and we see thatwith so many other things.

In fact, this is what Iwanted to talk about next

was how so many foods that seem healthy,

and are advertised as so, areactually loaded with sugar.

A lot of us know yogurt is great,

but we need to get the unsweetened kind.

This particular container of yogurt

has more than 1/2 cup of sugar in it.

Ketchup, loaded with sugar.

This one bottle of ketchup

has more than 1 1/4 cups of sugar.

And lastly, we have this nutritional drink

down here on the end.

It is a very small container,

and it contains twotablespoons, not teaspoons,

tablespoons of sugar.

And I wanna say aboutthat nutritional item,

that is actually marketedtowards senior citizens.

But the thing is, is itis very good for people

who need to gain weight.

We know Pat, that somepeople have health problems,

and they can't eat.

They're underweight and they'redrastically losing weight.

That product will make you gain weight.

And for those people, it's fine.

But it's marketed as sortof like a vitamin supplement

for people of normal weight,

and they don't realizeyou're going to gain weight.

- When a little kid is coming along,

I know I've been on a fast,

and when I came out of the fast,

I had the most intense feeling and sweet,

everything tasted sweet, plenty of salt.

And I didn't have to have any extra sugar.

But little children don't need any sugar.

Yet, we loaded up these cereals,

all of them have sugaradded, for little kids.

- And it's really terrible,

and that's why we're trying to bring this

to the attention of everyone, parents,

and also all of us.

Did you know that theAmerican obesity rate

is 42% right now.

We also know that 31% ofthe country is overweight.

That means 73% of the nationis either overweight or obese.

Three out of four peopleneed to lose weight.

- It's really disgusting,it's just disgusting.

People are so, they're enormous now.

Well, now let's just talk about those,

think of some of the brands

that the gives a little children,

and mothers wanna say,"Well I want to give my kid

a healthy breakfast."

What are some of the cerealsthat you find out there?

- Almost all of the cereals,

it's really amazing towalk down the cereal aisle

at the grocery store,almost all of them are.

And also Pat, some of thehealthy sounding cereals,

and as a matter of fact,

I looked at a box of granola,

and it had just as much sugar in it

as the super sweet kid cereals.

So we really need to be careful.

And what I thought was really interesting

is on the box of granola,

they said a serving size was 1/4 of a cup.

That means only three or four bites.

Nobody eats 1/4 of a cup of granola.

And so we need to be very careful

to look at those serving sizes.

- If a kids coming,then I read the labels.

I mean when somebodycomes back to my house,

and I said, "Do you see theamount of sugar and salt

that's in that?"

"No, I didn't read the label."

"Well, take it back."

You know, we go to Whole Foods,

I make absolutely certain,if I'm eating yogurt,

it's not low fat, it's a no sugar.

I mean, it's plain vanilla.

But these soft drinks,what can somebody do?

I mean, you know, I eatbran, and I eat oatmeal,

things like that, I eat eggs.

And they don't have sugar in 'em.

- That's exactly right.

That's funny that you bring up oatmeal,

because that's one of the fewthings on the cereal aisle

that doesn't have sugarin it, old fashioned oats.

So health experts say the best way

to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet

is to cook, at home, from scratch.

And a lot of people areintimidated by that,

because they see thingslike The Food Network,

and think that it has to be complicated,

or time consuming, but it doesn't.

It can be very simple, like scramble eggs,

or it only takes five minutesto microwave a potato,

a sweet potato.

- All Bran, for example,there's an All Bran

that has no sugar in it.

- There are, and so you look on the label,

and everything on the label is in grams.

So that can be confusing too.

So the American Heart Association

says women should eat 25grams of sugar, or less,

and men 37 grams, or less.

- Well the thing that struck me,

I mean they were advertising,

this little kid was puttingthose Honey Bunches of Oats,

into his daddy's pockets, 'causehe's gonna save his heart.

I mean, it was an absolute lie.

- It's very difficult.

These food manufacturers

have a lot of tricks up their sleeves.

Advertising, is when Italked about how sometimes

they advertise products thatare really high in sugar,

and make them look like they're healthy.

And also, we see theadvertising for the children.

We even see them advertisingon the boxes themselves.

They'll put words like protein and fiber.

But they don't tell youhow much sugar is in it.

- (laughing) I'm taking care of me,

and you're taking care of you.

And I hope our audiencewill take care of themself,

and listening to us.

- Yes, I hope so, too.

- All right, we're down on Cokes,

we're down on, well I think Coke

has joined in the parade of horrible.

So you're part of the woke generation.

So they're killing you with this,

in addition to the fact thatthey're hurting Georgia.

- Indeed, indeed.

- Coca-Cola.- Yes, yes.

- You know, they used to call them dopes,

because they actually had cocaine in them.

- Yes.- Did you know that?

- Yes, way back when.

- Yeah, they call them dopes,

because they've cut thecocaine out now (laughing).

But he was, you know, theyused to have something

called Tab, and it wassupposedly a diet thing.

And I kicked Tab finally,

and it was the most horrible withdrawal,

I had headaches you just wouldn't believe,

because they had such, theywere so high in caffeine.

- Right, well I'm gladyou brought that up,

because a lot of nutritional experts say,

if you can go withoutsugar for three days,

you will stop craving it.

- Three days, I thought it was 21 days.

Three days, Lorie, thank you very much.

Ladies and gentlemen, listento what Lorie is telling you.

Read the labels.

Oatmeal and All Bran arethe two I can tell you

don't have sugar in them.

But almost everything elsedoes, as far as breakfast.

But scrambled eggs, good for you.

And this Ezekiel bread, I'm all for it,

you know, in terms of Ezekiel bread,

it doesn't have a lot of gluten in it.

We had your man on the other day,

giving us a primmer onnutrition, is so important.

Lorie, thank you so much,you're doing a tremendous job.

Ladies and gentlemen, up next,

Terry's got a story of a miracle

that took place on thebaseball diamond, Terry?

- Well, it is, a skullfracture and a brain bleed.

Either one could have endedDaniel Ponce de Leon's dream

of making it to the Majors.

Instead, what did he ask his dad to do?

And how did that lead toDaniel's astonishing debut

in the Big Leagues?

You'll see for yourself, right after this.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

One of the greatest debuts inMajor League Baseball history.

That was Daniel Poncede Leon's claim to fame,

after he threw anastonishing seven innings

of no-hit ball, duringhis very first outing.

Daniel's rise to the Majors wasfraught with major setbacks,

including a near death brain injury.

So how did he make it to the top?

Sports reporter Shawn Browngets to the bottom line

in this exclusive interview.

- By spring of 2017, lifewas shaping up nicely

for then 25-year-old Daniel Ponce de Leon.

The Triple-A pitcher had plans

to marry the mother of his son, Jennifer.

Daniel was having a season he was sure

would get him called up to the Majors,

with the St. Louis Cardinals.

But on May 9th of that year,

one pitch and a one-line drive hit

would threaten to takeeverything, including his life.

Do you remember being hit?

- Yeah, I remember releasing it,

and usually right whenI released the pitch,

you know if it's gonnabe good or bad, you know.

And that was one of those, oh no.

So he hits it, and you know,you finish down this way,

and you go to come back up,

and you just can't getthe glove back up in time.

And I remember getting hit,and then being a bit stunned.

- [Shawn] The ball hadstruck Daniel in his temple,

and he was rushed to the emergency room,

where doctors found hehad a skull fracture

that was causing a brainbleed, and it was spreading.

Part of his skull had to beremoved to release the pressure.

The surgery went well, butDaniel wasn't out of the woods.

- When they were ableto put my skull back on,

they did, and put apressure monitor in my head

to help regulate my pressure,'cause if it got too high,

they wouldn't have toretake off the skull.

And I would be living withsome sort of mesh covering,

as opposed to my skull.

- [Shawn] That meant Danielwould likely have to live

with a longterm disability,ending his baseball career.

Hearing the news, he askedhis father for prayer.

- [Daniel] He's the onewho led me to Jesus,

and so that is my number oneman, to come into my life.

- [Shawn] His fatherprayed from Romans 8:28,

"And we know that in all things,

God works for the goodof those who love him,

who have been calledaccording to his purpose."

- I felt peace.

I felt once he got donewith praying, I felt calmer.

You know, I was a bit uneasy,

and then once, justhaving your dad come over,

and he like put his arms, his whole body,

you know, on top of me.

- [Shawn] The pressure whenDaniel's brain remained stable,

and doctors expected a full recovery.

He spent a week in ICU.

Two weeks later,

he was able to walk out of the hospital.

Even still, he would spendthe next three months

resting very limited physical activity,

time he would use torefocus his priorities,

including his faith in God.

- So, you know, I went backand fell back into the Bible,

and as I read more and more, you know,

you just want more and more.

It's the living water, you know.

And God is our Father, soto have my dad explained,

like he covers me,that's how I felt God was

then at the time, that'swhere I found my peace.

- What was God saying toyour spirit as you studied?

- He was saying, "Hey, you need me."

If you look at my past track record,

it's up and down, left and right.

And you know, it's just like,"Put your eyes back on me,

and put me in your life every day."

So every day now I have to read.

My spirit wants it, and mysoul wants it, and needs it.

- [Shawn] Through prayer,and God's guidance,

Daniel got his priorities in order.

- What kind of prayer that I hope you do,

and that God probably hopes you do,

is you go, and go in your closet,

go in somewhere and youspend time with the Lord,

deep in prayer, pray fromyour soul, from your heart.

And that's exactly what I did,

I sought the Lord as hardas I could when I got hurt.

- [Shawn] After threemonths, Daniel had recovered.

Now he was ready to begin hisjourney back to the mound.

He was enjoying an impressivereturn to Triple-A Baseball,

and two months later,

he received a call he'd been hoping for,

from his manager, Stubby Clapp.

- Stubby goes, "You know,so how would your family

like to watch you go pitch in St. Louis?"

And I was like, "They would love it."

And then he's like, "All right,

well they're gonna need you up,

and you could be going up tomorrow."

And I got excited, I go overthere and I pick up Stubby,

and I spin them around and stuff.

It was a great time.

- [Shawn] Daniel became aSt. Louis Cardinal in 2018.

Today, he is married to Jennifer,

and in addition to their son Casen,

they also have a daughter Sophia.

In his new book, "One Line Drive,"

Daniel chronicles how hisfaith fueled his comeback

from a life-threatening injury,

to pitching in the Major Leagues.

- He probably saw thisguy's mind is not right.

We need to get him going through

all these different hoops and stuff.

It's all little things here,

and you know, without that path,

I wouldn't know what I know to this day.

And I might not be where Iam, and my faith to this day.

And praise the Lord forputting me through that.

- Daniel Ponce de Leon's bookis called, "One Line Drive,"

and it's availablewherever books are sold.

If like Daniel, you'vebeen struggling with faith,

we'd like you to have thisresource called, "Faith."

You know, the Bible saysthat, "Without faith,

it's impossible to please God,

but with faith all things are possible."

This is so easy for you to acquire,

it's a teaching fromGod's Word on both sides.

We think it will be a blessing to you.

You can download yourfree copy if you like,

by going to,

or if you'd like to request acopy in the mail, a hard copy,

you can call 1-800-700-7000.

Just say, "I'd likethe teaching on faith,"

and we'll get that out to you right away.

Still ahead, three suitcases, and $3,000.

That's all this divorcedmom had in the world.

So how did her children wind up

with free college educations,

and how did she buyherself a brand new home?

You'll have to see it tobelieve it, after this.

(happy music)

(wind whooshing)(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to "The 700Club," for this "CBN Newsbreak."

Vice President Kamala Harris says

she will visit Mexico and Guatemala

on her first official trip abroad,

as she pushes ahead on leading

the White House's diplomatic efforts

on the immigration crisisat the Southern border.

But she still has no plansto visit the border herself,

and Republican critics say

it shows the Bidenadministration isn't doing enough

to respond to the border crisis.

In Texas, lawmakersdiscussed a new bill Monday

that would make it a crime

for parents to allow their children

to undergo a sex change operation.

The measure is designed to protect minors

from getting gender changing treatments,

when they're too young tomake lifelong decisions.

If the bill becomes law,

doctors who perform genderreassignment treatments

would be charged with child abuse.

Wanna remind you, youcan always get the latest

from "CBN News," by visiting our website.


Pat and terry are back withmore of today's "700 Club,"

it's coming up, right after this.

(wind whooshing)(dramatic music)

(happy music)

- $3,000, that's all themoney Sonya Thompson had

after her divorce.

She also had no home, no job,and two children to support.

So how does she learn not onlyto survive, but to thrive?

This is a story that'll warm your heart.


- [Reporter] Sonya Thompsonloves getting together

with her kids, andcatching up on their lives.

- To see how well my childrenare doing, and have done.

And I know it's God's faithfulness

that's brought us through everything,

we're now I can look back and say, "Wow,

God look what you have done."

- [Reporter] Years ago whenSonya's marriage ended,

she moved back home without a job,

or any other means of support,

and no idea what the future held.

- I came with two children,

three suitcases, and I had$3,000, and that was it.

And I knew from that point,

that is what I was gonnahave to start over with.

I knew I needed to get ajob before money ran out,

and I decided I was gonnago into fasting and prayer.

And I just poured myheart out to the Lord.

- [Reporter] A couple of weeks later,

Sonya was offered a job with a bank.

Even though she was part-time,

her manager decided to awardher full-time benefits.

- I was able to start working,

and still be able to behome with my children

in the evenings.

I just thought, "God, you did it again."

- [Reporter] Sonya startedtithing immediately.

She excelled at her new position,

and as her salary increased,so did her giving.

- I credit it to God.

I'm like, "God, you've been so faithful,

and you're so good, of courseI should tithe from my gross."

And that's what I did.

And we never were without,we had everything we needed,

and God just continued to bless.

And he continued to increase my income.

- [Reporter] But onething still bothered her.

Sonya was concerned about how

she would send her kids to college.

- I knew that I didn't havethe resources to pay up front

for two children incollege at the same time,

as they moved into the high school years.

That was a point of continual prayer.

And the prayer was that, "Lord,

provide that they can finishcollege, and finish debt-free,"

because I did not wantthem to start off life

in a sinkhole of debt.

- [Reporter] In spite ofher financial concerns,

Sonya decided to become a CBN partner.

- I think that's the best wayyou can minister to people,

by not only giving them the gospel,

but also meeting the need that they have,

and showing them the love of God.

So just seeing thetestimonies of the good things

that Operation Blessing was doing,

it just touched my heart, andI wanted to be a part of that.

- [Reporter] Soon after,both Sonya's children

were awarded full scholarships

to the school of their choice.

- I had both my children in school,

their academics fully paid for,

and their room and board waspaid every time, no loans.

And it was just such a blessing,such an answer to prayer.

- [Reporter] Sonya, continue to tithe.

Soon, she was able totransfer with her company,

and purchase a new home.

- My income tripled during the time

that I was working for the bank.

And it was just the hand of God,

blessing the work of my hands,

with my company paying for the move.

I was able to furnish my new home

with new furniture, debt-free.

- [Reporter] Sonya is confident

that her obedience to God in giving

is the reason for her success today.

- If you put your faith in God's Word,

and hold to the promises of God's Word,

he will come throughwithout a shadow of a doubt,

and my life is living proof of that.

- Sonya is a blessing to me.

Isn't that what the Lord said?

He said, "Prove me withyour tithes and offerings,

if I won't open the windows of heaven,

and pour you out such ablessing you can't contain."

And Sonya has got a blessing.

I mean, when you get freetuition for your children,

you got a house to move in,

you've got more moneycoming in on your work,

I mean, God is faithful.

And he said, "Prove me, prove me."

So Sonya did it, and Godbless her, she is successful.

By the way, how do youjoin, "The 700 Club?"

How do you help?

Sonya joined "The 700Club," and what is it?

It's $20 a month, 65 cents a day.

And for those who join, Iwanna give you something.

It's called, "I Walk With The Living God,"

and I hope it'll bless you,

but this will be our giftto you when you join.

So if you'd call in andsay, "You can count on me,"

$20 a month, here's the telephone number,

it's 1-800-700-7000.

And you can ask for prayer,you can share whatever,

but that's the number,and you get this book.

Somebody said something,

- They did, this is Betty Ann,

she lives in Leonardtown, Maryland,

and she has the book and has read it.

She said, "'I Have WalkedWith the Living God,'

is an excellent book, from the title

to the testimonies, it's beautiful.

I couldn't put it down.

Time and time again, God answers you

with your Bible open to hisliving Word, thank you."

It is a walk of faith,and a walk of inspiration.

- Time after time, God gave me wisdom,

and gave me leadership and guidance.

He'll do the same thing for you.

We've got-

- We've got time for aquestion, do you wanna take one?

- What's the question?

- Okay, this is Holly, who says, "Hi Pat,

you'd previously mentioned

that you helped castout demons from people.

Were any of those peopleborn again believers?

For example, the man you prayed

to be delivered from tobacco,

and he coughed the demonic spirit out,

was he a born again believer?"

- I think he probably was,

'cause he was one of our counselors,

but I don't know for sure,

because he (laughing), he coughed,

and that thing rode with me in my car.

So the answer was I don'tknow his spiritual life,

but I presume he may have been born again.

- I think she's probablywondering if born again believers

have the ability to be-

- Well born again, you know,

you cannot be possessedby a demonic power,

but you can be afflicted by it.

It's like if you know,you could be born again,

and you could be at a picnic and lie down,

and an ant can crawl in your ear.

That doesn't necessarily meanyou've been possessed by ants,

but it does mean you've been afflicted.

- There's one in your ear.- There's one in your ear.

(laughing) All right,well Today's Power Minute

is from the book of Proverbs,

"Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It'll be health to your flesh,and strength to your bones."

Well, tomorrow, a stunningeye-witness report

at the battle at the border,you don't wanna miss that.

So thanks for being with us.

We love you and praise God for you,

and see you tomorrow, bye bye.

(dramatic music)


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