- Hey, welcome to thisedition of "The 700 Club."
You wouldn't believe what's in your food,
and how much sugar we'reall assuming and consuming
every day and how comeAmerica is so overweight.
We are now coming to a pointwhere obesity is a crisis.
We'll have all that for youtoday, and you will be shocked
at what we're going to show you.
But first of all, it's time to end
what's called the Forever War.
President Biden is pulling all U.S. troops
out of Afghanistan onSeptember the 11th, 20 years
after the infamous terroristattack that started it.
The big question, once the U.S. withdraw,
will ISIS and Al Qaeda come roaring back
and will we have more terrorist attacks?
The Taliban may take over.
Now, under the Taliban rule,
it was against the law to educate women.
Are they gonna bring that back in?
And while they're hailingthis as a great move,
do you realize what theywill do to the women?
How they will be subjugatedunder the rule of the Taliban?
It is a horrible scenarioand many Senators
are really raising the alarm.
Charlene Aaron brings usthis consequential action.
- Secretary of State AntonyBlinken made a surprise visit
to Afghanistan today tosell the country's leaders
and a concerned publicon President Biden's plan
to pull American troops from the country.
The visit comes a dayafter the president said
the 9/11 attacks could no longer justify
U.S. forces staying there.
- We went to Afghanistanbecause of a horrific attack
that happened 20 years ago.
That cannot explain why weshould remain there in 2021.
- [Charlene] The pullout plancalls for all American forces,
numbering some 2,500, to bewithdrawn by September 11th,
the anniversary of the attacks,
which were coordinated from Afghanistan.
- War in Afghanistan was never meant to be
a multi-generational undertaking.
We were attacked. We wentto war with clear goals.
We achieved those objectives.
- [Charlene] But Republicans,like Senator Lindsey Graham,
oppose withdrawing the troops,
saying it could lead tothe comeback of terrorism.
- Again, there are no great outcomes,
but this is the worstpossible outcome is to pull up
and leave and hope thatthings will turn out well.
That did not happen in Iraqand it did not happen here.
- Foreign terrorists will notleave the United States alone
simply because ourpoliticians have grown tired
of taking the fight to them.
- But the president disputes that claim,
saying the U.S. willprevent the re-emergence
of terrorists in the region.
Regardless of the criticism,
President Biden has made his decision,
and the U.S. will be out ofAfghanistan within five months.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- I think it was the formersecretary of state who said,
"If you break it, you own it."
And I think we've broken up Afghanistan.
I know it's uncontrollable.
It got to Alexander theGreat, it's been the downfall
of many over the years.
But at the same time,the Taliban is a force,
and it is a strong force
and it will be a breedingground for terror.
And who knows what they will do.
Well in other news, althoughthey denied it, they denied it,
and they denied it.
Now they're talking aboutpacking the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has beenthe play thing of the Left,
because it has done their bidding,
and they've been able to pushthrough the judiciary items
that could not be votedin by the electorate.
But now the Supreme Court has changed
and it's becoming conservative.
So they're now saying we'regoing to put four more judges
on the Court.
What did Joe Biden once sayabout packing the court?
Efrem Graham has that.
- Pat, Democrats plan tounveil the measure today
in a news conference at thesteps of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Intercept reportsthe proposal has sponsors
in both the House and Senate.
It would increase the number of justices
from the current nine to 13.
The move comes afterPresident Biden announced
a commission to study the federal courts.
Progressive activists havebeen pushing for Democrats
to, quote, "pack the court"by adding more justices
who would support liberal policies.
Republicans quickly attack the move,
and the idea hasn't been popular.
A New York Times-SiennaCollege poll last October
found 58% oppose increasingthe size of the court
while only 31% supported it.
The poll was taken duringthe presidential campaign
last October, when thencandidate Biden took no position
on court packing.
But as a Senator in 1983,
he blasted FDR for trying to do it.
- President Rooseveltclearly had the right to send
to the United States Senateand the United States Congress
a proposal to pack the court.
It was totally withinhis right to do that.
He violated no law.
He was legalistically absolutely correct.
But it was a bone head idea.
- Normally the deadlinefor filing your taxes,
but this year the IRShas extended it again
because of COVID-19.
And hot off the press inWashington, this year's "Pig Book,"
the annual look at how Congresswastes your tax dollars.
Paul Strand has the story.
- [Paul] A number oflawmakers still concerned
about spending and deficits joined
in a virtual news conference
to highlight out of control spending
they say could eventuallybankrupt America.
- There's a dirty littlesecret in this town.
And there's a consensusthat says spending and debt
just don't matter.
- The 2021 "Pig Book" highlights
some of Capitol Hill's latestcases of wasteful spending.
$1.7 billion for 17 F-35 jet fighters
not even requested by the Pentagon.
$663,000 to help wipeout the brown tree snake.
$19.7 million handed over tothe East-West Center in Hawaii,
though there was no formalbudget requests for it.
Tom Schatz, who overseesthe annual "Pig Book,"
points out after a supposed 10 year ban,
these wasteful earmarkedprojects have returned
but in disguise.
- And then they were calledcommunity project funding,
an absurd designation thatcovers almost everything
the government does.
- Senator Rand Paul pointsout the "Pig Book" says
these pork barrel projectsare back with a vengeance.
- It highlights 285 earmarkscosting $16.8 billion.
- For far too long earmarks have been used
as a form of legal bribery,
enabling party bossesto pass irresponsible
and bloated spending that hasballooned government spending
and added to our staggering$28 trillion national debt.
- [Paul] And they warned thatmuch worse is still ahead,
thanks to President Biden'smassive infrastructure bill.
- Two trillion plus plus plus,the number keeps growing.
- [Paul] Only about 6% willgo for things like roads
and bridges, while therest covers a wide range.
- On silly things likea squirrel sanctuary
in Tennessee or turtle tunnels in Florida
and critter crossings in Vermont.
- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBN News, Washington.
- Wasteful spending. Pat.
- You know, ladies andgentlemen, somehow or other
there are people inWashington who don't think
it's their money, they'respending your money.
And, as I believe MargaretThatcher said so wisely,
"Socialism will end when there'snobody's pockets to pick."
And they going to bankrupt our country.
Do you realize what this isgoing to do to your children?
Your children andgrandchildren will not have
the same country you have becauseof this wasteful spending.
America will go intothe dustbin of history
if they don't stop this stuff,
because we cannot for ever run on the tab.
Nobody, to try doingit with your own house,
you're gonna spend, spend,spend more than you take in.
And sooner or later, the Bible says,
"The debtor is the servant of the lender."
And we will be in bondage,
whether it's to the Chineseor some other group,
we will not be able to defend ourselves.
They've got to stop it,but nobody wants to stop it
because they're alwaysspending somebody else's money.
And when there are nomore pockets to pick,
maybe those socialists whoare running big government
will stop.
But until then, as longas there's money to be had
from someplace, they'll keep on doing it.
So you ought to pray, please let it stop.
All right, Efrem.
- Pat, more violenceovernight in Minnesota.
Protests erupting forthe fourth straight night
outside the police department
over the death of Daunte Wright.
Demonstrators tried to get over a fence
that was added to protect the department.
Today in court, Kim Potter,the officer who shot Wright
during a traffic stopSunday, she faces a judge.
Prosecutors charged Potter
with second degree manslaughter Wednesday.
The former Brooklyn Centerpolice chief has said
that Potter, a 26 yearveteran in the force,
meant to pull her taser, butinstead she pulled her gun.
- You know, I asked for a demonstration,
and I have here in front of me,
this is not the realthing, it's a plastic.
But this is...
In our police department,we use the SIG Sauer.
Others use the Glock.
But it looks something likethis, and it feels like this.
This is, as I say, is a plastic weapon.
This, they don't even maketasers any longer black.
This is a taser.
Now, Terry, I know crossand all the rest of it,
but can you feel this oneand then feel this one
and tell me you couldn'ttell the difference.
- This is lighter.
- Of course it's lighter.
We don't have the battery in that,
because if we did-
- Also, I'm gonna to say, you know,
I think a lot of peopleare thinking like I was
that both gun, both the gunand the taser would be put
on your dominant side,but it's not that way.
- [Pat] They have to cross,they have them on different-
- So you actually haveto reach across yourself.
- But you feel the difference?
- Yeah, it's definitely-
- There's just no comparison.
As I say, they're not making tasers
in this yellow color anymore, in black.
They're making them yellow.
Now how she made the difference
when she shot that poor guy to death
saying this is what I thought,
this is what I thought was my taser.
And if you can't tell thedifference in the field
of those things, it's crazy.
Anyhow, she deserves...
But, you know, I am pro-police, folks.
I think we need the police.
We need their service,and they do a good job.
But if they don't stop thisonslaught, they cannot do this.
You know, the police inVirginia picked up a lieutenant
in the Army and began to give him trouble.
And our state police are highly trained.
But why they don't stop this.
And this thing is going on in Minnesota
with the Derek Chauvin, I mean,
they oughta put him under the jail.
He has caused so muchtrouble by kneeling on the,
the death of George Floyd.
It's just, I mean, on his neck.
It's just terrible what's happening.
And the police, why don'tthey open their eyes
to what the public relations are?
They've got to stop this stuff.
- Maybe they need moretraining, consistent training.
- I think the problem iswe've got to pay them more.
We don't have the finestin the police department.
They're low paid,
people, Terry, they don't get adequate...
It's not a question of training,
it's the question of hiringa more superior workforce.
And we are doing it, but we need police.
We need them and we need to honor them.
And I'm all for it.
But at the same time, wecannot have a bunch of clowns
running around who are underpaid
and who really are notthe best and brightest.
We've got to have thebest in there. Efrem.
- Pat, we turn overseas now to Israel,
which is celebrating its independence.
Throughout history, Jewshave fought in many wars
in the U.S. military,including World War II.
As Chris Mitchell now reports,
one soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces
told CBN News how hisfamily's 300 year history
of military service on three continents
took them through the Second World War
and finally home to Israel.
- [Chris] At age 18, JesseEbner immigrated to Israel
to enter the IDF andfulfill a family tradition
that goes back generations.
- I know I was going to the military
based off of my family's history
that everybody for the past 300 years
has been in one military or another,
starting back in the Austrian Empire
all the way to the United States.
And I decided that I had to come here
for ideological reasons.
- [Chris] Ebner'sgrandfather and great uncles
fought with the Americanmilitary during World War II.
Those uncles helped defeat Nazi Germany
and liberate the Dachauconcentration camp.
- One brother was in the 101st Airborne.
They liberated the Dachau internment camp.
And his other brother was inthe 1st Infantry Division,
and he landed also at the D-Day landings.
- [Chris] Meanwhile, Grandfather Jacob
served in the Pacific,fighting the Japanese.
- My grandfather, he was a SeaBee.
A SeaBee is a combat engineer in the Navy.
And during World War II,their job was to open the way
for the Marines to land on the beaches
to fight the Japanese.
So he was in Iwo Jima.He was in Guadalcanal.
His job was to get ontothe beach, defuse mines,
to stop tank traps in orderfor the Marines to be able
to have a successfulinvasion of these islands.
- [Chris] This military heritage
that began centuries agoalso led to a name change.
- We originally were the Cohen family,
and they decided thatthey wanted to be officers
in the Austrian military.
So they bought the last name Ebner,
which was a nice Austrian last name.
And it just continued up untilmy father himself was also,
he was a fighter pilot inthe United States Air Force.
- [Chris] Ebner now feels hisfamily has come full circle.
- I think partially it was hearing
about the experiences of mygrandfather and his brothers
to find something that I could fight for.
And I saw Israel, it's our homeland.
And it's something thatwe can fight for now,
and it's something that exists.
And it might've beensomething that 300 years ago,
my family would have liked to have done,
but did not have the opportunity to do it.
Something that I feelcould close the circle also
of my grandfather's brotherwho liberated the camp,
the people that were in the camps,
now that we can stand up for ourselves.
- [Chris] With anti-Semitismon the rise around the world,
Ebner says it's importantfor Israel to be here
for the Jewish people and for the IDF
to be able to protect it.
- I'm happy to wake up everyday to know
that I'm doing my part to make sure
that the world's a little bit safer.
We're on the front lines ofwhat could happen to the world.
And that's why we need tobe the strongest we can be
and keep up what we'redoing, because I believe
the IDF is the strongestarmy in the world,
and that we're ready for whatever
our neighborhood can throw at us.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Rehovot, Israel.
- As we mentioned, today isIsrael's independence day.
The Jewish state being established
after an historic battle justthree years after World War II
in 1948.
With a ceremony on Wednesday night,
Israel began celebrating 73 years
since the modern Jewish state was formed.
Yesterday on it's memorial day,Israelis visited cemeteries
and media broadcast documentaries
about the country's warsand soldiers' recollections.
The independence celebrationscome as Israel begins
to return to much ofthe pre-pandemic routine
because of the breakneck paceof its vaccination drive.
Israel's victory in its war ofindependence has been called
a modern day miracle, Pat.
- Well, it was a miracle.
It really was a miracleof God, because, you know,
as soon as independence was declared,
the Arab nations all jumped on Israel,
and Israel had the smallestlittle army to defend itself.
And yet they managed to pull it off,
and they fought like tigers and they won.
They won a victory.
And Israel now is the strongest democracy
in the Middle East.
And they're our strongest ally.
And I, for one, am a fan of Israel.
I'm sure they know and you know
that we stand with Israel
because they're God's chosen people
and the nation of Israelis going to stand.
And Jesus said, this race, you know, we,
some of the interpretationin the King James
isn't exactly true.
But basically what He's sayingis this people, you know,
will endure until I come back.
They're always be an Israel.
And, as we know, theprime minister of Israel
was asked by the QueenVictoria, "Mr. Prime Minister,
"can you give me an exampleof the existence of God?"
And his answer was "theJew, your majesty."
That was Benjamin Disraeli.
The Jew was the greatest example
of the existence of God, Terry.
- Well, today let's standwith the people of Israel
on the anniversary of their independence.
One of the best ways that we can do that
is by sharing with othersthe remarkable story
of Israel's destiny and courage.
For your gift of any dollar amount,
we will send you a DVD copyof the CBN film "In Our Hands:
"The Battle for Jerusalem."
Very inspiring.
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