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The 700 Club - April 6, 2021

A white witch is an ambassador for the devil himself. See what spooked this psychic straight. Plus, pastor and author Dr. Tony Evans calls for “Kingdom Men” to rise up on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(orchestral music)

- [Program Announcer]The following program

is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up, a white witch.

- Psychic phenomenon was normal.

- [Wendy] Who was an ambassadorto the devil, himself.

- We were able to gain power.

- [Wendy] Why was she chasing the light?

- I would find the answerto what was wrong with me.

- [Wendy] And what spookedthis psychic straight.

- This is the beautiful deception.

- [Wendy] Plus, Dr. TonyEvans joins us live.

The senior pastor calls for kingdom men

to rise up on today's 700 Club.

(orchestral music)

- Welcome folks to thisedition of the 700 Club.

The hardcore communistscalled fellow travelers

quote, "useful idiots."

Useful idiots.

I think that term aptly describesthe CEOs of corporations

who are blindly following thelead of the man who gained

four Pinocchios from the Washington Post

for misstatements aboutthe Georgia election law.

Useful idiots.

Jenna Browder has that story.

- Atlanta-based Coca-Cola and Delta were

among the first companies to speak out

against the new Georgia voting law,

and now with major leaguebaseball pulling its All-Star game

the political stakes couldn't be higher.

- It means cancel cultureand partisan activists

are comin' for your business.

- [Jenna] In Texas, GovernorGreg Abbott, with a boycott

of his own, refusing tothrow out the first pitch

at the Rangers opening day.

And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

calling the move an attempt to bully

and mislead the American people.

- My advice to the corporateCEO's of America is

to stay out of politics, don't pick sides,

in these big fights.

And the other thing thatI think is important is

for the truth to be told.

- [Jenna] This, as morethan 170 companies put

out a statement opposinglaws they say make it

more difficult to vote.

- We're looking for executives

to step into a leadership role

and take a stand on social issues.

- [Jenna] Echoing theline of Democrats who hold

up the Georgia election law as exhibit A

in voter suppression,President Biden even calling it

Jim Crow on steroids.

But even the media has called him out

for misstating facts about the law.

And in a recent "WallStreet Journal" editorial,

Republican politicalconsultant, Carl Rove,

compared Georgia's voting laws

to Biden's home state of Delaware.

Georgia allows no-excuse earlyvoting, Delaware does not.

Georgia allows no-excuse mail-inballots, Delaware does not.

Georgia, criticized for cappingthe number of drop-off boxes

still has more drop-off boxesper capita than Delaware.

Tony Perkins, President ofthe Family Research Council,

on CBN's Faith Nation says Democrats are

using the issue to sew racial division

and keep minority voters in their camp.

- I think it's more of theleft, the Democratic party,

that is fearful they'lllose their core constituency

and so they have to to pit themagainst the rest of society.

- [Jenna] And corporatecancel culture may have even

played a role in Arkansas Governor,

Asa Hutchinson's decision to veto a law

forbidding transgendermedicine for minors.

- I spoke to the governorover the weekend,

talking with him about the legislation.

Again, we see corporate America, I think,

leaning in on this, you know.

Walmart is in Arkansas andthey've become a very aggressive

in their political agenda for the left.

- Meanwhile, Georgia hasreportedly lost as much

as $100 million bylosing the All-Star game,

something that could sparkbacklash against Democrats.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Well our CBN Chief PoliticalAanalyst, David Brody,

is with us to talk moreabout the Democrats' tactics.

David, the presidentpromised to unite America

but his rhetoric is racially dividing.

What do you think's going on?

- Well, let's step back for a second, Pat.

What the White Houseis going to say is that

when it comes to unity, they're gonna say,

"Hey, look at the polls,"that the polls are with them

on certain issues, whether itbe on voting laws in America,

and they can go down the list on stimulus

and infrastructure and all of that.

So, they're using the unity card by saying

the American public support this.

I don't know aboutthat, Pat, first of all,

but even if it's 51, 52% inwhatever polls they've got,

there may be a reckoning in 2022

if they think that's what's gonna get

that that satisfies theunity box, if you will.

Look Pat, the Democratshave had opportunity

after opportunity towork with Republicans.

Remember the 10 Republicans that came in

on the Stimulus bill into the White House

and there was a deal to be had?

It was a smaller deal butthere was a deal to be had.

Democrats and the Bidenadministration didn't want to do it.

So what happened?

Budget reconciliation and they passed the

two point, whatever it is, trillion

I've lost count of the money.

And now we're, we'reat that same spot again

in this infrastructure bill.

Looks like Democratsare gonna go it alone.

So this idea of unityworking with Republicans,

it's been a bunch of hogwash, Pat.

- Well David, you know, the whole idea

of shovel-ready infrastructure,

there are so many governmentlaws and permits that

have to be filled outthat it'll take years

before anything can start being built.

Am I right in that?

- Well a 100%, and thenof course with Democrats,

you're gonna have all theEPA regulations as well,

on top of that, as certain burdens,

so you put all of that together.

BUt look, inside this infrastructure bill,

and it's still being worked out,

but under $2.2 trillion,it could be more than that

on this infrastructure bill,

only about 200 billion,like five or 10%, I mean,

I've actually looked at someof what's inside this bill,

200 billion goes to infrastructure.

What else is in there?

I mean, it's everythingin the kitchen sink, Pat.

$400 billion to go to helpingthe elderly long-term care?

Look, I think we're allfor helping the elderly

but that's called a social safety net.

This 400 billion is above andbeyond the social safety net.

And then there's some sortof Climate Crisis task force

that's gonna cost $10 billion.

What does that have todo with infrastructure?

And I think what we'reseeing here, Pat, is that

there's two infrastructures really

at play here, with the Democrats.

One, the infrastructure ofhighways, bridges, and roads

and the other infrastructure,what Democrats

really want to do is actuallyremake the infrastructure

from a social perspective,the social fabric of America.

That's the other part ofthe infrastructure bill.

They won't call it infrastructure

but that's exactly what it is.

- Well David, he's got to raise taxes

in order to make all this happen.

I understand Manchin andpossibly a little maybe Warner

and other Democrats areagainst some of his programs.

What do you think?

- Well they are, Pat,but I think it's just

at the margins, at this point.

In other words, you know,the corporate tax rate

right now is 21%; Biden wants it at 28%.

Manchin says no, I'm not going for 28%,

I'm more like at 25%.

So, this corporate tax rateunder the Democrats' plan,

either way, even with orwithout Manchin's support,

it's gonna go up, soManchin is okay with 25%,

so this is going up.

And now at this point, it's a long story.

We don't have to get intothe Senate parliamentarian

right now, but the bottom line is

the Senate parliamentarian, in essence,

ruling and we're gonnalook closer at the ruling,

but basically sayingthat Democrats can use

budget reconciliation, as well,

for the infrastructure bill coming up.

So that means that Democratscan go it alone again

just like they did with the Stimulus bill.

- Well, it's a horriblething when you've got

a tissue of lies comingout and the American people

are being lied at continuously.

And the like calling this social program

an infrastructure bill.

Are they ever going to stop, do you think?

Can we ever get to the truth?

- I'll tell you what, Pat,it's been, it's been difficult.

I'll be honest with you,you know, they always get

on Donald Trump's casefor not telling the truth.

Well, what about JoeBiden what he just did

with this Georgia election law?

I mean, when you have the Washington Post,

as you'd mentioned at the top of the show,

giving Joe Biden fourPinocchios, that says something.

And this idea that this is Jim Crow 2.0,

look, I don't even knowwhere to begin with this.

But the truth of the matter is is that

in the Georgia electionlaw, the state is obligated

to provide free, that's right, I said it

free identification for people that

don't have identification.

And by the way, 72% of Americans believe

having ID is a goodthing and then I can go

into a whole lot more.

All you have to do inGeorgia right now, Pat,

is show a utility bill under this new law,

and that satisfies the ID requirements.

So this idea that it'sburdensome, you know,

look, they're playing the race card,

this is what they do,they've done it for decades.

This is nothing new, Pat.

- Thank you, David.

Ladies and gentlemen, thetruth shall set you free

but we're sure not gettin'any truth these days.

Well, there's someinteresting news going on

in the Middle East.

Against all odds, Benjamin Netanyahu is

getting another shot to lead Israel.

So what does Israel'spresident think of his chances?

Efrem Graham has more.

- Pat, Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin

is naming Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu

to form the next government.

- (speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I've come to adecision based on the numbers

of recommendations, which indicates that

MK Benjamin Netanyahu, hasa slightly higher chance

of forming a government.

Accordingly, I've decided to entrust him

with the task of doing so.

- Ironically, Netanyahu's court hearing

on corruption charges resumed Monday.

The law allows a primeminister to continue serving

even if he's facing charges.

Rivlin said he does not havemuch hope Netanyahu will

succeed in forming a government,

leading to the possibilityof a fifth election.

Russian President, VladimirPutin is making plans

to extend his rule over that nation,

signing a law Monday allowing him

to seek two more six-year terms.

He's already served longerthan any Russian leader

since Joseph Stalin.

The growing threat of Russia and China is

putting pressure on the Pentagon.

Members of Congress arewarning military leaders

to keep in mind rising global threats

before asking for more troop deployments.

This comes as Russia is increasing its

military capabilities in space,

testing weapons to potentiallychallenge US spy satellites.

Meanwhile, the US issending a carrier group

into the South China Sea this week

in a show of strength to allies concerned

about China's encroaching naval presence.

Pat, back to you.

- Ladies and gentlemen, I havesaid it, and we say it again.

The testing is going tocome against our president.

It's going to come from Russia.

It's going to come from China.

It's going to come from North Korea.

It's going to come from Iran.

We're going to have that, those tests

and we are going to be challenged

at every day you read thepaper, there's gonna be

one more provocation.

And will we be able to meet it?

And the, the enemies of America

are thinking America is weak.

They're thinking we'redivided and we think we have

a government that isincapable of running things.

And unfortunately, they probably know more

about the intelligence of what's happening

inside of Washington thanthe average American does.

But it's not a good thing.

Now that something else iskind of like science fiction.

You wouldn't believe itbut apparently it's true.

Efrem, tell us (audiodistortion) about it.

- Pat, China and the USare also in competition

to create the first super soldier,

part man and part machine.

But even if it's somethingAmerica has the technology

to do, the question is isit the right thing to do.

Dale Hurd has the story.

- This is the US Army's concept

of the soldier of the future.

This video makes it look like it's just

a better equipped soldier,but notice the words

neural engineering.

That can mean a brain implant that

connects a human to computers.

The defense agency,DARPA, has been working

on an advanced implantthat would essentially

put the human brain online.

There could also be eye and ear implants

and more circuitry under the skin

to make the ultimate fighting machine.

Americans are going tohave to decide whether this

is ethical because some inour military clearly want it.

The super soldiers of thefuture could simply have

enhanced abilities or they could be

part man and part machine,what are known as cyborgs.

China is already developingbiologically-enhanced

super soldiers using what former

Director of NationalIntelligence, John Ratcliffe

called unethical medical experiments.

- This is a big effort on the part

of the Chinese governmentand it is really horrifying.

- [Dale] China expert, Gordon Chang,

says it's part of aChinese government plan

to create a master racethrough genetic editing.

- They're trying to create a race which is

far more intelligentthan the rest of humanity

and with super soldiers,they'd be stronger,

less susceptible to pain,just better soldiers.

This is eugenics, this is creepy.

There are no ethicalstandards, there are no laws.

- [Dale] Now, the Frenchmilitary has been given

the go-ahead to also createso-called augmented soldiers.

The super soldiers ofthe future will run fast,

need little sleep, andlittle to eat or drink,

and they'll be able to fight

much longer than ordinary humans.

But should we do it?

George Lucas, who hastaught military ethics

to America's naval officers says

ethical concerns lagbehind this new technology.

- It always does and theonly question is how far.

- [Dale] And Lucas is concerned that

future military recruitscould be pressured

to accept computerparts into their bodies.

He believes they shouldbe allowed to refuse them.

- The further into these moreexotic technologies we go,

and the more the risks are not known,

the more we must at leastrely on volunteerism

if not as much informedconsent as is possible.

- [Dale But the challengefor the United States is

even if we put ethicallimits on the super soldier

of the future, it's likely someof our adversaries will not.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Looks like science fictionbecomes science reality.


- Remember the show "TheSix Million Dollar Man"?

The man who they foundand I think he was dead,

and then they began toput stuff parts in him

and he could run faster and fight harder,

and all the rest of it.

This is a frightening concept.

It's horrible to even contemplate.

And you wonder who will stop it.

It may be that, sooner orlater, the Lord, Himself is

going to come and, and,and settle these things.

But it's gonna take God's intervention

because we are going closerand closer over the edge

to violate every law He everwrote and it's just shocking.

Well, there's a Cinderellastory that I think is important.

They had a big scandal along time ago at Baylor.

They had some cheating, some violations

of NCAA rules, et cetera.

And the Chancellor resignedand other, the coach was fired,

the athletic directorwas fired, et cetera.

And yet the Baylor Bears have come back

and they're giving the Lord the credit.

It's good news.


- Good news, indeed.

The Baylor Bears are celebrating their

NCAA College Basketball Championship,

the Christian school beatingpreviously undefeated

Gonzaga last night, 86 to 70.

The Bears' Jared Butlernamed the final four's

Most Outstanding Player; he gave thanks

to the Lord right after the game.

- Jesus Christ, man, He's the truth.

And he was with us tonight.

He's with us all season.

He's with us wherever we go.

And He just sustained us, you know,

He brought us together.

He brought the team together.

- The Baylor program was in bad shape

when coach Scott Drewtook over back in 2003.

He built it back up usinga culture called JOY

which stands for Jesus Others Yourself.

We can all follow that example.


- Well, congratulationsto the Baylor Bears.

Isn't that marvelous?

- It is marvelous, you alwaysfeel bad for the other team

in general, because you have to be so good

to get there in the first place.

But the, I felt bad fortheir coach of Gonzaga's

to have that kind of a season.

However, wonderful for Baylor.- Well, he got,

he got in the final, sothat could be considered

a triumph for something, all right?

Tony Evans.

- Yes, we've got all kinds ofwonderful things coming up.

But still ahead, calling all kingdom men,

Pastor, Tony Evans says you're needed

to stop our cultural slideand he'll explain why.

That's later on today's show.

Plus, opening the invisible door.

A white witch spent over 30years dabbling in the dark arts.

So how did this quote ambassador of evil

find the true light?

And the lies from the abortion industry.

Hear what pro-choice supportersdon't want you to know.

That's coming up next, so don't go away.

(upbeat music)

(orchestral music)

- Pro-life or pro-choice.

You know, Roe versus Wadedidn't decide anything.

And the big problem thatwe face with abortion

has been that it has been federalized.

You know, the court took itout of the hands of the voters

and out of the states, and it's been

a contentious issue ever since.

And part of the problem is the propagation

of myths surrounding abortion.

So what are the lies thatthe abortion industry

doesn't want you to knowabout the 62 million

62 million babies lost to abortion?

Paul Strand has that.

- One of the toughest battlesfor people against abortion is

addressing assertionsaround the issue that make

taking a life more acceptable,like for instance that

a life doesn't really begintill a baby's outside the womb.

- This idea that before the baby's born

and nothing's really happening,it's basically a nothing.

And then all of a sudden,poof, at birth, we have a baby.

- [Paul] In her book "The Choice,"

Danielle D'Souza Gilltakes on what she calls

myths accepted as fact.

She points to the actualfact there's much more

than nothing the first few weeks, writing

"In the first trimester alone,the baby's toes, fingernails,

"bendable elbows, nose, head, hormones,

"and heartbeat develop."

There's a myth womenaren't wounded by abortion.

Michelle Shelfer takes that onin her book "Prepare a Room."

- "The blow to a woman's identitythat occurs with abortion

"can be likened to a racehorse that loses a leg,

"an athlete who suffersa disabling injury,

"or an artist who goes blind.

"Except that we did it to ourselves."

- Brandi Swindell opened apro-life pregnancy center

next to a Planned Parenthood clinic.

- All the studies showand all the stories show

from heartfelt women thatthey have been deeply wounded

by abortion violence

and abortion as a violentact on a woman's body.

And of course, we know it takes the life

of that innocent child.

- "We suffer not onlythe loss of our child,

"but the loss of ourselves, as mothers."

- [Paul] Some pro-choicetypes assert fathers-to-be

and really all men should be taken

out of the equation, altogether.

- They wanna make it really just

between the woman and the abortionist.

- [Paul] Author, Steve Carlin,

of "40 Days for Life" says no.

- Every child that I've ever met has

both a mother and a fatherand half of the victims

of abortion, in terms ofthe babies, are male babies.

And so I think it's disingenuousfor those in the culture

that tried to claim thatthis is a women's issue only?

- Shelfer argues against the myth

a man isn't wounded by abortion.

- He suffers a blow to his identity

as a protector, as a father.

Those instinctive and bredin the bone identity issues

are really assaulted when he steps back

and allows his little one to be harmed.

- [Paul] 69% of men want abortion legal

and 43% call themselves pro-choice,

but Gill says there's another side.

- There are many other men who, you know,

find it very heartbreaking.

And I think, for them,it often ends up being

kind of like PTSD wherethey live with that

for the rest of their lives knowing that

they couldn't do anything to stop

the death of the child.

- [Paul] Gill writes aboutone of those named Carl.

"Even though he ended uppaying for the abortion,

"it had a traumatic effect on him.

"'I didn't know how Iwas going to survive,

"'I wasn't going to jump off a bridge,

"'but I probably wouldhave drunk myself to death.

"'I've thought aboutwhat happened every day

"'for the last 32 years.'"

Shelfer, in her book, quotes Jim

telling of numerous nightmares he's had

about an abandoned woman and her daughter

years after his girlfriend'sabortion, writing

"I wake up from this recurring dream

"with feelings of shame and guilt.

"Sometimes I see thelittle girl from a distance

"and long to hold her, butI know that is not possible.

"She is hauntingly beautiful."

Another myth is the unborn may be human

but they aren't persons with the rights

all people naturally have.

- And this goes down toreally their very existence

and their very ability to live or die.

- [Paul] In her book, she writes.

- [Danielle] "This is thejustification the Nazis used

"claiming that Jews arehumans but not persons.

"This is the justificationused for slavery,

"claiming that blacks arehumans, but not persons."

- These authors all agree.

If and when the falsehoodsand myths are ripped away,

society must then cope withthe devastating truth that

abortion takes the life of a person

just as real as you are or I am.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.

- Just consider whatwould happen, 62 million.

Think of the creative talent.

Think of the writers,

think of the lawyers,

think of the doctors.

Think of the scientists,think of the, of the poets

and you go down the lineof what talent there was.

It's all been wasted.

62 million.

Let's face it folks, here inAmerica, we have slaughtered

a lot more people, voluntarily,than were taken away

during the shockingHolocaust under the Nazis.

62 million unborn babies.

And you remember what Lincoln said?

He said for every drop ofblood that is shed by the lash

we will pay those dropsof blood in warfare.

Well, one of these days, God'sgonna call us into account.

How soon it's going tohappen, I don't know,

but we're already paying the price

because we have deprivedourselves of a great treasure

by letting these, you know.

It's just inconvenient to have a baby

therefore, I'll have an abortion.

You know, I've got my girlfriend pregnant

therefore, I'm gonna send her

to the doctor who'll fix it.

You know, and then, under Roe versus Wade,

the agent, you know, it wastaken away from the states

and taken away from the voters,

and it became a federal matter

of which we couldn't assail it.

And now they talk about,"Well, are we gonna preserve

"the fundamental law of Roe versus Wade?"

That was a total put up shod.

The whole thing was a fraud.

Doe versus Bolton, Roe versus Wade,

they were fraudulent cases.

And one commentator called Roe versus

where a black wantsabortion because it was

so badly reasoned and badly thought about.

And it was promulgated, Imight add, taking the words

of Margaret Sanger who was, you know,

the founder of Planned Parenthood.

The whole thing is, is a fraudand it's hurt our country

terribly over the years.

But what price are we going to have to pay

before Almighty God?

That's the thing we've got to answer.


- Well, coming up later,he's one of the most

effective preachers in theEnglish speaking world.

So what's his message for men, today?

Dr. Tony Evans is goingto tell you, himself.

He's with us later on today's show.

But first, a high priestess of the occult.

This psychic saw spirits and ghosts,

and they told her secrets.

So what rock and roll legend

helped deliver her from darkness?

Well, you're about to find out.

(upbeat music)

- An ambassador to Satan,

(chuckling) that's whatSimone Pierre called herself.

She read tarot cards,she shared animal blood,

she saw spirits and ghosts.

Simone says she was inthe deepest, darkest pit.

And so how did heavy metalrocker, Alice Cooper,

help her get out of that pit?

See for yourself.

- I would call upon thelight because for me,

all of this was very loving.

- [Wendy] Simone Pierrenever saw anything wrong

with being a white witch.

In her mind, it was thegood side of the occult.

- I was a white witch andthis was white witchcraft

that was divine and heavenly.

- [Wendy] Simone grew uplearning about the occult

from her mom who consultedpsychics and spirits.

- Horoscopes, numerology, the Ouija board,

seeing ghosts, psychicphenomenon was normal.

- [Wendy] However, whatwould drive her deep

into that world was thephysical and verbal abuse

she suffered by a close familymember and being molested

by a neighbor when she was five years old.

She never told anyone.

- I think I also took it on as

I'm just must be completely unlovable

and worthless.

- [Wendy] Those feelingswould lead a teen-aged girl

into a life of promiscuity,and drug and alcohol use,

even thoughts of suicidewould torment Simone

throughout high school and into college.

While on college break, she met a woman

who taught her how to read tarot cards.

For Simone, it was the beginning

of finding answers and truth.

- My attention would bedrawn into different details

of the card that would sort of open a door

on that invisible side, thatwould tell me those secrets.

- [Wendy] Simone immersed herself

into new age philosophy and practices.

At age 20, she became aself-proclaimed white witch.

She was convinced the thingsshe practiced were good

for people and especially herself.

- I kept believing that ifI pursued more and more,

and more light, that Iwould find the answer

to what was wrong with me, and somehow,

I would get fixed, and itwould all just feel better.

- [Wendy] Simone wouldspend the next 30 years

seeking enlightenment andattaining the highest level

of white witchcraft, the high priestess.

Through Santeria and otherforms of spirituality

and the occult, Simoneparticipated in animal sacrifices.

- It was the shedding ofblood in which we were able

to be cleansed, healed, and gained power

and rise through levels of initiation.

- [Wendy] Adding to thedelusion, some taught that

one could become like Jesus,a teacher who had attained

the ultimate enlightenment, becoming a God

through reincarnationand obtaining more light.

- Eventually, when I keep comin' back,

I would have that much light.

And then when you became completely light

you became the light that came back

and fed the other souls, working their way

up the reincarnation,getting reborn ladder.

- [Wendy] Still, no matterhow high she climbed

or enlightened she became,

there was an emptiness she couldn't shake.

- There were so many thingsabout the spiritual path

that I loved and that made me feel happy.

(somber piano)

My life was a contradiction in that

I also was in the deepest, darkest pit.

This is the beautiful deception.

- [Wendy] In 2017, desperatelyseeking truth and peace,

Simone stumbled across a video of famed

heavy metal musician, Alice Cooper.

He was talking about howthe one true Jesus Christ

freed him from alcoholismand gave him a new life.

- And I realized that I wasan ambassador for Satan.

I didn't even know whatit meant to have Jesus.

I didn't understand it at all.

I just knew that my heart cracked open.

I knew that He was there,and I knew it was a yes.

When I went through that salvation prayer

and there were points of repentance,

what really stood outto me was thinking that

I was God, the thinking that my bells

were not manipulations ofother people and other things.

And I just said it out and out loud

and raised my hand to God.

And I pleaded and repented,and prayed over myself.

- [Wendy] Within weeks, Simonehad thrown away everything

she had associated with the occult.

She also started attending church

where she went through the process

of being delivered fromdemonic strongholds.

- I have no idea how manydemons I was delivered from.

I noticed in my heart andspirit, I just, I felt free.

- [Wendy] Today, Simoneis a certified life coach

who lets everyone know that Jesus is

the true light of the world

and everything you'reseeking can be found in Him.

- For those who walk thesame path that I did,

Jesus is the answer thatyou are looking for.

He truly is.

- The Bible says shall aman turn to spirits that

peep and mutter and not seekanswers from the living God.

You know, there's somethingabout every one of us.

I mean, every one of usthat wants to somehow get

beyond the veil and findout something that's

not the reason forexistence, the reason that's

behind everything and tohave spiritual enlightenment.

I think people want that.

But the question is where do you seek it?

If you seek it fromJesus, He is the light,

He's the way, the truth, and the life.

He has got all the answers.

But the demonic spirits,there're many, many demons

and the demons arereal, but Satan is real,

make no mistake about it.

Satan is real, he's notjust a creation of the mind.

He's not just sort of something you have

when you have indigestion.

He is real.

But Jesus Christ came to destroyall the works of the devil.

And He has given us authorityover the works of the devil.

Now some of you rightnow have been dabbling

in the occult.

Teenagers, little kids, particularly,

they love to do seancesand all that stuff.

They like to, you know,sit around and hold hands

and, and invoke spirits if they can.

It's kind of a kick.

And they, they, they needto get set free from that.

But wherever you are onthe spiritual ladder,

wherever you are, please know that

there is heaven and there's hell.

And hell is horrible.

And Jesus said this day,to the thief on the cross,

"This day, you'll be with Me in paradise."

So Paul said I'm in the straight between

so the state and be,which is needful for you,

or to depart and be with theLord which is far better.

Now, which would you rather have?

Do you wanna play with Satanand be destroyed by him?

The thief comes to kill and to destroy.

I have come that they might have a life.

Would you like to choose life?

I love the Jewishstatement, l'chaim, to life.

So which way would you like to go?

If you want to come to the Lord,

if you want to be setfree from this stuff,

if you want to renounce theunderhanded works of darkness,

I want you to pray with me,right now, and don't be afraid.

Pray these words.

Just bow your head and pray.

Just stop what you're doing for a minute

and just sit steadyand let me talk to you.

Bow your head right now.

Pray these words, Lord Jesus,that's right, Lord Jesus,

I know that You are God

and with You all things are possible.

Now Lord, I confess that in my life

I have dabbled in occult things.

I have sought some of thepowers of the white witches

and I have not been faithful to You.

Lord, you know the sin I have committed

and Lord, at this moment,I turn away from that sin

and I renounce Satan andthe works of darkness.

And at this moment, as I'm praying to You

in Your name, I commandSatan to leave me alone.

And Lord, I ask You to come now.

Enter into my heart.

Fill me with Yourselfand grant me the power

of Your Holy Spirit.

From this moment on, I am Yours

and thank You that You are mine.

And together, we are one.

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Lord.

Now I wanna pray for thosewho prayed with me just then.

Father, in Jesus' name,

for everyone who prayed with me just then

may the power and theanointing of the Holy Spirit

come upon him or her andmay the joy of the Lord

be their strength, in Jesus' name, amen.

Now, if you prayed withme, what I want you

to do is call in.

Why you want me to call?

Well, so that you can speak a word

and it sort of establishes something

if you confess with yourmouth the Lord Jesus.

I'll also gave you a littlepackage called "A New Day."

It'll tell you how to start.

There's so many, many,many things for you to know

when you're just starting out.

And I'm gonna give this to you free.

It's called "A New Day."

It's a CD in here, and a little booklet.

But if you pray with me,there's no money involved.

I just want you to pick up the phone.

If you don't want to giveus your name, that's cool.

Just call in.

Say, "I just prayed with Pat and I am free

"and the Lord is in me and the power

"of the Holy Spirit has comeupon me 'cause I'm His."

1-800-700-7000, okay?

Pick up the phone.


- Well, still ahead, how canmen break a generational curse

and leave an inheritance thatwill last for generations?

Pastor, Tony Evans tells howto build a legacy of greatness.

And then later on,another hard-hitting round

of Your Questions and Honest Answers.

Leslie wants to know, "Ifthe Lord knows the exact time

"of our death does thatmean He knows and planed

"for someone to be murdered?

"To have cancer and die?

"To die in a car crashthat's not their fault?"

Stay tuned for Pat's answer.

It's all coming up.

(uplifting music)

- Welcome back to the 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.

The Minneapolis police chief testifying

against former officer, Derek Chauvin,

at his trial, Monday.

Medaria Arradondo saying aperson prone on the ground

and handcuffed should notsuffer the level of force

Chauvin put on George Floyd

and Chauvin's kneeling on Floyd's neck

for more than nine minutes did not reflect

the policy, training, or ethics

of the Minneapolis Police Department.

The defense suggestingChauvin was kneeling

on Floyd's shoulder blade andnot his neck the entire time.

Border officials say two men in custody

for illegally crossing the southern border

are on the terrorismand no fly watch lists,

officials capturing one man in January

and the other in March.

Both are from Yemen.

One man had a cell phone SIM card hidden

in the sole of his shoe.

A spokesperson for US Customsand Border Control says

the arrests underscorecritical vetting efforts.

Wanna remind you, youcan always get the latest

from CBN News by going toour website at

Pat and Terry are back withmore of today's 700 Club.

It's coming up right after this.

(orchestral music)

(uplifting music)

- Tony Evans was the firstAfrican-American to graduate

with a doctorate fromDallas Theological Seminary.

In his 40-plus years of ministry,

he's built a thriving church and served

as the chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys.

As a pastor and a proud great-grandfather,

Tony's legacy is secure.

So what's his message for other men?

Take a look.

- [Reporter 2] Dr. Tony Evans has served

as the senior pastor ofOak Cliff Bible Fellowship

in Dallas for over 40 years.

He has a unique abilityto connect biblical truths

with social responsibility.

Today, he says too many men are in a cycle

of defeat, rebellion, or addiction

which has resulted in adysfunctional society.

But there is hope.

In his latest book "Kingdom Men Rising,"

Dr. Evans challenges men to walk

in God's purpose for their life

so they can disciple othersand leave a godly legacy.

- Well, joining us now viaSkype is Dr. Tony Evans.

Dr. Evans, thanks forbeing back on the 700 Club.

- Always a joy to be with you

and appreciate the great work that you do.

- Oh, thanks.

Well, your book is called"Kingdom Men Rising."

Before we say anything else,will you describe the traits

of what you consider a kingdom man?

- Well, a kingdom man isa male who has learned

to consistently live all of life

under the rule and authority of God.

Once a man comes up withhis independent definition

of himself and how he is to function

in the four spheres of God's kingdom:

personal life, family life, church life,

and cultural engagement,

once those get disconnected from God

then all of those spheresbecome jeopardized.

- Well, you say thatkingdom men are needed

to reverse the culturaldecay that we see today.

In what ways are weseeing the consequences

of men failing to stand up?

- Well you know, when Godlooks at the devolution

of the human race, Hesays, "In Adam all die."

He never says, "In Adam and Eve."

When He went lookingfor Adam in the garden,

it didn't say, "Adam andEve, where are y'all,"

He said, "Adam, where are you?"

The reason why God createdAdam before He created Eve

was that He was going tohold the man responsible.

So men have to understandthat the way God has

crafted creation is that Heholds them first responsible.

Ezekiel 22:30 says "I looked for a man

"so I wouldn't have to curse the land,

"but I could find none."

Now there were plenty of males,He just couldn't find a man.

So it's possible to be amale and not yet a man.

Three times a year, accordingto Exodus chapter 34

verses 23 and 24, He called all the males.

And he said if y'allwill pay attention to Me,

I'll save your nation.

But if you don't pay attention to Me

your nation will be in trouble.

So God determines much ofwhat He does in society.

We praise God for all the great women

who are filling in all the great gaps.

But God holds men ultimately responsible.

Which is why He says,

"I am the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob."

He doesn't say, "I'm the Godof Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel,"

not because they weren't critical,

but because the men were responsible

for covenantal continuity.

- You say that for men tofulfill their true potential,

they need to get unstuck.

How did they get stuck andhow do they get unstuck?

- Well first of all,they have to decide that

the culture will no longer define them

because what's getting us stuck is that

we become too secularizedand as a result of that,

we bring foreign worldviewsinto a kingdom environment

and they are kicked out, bootedout, and rejected by God.

We have idolatry as men,whether it's the idolatry

of race, class, culture, oreven your self definition

and that leads to beingseparated from God's empowerment

and God's definition of a man.

So first of all, we have todefine ourselves correctly.

Secondly of all, we mustown the responsibility.

We must say it falls on me.

Even if I'm not to blame,I still am responsible.

So when a man adopts that worldview that

I am responsible, nowwe can appeal to Him.

But as long as he can push that off.

In the Bible, for example,men are responsible

for raising the children, notwomen, Ephesians chapter six.

Fathers, raise your children.

But because we have handed that off to men

and even abandoned, women,

and even abandoned ourchildren either physically

or with regard to the responsibility

of being the dominantinfluences in their lives,

we're raising a generation of children who

do not have a biblical consciousness

at the level they should

because of the absenteeism of men.

- So how important isit for men in their role

as kingdom men to transfer their faith?

You're talking about to their children.

Is there a broader scope for that?

- Absolutely.

God tells Abraham inGenesis 18, He said, look,

I want you to raise your children

in righteousness and justice.

And we have both problemstoday in our world,

no moral standard and noequitable treatment among people.

He says, raise your children.

But then it says in afew verses earlier that

Abraham circumcised allthe men in his employment.

So he leveraged his influencenot only with his children

but with every male inhis sphere of influence.

So what we need today is ageneration of men who will

leverage their influencethrough mentoring.

When God says, "I'll be aFather to the fatherless,"

He doesn't mean a floatingspirit in Never Never Land,

He means he'll become,he worked though his men

to provide surrogate fathersto those who don't have it.

And so whether it'sadopting, like adopting the

the at-risk males in aschool or in a community

where you become a mentor, an influencer

so that we replicate kingdom heritage

through the young men coming up.

Well you know, a lot of kids,

for example, they get in gangs.

What they're doing isbeing mentored negatively.

Well, God expects us to mentor positively

the next generation, so youcan't just be about yourself.

- Dr. Evans, we havejust a few seconds left

but can you just address the need

for unity within the body of Christ?

How do we do that when there's so much

cultural and racial division?

- Well, first of all, we must understand

the biblical definition of unity

which is oneness of purpose,

not uniformity, sameness or persons.

And understanding that Godcreated the differences

on purpose, but those differences are

to be aligned toward a single goal.

And the single goal is tolove God and serve people.

Everything else must be subject to that.

The moment my color myculture competes with that

and worse yet, trumpsthat, then the unified God

can't be mixed with us.

No matter how much prayermeetings you go to, how many

churches you at the churchmeetings you attend,

God will not integratewhen we are divided.

So when you decide lovingHim and serving others is

our goal as men, then we'll get attention

from heaven to transform things on earth.

- Thank you so much.

It's been a pleasure visiting with you.

I wanna mention your book iscalled "Kingdom Men Rising."

We have just touched the surface of this.

You want to get it.

Your books are availablewherever books are sold.

Be sure "Kingdom Men Rising."

Thank you, Dr. Evans,great to have you with us.

Well, your turn.

- Tony's got some real wisdom.

I just appreciate that andI mean really great stuff.

Well, just imagine watchingyour grandchildren go hungry.

That's exactly what brokea grandmother's heart

in the nation of Cambodia.

The pandemic wiped outher family's livelihood

and left them was no money or food.

So what kept this littlefamily from starving?

Take a look.

- [Reporter 3] Twelve-year-old Vanny,

his brothers, and a cousin were all hungry

because the family had run out of food

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Normally, we would have some porridge

because that's what grandma sells.

- [Reporter 3] Vanny'sgrandparents have been raising

all of the children ever sincetheir parents abandoned them.

Grandpa lost his job andgrandma lost her ability

to sell food at our houseafter the government shutdown.

- No one come to my place anymore.

Everyone is scared thatthey will catch the virus.

- [Reporter 3] Grandma saidwatching the four grandkids

go hungry has been thehardest thing for her.

- I am heartbroken when mygrandkids have nothing to eat.

I tried to borrow from the neighbor.

They are having a tough time, too.

- [Reporter 3] Before thepandemic, Vanny prayed

to become a Christian after watching

an episode of CBN's "Superbook."

He told his brother and cousinabout the Bible cartoons

and they became followers of Jesus, too.

Finally, Vanny invitedhis grandma to church

and she also became a Christian.

Recently, when OperationBlessing learned that

Vanny's family was sufferingfrom the economic impact

of the shutdown, we gavethem a supply of food.

Then to help them have a morestable income moving forward,

we gave them a hundredchickens to raise and sell.

- We have food to eat.

I can sell eggs and thechickens and earn $15 a day.

When the virus comes down, I will be able

to restart my food business, too.

Thank you for saving our lives.

- Isn't that great?

You know, you reachedall the way to Cambodia

to help that poor lady and her family.

And now she's got food toeat just because of you.

And you know, that's why the700 Club is so important.

It's so easy to be part of this.

Just $20 a month.

But just think, you canreach out to Cambodia,

you can reach out around the world.

And that's what we do.

So we become the Lord'sambassadors to reach out.

And then we are servingthe Lord and your servants,

and your agents to gointo these countries,

and throughout America, I might add.

The number is 1-800-700-7000.

The 700 Club membershipis just $20 a month.

And you can be part of it.

And if you are, we wannagive you something that

we hope will bless you,it's called my book

"I Have Walked With theLiving God," and you've gotta.

- Well, my husband's readingit and he's loving every page.

He said, "Did you knoweverything about him?"

(Pat laughing)

I mean, we've sattogether for a long time.

I said, "Not a bit." (chuckling)

- It's, it's brutally honest.

It is, from warts andall, it's all in there.

Okay, here's some questions.

- Here's some questions for you, Pat.

Leslie says, "If theLord knows the exact time

"of our death does that mean He knows

"and plans for someone to be murdered?

"To have cancer and die"

"To die in a car crashthat's not his fault?

"My sister's husbandhas been given one year

"to live and she is, and now I am,

"having a hard time understanding."

- Look, don't push thesethings beyond measure.

You mean, people take these little things

and they just expand them.

God knows everything'cause He's all-knowing.

Does it mean He plans forsome murder to shoot somebody?

Does He plan for a car wreck?

No, but He knows it'll happen.

And many times, He will give you wisdom.

The Bible says the wise seethe danger and hide themselves.

A fool goes on and is punished.

So God will warn us, theHoly Spirit will, many times,

will warn us when danger is coming.

And if we don't heed that warning

we go ahead and be suffered.

So I don't know what tosay, except that, you know,

if we trust God, He will lead us.

And the Holy Spirit willlead us and protect us

and look after us, okay?

- Maryanne wants to know,

"God wants us to give tothe poor and be merciful.

"Does this include helpingpeople who've mismanaged

"or squandered theirincome on a regular basis,

"possibly during the drug addiction?"

- I think we'd betterbe discerning in this.

I tell you, you can feedsomebody's addiction

and instead of helping you, you become a,

they could become codependent.

So the answer is no and I think you need

to understand what the need is.

The Bible says the poorwill always have with you

but He says, I'm going to bless you

so they won't be any poor among you.

So it's kind of confusing.

Well, our Power Minute comes from Romans.

"But Christ proved God'spassionate love for us

"by dying in our place while we were

"still lost and ungodly."

See ya tomorrow, bye-bye.


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