(upbeat music)
- Welcome folks to thisedition of "The 700 Club".
The hardcore communistscalled fellow travelers,
quote useful idiots, useful idiots.
I think that term aptly describesthe CEOs of corporations
who are blindly following thelead of the man who gained
four Pinocchios from theWashington Post for misstatements
about the Georgia election law.
Useful idiots.
Jenna Browder has that story.
- Atlanta-based Coca-Cola and Delta
were among the first companies
to speak out against thenew Georgia voting law.
And now with Major League Baseball
pulling its All-Star game,
the political stakes couldn't be higher.
- It means canceled cultureand partisan activists
are coming for your business.
- [Jenna] In Texas, governor Greg Abbott
with a boycott of his own
refusing to throw out the first pitch
at the Ranger's opening day.
And senate minorityleader Mitch McConnell,
calling the move andattempt to bully and mislead
the American people.
- My advice to thecorporate CEOs of America
is to stay out of politics.
Don't pick sides and these big fights.
And the other thing I think is important
is for the truth to be told.
- [Jenna] This as more than 170 companies
put out a statement opposing laws
they say make it more difficult to vote.
- Looking for executives tostep into a leadership role
and take a stand on social issues.
- [Jenna] Echoing the line of Democrats
who hold up the Georgia election law
as exhibit A in voter suppression.
President Biden even callingit Jim Crow on steroids,
but even the media has called him out
for misstating facts about the law.
And in a recent WallStreet Journal editorial,
Republican political consultant Karl Rove
compared Georgia's voting laws
to Biden's home state of Delaware.
Georgia allows no-excuse early voting,
Delaware does not.
Georgia allows no-excuse mail-in ballots,
Delaware does not.
Georgia criticized for cappingthe number of drop-off boxes,
still has more drop-off boxesper capita than Delaware.
Tony Perkins president ofthe Family Research Council
on CBN's Faith Nation saysDemocrats are using the issue
to sow racial division
and keep minority voters in their camp.
- I think it's more ofthe left, Democratic Party
that is fearful they'lllose their core constituency
and so they have to to pit themagainst the rest of society.
- [Jenna] And corporate cancel culture
may have even played arole in Arkansas governor
Asa Hutchinson's decision to veto a law
forbidding transgendermedicine for minors.
- I spoke to the governorover the weekend,
talking with him about the legislation.
Again, we see corporate America,I think leaning in on this
you know, Walmart is inArkansas and they've become
very aggressive in theirpolitical agenda for the left.
- Meanwhile, Georgia has reportedly lost
as much as $100 million bylosing the All-Star game.
Something that could sparkbacklash against Democrats.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Well, our CBN, chiefpolitical analyst David Brody
is with us to talk moreabout the Democrats tactics.
David, the presidentpromised to unite America
but his rhetoric is recently dividing,
what do you think is going on?
- Well, let's step back for a second Pat,
what the White Houseis going to say is that
when it comes to unity,they're going to say,
hey look at the polls,
that the polls are are arewith them on certain issues,
whether it be on voting laws in America,
and they can go down the liston stimulus and infrastructure
and all of that.
So they're using the unity card by saying,
the American public support this.
I don't know aboutthat, Pat, first of all,
but even if it's 51 52% inwhatever polls they've got
there may be a reckoningin 2022 if they think
that's what's going to get,
that satisfies the unity box, if you will.
Look, Pat the the Democrats have had
opportunity after opportunityto work with Republicans,
remember the 10 Republicans that came in
on the stimulus bill into the White House
and there was a deal to behad, it was a smaller deal,
but there was a deal to be had,
Democrats and the Bidenadministration didn't want to do it.
So what happened?
Budget reconciliation andthey passed the two point,
whatever it is, trillionI've lost count of the money.
And now we're at that same spot again
in this infrastructure bill,
looks like Democrats aregoing to go it alone.
So this idea of unity,working with Republicans,
it's been a bunch of hogwash, Pat.
- Well, David, you know
the whole line there ofshovel-ready infrastructure,
there are so manygovernment laws and permits
that have to be filled outthat it will take years
before anything can start being built.
Am I right in that?
- Well, a hundred percent,
and then of course with Democrats,
you're gonna have all the EPA regulations
as well on top of that as certain burdens.
So you put all of that together,
but look inside this infrastructure bill,
and it's still being worked out
but under $2.2 trillion,it could be more than that,
on this infrastructure bill
only about 200 billion,like 5 or 10% I mean,
I've actually looked at someof what's inside this bill,
200 billion goes to infrastructure.
What else is in there?
I mean, it's everythingin the kitchen sink, Pat,
$400 billion to go to helpingthe elderly long-term care.
Look, I think we're allfor helping the elderly,
but that's called a social safety net.
This 400 billion is above andbeyond the social safety net,
and then there's some sortof climate crisis task force,
that's going to cost $10 billion,
what does that have todo with infrastructure?
And I think what we're seeing here Pat
is that there's two infrastructures
really at play here with the Democrats,
one, the infrastructure ofhighways, bridges, roads
and the other infrastructure,
what Democrats really want to do,
is actually remake the infrastructure
from a social perspective,the social fabric of America,
that's the other part ofthe infrastructure bill,
they won't call it infrastructure,
but that's exactly what it is
- Well, David, he's got to raise taxes
in order to make all this happen.
I understand Manchin and possibly,
well, maybe Warner andother Democrats are against
some of his programs, what do you think?
- Well, they are Pat
but I think it's just atthe margins at this point.
In other words, you know, thecorporate tax rate right now
is 21%, Biden wants at a 28%,
Manchin says, no, I'm not going for 28%,
I'm more like a 25%.
So this corporate tax rate,under the Democrats plan,
either way, even with orwithout Manchin's support,
it's going to go up.
So Manchin is okay with25%, so this is going up.
And now at this point, it's a long story,
we don't have to get into
the Senate parliamentarian right now,
but the bottom line is theSenate parliamentarian,
in essence ruling,
and we're going to lookcloser at the ruling
but basically saying
that Democrats can usebudget reconciliation as well
for the infrastructure bill coming up,
so that means that Democratscan go it alone again,
just like they did with the stimulus bill.
- Well, it's a horrible thing,
when you've got a tissueof lies coming out,
and the American people arebeing lied at continuously
and like calling this socialprogram an infrastructure bill,
are they ever going to stop do you think?
Can we ever get the truth?
- I'll tell you what Pat,
it's been difficult.
I'll be honest with you,
you know, they always geton Donald Trump's case
for not telling the truth.
Well, what about Joe Biden,
what he just did withhis Georgia election law?
I mean, when you have the Washington Post,
as you've mentioned atthe top of the show,
giving Joe Biden fourPinocchios, that says something.
And this idea that this is Jim Crow, 2.0,
look I don't even knowwhere to begin with this,
but the truth of the matter is,
is that in the Georgia election law,
the state is obligated to provide free,
that's right, I saidit, free identification
for people that don't have identification.
And by the way, 72% of Americans believe
having ID is a good thing.
And then I can go into a whole lot more.
All you have to do inGeorgia right now Pat
is show a utility bill under this new law,
and that satisfies the ID requirements.
So this idea that it'sburdensome, you know, look
they're playing the racecard, this is what they do.
They've done it for decades.
This is nothing new, Pat.
- Thank you, David.
Ladies and gentlemen, thetruth shall set you free,
but we're sure not gettingany truth these days.
Well, there's some interesting news
going on in the Middle East.
Against all odds, Benjamin Netanyahu
is getting another shot to lead Israel.
So what does Israel'spresident think of his chances?
Efrem Graham has more.
- Pat, Israeli presidentReuven Rivlin is naming
prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form
the next government.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] I've come to a decision
based on the numbers of recommendations,
which indicates thatMK Benjamin Netanyahu,
has a slightly higher chance,
of forming a government.
Accordingly have decided to entrust him
with the task of doing so.
- [Efrem] IronicallyNetanyahu's court hearing
on corruption charges resumed Monday.
The law allows a primeminister to continue serving
even if he's facing charges.
Rivlin said he does not have much hope
Netanyahu will succeedin forming a government,
leading to the possibilityof a fifth election.
Russian president VladimirPutin is making plans
to extend his rule over that nation,
signing a law Monday allowing him to seek
two more six year terms.
He's already served longerthan any Russian leader
since Joseph Stalin.
The growing threat of Russia and China
is putting pressure on the Pentagon.
Members of Congress arewarning military leaders
to keep in mind rising global threats,
before asking for more troop deployments.
This comes as Russia is increasing
its military capabilities in space,
testing weapons to potentiallychallenge US spy satellites.
Meanwhile, the US issending a carrier group
into the South China Sea this week,
in a show of strength to allies
concerned about China'sencroaching naval presence.
Pat, back to you
- Ladies and gentlemen, I havesaid it, and we say it again,
the testing is going tocome against our president,
is going to come from Russia,
it's going to come from China,
it's going to come from North Korea,
it's going to come from Iran.
We're going to have those tests,
and we are going to be challenged,
every day you read the paper,
there's going to be one more provocation,
and will we be able to meet it?
And the enemies of Americaare thinking America is weak,
they're thinking we are divided,
and we think we have a government
that is incapable of running things.
And unfortunately,
they probably know moreabout the intelligence
of what's happening inside of Washington
than the average American does,
but it's not a good thing.
Now there's something else,
it's kind of like science fiction.
You wouldn't believe it,but apparently it's true.
Efrem, tell us.
- Pat, China and the USare also in competition
to create the first super soldier,
part man and part machine.
But even if it's somethingAmerica has the technology to do,
the question is, is itthe right thing to do?
Dale Hurd has this story.
- This is the US Army's concept
of the soldier of the future.
This video makes it look like
it's just a better equipped soldier.
But notice the words, neural engineering,
that can mean a brain implant
that connects a human to computers.
The defense agency DARPAhas been working on
an advanced implant that would essentially
put the human brain online.
There could also be eye and ear implants,
and more circuitry under the skin
to make the ultimate fighting machine.
Americans are going to have to decide
whether this is ethical,
because some in ourmilitary clearly want it.
The super soldiers of the future
could simply have enhanced abilities
or they could be partman and part machine,
what are known as cyborgs.
China is already developing
biologically enhanced super soldiers,
using what former Directorof National Intelligence,
John Ratcliffe calledunethical medical experiments.
- This is a big effort
on the part of the Chinese government,
and it is really horrifying.
- [Dale] China expert Gordon Chang says
it's part of a Chinese government plan
to create a master racethrough genetic editing.
- They're trying to create a race which is
far more intelligent thanthe rest of humanity.
And with super soldiers,they'd be stronger,
less susceptible to pain,just better soldiers.
This is eugenics,
this is creepy, thereare no ethical standards,
there are no laws.
- [Dale] Now the French military
has been given the go-ahead
to also create so-calledaugmented soldiers.
The super soldiers ofthe future will run fast,
need little sleep, andlittle to eat or drink.
And they'll be able to fight
much longer than ordinary humans,
but should we do it?
George Lucas, who hastaught military ethics
to America's Naval officerssays ethical concerns
lag behind this new technology.
- It always does.
And the only question is, how far?
- [Dale] And Lucas is concerned
that future military recruits
could be pressured toaccept computer parts
into their bodies.
He believes they shouldbe allowed to refuse them.
- The further into these moreexotic technologies we go,
and the more the risks are not known,
the more we must at leastrely on volunteerism,
if not as much informedconsent as is possible.
- [Dale] But the challengefor the United States is
even if we put ethical limits
on the super soldier of the future,
it's likely some of ouradversaries will not.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Looks like science fictionbecomes science reality, Pat.
- Remember the show "TheSix Million Dollar Man",
the man who they found,I think he was dead
and then they began to put parts to him
and he could run faster and fight harder
and all the rest of it?
This is a frightening concept,
it's horrible to even contemplate,
and you wonder who will stop it.
It may be that sooner or later,
the Lord Himself is going tocome and settle these signs,
but it's going to takeGod's intervention because
we're going closer andcloser over the edge
to violating every law here of a road.
And it's just shocking.
Well, there's a Cinderellastory that I think is important.
We had a big scandal along time ago at Baylor,
they had some cheating,
some violations of NCAA rules et cetera,
and the chancellor resigned and other,
the coach was fired,
and the athletic directorwas fired et cetera.
And yet the Baylor Bears have come back,
and they're giving the Lord the credit,
its good news, Efrem.
- Good news indeed.
The Baylor Bears are celebrating their
NCAA College Basketball championship.
The Christian school beating
previously undefeatedGonzaga last night, 86 to 70.
The Bears' Jared Butlernamed the Final Four's
Most Outstanding Player,
he gave thanks to theLord right after the game.
- Jesus Christ, man he's the truth
and He was with us tonight,
He's with us all season,He's with us wherever we go,
and He just sustained us, youknow, He brought us together,
He brought this team together.
- The Baylor program was in bad shape
when coach Scott Drewtook over back in 2003,
he built it back up usinga culture called JOY,
which stands for Jesus, others, yourself.
We can all follow that example, Pat.
- Well, congratulationsto the Baylor Bears.
Ain't that marvelous?
- It is marvelous, you always feel bad
for the other team in general,
because you have to be so good
to get there in the first place.
But the, I felt bad forthe coach of Gonzagas
to have that kind of a season,
however, wonderful.
- Well, he got in the final,
so that could be considered
a triumph or something, all right.