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God's Way/ Valentine's Day - The Superbook Show

Naomi and Alex talk about how doing things God’s way may be difficult, but it’s also worth it. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the Superbook Show!

- Ah!

Take my phone.

- Whoa, what is going on?

- I just don't think Ishould be on it right now.

- What happened?

- Well, I've got a test in social studies

for chapter 13, and Cindy justtold me all the test answers.

- Whoa, where did she get those?

- I don't know, but if I'm onmy phone, I'll look at them.

- Good for you.

You don't even need to cheat anyway.

- Right.

But I haven't even read the chapter.

Give me my phone!

- Hold on.

Let me think for a second.

- I know, Valentine's day.

- Valentine's day?

How is changing the subjectgonna help anyone here?

- What do you think God wouldwant you to do for that test?

- Well, read the chapter.

Try to figure out whichparts are most important to

Ms. Snyder and then memorize all those.

- And so?

- Who's got time for that?

Give me the phone.

- So you think Cindy's way, to cheat,

is more important than God's way?

- Well with Cindy's way, I know I'll pass.

With God's way, I'm not so sure.

But what does this have todo with Valentine's day?

- Nothing.

- You're weird.

- With Valentine's day coming up,

I was thinking of thoselittle heart candies.

- Sweet Tarts?

- Yeah.

Which made me think of sweet hearts.

- That's the intended play on words.

- Which made me think of couples,

and the most famous couple of all time.

- Romeo and Juliet.

- My mom and dad.

I've known them my whole life.

- Of course

- Which made me wonder:

How do you find the right person to marry?

Which made me think of Isaac and Rebecca.

- Wow, there are no straight lines

in that brain of yours, huh?

- Remember that Superbook episode?

Eleazar was given a job tofind the right wife for Isaac.

- You shall go to mycountry, and to my family,

and take a wife for my son, Isaac.

- Abraham told his servantthat God would help him.

- God, in heaven, who tookme from my father's house

and my native land, solemnly promised

to give this land to my descendants.

He will send his angel ahead of you,

and he will see to it that youfind a wife there for my son.

- Chris thought God'sway was too difficult.

- I can't believe this.

We're supposed to travel600 miles and what?

Just wait for the rightwoman to show up and say,

"Hello, do you happen to know Isaac?

I think I'd like to marry him."

- Abraham seemed pretty surethis was God's plan, Chris.

- Yeah, I know.

But, you know, there'sgotta be easier ways.

- [Naomi] Eleazar, Rebecca,and Isaac trusted God's way.

And even though it wasn'teasy, boy did it pay off.

- Okay, give me the phone.

- But didn't you hear?

- Phone.

- Hey, you deleted the cheat sheet.

- Yeah. I figured Godwouldn't want me to cheat.

He'd want me to study,even if it's harder,

even if I know I might not pass.

God's way is still better.

- Amen to that.

- Thanks, Naomi.

His word is forever alive.

You know what wouldn't be cheating?

Hitting like and subscribe.

- And heading over

to watch more of the Superbook Show.

- Download the Superbowl Bible app there,

and you can read about Isaacand Rebecca for yourself.

- See you next time.

- Ah, Take my phone!



Ah, take my phone!

Ah, take my phone!

That was not my fault.

- But didn't you hear?

- Phone.

I was like...

It was not natural.




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