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All Saints Day - The Superbook Show

Alitheia talks about a holiday celebrated by the church to remember all saints who had faith in Jesus. Read Transcript

(horn honking)

- Welcome to The Superbook Show.

Sorry about that.

Kara brought donuts to the set.

Hey, you know what thisdonut reminds me of?

All Saints' Day.

(air whooshing)

All Saints' Day is a holy day,

celebrated by Methodists, Lutherans,

Catholics, Eastern Orthodox churches

and a whole host of other denominations.

It's also called The Feast of All Saints

or All Hallow's Day.

- [Men] What?

- That's right.

Hallow Day.

The Western church celebrates All Saints

the day after Halloween.

Actually, to be technically correct,

Halloween is the day before All Saints,

not the other way around.

Halloween is Hallow Eve,

the night before All Hallows' Day.

Hallow means holy or sacred.

The word saint comes fromthe Greek word for holy.

Good donut.

So, Hallow or Holy Day?

All Saints' Day.

The various names referto the ones being honored,

the holy ones.

Initially, the day celebrated the martyrs,

Christians who died defending the faith.

Later, it shifted to include all saints,

just as the title implies.

And by all, we mean all,

not just the Christians

that one church or theother designated as saints,

but everyone who has faith in Jesus.

The Bible uses the wordsaints over 60 times,

typically referring to thoseset aside to follow Jesus.

"For the equipping of the saints

"for the work of the ministry,

"for the edifying of the body of Christ."

The remembering on this day ismeant to inspire the church.

In the Book of Hebrews in the Bible,

Chapter 11 is devoted tolisting those of faith

who set the path before us.

Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham,

Sarah, Isaac, Jacob,

Joseph, Moses and so on.

The writer continues talking about those

who suffered and died for the faith.

He sums up by saying,

"Therefore, since we are surrounded

"by such a huge crowd ofwitnesses to the life of faith,

"let us run with endurance therace God has set before us."

During the reformation,

the church morphed the idea of All Saints

to be a reminder of theunity of the church.

The 1662 Book of Common Prayersays this of the holiday,

"The unity of Christians of all ages,

"countries and races in Christ,

"and the perfection ofthat unity in heaven."

That's why donuts areeaten on All Saints' Day.

See, the donut is whole.

(trumpet buzzing)

Oh, not this one.

I've been eating this one.

Kara, can I get another donut?

The circle of the donut is unbroken

and represents the unity of the church.

The whole in the middle is to remind us

that we are not complete,

we become complete with Jesus.

Sometimes hymns of unityare sung on this day.

♪ Blest be the tie that binds ♪

♪ Our hearts in Christian love ♪

♪ The fellowship of kindred minds ♪

♪ is like to that above ♪


♪ The church's one foundation ♪

♪ is Jesus Christ, her Lord ♪

♪ She is his new creation ♪

♪ By water and the Word ♪

♪ From heaven He came and sought her ♪

♪ To be his holy bride ♪

♪ With his own blood He bought her ♪

♪ And for her life He died ♪

Whether your church celebratesAll Saints' Day or not,

you can still take a pagefrom the Book of Hebrews.

Think about the cloud of witnesses

that came before you.

Take inspiration from theirstrengths and their failings.

Meditate on how God was able to use them.

And pray that God may useyou, a saint of Jesus,

as a witness to others.

"But you are God's chosenand special people.

"You are a group of royalpriests in a holy nation.

"God has brought you out of the darkness

"and into his marvelous light.

"Now, you must tell all

"the wonderful things that He has done."

As for me, I'm happy for this episode,

because now I have two donuts.

His word is forever alive.

(air whooshing)

I hope you liked this episode on donuts.

I mean, All Saints' Day.

Join us at

for more teachings on the Bible,

and what a life in Christ looks like.

And donut forget.

Oh, see what I did there?

Donut forget.

Do not forget to downloadThe Superbook Bible App,

and read about the cloudof witnesses for yourself.

Until next time.

(hand whooshing)

The various names refer to the ones being,

being, being holied,

being honored.

- [Woman] Yeah, say be holied.

- They be holied.

All Saints' Day.

I didn't finish swallowing

so that last bit was bad.

(people laughing)

- [Woman] I feel okay with that.

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