Sean and Josh talk about how the church is more than just the church building we go to on Sundays.
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- "Supberbook Show" is back!
- Yeah, I thought we never left.
- We hope you guys aredoing all right out there.
The world's so different now.
- Yeah, all I know are masks,sanitizer, and the internet.
Hey, when's the last timeyou've been to church?
(wind whooshing)
- Church?
Wow, months.
- You know what, me too.
- Probably haven't beensince the first quarantine.
- How do you feel?
- All right, I guess.
It's a little weird.
- So I mean, do we evenneed to go to church?
- Of course we do.
- But we haven't gone in so long.
We're still okay.
- Wait, what do you mean by church?
- You know, that place weget up and go to on Sundays,
has a big cross on the top.
- Well then let me clarify.
- What?
There's another type of church.
- (laughs) The building isjust a place that we meet in.
And while it's a blessingto have a place to gather,
the church is more than just a building.
It's the group of peoplethat meet in the building.
- Deep.
- Not really.
But I think sometimeswe tend to lose focus,
and think the actual buildingis the most important part.
- Well yeah, my familysays, "Let's go to church,"
not, "Let's go meet in abuilding with other believers."
- Hey, I hear ya, butI think it's important
to not neglect to gatherwith other Christians.
In Hebrews 10, it stresses the importance
of meeting with other believers.
- Okay, cool, why?
- (laughs) Because when we get together
with like-minded people,it helps to encourage us.
- I can see that.
- When we go through something difficult,
getting support from otherscan help us to get through it,
and keeping the faith candefinitely become difficult.
- Tell me about it!
This whole year is difficult.
I watch the news now,and man, stress city.
- You watch the newS?
- Oh okay, it was like one time,
but the stress was very real.
- We live in a very stressfulworld, and one of the things
that can help make it a littleless stressful is the church.
- Not a building?
- You got it.
- So we video conferencea couple of friends
and have church.
- Sounds good to me.
- Cool, let's do it.
I think we might have cooler music.
- His word is forever alive.
(wind whooshing)
Check out
to learn more about the church.
- [Both] We're more than a building!
(playful beep)(playful music)
- I mean, I could likeheave my chair back, and.
We're more than a building.
Yeah, I don't know.
I was about to say, ifthat wasn't good, dude,
I'll do the wave.
More, we're more than a building.
It could definitelybecome difficult. (grunts)