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Bullfighter Frank Newsom was Rescued to Save Lives

Frank Newsom's fearless reputation at the rodeo evolved into reckless behavior in his personal life. Find out how this cowboy returned to serve in the job he loved as a protector of bull riders. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] It's the lifeof a rodeo bull fighter,

but lived on Frank Newsom's term.

- [Frank Newsom] I don't have to worry

if something was to happen to me,

whether it was on the wayhere or while I'm here,

our medical team they'veput me back together

so many times over the years.

- [Announcer 1] But then decidesto roll over Frank Newsom.

- [Announcer 2] The toughrescuer nicknamed fearless Frank

has learned to manage his deepest fears.

- I know the confidence I have

in my Savior and my salvation.

It's the key to that.

Knowing that Jesus, he's got this.

You know, he's got me

- [Narrator] Betweencompetitions in the arena

Frank reflects on his role.

- We're a worker, we're aservant, we're a protector.

Our job is to keep the guys safe,

and it's about knowing ifyou got your job done or not.

Knowing about your teammates,the guy next to you,

if everybody's working together.

- [Narrator] When rider is ready,

Frank's bullseye is clear.

- The bull is your main focus point.

Where he's going to go,his feet, his momentum.

You see their eyes, you seeif they're looking around.

There's kind of an intensitythere that you can feel,

you know, anticipating what they're doing.

You're taking control or looking

for that control over the bull,

but we're seeing the rider's body language

and when he's going to come off

and where he's going to land.

- [Announcer 3] FrankNewsom has to come in

and be the blocker to make sureJunio doesn't get run over.

- I grew up around cattle,working with my dad,

working on different ranches.

We would buck bulls after we worked,

and some of the older guys were trying

to teach us how to ride bulls

and we would take turns saving each other,

and man, I just knew that was my spot.

Getting an overwhelming feeling, you know,

that I want to devote my life to this.

This is me right here.

- [Narrator] Frank'scareer took off quickly,

winning both National and World Finals

in just his second professional season.

- There was so much more freedomin what we do as rodeoing

and bullriding than I wasever used to growing up.

I was good at what I did so I made money.

- [Narrator] And with it came distraction.

- I was probably way immaturefor the success I was getting,

as far as how to handlethat, I know I was.

I wanted to be the best,

but then bad habits just kept creeping in

and getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

- [Narrator] The rodeo's traveling pace

and the bullfighters pain led to Frank's

growing substance abuse and addiction.

- Once I allowed them drugs into my life.

Things just got way wilderand you're not sleeping,

but you're going to allthese bullridings and rodeos

and you're getting your body beat up.

You're drinking more.

I just couldn't see, in the moment,

how my addiction wastearing my life apart.

And you're still having success,

"I've got this, I canhandle this," you know?

- [Narrator] UntilFrank's private struggle

caught up with him.

- I got pulled over.

I was way out of hand,driving way too fast.

Just being really reckless.

Getting thrown in jail,having to face that

and having them consequencescome down on you.

You know, I needed that.

- [Narrator] Instead of competing

in the bullrider's 2000 Finals,

Frank was alone in jail.

- I owed people money.

I owed time, you know, for laws I broke.

I had broken relationships.

All the things that I grew upknowing that were important,

man, I trashed them due to sin.

Just letting sin control me

- [Narrator] Hitting rock bottom,

it was Frank's turn to be rescued.

So he prayed.

- And I was just like, this is reality.

How did it get like this?

The first step of trulywanting Jesus into my life.

It wasn't no more aboutgetting out of trouble.

Lord, I need you.

I need you, Lord.

I've made a mess things.

And He knew that and He was there.

- [Narrator] After losing his career,

Frank rebuilt his reputation.

- I had to go back to the very bottom

and work my way back up inthe arena as a bullfighter,

but also in life.

And gain trust day by day with people.

- [Narrator] Since 2005, Fearless Frank

has restored his place amongthe bullfighting greats

as a well-respected competitor and mentor.

- My motivation is not justabout me doing my profession,

but it's like, if I cansay this guy's life,

maybe that's one more day that gives him

an opportunity to be saved.

That he could spend eternity in Heaven.

He can go home to his wife and kids

and lead them in a good direction.

Trust the Lord right now withouthaving to hit rock bottom.

Trust him right now.

Let him be your master.

Let Him be who He is.


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