Democrats Campaign for California Gov. Gavin Newsom's High Stakes Recall Election
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- And with us now, CBN NewsChief Political Analyst,
David Brody and Editor and Publisher
of "Inside Elections," Nathan Gonzalez.
Nathan, you just heardthat poll that Jenna cited.
What is the latestpolling information that
you've been seeing andcan you help explain
exactly what Californianswill be voting on?
I understand there's two votes.
- Right so the 538 number thatJenna mentioned is actually
an average of multiplepolls, it's not just one.
And right now, the pollsshow that the recall question
is going to fail or the no is going to win
by between 15 and 18 points.
Now we've all been doing thislong enough that we tread
into this, into electionprojections with caution
but the evidence right now shows that
the recall's going to fail.
Now you're right, thisis a little bit clunky,
you know, the timing is different,
we're in mid-September and not November,
but also there are two questions.
Voters will first see the first question,
should Governor Gavin Newsombe recalled, yes or no.
If yes, if yes is morethan 50% then it goes
to the second question where there are
46 candidates on the ballot,the top vote-getter wins.
Even if it's with 25%then that top vote-getter
will be the next governor as long as
the recall passes in the first question.
- David, what are yourthoughts on, you know,
the Larry Elder, for example?
Do you think one of these candidates
can unseat Governor Newsom?
- Meh, it's going to be difficult.
I mean, all of the polling suggested
Newsom's gonna beat this.
But let's also remember, let's,
I'm not sure if Gavin Newsom really wants
to have a victory party.
Remember, this just in,he's in a recall election.
I'm sure if you celebraterecall election victories
but that's where he is.
So look, I think what we'regonna look for and here we go
again, dare I say the word election fraud,
but already, KTLA in LosAngeles reporting that
Republicans, some Republicans showing up
at voting places today.
Once again, this is KTLA in Los Angeles,
a major station out there,Republicans showing up
at ballot stations across California.
And when they get there they are told that
they have already voted.
And they say wait a minute,I'm right here, in person.
I haven't voted.
They say yes you have so we're gonna see
a lot of fraud allegations after this.
I think that's where theaftermath of all of this is going.
- Yeah, very interesting.
David, I wanna switchgears here a little bit.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett madesome news over the weekend
saying the Supreme Courtis, and this is a quote,
"Not a bunch of partisanhacks rather defined
"by judicial philosophieswhich are not the same
"as political parties."
What did you make of her comment
and possible motivation, here?
- Well I think she's rightin the sense of, you know,
we say partisan hatsand everybody will laugh
and go of course they're partisan hats.
Well hold on for a second.
I mean, look, if yousubscribe to a certain
judicial philosophy then most likely
you're gonna come downon one side or the other
when it comes to ideologic,idea, ideology, excuse me,
I couldn't say it, and political party.
That doesn't mean they'reconservative or Republican
or Democrat or liberal.
But if you're an originalist,you know, then most likely
you're gonna see things froma conservative standpoint.
Not all the time but most of the time
and same, vice-versa on the liberal side
if you see a living,breathing constitution.
So I didn't really think therewas too much to her comments.
I thought, you know, everybody's trying
to read the tea leaves.
But, you know, look, we'llsee how Amy Coney Barrett
votes in some of thesekey upcoming decisions.
- David, I thought itwas interesting though,
she did say something along the lines,
and pardon me if mymemory's a little hazy,
it's been all day sinceI read her, her quotes.
But she was saying thatsometimes she doesn't even like
the conclusions that they end up reaching
and it isn't because theyhave a political score card
but because of those, this political,
those judicial philosophies that
they're trying to mete out.
Why do you think she wantedto get that out there
and why now?
- Well, we can only speculate.
You wonder if she'shaving some reservations
on certain pro life issues that are gonna
come the court's way.
We don't know, this is justspeculation on my part,
but that's, you know, that'skind of like the betting,
the bet at this point.
But who knows?
You know, yeah, I can justtell you that you're gonna
see it more from a living,breathing constitution
standpoint rather than anoriginalist standpoint.
- Nathan, so former PresidentTrump, he seems to be getting
closer to yes on running in 2024.
I'd like to get your thoughts on that
and what you think of this decision
if he does decide torun, if it could affect
the 2022 mid-terms.
- I think President Trumpis going to run again,
but you can put me inthe camp of doubting that
he's gonna make a decision imminently.
To me, it would be outof character for him.
I think at his core,President Trump is a showman,
he loves the suspense,he likes the intrigue,
you know, and that comesform his television days.
I think he's gonna drag thisdecision out for a long time
'cause it keeps people asking.
Now, if he were to announce,or when he does announce,
particularly if it'sbefore the 2022 elections,
I think that that could actually boost,
it could help Democrats.
I know that sounds strange, but right now,
Democrats are searching for away to gain some enthusiasm.
Now, I think Republicanshave the enthusiasm edge
because Democrats arein control of congress
and for other host of issues.
But if President Trumplooks like another threat
to come back into government,to the Democratic Party,
I think that could energize some Democrats
who are right now eithersatisfied that President Trump was
defeated or they don't see the urgency
because Democrats are incontrol of Washington.
- All right, gents, weare plumb out of time.
Thank you so much, Nathan and David.
We hope to see you again next week.
- Thank you guys.