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'This Is Not a Communist Country': CA Pastor Pleads With Gov. Newsom to Let Churches Reopen for Easter

'This Is Not a Communist Country': CA Pastor Pleads With Gov. Newsom to Let Churches Reopen for Easter Read Transcript

- Randy Thomassson joins us now

to talk more about these two top stories.

Randy, great to have youback on the broadcast.

So let's talk about the pastor's plea.

Your thoughts on his video.

- Well, Santa Clara County,the Democrats rule it

and it's very good thatthis pastor has spoken out.

He was persecuted in thebeginning for being indoors,

but he has the First Amendment

and the New Testament on his side,

but we don't have aConstitutional government anymore.

We're not a republicin California anymore,

even though the word republicis on the California flag.

So the Democrat-ruledgovernment in California

is not even obeying the Constitution

that they raised their right hand

and swore to defend intheir oaths of office.

So this is truly a Constitutional crisis.

- Has the state there in California

treated churches fairlyduring this entire pandemic?

- Absolutely not.

The big box stores,

where people congregate and get close to,

even bump into each other at times,

those have been deemed essential,

but church congregationscannot meet together,

but there isn't anything inthe California Constitution

about big box stores, but thereis about religious freedom.

So again, the tyrannical Democrats

who are in charge of California

are disobeying the Constitution.

We are calling upon California pastors

and pastors across the country to open up

despite any oppression

because we have to basicallygo against the tyranny

and go with our religious freedom.

Think of the early Christians.

They were persecuted, theywere tortured and killed.

We're not there, we are just,

there's some oppression

and the Apostle Peter mightcall it mild oppression,

but we need to go withthe pain for more gain

and open up church buildingsand minister to people

and not obey the state,but obey the Lord Jesus.

- Let's talk about this proposedEthnic Studies curriculum.

Where does it stand right now?

- Well, this Thursday

the California State Board of Education

will vote on this new curriculum,

which they call Ethnic Studies.

Now, we already have ethnic studies,

but what this is,

it's bringing in what's knownas critical race theory,

which teaches that allwhites hate all blacks,

so all blacks should hate all whites

and now it's bringingin this Aztec-centric,

it's basically Mexican traditional culture

over the centuries,

and it is basically saying is victimhood.

They pretend that there's no racial

or ethnic discrimination laws.

There are in all the 50states of the United States.

If anybody is, quote,unfairly discriminated against

in housing or jobs and so forth,

there are big recourses, legally.

So there is no structuralracism in this country.

We have laws against that.

But this is basically trainingup little boys and girls

in California government schools,

teaching them to worship something,

when they can't worship Jesusin the government schools,

Christianity is not allowed,

but now to see themselves as victims

who want to go against the oppressors.

See, this curriculum,which I've looked at,

is actually trainingchildren to become soldiers

against capitalism, freeenterprise, against America,

against our Founding Fathers,and against white people.

It's so racist promoting,

this curriculum actually talks about,

quote, "light skinned Jews."

It's dividing, it's notuniting as Americans,

at the very least.

- Randy, we're-- And Christians, of course,

should not have anything to do with this.

Jesus Christ unites people.

There's no Greek nor Jew,

male nor female that's united in Christ,

but here-- Yeah, Randy, I'm sorry-

- We can't even unite as Americans.

- Randy, we'll have tocut you off right there.

Thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast.

We are out of.


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