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“Business is better than ever!”

When the pandemic hit Thailand, Ploy was forced to shut down her business. During the lockdown, CBN's Orphan’s Promise provided necessities for Ploy and her daughter and when the government eased the shutdown, they gave her capital to restart ... Read Transcript

- [Terry] A short timebefore COVID-19 hit Thailand,

Ploy lost her job.

As a single mom, she didn'tknow how she would provide

for her six-year-old daughter.

That was the first time

CBN's Orphan's Promise stepped in to help.

We gave her equipment and supplies

to start a business sellingfood in front of her house.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Thebusiness changed our lives.

I made more than $20 a day,

enough for rent, food, andmy daughter's school fees.

- [Terry] Then the pandemic hit

and Ploy was forced tostop selling prepared food.

- [Interpreter] The government said

all businesses had to shut down.

People could not leave their homes.

I couldn't sell any food.

We were all alone.

It was the worst moment of my life.

There was no one to ask for help.

I felt like I was trapped in the dark

and I couldn't find a way out.

- [Terry] That's when Orphan's Promise

came back to Ploy's community.

This time, we brought foodpacks filled with rice, eggs,

noodles, fish, and milk.

We also gave them handcleaner and face masks.

- [Interpreter] Mydaughter said, "Look, mom.

They've come to help us.

We've got food."

I thought, "We're saved."

- [Terry] After thegovernment eased the shutdown,

we also provided capitalfor her to buy food

and other supplies torestart her business.

- [Interpreter] Businessis better than ever.

My daughter never goes hungry

and I'm saving part of my income again.

I'm also able to sharefood with my neighbors.

You helped us and brought us joy.

Thank you.

(soft music)

(child giggling)


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