America's Small Businesses America's Small Businesses 'Decimated by These Lockdowns': 110,000 Restaurants Closed'Decimated by These Lockdowns': 110,000 Restaurants Closed
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- With the virus explodingacross the country,
officials from California toMichigan to North Carolina
are imposing strict lockdown rules again;
13 counties in California shutting down
indoor and outdoor dining.
Twoheys, one of the morethan 30,000 restaurants
in LA County, caught in the ban.
- We can't pay our employees,we can't pay our vendors.
It's very frustrating.
- [George] Restaurant ownerstook their case to court,
but even though a CountyJudge ruled health officials
did not provide enoughproof to justify banning
outdoor dining, they're still closed
because of statewide lockdown.
California businessman,John Cox, telling CBN News
that Governor Gavin Newsom'sarbitrary restrictions
are killing small businesses.
- It's been absolutelydecimated by these lockdowns,
and they're not based on science.
- [George] The food and beverage industry,
more than any other sector of the economy,
is bearing the brunt.
So far, more than 110,000restaurants across the country
have closed their doors, eitherpermanently or long-term.
- Based upon our most recent forecast,
we're now estimating $215billion in lost revenue,
which is just staggering.
- [George] On the vaccine front,
the Food and Drug Administration'sAdvisory Committee
meeting today to decide whether Americans
can begin getting Pfizer's vaccine shot.
If approved, distributioncould begin in days,
with more than two milliondoses ready to ship.
Meanwhile, the UK reportingthat two healthcare workers
who took the Pfizer vaccinehad allergic reactions.
Officials now warningpeople with a history
of significant allergicreactions not to get the shot.
News that Americans couldstart getting the vaccine
in a matter of days could not come sooner.
The U.S. had its deadliest day Wednesday,
with 3,250 people dyingin a 24-hour period.
George Thomas, CBN News.