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Potential Breakthrough for Financial Help for American Businesses During Pandemic

Potential Breakthrough for Financial Help for American Businesses During Pandemic Read Transcript

- CBN White House correspondent Ben Kenny

has our top story tonight.

Ben, can you give us an idea

of what's expected in this next bill?

- Oh yeah, John, President Trump says

he wants the payroll tax cut

while the GOP is pushingfor liability protection,

jobs, and even healthcare.

- This is a pandemic that isflaring up all over the place.

- [Ben] In response,the White House called

House and Senate Republicanleaders to the Oval Office

to talk about a phasefour COVID-19 relief bill.

- Kids in school, jobs, and healthcare

to be the theme of the proposal.

- For those small businesses,

we'll make sure you can stay open.

- [Ben] It's a key priority

as debate over more relief legislation

coincides with the coronavirussurge across the country.

3.7 million confirmed cases,

more than 140,000 Americans have died.

(sirens blaring)- This is a worldwide problem

caused by China, butit's a worldwide problem.

Countries are going through hell.

- [Ben] In a desperateattempt to slow the spread,

Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams

took to Twitter with a public plea.

- Please, I'm beggingyou, wear a face covering.

These small actions willmake a big difference.

- [Ben] on the vaccine front,

Oxford university released early results

saying phase one of the human trials

showed a positive immune response,

increased presence ofantibodies and T cells

that might stop the virus in its tracks.

- The truth is that we don't know

when we'll have final results

on how well the vaccine works.

It's likely to be monthsrather than weeks.

But we said before,

we were aiming forSeptember, October time.

I still think that's arealistic aspiration,

but the (indistinct).

- Now today, President Trumpannounced he is bringing back

the coronavirus dailytask force briefings,

which he will lead.

He says those will mostlikely begin tomorrow,

that is, Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.


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