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For the First Time, Iran Admits It Could Pursue a Nuclear Bomb 02/12/21

Iran admits it could pursue a nuclear bomb; and ICC decides it’s allowed to investigate Israel for war crimes; and new Israeli drug could blunt the COVID-19 pandemic; plus disturbing parallels between the treatment of Trump supporters and ... ... Read Transcript

(shofar blaring)

- This week on "Jerusalem Dateline,"

for the first time, Iranadmits it could pursue

a nuclear bomb.

And Israel slams theInternational Criminal Court

for deciding it has jurisdiction

to investigate the Jewishstate for war crimes.

And, could a new Israeli drug hold the key

to blighting the COVID-19 pandemic?

All this and more this weekon "Jerusalem Dateline."

(rock music)

Hello, and welcome to thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline,"

I'm Chris Mitchell.

For the first time, a major Iranian leader

has said publicly that Irancould pursue a nuclear bomb.

The unprecedentedstatement raised the stakes

in the growing nuclear confrontation

between Israel, Iran, and the U.S.

Iran's intelligenceminister issued the warning.

He claimed Iran's nuclearprogram is peaceful,

and Iran Supreme LeaderKhomeini issued a fatwa

forbidding a nuclear weapon.

But he added if pressured,Iran could change course.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Interpreter] If a cat is cornered,

it may show a kind of behavior

that a free cat would not.

If Iran is pushed in that direction,

then it wouldn't be Iran'sfault, but those who pushed it.

Under normal circumstances,

Iran does not have such aprogram and intent at all.

- [Chris] But these arenot normal circumstances.

Alavi's threat comes after Iran announced

it's now enriching uranium one step away

from military grade uranium,

and researching uranium metal,

a key component of a nuclear bomb.

- As we see it, Iran willnot stop enriching uranium.

They never wanted to, they don't today,

and they will not in the future.

- [Chris] While the enrichment goes on,

Iran's Khomeini and PresidentBiden are in a face-off.

Khomeini says no new deal,unless the U.S. lifts sanctions,

and Biden says no sanctions relief,

unless Iran returns tothe negotiating table.

- Will the U.S. lift sanctions first,

in order to get Iran backto the negotiating table?

- No.

- They have to stopenriching uranium first?

- [Chris] Here in Israel on Tuesday,

Israel Defense Forces estimated Iran

is two years from getting a nuclear bomb.

Secretary of State AntonyBlinken recently said

they might be weeks away.

But some say it's simplya political decision

by Iran's leaders.

- Technologically and scientifically,

we don't see the time as a real problem.

So it's not the timeproblems, it's like you said,

weeks, or months, or a year, or two years.

Only about the politicalsituation you want to represent.

- In the meantime, Israel's chief of staff

has already said Israel's military

is preparing operational plans,

in case Israel needs to attackIran's nuclear facilities.

(wind whooshing)

We'll have more on thegrowing threat of Iran

later in our program,

with Middle East expert, Caroline Glick.

Israel slammed the decision

by the International Criminal Court

that now has jurisdictionto investigate war crimes

against the Jewish state.

Israel is looking for the ICC prosecutor

to hold off on any investigations.

But the landmark decision couldput Israel on the defensive

against potential chargesfrom the UN court.

The impact could be widespread,

as the ruling includes Israelis

who were involved in events

ranging from Israel's 2014 war with Hamas,

to Palestinian mass demonstrations

along the Gaza Israeliborder, beginning in 2018.

- That would mean Israelipoliticians, Israeli leaders,

Israeli officials, and most of all,

of course Israeli military members,

basically for any acts whichare alleged to be criminal

that have been committed since July, 2014.

- [Chris] Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu

blasted the decision.

- When the ICC investigatesIsrael for fake war crimes,

this is pure anti-Semitism.

The court establishedto prevent atrocities,

like the Nazi Holocaustagainst the Jewish people,

is now targeting the onestate of the Jewish people.

First, it outrageously claims

that when Jews live in ourhomeland, this is a war crime.

Second, it claims thatwhen democratic Israel

defends itself against terroristswho murder our children,

rocket our cities, we'recommitting another war crime.

- [Chris] Israel says for years,

Hamas has fired thousands of rockets

indiscriminately into civilian areas,

while they respond withtargeted military responses.

Hamas is also open to ICC investigations,

but they applauded the move.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Hamas considersthis an important step

towards justice forour Palestinian people,

and prosecute the Israeli war criminals.

The most important steps remain,

taking practical measures on the ground

to hold these Israeli warcriminals accountable,

and punish them for their crimes,

and everything they have doneagainst our unarmed people.

- [Chris] It could alsomean Jewish communities

in Israel's biblical heartland,

also known as the West Bank,might be considered illegal,

since the ICC calls thisarea, "Occupied territory."

It could put Israeli leaders,and possibly civilians,

traveling to countries boundby the ICC treaty, in danger.

- Because they will beobliged by the treaty

holding the ICC together,

to extradite suspectsof the ICC to the Hague,

for interrogation, arrest,trial or whatever may be.

(wind whooshing)

- The two-to-one decisionis not the final step.

The matter now shifts tothe ICCs chief prosecutor

for a final decision,

to see if war crimes will be charged.

Here in Israel, a drugthat has seen great result

in initial trials couldhold a key in blunting

the COVID-19 pandemic.

As CBN Middle East CorrespondentJulie Stahl tells us,

the researchers are eagerto take the treatment

to the next steps toward approval.

- [Julie] Sonya Cohencould one day be seen

as a walking miracle.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Interpreter] I wanna saythank you for everything.

You saved my life.

I was in a poor condition,and now I'm better.

- [Julie] Coming to thehospital with COVID-19,

she was unable to breathe.

She was placed in intensivecare and needed oxygen.

That's when professorNadir Arber came to her,

and asked if she would be part

of a clinical trial for a new drug.

Sonya said, "Yes."

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Interpreter] From thefirst dose of the trial drug,

it's possible to say I felt a lot better.

After two days, I gotoff the oxygen in stages,

and I could breathe.

- Doctors here at IchilovHospital believe they have found

a cure to the COVID-19 virus.

They say just five doses froma little bottle like this,

could end the worldwide pandemic.

- And this is a drug, it is very simple.

You give it to patients, topatients with severe disease,

before they are going to deteriorate

into very severe diseasethat mandate ventilations,

and even mortality.

- [Julie] Professor Arberis director of research

on developing theanti-coronavirus drug, EXO-CD24,

a treatment derived from a cell line

established from a childaborted decades ago.

- We don't really treating the corona,

we treating the endpoint.

There is overreactionsof the immune system.

The immune system is acting furiously,

and mainly in the lung,releasing a lot of cytokines

and chemokines thatusually fight infections.

But now they're destroyingthe lung tissue.

- [Julie] That's the point they intervene,

and administer their treatment,

which Arber says interruptsthis cytokine storm.

- And we give it byinhalation, it's very simple.

It's like two to three minutes per day,

and you do it for five days.

So then we enrolled 30patients in the phase one,

and we checked for safety,and the drug was very safe.

No side effects whatsoever.

- [Julie] All 30 patients inthat phase one trial recovered.

- And most of them went homeafter three to five days.

- [Julie] While Arber believes

the vaccination push is important,

he also feels this drug couldhave an even bigger impact,

if the remaining two phases

of important human trials are successful.

- The biggest advantage of my drug,

if it's effective of course,

is that I can produce itfast, efficient, and cheap.

Within a few months, I cansupply the entire world needs.

- [Julie] Arber recently briefed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

on the treatment's progress.

Later, at a press conference

with the visiting Greek prime minister,

Netanyahu praised results,and reported Greek hospitals

would join in the clinical trials.

- If you're infected by corona,and you're seriously ill,

and you have a lungproblem, you take this,

you inhale this, with a saline solution,

and you come out feeling good.

- [Julie] Arber says many more countries

want to participate, andhe believes this could be

just the beginning.

- And then it's going to be the platform

for many other diseases,

which overreacts like auto immune disease,

in the lung and in the entire body.

- Julie Stahl, "CBN News,"Ichilov Hospital, Tel-Aviv.

(rock music)

- [Chris] Coming up, disturbing parallels

between the branding of Trump supporters

and communist regimes.

(happy music)

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(rock music)

- French President Emmanuel Macron

blasted social media recently

for banning former President Trump

from Facebook and Twitter,

after using the sameplatforms to egg him on

during his presidency.

Now Americans are beingrooted out and punished

for their support of President Trump.

This vial treatment smacks of McCarthyism,

from the U.S. in the 1950s,

with even more disturbing parallels.

Dale Hurd brings us this alarming report.

- [Dale] This was an attorney for PBS,

caught on cameras saying thechildren of Trump supporters

should be taken away from their parents,

and put in reeducation camps.

He was later fired,

while voices in the mediastill call for Trump supporters

to be deprogrammed.

- There are millions of Americans,

almost all white, almost all Republicans,

who somehow need to be deprogrammed.

- And the question is how are we going to

really almost deprogram these people

who have signed up for the cult of Trump?

- [Dale] Trump supporters

are also being called mentally ill,

and are being censored,doxed, deplatformed,

blacklisted and demonetized.

It's giving some who have lived

in communist countries flashbacks.

For those who lived undercommunist dictatorships,

what's happening in Americahas some disturbing parallels.

Chinese Pastor Bob Fu was a student leader

during the Tienanmen Square

pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989.

He was also a proud attendeeof the January 6th Trump rally

on the National Mall.

He says the call to reeducateand deprogram Trump supporters

is straight out of the Chinesecommunist party playbook.

- It's absolutely these kind of tactics.

They all requires force the conformity.

And if you don't comply,then you will be punished.

- [Dale] Elizabeth Rogliani'sfamily had to flee Venezuela

when Hugo Chavez took power.

Her video warning last year to Americans

about the similarities between the Antifa

and Black Lives Matter rioting,

and what happened inVenezuela, went viral.

- I've already lived through this thing,

when I was living in Venezuela.

- [Dale] She says thelabeling of Trump supporters

as potential domestic terrorists,

was a tactic Hugo Chavez used

to stigmatize his political opposition.

- Calling out opposition, or Republicans

as terrorists or fascists,

that is the kinda language I saw a lot.

Late President Hugo Chavezused to call us fascists,

and terrorists as well.

- [Dale] Rogliani says oneominous sign for America

has been all the conservatives

flocking to more secure messagingplatforms, like Telegram,

because that's exactlywhat happened in Venezuela,

when the democraticopposition was de-platformed,

and opposition leadersbegan to be arrested.

- We jumped into Telegram really early on,

so I had it for years.

I find that very interesting

how it's happening so fast here.

- [Dale] Jason Poblete'sgrandfather had to flee Cuba

when Fidel Castro took power.

Poblete, an attorney whohas worked in Congress,

is president of theGlobal Liberty Alliance,

and says what happened in Cuba

is replaying in the United States.

- Dale, it's painful to watch.

It's not something that I ever thought

I would see in the United States.

In Cuba, the socialists facilitators

had been laying the groundwork,

and by the time Fidel Castro rolled in,

they had already laidthat framework in place

to take the government over.

- [Dale] German evangelistand author Heidi Mund

grew up in former communist East Germany,

which called itself theGerman Democratic Republic.

And she has harsh wordsfor America's Democrats.

- Your Democrats remind me

to the German Democratic Republic.

So the communist part of Germany,the East part of Germany.

They also called themselves Democrats,

but they were socialists, communists.

- [Dale] When Heidi, as a young woman,

began to speak out againstthe East German government,

she paid the price.

- My career stopped,and now it was broken.

So I could not find a job anymore.

- [Dale] Dissidence in EastGermany and the old Soviet Bloc

were also called mentallyill, and sent to hospitals,

as they are today in China.

Children were also takenaway from dissidents.

- In East Germany, they took away,

they really took away children.

They put them in orphanages,

and the parents did not get them back.

- All this, you know, the platforming,

this kind of thing areexactly happening in China.

They're using the similartactics with the same playbook.

- [Dale] Jason Pobletesaid if his grandfather,

who loved America deeply, was alive today

to see how Trump supportersare being demonized,

he would be scared.

- And then he would tell me, "Hey Jason,

what are you doing about it?" (laughing)

Because you can't go anywhere.

I mean, this is it, there'sno where for us to go.

- [Dale] Dale Hurd, "CBN News."

(rock music)

- [Chris] Coming up,

our interview with middleEast expert Caroline Glick

about the new U.S. administration,

Israel, and the growing menace of Iran.

(joyful music)

♪ Oh boy ♪

♪ And when there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ Moving out more satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy, I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy, I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

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(rock music)

- For more on the ominoussigns coming out of Iran,

and how the new U.S. administration

is handling those threats,

we spoke to Middle East expert, author,

and columnist, Caroline Glick.

Caroline Glick, thanks for joining us

on "Jerusalem Dateline."

What's your initial thoughts

about the new foreignpolicy team for Biden,

and the Biden administration in general?

- Well, I mean the new foreign policy team

is very familiar because it was,

it was Obama's foreign policy team.

It was the exact same people,

and they're in very similar positions

in the Biden administration.

And they're really pickingup where Obama left off.

They're doing everythingthey can to cancel

the last four years ofthe Trump administration,

not only at home in the United States,

but also here in the Middle East.

And we see this first and foremost

most directly with theirpolicies towards Iran,

and its nuclear weaponsprogram, and its operations,

its regional aggression,particularly in Yemen.

- What's your main concernabout their approach

to the Iranian Nuclear Deal?

- The Nuclear Deal with Iran was pegged

as a non-proliferation agreement.

Obama himself said thatat the end of the lifespan

of the Nuclear Deal, andit was scheduled to end

somewhere between 2025 and 2028,

that Iran's breakout time

to independent nuclearmilitary capabilities

was going to be zero.

The Iran Nuclear Deal didn't stop Iran

from getting nuclear capabilities

to build nuclear weapons,and enabled them to do so,

and it legitimized their efforts to do so.

And aside from that, thesanctions that the JCPOA,

that the Iran Nuclear Deal, gave to Iran,

enabled them to fundtheir regional aggression

and their sponsorshipof terrorism globally,

and their proxy wars in Yemen, and Iraq,

and Syria, and Lebanon, and Gaza.

The Obama administration's Iran policy

was to empower Iran, and to do so

against America's traditional allies,

the Arab states in theGulf, Egypt, and Israel.

By reinstating them now,and doing so, you know,

with all of the energy andfocus that they can muster,

President Biden himselfat the top, and his team,

are pushing on with thatpolicy, and as a consequence,

they're facilitating Iran'srise as a nuclear power

in as regional hegemon.

- Iran's intelligenceminister gave a veiled threat

that they can actually goahead and get a nuclear weapon.

How would you describe thecurrent state of affairs

between Israel, Iran, and the U.S.

in terms of their nuclear program?

- Well, I think that Iran recognizes

that the United States has said,

"Fine, do whatever you want,and we'll support that."

No Biden made thisseemingly hardball statement

in his interview with NorahO'Donnell's from "CBS News"

over the weekend,

where he said that the United States

wasn't going to end itseconomic sanctions on Iran,

until Iran scales backits nuclear activities

to come into line withlimitations they accepted

in the nuclear deal.

But really, that was not true.

It was already reportedthat the administration

is seeking different ways,

aside from ending the economic sanctions,

to give money to Iran.

So one of the things thatthey're working on now

is to get the IMF, theInternational Monetary Fund,

to make a large loan to Iran

that the United States would back,

even as Iran is activelybreaching its commitments

under the nuclear deal, and again,

taking steps, making advancesin its nuclear capabilities

that bring it really to the door

of independent nuclearmilitary capabilities.

So what we're talkingabout here is that Biden

is playing with Iran abouttheir nuclear program.

The Iranians recognizethis, and asked to Israel,

and this makes, I mean,

I think the chief of staffof the IDF, Aviv Kohavi,

gave a speech last month

that he's given orders to the IDF,

and Israel Defense Forcesoperational commanders

to prepare plans to strikeIran's nuclear installations.

And obviously, but thoseare gonna be contingent

on receiving the approvalof Prime Minister Netanyahu.

And a lot of the commentaryabout the statement

was saying that he wastrying to deter Iran,

or that say, "Hey look,you better not do this,

or we're gonna comeget your nuclear site,"

or even trying to signal tothe Biden administration,

that his rule wasn't partyto their appeasement efforts.

But I think that given the paceof Iran's nuclear progress,

they're enriching uraniumto 20% in two sites,

by using advanced centrifuges

and last week they testeda rocket in low orbit

that can just as easily be used

as an intercontinental ballistic missile

that's capable of reaching Britain.

They're producing uranium metals.

All of these things are things that you do

in order to put together nuclear warheads,

along the lines that the Iranian minister

was talking about in histelevision interview.

So I think that it's probably more likely

that Kohavi was telegraphing a message

to two different parties.

One is the Israeli public,that we have to be aware

that war is approachingsince Biden came in,

and the other target audience,

I think were Israel'sallies in the Persian Gulf,

the UAE, Bahrain, and less publicly,

but very significantly Saudi Arabia.

- Well Caroline Glick, thanksfor your insight, analysis,

and for being here with"Jerusalem Dateline," thank you.

- Thank you and God blessyou and all of your viewers.

Thank you for your support for Israel.

(rock music)

- Coming up, it's called A Night to Shine,

for these special needs girls,

courtesy of the Tim Tebow Foundation.

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- Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,the Tim Tebow Foundation,

along with some local organizations,

held an event called A Night to Shine,

for some special needs girls.

(people cheering)

The event is based on whata prom night would be like.

This night, every girl was a queen.

- Tonight is the firsttime ever in Israel,

that a prom night, A Nightto Shine, has been held.

And we just want to make theyoung women with special needs

feel very special, and let them know

how much God loves themand how beautiful they are.

- [Chris] And it worked.

- Even after the quarantine,

that you were alone in houses and stuff,

and really you can see

that the girls went out of their homes,

and get pretty and danced,

and it really feels like princess.

So thank you very much.

- Yes.(people cheering)

- Well, that's all for thisedition of "Jerusalem Dateline."

Thanks for joining us.

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I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time

on "Jerusalem Dateline."

(rock music)


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