Read Transcript
- Time for some questionsand answers, you ready?
- Let's go for 'em, okay.
- Okay, this first one is Amber,
who says, "Is it okayfor a woman to watch porn
if she's unlovable?
I've never been with a man sexually.
I'm 26 years old, sexually rejected.
Honestly, I never thought I was attractive
or beautiful or wanted.
I'm tired of waking up and seeing myself.
I'm tired, Pat."
- Well, first of all, Iwant to tell you, Amber,
you're not unlovable.
God looks at you and He seessomething absolutely beautiful.
He sees what you can be in Christ.
And I think you need toimprove your own self image.
You say is it all right to watch porn?
Well, you know, porn is, it's for a man
to look at that kind of stuff and to,
you can commit adultery in your mind.
And I think porn is, thewomen are, they're enhanced,
the whole thing is a setup,and all of that stuff is phony.
And why would you want to get involved
in something that's phony?
You need to turn to theLord and let God love you.
And you know, there mightjust be somebody out there
that God has for you.
- [Terry] She's only 26.
- Yeah, there are a lotof people in this world,
and you say, "I'm not lovely."
Well, what you need to do is,when you think of yourself,
I am beautiful in Christ.
I have the love of the Lord in me.
And that thing will radiate.
And you never can tell, theremight be some young man or,
I don't know how old youare, maybe a middle-aged man-
- She's 26, 26 years old.
- 26 years old, who would say
"You're just exactly the matethat God has planned for me.
I'm looking for somebody wholoves the Lord, and you're it."
- This is Ireland, whosays, "What does it mean
to be convicted by the Holy Spirit?
Would you illustrate by some example?"
- Well, to be convicted is the same thing
as feeling sorry for sin.
What does it mean to be convicted?
Well, I feel that I havedone something wrong
and I'm ashamed of what I've done
and I'm asking God to forgive me.
That's what it amounts to.
A lot of people have a,
they call it a twinge of conscience.
You commit a crime, you commit adultery,
you do something wrong,you cheat on your spouse,
and you feel guilty for it.
Well, that's conviction in your own life.
And the Holy Spirit willdo the same thing to you.
He will bring to you thefact that you are sinful
and then He will bringto you the consciousness
that Jesus Christ died for your sins.
That's what's so wonderful about it.
- And it really has tohappen to every person
when they come to Christ.
- Every person, nobodycan come to the Lord
without the drawing of the Holy Spirit.
- This is Yvonne, who says,"Pat, I am low income,
and my question is, if weget rid of the gasoline cars
and go electric, how expensive will it be,
and how will the low incomebe able to afford it?
What happens to us then?
I love my freedom to be able to drive."
- Well, the big thingabout these electric cars,
they have proven that there are eight
or $900 a year cheaper.
Not only is the depreciation cheaper,
you don't have to have plugs,you don't have to have points.
You don't have to have a transmission.
You don't have to have all these things
that the internal combustion engine has.
So it's going to be cheaper.
That's why they are superior.
If the electrics weren't cheaper,
people wouldn't want them.
But driving them all theway down the line with
what you don't have to put into them,
and the savings is remarkable.
So you'll have a wonderful carwhen the electrics come out.
And I don't know if you'llget a Tesla or what it'll be,
but it'll be a drivingexperience you'll love.
And it'll be a lot cheaper
than the internal combustion automobile.
- This is Sherman, who says,"I have two boys and a girl.
They constantly insistenton denying the existence
of demons and evil forces.
I've tried everything,
but they continue to risk their souls.
I'm worried that theywon't make it to paradise.
Can you please offer some advice?"
- First of all, the factthat your kids don't believe
in demons doesn't meanthey're not going to heaven.
They've got to believe in Jesus,
and that is what is going to save them.
You're saved becauseyou repent of your sins
and you believe that JesusChrist died for your sins
and that He's coming again.
That's what you gotta getyour kids believing in.
The demons and spirits and all that stuff,
that's all well and good,
but that has nothing todo with their salvation.
But if they are sensitive tothe Holy Spirit, then they'll,
get them into the Bibleand see what Jesus did
in relation to demonic spirits.
He dealt with them becausethey were real in the Bible.
And get them reading the Bible.
That's where the answer is.