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Give it Your All - The Superbook Show

Lawrence encourages Quinn to do his best in all he does so that he can bring glory to God. Read Transcript

- We're so glad you tunedin to the "SuperBook" show.

Today, we...

Wait, what are you doing here?

- I thought it with my day to host.

- I thought you had a paper due tomorrow.

- Aha, yeah, that.

It'll get done.

(disappointing music)

(air whooshing)

- So, you haven't started yet.

- I mean...

(spring boings)

(laughing) It's all up here,but is it actually typed up?

That would be a negative.

(slides whistle whistles)

- So you're procrastinating.

- Whoa, I prefer to call itcreative time management.

- Don't you want to do your best?

How can you possibly do your best

if you're always waiting 'tilthe last possible minute?

- First of all, patience is a virtue.

When did it become a sin to wait?

Second of all, I'm at my bestin high pressure situations.

- So you do this all the time?

- Mostly.

- And how do your gradeslook because of it?

- Cs most of the time.

I got a B one time.

- So if you got a B once,which is above average,

procrastinating, imagine what would happen

if you actually gave it your all.

- The world may never know.

- I think they should.

I think you owe it to theworld, to yourself, and to God

to give it the best that you have.

- Whoa, why are youbringing God into this?

This is my Social Studiesclass, not Jesus class.

- Every class is Jesus class.

- Say what?

- Colossians says,

"Whatever you do, work atit with all your heart,

as for working for theLord, not for human masters

since you know that you'llreceive an inheritance

from the Lord as a reward.

It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

- Wait.

Every class is Jesus class?

(bomb exploding)

- Well, seeing as ourentire lives belong to God,

yes, every class is Jesus class.

- Oh boy.

What if my best isn't good enough?

- Trust me.

Your best is all God needs.

(gentle music)

(Jesus speaking in foreign language)

- My five loaves and two small fish

are not enough to feed all these people.

- Jesus can do miracles.

(inspirational music)

- Jesus fed thousands with just two fish

and five loaves of bread.

And that was very bestthat the little boy had.

- It's like Chris said,

Jesus can do miracles.

- So no matter what, whetheryou're writing a paper,

playing a sport, orhelping around the house,

give it your very best,

because God can do a lot with your best.

Where are you going?

- I'm going to go finish my paper.

- Okay.

- And ask for an extension.

- An extension?

- Yeah, I want a chance to give it my all.

- His word is forever alive!

(air whooshing)

Check out

for more reasons why Goddeserves your very best.

Give it your all.



(both laughing)


I'm talking here!

Whatever you do, work atit with all your heart

as for working...

Ah, how can I read and still mess up?

(boy laughs)

Give it your best.

And hey!

Where are you, why are you still here?

(boy laughs)

You need to go.

- I do need to go.

(both laughing)

- [Woman] Still procrastinating!

- I'm just waiting a bit.- Hey, get out of here!

- [Boy In Green] Creativetime management, you know.

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