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The 700 Club - January 7, 2021

Could the end of abortion be near? The head of the Susan B. Anthony List Marjorie Dannenfelser is at work to make it so battling for the unborn. Plus, an addict is saved from a fatal overdose. See the amazing story on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up, life is winning.

The head of the Susan B. Anthony List

is battling for the unborn.

Could the end of abortion be near?

And then, four days out of detox.

First time shooting heroin.

- On the way to the hospital,

my heart stopped for 10 minutes.

- [Narrator] What saved thisaddict from a fatal overdose?

- Wow, the Lord must really love me.

- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Welcome folks to thisedition to "The 700 Club."

I believe it was Greekphilosopher, Demosthenes, who said,

"Evil is good to those whothe gods would destroy."

the Romans had it alittle bit differently.

"Whoever the gods woulddestroy, they first drive mad."

Well, there was a madness yesterday

and it came on Donald Trump.

And people had been hoping and hoping.

He had his own people in the Senate

all ready to fight for him.

Congress was ready, Ted Cruz was ready.

And so, what does Trump do?

He goes crazy.

And he urges his huge crowdthat came to Washington

to support him to takea march on the Capitol.

And suddenly, there may havebeen some ringers that went

into that group as well.

We don't know if therewas some people as well,

but they took over the Capitol.

They invaded the offices andjust did horrible things.

And instead of supporting him,

now the people who were alllined up to have a hearing

on every one of those voter fraud claims

was no longer able to do anything.

They couldn't wait to vote against him.

And he, I think also hewent down into Georgia

in that close election and told people

the Republican governor wascrooked, was fraudulent.

The secretary of state wasfraud, who's a Republican,

was fraudulent.

And he said, "Your votes won't count."

And so, he suppressed the vote in Georgia

in those Republican areasthat were so important.

And so, the two senators went down

in defeat in Georgia.


But ladies and gentlemen,I want you to know

and I want to say this veryclearly, whatever happens,

God almighty is on the throne

and He is in charge andHe has the last word.

I thought something wasgoing to happen dramatic.

Well, it did, but not quiteexactly what I was predicting.

But something did happen,

but there's more that's going to happen.

And God is looking after us.

And I would say to this audienceright now, do not despair.

God has the last word.

He is in charge and Hewill carry us through.

We may be faced now with a situation that

is not too pleasant forus, but maybe it will be.

But we go back to pick upwhat happened yesterday

and what sparked whatamounted to an insurrection

and how could it happen here in the US?

Well, I told you in a littlebit advance about how come,

but Heather Sells brings us our coverage

with almost unbelievable images.

(crowd shouting)- Get out of my-

- [Heather] Trump supportersmarched to the Capitol

after the president addressed the rally,

some of them turning violent,

reaching the barricades and moving quickly

into the Capitol buildingWednesday afternoon.

(crowd shouting)

This video shows them simplyoverwhelming one officer

on the first floor and making their way up

to the Senate Chamberwhere Vice President Pence

was presiding over ElectoralCollege proceedings.

Pictures show guards with guns drawn,

crouching behind barriersto keep the intruders out

of the legislative chambers.

Lawmakers took cover on the floor

and were told to put on gas masks.

- We were just told thatthere has been tear gas

in the rotunda and we'rebeing instructed to,

each of us, get a gas mask.

- In a moment that wasunprecedented and on imaginable

for many Americans, Capitolpolice were forced to evacuate

the vice president and membersof the House and Senate.

The lawmakers quickly made their way out

to secure locationswhile the mob took over,

posing in ludicrous shots in the Senate.

Outside the Capitol, theprotesters waved Trump flags

and a big Jesus flag.

They literally climbed up the walls,

tore down metal barricades at the bottom

of the Capitol steps and forced police

to back up on the steps,eventually taking over.

Democrats and many Republicans blame

the president for the violence.

- [Liz] No question that thepresident formed the mob,

the president incited the mob.

- [Heather] At a mid dayrally for his supporters,

the president seemed todeliver a mixed message.

- You'll never take backour country with weakness.

You have to show strength.

I know that everyone herewill soon be marching over

to the Capitol building to peacefully

and patriotically make your voices heard.

- [Heather] In the late afternoon,

President-elect Biden called out the mob

for an insurrection bordering on sedition

and told the president to stop them.

- I call on President Trump

to go on national television now,

to fulfill his oath anddefend the Constitution

and demand an end to this siege.

- [Heather] Shortly after, Trumpreleased a video on Twitter

where he told the mob to go home

but also praised them andcondemned the election.

- This was a fraudulent election,

but we can't play intothe hands of these people.

We have to have peace.

So go home.

We love you.

You're very special.

- [Heather] Twitter later pulled the video

and locked down the president's account

citing its civic integrity policy.

A long list of faith leadersalso called out the mob,

including Trump faithadvisor, Robert Jeffress.

- Disobeying andassaulting police is a sin,

whether it's done by Antifaor by angry Republicans.

- [Heather] One protestor waskilled after authorities shot

her inside the Capitol during the chaos.

Three others died frommedical emergencies.

Eventually, the National Guard arrived

and used tear gas and percussion grenades

to clear the Capitol.

By night fall, the crowdhad largely dispersed.

This morning on Twitter via an aide,

the president promised a quote

"orderly transition on January 20th."

This after lawmakers returned last night

to finish the task they started,

certifying Joe Biden's winin the Electoral College.

- [Male] Mr. President, the certificate-

- [Heather] CBN Washington correspondent,

Jenna Browder, brings usthat part of the story.

- And it appears that...

- Despite one of the most tumultuous days

in the history of the US Capitol,

lawmakers determined todo their duty worked late

into the night to count each state's votes

and certify President-electJoe Biden's victory.

- The report we make is that Joe Biden

and Kamala Harris will be the president

and the vice president,

according to the ballotsthat have been given to us.

- [Jenna] The end of a long turbulent day

that began hours earlier with

the president addressingthousands of supporters

and calling on Vice President Mike Pence

to disqualify somestate's electoral votes.

- Because if Mike Pencedoes the right thing,

we win the election.

- [Jenna] At almost the same time, Pence,

who's president of the Senate,

released a statement refusing to do so.

"My oath to support anddefend the Constitution

constrains me from claimingunilateral authority

to determine which electoral votes

should be counted and which should not."

That, followed by a moving speech

from Senate majorityleader, Mitch McConnell,

on why it would be wrongto overturn the election.

- The voters, the courts,

and the states have all spoken.

They've all spoken.

If we overrule them, it woulddamage our Republic forever.

- [Jenna] Still, a groupof Republican House

and Senate members went forward

with their objections to state electors.

- My challenge today is not about

the good people of Arizona.

(gavel banging)

- [Male] Senate will stand in recess until

the call of the chair.

- We'll pause.- Protesters are

in the building.- Thank you.

- [Jenna] That's when the chaos ensued.

Lawmakers hunkered down behindlocked doors and armed guards

and told to don gas masks before

being evacuated from the building.

Hours later, after theCapitol was cleared,

leaders announcing they'd be regathering

in the evening to finish the job.

- To those who wreakedhavoc in our Capitol today,

you did not win.

- We will not bow tolawlessness or intimidation.

- [Jenna] Several lawmakers withdrew

their objections to certification.

Senator Mitt Romney commending them

for their move toward unity.

- The best way we can showrespect for the voters

who were upset is bytelling them the truth.


That's the burden, that'sthe duty of leadership.

- Not all lawmakers droppedtheir objections, though.

So the debate continuedinto the early morning hours

until the votes were certified.

President-elect Bidentakes office January 20th.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Well, I want to say as clearly as I can,

our hope is not in Donald Trump.

Our hope is not in the Republican Party.

The hope is not in any politician.

Our hope is in Jesus Christ

and this one who's incharge of this world.

And believe me, nothinghas taken Him by surprise

because He's God almighty and He

will answer the prayers of His people.

I know many people aredisappointed in what happened.

And I think that had the presidentacted more intelligently,

I think we might've had a different result

because God had something plannedthat was going to be good.

But Donald Trump preempted that.

He also preempted thoselike Ted Cruz and others

who were ready to fight forhim on the floor of the Senate.

That's all over and theelection is over and it's done.

And I think that weshould now begin to say,

well all right, we're the peopleof God, we're the remnant,

and we have had these timesbefore in the history of mankind

and the remnant still wins.

God is never going to leave His people.

And I just want you toknow that I am optimistic

about the future becauseGod's getting ready

to do a wonderful thingthroughout the world.

And it has nothing todo with Donald Trump.

It has nothing to do withthe Republican Party.

It has nothing to do withthe liberal Democratic Party.

It has nothing to do with any politician.

It has to do with God.

And our hope is in the Lord.

And I think that's whatyou and I need to recognize

from this moment on, God is in control.

And He still answers our prayers.

And obviously, in this particular time,

go back to the time inhistory when God was in charge

of the nation of Israeland He had a prophet

named Samuel and the people said,

"We want a king like the other nations."

And Samuel said, "God has been your King.

What's the matter with that?"

And they said, "No, no, give us a king."

And so, the Lord said to Samuel,

"All right, they have rejected Me.

Now go get 'em a king and tell 'em how

a king's supposed to operate."

So God has said, the peoplehave spoken here in America.

This is what we want.

We want the liberal government.

And we want the policies they advocate

and God is gonna say, I'mgonna to get it to you.

You're gonna have what you ask for,

but keep in mind thatI am still in charge.

And so, I am very hopefulthat, no way under heaven

is any of this gonna getme down because I believe

in God almighty and Ibelieve in His power.

And I'm telling you,in this first new year,

that this is going to beone of the greatest years we

have ever seen in CBN's history.

We're going to have morepeople unto the Lord,

we'll have more churchesfounded than ever before.

And Regent University isgonna have its growth,

the biggest growth in thehistory of the school.

So, and throughout the evangelical world,

we'll see huge numberscoming into our churches

because they gonna say, allright, you've got the truth.

We want the truth.

And the truth is inJesus Christ, all right.

Well, in other news, inaddition to what happened

in Washington, the Georgiarunoff is a done deal

and democratic control ofthe Senate is almost certain.

John Jessup explains that.

- Thanks, Pat.

Democrats will control theSenate along with the House

under a Biden administration.

Democratic challenger, JonOssoff, has been declared

the winner in his Senate runoff election

in Georgia over Republicanincumbent, David Perdue.

Ossoff will join his fellow Democrat,

the Reverend Raphael Warnock,who also won his runoff race.

Their victories meanthe Senate is now tied

at 50-50 giving VicePresident-elect Kamala Harris

the tie-breaking vote andDemocrats control of the Senate.

Well, that control will smooth the way

for President-elect JoeBiden's cabinet nominations

including a nominee once blockedby the Republican Senate.

Biden named Judge Merrick Garland

as his pick for attorney general.

Garland is currently Chief Judge

of the US Circuit Court OfAppeals in Washington DC.

In 2016, President BarackObama nominated him

to the US Supreme Court tofill Antonin Scalia's seat.

But Senate majorityleader, Mitch McConnell,

refused to hold confirmation hearings.

Well, turning now to the coronavirus.

The United States setanother one day record

for COVID deaths earlier this week.

The number of fatalities attributed

to the virus in a 24-hourperiod hitting 3,775.

Since the pandemic began,COVID has claimed the lives

of more than 375,000people in the United States

and cases continue to surge.

In LA County, California,

officials telling residentsthere not to call 911,

unless it's an absolute emergency.

- This is our, kind of my worst nightmare.

I've never heard of emergencydepartments literally refusing

to accept ambulance patients.

- Meanwhile, the COVID rollout vaccines

in the United States hasbeen slower than expected.

Only about 1/3 of the doses distributed

to each state has actually been given.

Many governors arethreatening fines if agencies

with the vaccines don'tget them into arms faster.

Healthcare workers andnursing home residents, Pat,

as you well know, havebeen the top priority.

- Well, I want to alsosay something, you know.

Jesus gave us some signsof what's gonna be the end

of the age and His coming.

And one of them has been,you know, widespread,

well, I mean, you can use it,

He didn't use the termpandemic but I can do it.

Plagues, plagues.

And in many places, you'regonna have earthquake activity.

You're gonna have plagues.

You're gonna have unrest.

You're gonna have well,the sea and the waves roar.

And you're gonna have theoceans turned against us

in the signs in the heavens.

It's all gonna happen, butone of the things was a plague

and we're having plagues like never before

and famines like never before.

I mean, this COVID is avicious, vicious killer,

and it's amazing howquickly people can get it.

And it's also amazing what it does

to their lungs once they do get it.

So whatever you can do, I knowthe Lord will look after you.

But at the same time, take it carefully,

and don't expose yourselfanymore than you have to.

Well, there's some, I guess, good news.

It has a prophetic significance.

John's gonna tell us aboutwhat's happening in the Sudan.

- That's right, Pat.

Sudan has signed an agreementwith the United States

that paves the way for the African nation

to normalize relations with Israel.

It is the latest stepin the peace deal known

as the Abraham Accords, startedby the Trump administration.

Those agreements haveseen three other countries

in the Middle East normalize relations

or open up diplomaticchannels with Israel.

US Treasury Secretary StevenMnuchin said at the signing

in Kartoon Wednesday, that thelatest deal means a new era

for both Sudan and Israel.

- It's a great honor tobe here with you today.

And I think we'll have a tremendous impact

on the people of Israeland the people of Sudan

as they continued to work together

on cultural and economic opportunities.

- Mnuchin also signed amemorandum of understanding

to help pay Sudan'sdebt to the World Bank.

Last month, the United Statesremoved Sudan from the list

of state sponsors of terror.

Both moves will helprehabilitate Sudan, Pat,

which was once considered a pariah nation.

- Well, is that an interesting thing?

I'm not sure that, youknow, Kush is supposed to

be a part of the group that'sgoing to come against Israel

in the last days.

And I think we're gettingvery close to that, but that,

Sudan was, the South Sudan isa more or less Christian area.

The North Sudan was heavily Muslim.

And the fact that they're comingalong with Israel, I mean,

I'm not sure how longthat one is going to last.

You always hope for peace if you can,

but I would question thatone because it doesn't seem

to coincide with Ezekiel 38.

Terry.- Well, up next,

to take the COVID vaccine or not.

Why do half of Americans say no way?

The bigger issue, can thegovernment force you to take it?

Plus, rushed to the hospital,

her heart not beating for 10 minutes.

Why was this young woman putin a medically induced coma?

She'll tell you her harrowing story.

That's coming up.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Here's a question for you.

Would you plan to takethe COVID-19 vaccine

if it's made available to you?

Do you realize half of theAmerican people say no way,

we're not gonna do it?

Well, the big question, couldyou be forced to take it?

And if you refused, could you be fined,

forbidden to travel or even denied work?

Wow, could that happen in America?

Dale Hurd has the answer.

- [Dale] The COVID-19 vaccine has arrived

and some are applaudingit, but some are not.

Half of Americans say theydon't want to get the vaccine,

according to a December poll,

although more recentpolling shows more might

be willing to get it now.

But Republicans are nearly twice as likely

as Democrats to not want the vaccine.

- I think the vaccine is agreat thing for people who

are really scared aboutthe virus and if they want

to take the vaccine 'causethey feel like they're gonna

be safe from it, then by all means, do it.

But me personally, I'm okay.

- I'm not worried aboutthe coronavirus, no.

As a matter of fact, I'drather get it over with.

I might of already had it already.

- But what if you don't have a choice

whether to get the vaccine or not?

Could the government forceyou to get a COVID vaccine?

That depends on your definition of force.

In the landmark case Jacobsonversus Massachusetts in 1905,

the Supreme Court ruledthat the city of Cambridge,

Massachusetts could fineresidents who refused

to receive smallpox vaccinations.

Dr. Bradley Jacob is aconstitutional law expert

at Regent University.

- The Court did notrule that the government

can hold you down on atable and force a syringe

into your arm even if you refuse.

They simply said peoplewho choose not to get

the vaccine might have to pay a fine.

- [Dale] But businesses andschools can require vaccinations

of employees, customers, and students.

- There's a big differencebetween what the government

can do and what a privatebusiness or private party can do.

An employer can forceyou to vaccinate and say

if you want to come to ourworkplace, do this job,

you have to get a vaccination.

A public school can requirethe students to vaccinate.

They already do requirelots of vaccinations.

- [Dale] But some of America'slargest businesses say they

will only encourageemployees to get vaccinated,

in order to respect personal beliefs

and to avoid medicalliability if an employee

is injured by the vaccine.

But it's looking more and more likely

that if you want to travel,especially internationally,

you will have to get the vaccine.

- We are looking at changing our terms

and conditions to say forinternational travelers,

that we will ask peopleto have a vaccination

before they can get on the aircraft.

- [Dale] The airlines aretesting an app called CommonPass,

which would show whether atraveler has been vaccinated.

It was developed by theWorld Economic Forum,

the same people who arepushing The Great Reset.

If you don't need thevaccine to work or to travel

and you're consideredlow risk, some are asking

if it's wise to take anew vaccine for an illness

with about a 99% survivalrate for most people,

according to CDC statistics.

Silicon Valley technologistYinon Weiss has become

a leading authority onCOVID-19 and says he won't

be first in line to get this vaccine,

saying there aren't enough studies

about possible long-term complications.

- If somebody is very vulnerable,

I can see why they wouldbe eager for the vaccine.

But for people who are low risk,

I would like to see somelong-term data on the vaccine.

- [Dale] And you won't beable to sue Pfizer or Moderna

if you're damaged by the vaccine.

They've been given totalimmunity from liability

and Weiss wonders if we'llhave to be vaccinated again

when the next coronavirus comes along.

- People call this a oncein a century pandemic,

but it's really not.

Based on the numbers, it'sa once a generation event,

because we've had other pandemics,but for whatever reason,

society didn't decide toshut down the world over it.

- [Dale] The lock downs have already

sparked violent protests inEurope and Great Britain.

And any attempt bygovernments to force citizens

to get vaccinated willlikely spark even more.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Wow, are you gonna get it?

- Probably not.- Probably...

(laughing) All right.

Well, I think that's the answerof a whole lot of people.

I don't think they'vetested that rascal enough

to see the long-term consequences.

- You know, it's taken years for some

- Yeah.- Things to be approved

by the FDA and given years of testing.

I don't know.

- You know, we had a, inmy hometown in Lexington,

Virginia, they had the polio

- Mm-hmm, yes.- Polio and people

were paralyzed with it.

And they had some shotsthat had live virus.

And the mother of oneof my friends took that

and contracted polio and became paralyzed.

So that vaccine was not too good.

And we don't know, I hope thisone works and we do hope so.

So the last thing that I'm gonna do

is tell people not to do it.

But I do think there are alot of people who are not

too sure yet of the long-termeffects of this vaccine.

- I agree, I agree.

- I hope it works, I really do.

All right, what ya got?

- Well, still ahead,

meet a staunch supporterof abortion rights

who made the switch to the other side.

What picture made her change her mind?

And why is she convincedthat life is winning?

Up next, complete fear at the mercy

of a deranged headbanging relative.

What happened to this young woman

when she was just nine years old?

Find out, after this.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Grabbed by the hair, headsmashed against the bench.

Dina Cafiso was only a child when

a family member repeatedly terrorized her.

By the time she was 21,

Dina had checked herselfinto a psych ward.

So what happened next?

Dina took a dance with death.

- They rushed me to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, myheart stopped for 10 minutes.

And then, they put me ina medically induced coma.

- [Narrator] It was astring of bad choices

that put Dina Cafiso ina fight for her life.

In a search for love and acceptance,

Dina had turned to drugsto help numb the pain

of childhood abuse,memories that haunted her

for as long as could remember.

- I grew up in completefear in my own house.

- [Narrator] The abuse,physical and verbal,

had come from a close familymember who was mentally ill.

It was the worst of hisabuse she remembered most.

- He barged in and actuallybroke the lock on my door.

And then, he grabbed me by the hair

and he smashed my headon this bench in my room.

And I have a permanentbump on my head from that.

And so, there was this constant pressure

of needing to survive.

- [Narrator] Dina says, familymembers knew about the abuse

but did nothing to stop it.

- That not only made me feel unsafe,

but it also caused me toactually have a strong hate

towards these people whoare supposed to protect me,

but didn't.

- [Narrator] By the timeshe was nine years old,

Dina was experiencinganxiety and depression.

At 15, she made thedecision to follow Christ.

- I heard my youth pastor'stestimony of how he had come

out of a life of drugs andgangs and all this stuff.

And I remember thinking like, wow,

like if the Lord can do that for him,

then what could He do for me?

- [Narrator] But whenthe abuse continued...

- I thought I wasn't worthyto be loved by anybody.

And that even translatedinto how I saw God,

that He loved everybodyelse but He definitely

didn't love me because thepeople who were supposed

to love me didn't love me.

- [Narrator] Soon, Dinaturned away from God

and started lookingfor love and acceptance

through alcohol, sex, weed,and prescription drugs.

She also started hurting herself.

- It was like an emotionalrelease was happening

that I could only get frominflicting the physical pain.

- [Narrator] Still, Dinawanted a better life.

And after high school, sheenrolled in a community college

and got a job at a clothingstore, but it was short-lived.

She started dating aguy who gave her drugs,

but more importantly,filled her need to be loved.

When her boyfriend broke upwith her, she became suicidal.

- Everything that I gave myself to, again,

just kind of disappeared andvanished and abandoned me

and that I had nothing left to live for.

- [Narrator] At 21, Dina checkedherself into a psych ward

where she was diagnosed

with several emotionaldisorders and anxiety.

- And I felt more worthless than I ever

have in my entire life.

- [Narrator] After herrelease, a week later,

Dina went back to abusingpain pills that would lead her

into a two-year addictionthat now included cocaine.

Still, she knew she needed help and went

into a detox program thatbriefly got her clean.

But it did nothing to help her deal

with the turmoil in her heart and mind.

- I cried out to God.

And again, I said, "God, if you love me,

then can you rescue me out of this?

If you love me, then help me.

I need your help."

- [Narrator] Four daysafter getting out of detox,

she decided to do somethingshe had never done before,

and shot up with heroin.

That was the last thing she remembers.

- I just saw all the IVshooked up to me and the tube

in my throat and I couldn'teven move my left hand.

It was stuck shut because I

had severe nerve damage in my arm.

- [Narrator] Dina learned she almost died

from a drug overdose and had been in

a medically induced coma for a week.

If not for a family memberfinding her in time to call 911,

she would have died.

- When I finally realizedwhat I had done to myself,

I knew two things: that I needed to change

or I was gonna die, addicted to drugs.

And the second thing was, wow,the Lord must really love me

in order to have savedme when I overdosed.

- [Narrator] Soon after, Dinarededicated her life to God.

- And I asked God to forgiveme and took full responsibility

for the things that I had done that

were sinful and not pleasing.

I released everyone inmy family who had hurt me

and neglected me and I forgavethem and such freedom came

from that, that I don'thold anything against them.

- [Narrator] Today,

Dina serves on the worshipteam at her church.

She's also a full-time seminary student.

She says she never ceases to be amazed

at what God has done in her life.

- No matter what we face,

no matter how impossible our situations

and circumstances may feel,no matter how deep you are,

you are never too farout of the reach of God.

And He is more than willing to go

down the deepest pit to rescueHis people, who He loves.

- I love that statement.

It doesn't matter how deep the pit is,

you're never out of the reach of God.

You know, I wanna say, God loves you.

He really does.

He loved Dina, but he's there with you.

We don't have a savior who's not touched

with a feeling of our infirmities,

but was touched in all manner,like we are, yet without sin.

He suffers, He suffers for Dina.

He suffers for all of Hischildren because He loves us.

He really cares.

And He cares about you.

And the thing about Dina,it wasn't her fault.

I mean, some relative wasbeating her up and she said,

"God, can you get me out of this?"

And then of course, theway out was, for her,

was to have a drug overdoseand that didn't do it.

But these teenage girls, theystarted cutting themselves,

they start hurting themselves,they become anorexic.

There's so many ways that theytry to get out of the pain.

But the biggest thingis there's a heart cry.

Like does God love me?

Does anybody love me?

And the answer is, yes, God loves you,

for God so loved the world that He gave

His only begotten son thatwhoever believes in Him

should not perish, buthave ever lasting life.

So I say to you this day,as we start a new year,

God loves you.

And He won't take back Hislove because He showed it

on the cross when He died for you.

And so He can't revoke that love, He died.

It's all done.

You don't have to keep killingChrist over and over again.

He died once for the sins of mankind.

He died for you and for me.

And if you receive Him, Hewill give you everlasting life

and you will have joy,unspeakable, and full of glory.

So I ask right now,would you pray with me?

Wherever you are, like Dina,

just bow your head and say,look, let's let it all go.

I know you've been hurt.

God knows you've been hurt.

But what He wants you to do is forgive.

And if you'll forgive

He will just pour outHis love into your heart.

So would you pray with me right now?

I'm going to pray for you.

And if you would pray alongwith me, wherever you are,

these words, and God will hear and answer.

Lord, Jesus Christ.

That's right, pray withme, Lord Jesus Christ.

You know what I've been through.

You know what I've been hurt,you know the cry of my heart,

and Lord, you know, theresentment I felt against

those who hurt me and you knowthe anger that is within me.

But God, I want you.

I need your love.

And I believe, Jesus, thatyou died on the cross for me

and that you rose again, thatI might have everlasting life.

So right now, Jesus, Isurrender my hurts to you.

I forgive those who haveoffended me and hurt me.

And I receive your love into my life.

And right now, at this moment,I give my heart to you.

And I receive you as my savior.

Thank you, Lord.

Now I want to pray for youright now, wherever you are,

just bow your head.

Father, thank you for thosewho prayed that prayer with me.

May the anointing of theHoly Spirit rest upon them

from this moment on, inJesus' name, fill them.


Now, if you prayed with me,

it's the start of a wonderful journey

and I want to give yousomething that'll help you.

We've had it, I did ateaching some time ago.

I went into our audio roomand I did about 73 minutes

of very intense teachingabout what it means to be,

have a new life, what itmeans to be born again.

And I'll give this to you.

It's a little packet.

It has the scriptures on the one hand

and I've got a audio CD right now.

And we'll give you thatfree if you want to call in.

No money involved.

Just call and say, listen,I just prayed with Pat.

I gave my heart to the Lord

and the number is 1=800-700-7000.

Got that, 1-800-700-7000.

And just say, I justprayed with that guy on TV

and I have come to the Lord Jesus.

It's a great time and theangels of heaven are rejoicing

over this decision you just made.

All right, Terry, what's ya got?

- Well, still to come, a YouTube favorite,

your questions and Pat's honest answers.

Colleen wants to know,

"Is it safe for Christians to do yoga?"

Pat weighs in on that,that's later on, plus,

are you discouraged by the abortion battle

underway in our country?

Take heart.

Pro-life crusader,Marjorie Dannenfelser says,

life is winning and she'll tell you why.

That's coming up.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN Newsbreak.

City officials in Louisville, Kentucky,

fired two more officers involvedin last year's police raid

resulting in the death of Breonna Taylor.

The city also hired theformer Chief of Atlanta

to lead Louisville's police department.

The hiring of Erika Shieldscomes after months of unrest

over the deadly shooting of Taylor.

Officials fire Detective Myles Cosgrove,

who is accused of shooting Taylor

and Detective Joshua Jayneswho sought the warrant

that led to the raid.

Well in Ohio, Federal AppealsCourt is backing a network

of Christian schools afterLucas County health officials

ordered all schools closed to prevent

the spread of the coronavirus.

Schools fought back in court,

calling the mandate unconstitutional,

saying it disregards medical data showing

that schools are safe for children.

A three judge panel onthe Sixth Circuit Court

of Appeals granted an injunction against

the health department.

The school network leadercalled it a victory

for families and religious freedom

and against government overreach.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terry will be backwith more of "The 700 Club,"

right after this.

(dramatic music)

(lively music)

- A necessary evil, that'swhat Marjorie Dannenfelser

was taught to believe about abortion.

And for years, she did.

So how did one picture change all that?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Marjorie Dannenfelser was

a staunch pro-choice Republican for years,

until she was faced witha life altering question

that changed her mind.

- The argument that stopped me in my feet,

the thing that made meturn around and walk back

my own weak arguments wasthe one question pointing

to that picture saying, whatis that you are looking at?

I was speechless.

- [Narrator] Since then,she has thrown herself

into the battle to end abortion

as the president of theSusan B. Anthony List.

She has worked with presidentsand other political leaders

in the fight to save the unborn,

which she shares in herbook, "Life Is Winning."

- Please welcome to "The 700Club," Marjorie Dannenfelser.

Marjorie, great to have you with us.

- Thank you.

What a joy to be with you!

- Will you talk a little bitmore about exactly what you

were taught about abortion growing up?

- Yeah, well, I think themost important thing is

that we really didn'tdiscuss it much at all.

Even though it was araging issue in the culture

our dinner table conversationstalked about everything else.

And if the A word ever did come up,

it was considered a necessaryevil, something that,

you know, it's a shamethat that has to happen,

but people have to havethe power to move on

with their lives,regardless of whether they,

and be able to choose whether you want

to have children or not.

That's how I thought about it.

And then I also thought aboutit as a something that I knew

because I didn't see it as any problem,

that I would definitely have an abortion

if I ever felt that I quote, "needed one."

And so my body, my choice,

that really shallow mantraof the feminist movement.

Even though I was prettyRepublican and conservative

in other areas, really took hold of me.

And I think, well, it's good when you pick

a really shallow premisebecause it's pretty easy

to destroy with God'sgrace, which did happen.

- Well, you know, I thinkalso it's pretty easy

to have an opinion aboutsomething if you've never

been in a situationwhere it actually needs

to be addressed by you.

During college, you went througha pregnancy scare yourself.

What made you feel furious at that point?

- Oh, I thought, well, Ifelt like a trapped animal

and I was going to Dukefreshmen orientation just

in a few days, didn't leave my room.

Did not know what was goingon until I decided to deal

with this with my, with my mom and dad.

And we decided, you know,if it's, quote "necessary,"

then we'll have it all set up.

But I still didn't know.

And so, walking intofreshman orientation at Duke,

I went and made the call to find out,

which I thought it would be positive,

and then, to set up the abortion.

As it turned out, with God'sgrace and mercy, I was not.

But what made me furious was other people

that thought they couldmake that decision for me,

that somehow they, becauseonly I would have to bear

the consequences and not they,

it made me furious that anybodycould tell me what to do

with my life, my decisions,my choices and my body.

- You talked about a littlebit in that video intro

that we did, but howdid a picture radically

change your point of view?

- Yeah, you know, so then, you know,

God loves the word never.

I said many times inmy own advocacy that I

would never embrace the pro-life argument

because I thought it was anti-freedom.

But then because of that,

so many people that were good people,

non-judgemental people,smart people at Duke,

and then in DC also, justkind of took on the premise

of what I was talking about.

And I wasn't talking about what we

were actually talking about,the object, the target,

the substance, what makesan abortion an abortion

involves what?

And if you're not willingto look at that picture,

look at that thing, the objectof an instrument of death,

now we know and say, whatis that that's happening,

then you can't reallyhave an informed position

and you shouldn't be advocating.

And so, I did sort ofget cornered spiritually,

intellectually, emotionallyon that particular issue.

And God used all those circumstances

for me to be able to get to aresult on that very question.

I could not say that thisis not a human being.

I could only say everything about it seems

like the beginning of every one of us

and has the same potential as all.

So, my work in philosophyand other places turned me,

and then I fell hard after that.

- Talk about the progress,the Susan B. Anthony List

has made in the battle against abortion

because things have changedover the last few years.

- They really have, andlike every other great human

and civil rights movement of this country,

there was a time wherethere's a raw organic belief

that has not been expressedpolitically or culturally

in a really loud and conclusive way.

And that is what we set outto do at Susan B. Anthony List

to express the deep pro-liferoots of this country,

through our political process,given to us by our founders,

in order to fix a greathuman rights wrong.

And that means that our desire and our,

to put pro-life protectionsin the law is the extension

of who we are and whatour Constitution is.

So our goal was to do this verysimple and very hard thing,

elect a president, elect aSenate who will fill the courts

with pro-life judges, judgesthat see the Constitution

as we do so that then we canhave cases that are headed

to the court all over the country,

so that there will be a moment where

we overturn Roe vs Wade.

And then, we have the power back

to enact pro-life protectionsall over the country.

That very process, theprocess of doing everything

that I just said is whatrights movements do.

And as that is happening,it brings the good news

and transforms the nationinto what now we see is

an emerging pro-life nation.

It's a young, vibrant, persistent,

and we're getting very close to victory.

And it's really an incredible testimony

to what God can do when we, I think,

think strategically, smart,

is turning out to bethe right thing to do.

And that's what's happening right now.

- Willing to do what you did,

which is examine ourposition on something,

and really be honest withourselves about the reality of it.

Your book, I want people to know,

is called "Life Is Winning."

It's available wherever books are sold.

"Inside The Fight For UnbornChildren And Their Mothers,"

and I highly recommended it.

So good to have Marjorie with us today.

Thanks so much for being here.

- Thank you very much.

- Well, coming up, we'vegot your email questions.

Angelique says, "I'm angry and frustrated.

I don't think Jesus hears my prayers

and I'm under attack from evil.

What do I do?"

Stay tuned.

Pat's got some advice, after this.

(lively music)

(dramatic music)

Well, it's time for your questions

and some honest answers and Pat,

this first one comesfrom Colleen who says,

"Is it safe for Christians to do yoga?"

- Well, let me addressit two different ways.

Stretching exercises are quite good.

There's nothing thatsays you can't do Pilates

and stretching and all those yoga things.

But they also have a mantrathat you're supposed to say

while you're doing yogaand people don't realize,

but it's a prayer in Hindi to a Hindu God.

And so, what you're doingis lifting yourself open

to demonic pressure.

There's nothing wrong withdoing stretching exercises.

I mean, you want to callit yoga, that's cool.

But when you start talking about a mantra,

then you're into a totally different world

and you don't want to do that, all right.

- This is Angelique, Pat, who says,

"I'm angry and frustrated.

I don't think Jesus hears my prayers

and I'm under attack from evil.

What do I do?"

- Well, I think first of all,

you need to declareyourself a child of God.

And you say, look, I belong to the Lord.

And you say, Satan, I bindyou in the forces of evil.

That's what you do.

You bind the devil.

And then, you begin toreceive what God has for you.

And He'll give you theanswers to your prayer.

He really will.

I mean, you know,

hither till you've askednothing in my name,

Ask and you shall receive.

So open your heart andthen begin to believe

that you are gonna receivesomething from the Lord

and He'll give it to you, all right.

- This is Rita, who says,

"My grandsons are six and eight years old.

They were watching the Superbook app,

and it asks the question."Do you want to know God?"

The eight-year oldimmediately said, "Yes,"

then the six-year oldsaid, "I want to, too."

I would love for thisto happen, but thought

I might need to talk to their parents.

Are my grandsons too young?

- No way.

Once they begin to havea heart toward the Lord,

remember he said, "Sufferthe little ones that come

unto me for such is the kingdom of God."

He said, "They're angels,

always behold the faceof my Father in heaven."

So little children, theminute their hearts are out

to the Lord, by all means,let them find the Lord.

You don't have to ask permission,

in my opinion of anybody.

- This is Karen who says,

"We're to forgivecontinually as Christian.

But what if you feel a persontakes advantage of this?

They act as though they cancontinue in negative behaviors

because they assume you'll always forgive.

They appear to use this asan excuse not to change.

How should a Christian respond?"

- Well you remember what the Lord said?

"If somebody offends against you,

and he comes back andhe says, 'I'm sorry,'

how often do you forgive him?

Seven times seven, 70."

So it's an unlimited forgiveness.

But at the same time, if somebodyis just playing head games

with you, then you needto deal with that and say,

"Look, you are really justplaying heads game with me.

You're not really repenting.

You're not really sorry for what you did

and let's get right"

So it doesn't hurt totell somebody the truth

and get the truth out.

All right.

- This is Marie who says,"I was watching a pastor

on TV who stated that Jesusno longer has dominion

or power here on earthbecause He gave that up

when He ascended into heavenand lost His earthly body."

Is this true?

- You know, I wonder how guys like this-

- Really.- Get into the pulpit

and say this stuff they say.

The Lord said before He left said,

"All authority in heaven andearth has been given unto Me.

Go ye therefor."

I mean, He gave nothing up.

He said, all authority has been given all,

all dominion, all power, youknow, has been given to me.

And He said that just before He left.

All right.

So the idea that He gaveit all up, you know,

the Lord, one day, is gonnadeal with these charlatans

that are in the pulpit,teaching this nonsense.

And it just grieves me when Ihear about it so many times.

All right

- This is Julie who says,

"I'm stressed that we'reliving in the end times

and that many of us aren't saved.

What must we do exactly to be born again?

And once we are born, whatmust we do to remain saved?"

- Well, once you are, the Lord is,

you're adopted into the family of God.

But in the Bible, ittalks about empty himself.

He emptied Himself and we empty ourselves

and we fill it with the Lord.

And we turn away.

The old man is dead.

The new man comes alive.

So that's the idea of being born again.

Our whole body is changed.

We become a new creature in Christ.

And once that happens, then, well

you continue to walk withHim, if you walk in the light,

'cause He is in the light,you have fellowship,

and the blood of JesusChrist continually cleanses

you from sin.

Phew, wow.

I wish we had more time totalk, but unfortunately,

the clock is ticking andthat's all the time we've got.

So thanks for the questions.

Well, today's Power Minute will leave you

with the words of Jesusfrom the book of John.

"I have come that they might have life,

and that they may haveit more abundantly."

Tomorrow, what is QAnon and why

are so many people being hoodwinked by it?

Well, we'll find out.

Maybe I'll learn something, too.


I'm not sure I've got the answer.

Tomorrow, we'll give it to you.

So for Terry and allof his, Pat Robertson,

we'll see you tomorrow.

Bye-bye.(lively music)


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