In her book, "Life is Winning," Marjorie Dannenfelser reveals her journey from pro-choice ideology to a purpose within the pro-life movement. As founder the Susan B. Anthony List and National Chairman of President Trump's Pro-Life Coalition, ... ...
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- A necessary evil.
That's what Marjorie Dannenfelser
was taught to believe about abortion.
And for years she did.
So how did one picture change all that?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] MarjorieDannenfelser was a staunch
pro-choice Republican for years,
until she was faced witha life-altering question
that changed her mind.
- The argument that stopped me in my feet,
the thing that made me turn around
and walk back my own weak arguments
was the one question pointingto that picture saying,
what is that you are looking at?
I was speechless.
- [Narrator] Since then,she has thrown herself
into the battle to end abortion
as the president of theSusan B. Anthony List.
She has worked with presidentsand other political leaders
in the fight to save the unborn,
which she shares in herbook, Life is Winning.
- Please welcome to the 700Club, Marjorie Dannenfelser.
Marjorie, great to have you with us.
- Thank you.
What a joy to be with you.
- Will you talk a little bit more about
exactly what you were taughtabout abortion growing up.
- Yeah, well, I thinkthe most important thing
is that we really didn'tdiscuss it much at all.
Even though it was a ragingissue in the culture,
our dinner table conversationstalked about everything else.
And if the A-word ever did come up,
it was considered a necessary evil,
something that, it's a shamethat that has to happen,
but people have to have the power
to move on with their lives,regardless of whether they,
and be able to choose
whether you want to have children or not.
That's how I thought about it.
And then I also thought aboutit as something that I knew
because I didn't see it as any problem,
but I would definitely have an abortion
if I ever thought thatI, quote, needed one.
And so my body, my choice.
That really shallow mantraof the feminist movement,
even though I was pretty Republican
and conservative in otherareas, really took hold of me.
And I think, wow, it's good when you pick
a really shallow premise,
because it's pretty easy todestroy with God's grace,
which did happen.
- Well, you know, I thinkalso it's pretty easy
to have an opinion about something
if you've never been in a situation
where it actually needsto be addressed by you.
During college, you went througha pregnancy scare yourself.
What made you feel furious at that point?
- I thought, well, I feltlike a trapped animal
and I was going to aDuke freshmen orientation
just in a few days, didn't leave my room.
Did not know what was going on
until I decided to deal withthis with my mom and dad.
And we decided if it's, quote, necessary,
then we'll have it all set up.
But I still didn't know.
And so, walking intofreshman orientation at Duke,
I went and made the call to find out,
which I thought it would be positive,
and then to set up the abortion.
As it turned out with God'sgrace and mercy, I was not.
But what made me furious was other people
that felt they could makethat decision for me,
that somehow they, becauseonly I would have to bear
the consequences and not they.
It made me furious thatanybody could tell me
what to do with my life, my decisions,
my choices and my body.
- You talked about it a little bit
in that video intro that we did,
but how did a picture radicallychange your point of view?
- Yeah, so then, God loves the word never.
I said many times in my own advocacy
that I would never embracethe pro-life argument
because I thought it was anti-freedom.
But then because of that,
so many people that were good people,
non-judgemental people,smart people at Duke
and then in DC also justkind of took on the premise
of what I was talking about.
And I wasn't talking about
what we were actually talking about,
the object, the target, the substance.
What makes an abortion anabortion involves what?
And if you're not willingto look at that picture,
look at that thing, the objectof an instrument of death,
now we know, and say whatis that that's happening?
Then you can't reallyhave an informed position
and you shouldn't be advocating.
And so I did sort of getcornered spiritually,
intellectually, emotionallyon that particular issue.
And God used all those circumstances
for me to be able to get to aresult on that very question.
I could not say that thisis not a human being.
I could only say everything about it
seems like the beginningof every one of us
and has the same potential as all.
So my work and philosophyin other places turned me,
and then I fell hard after that.
- Talk about the progressthe Susan B. Anthony List
has made in the battle against abortion,
because things have changedover the last few years.
- They really have, and like every other
great human and civil rightsmovement of this country,
there was a time where there was a raw,
organic belief that has not been expressed
politically or culturally
in a really loud and conclusive way.
And that is what we set out todo at Susan B. Anthony List,
to express the deep pro-liferoots of this country
through our political process,
given to us by our Founders
in order to fix a greathuman rights wrong.
And that means that our desireto put pro-life protections
into law is the extension of who we are
and what our Constitution is.
So our goal was to do this verysimple and very hard thing.
Elect a president, elect aSenate who will fill the courts
with pro-life judges,
judges that see the Constitution as we do,
so that then we can have cases
that are headed to thecourt all over country,
so that there will be a moment
where we overturn Roe v. Wade.
And then we get the power back
to enact pro-life protectionsall over the country.
That very process, theprocess of doing everything
that I just said is whatrights movements do.
And as that is happening,it brings the good news
and transforms the nationinto what now we see
is an emerging pro-life nation.
It's young, vibrant, persistent
and we're getting very close to victory.
And it's really an incredible testimony
to what God can do when we, I think,
think strategically smart.
It's turning out to bethe right thing to do.
And that's what's happening right now.
- Willing to do what you did,
which is examine our position on something
and really be honest withourselves about the reality of it.
Your book, I want people toknow, is called Life is Winning.
It's available wherever books are sold.
Inside the Fight for UnbornChildren and Their Mothers.
And I highly recommend it.
So good to have Marjorie with us today.
Thanks so much for being here.