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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - January 5, 2021

Your Questions, Honest Answers: - January 5, 2021 Read Transcript

- [Host] Okay.

- All right.

- Time for some questions.

- Let's go for Q and A.

- Pat, this first onecomes from Jamie, who says,

"I was exposed to the coronavirus

"by an asymptomatic person at church.

"This led to me having to isolate

"from my three kids andhusband for 11 days.

"He had to quarantinefrom work for 17 total.

"My husband has now decided that going

"to church isn't wise anddoesn't allow us to go.

"What is the best way todeal with this situation?

"Please help."

- Well, the best way is foryou to listen to your husband.

You know, I think that,

I know going to church is a nice thing,

but nobody has to get coronavirus.

And people are contagiousand it's highly contagious.

They've got another strain now in England

that is much more contagious than the one

that we're dealing with here in America.

And this stuff does kill people.

So I'm sure the Lord willunderstand your problem.

But I do think if you'reat home, don't just say,

"Hey, well, I'm not goingto church, therefore."

No, we're not going to churchand we will pray together.

Husbands and wives will pray together.

Children will pray together.

We'll read the Bible together.

And the Bible says don'tforsake the assembling

of yourselves together, butyou can have a house church

just your family and do that.


- Okay, this is David who says, "Hi, Pat.

"My mother-in-law used to always tell me

"that one day I would win the lottery.

"I always laughed about it,

"but very soon after she passed away,

"I did win the lottery.

"I felt like she hadsomething to do with it.

"Do you think that's possible?"

- I really don't think it's possible,

but I do think,

I do, I do think thatpositive thinking has

a, you know, you, you speak of something

and it comes to pass.

And it's not yourmother-in-law or anybody else,

but in your own life.

- We're gonna have a lot of people going,

"I think I can, I think I can."

- Yeah, I think I can, I think,but I'll tell you one thing,

I think financing agovernment on the basis

of lotteries is an abomination

because instead of teaching people to save

and allow interest andincrease of hard work

to build your resources always.

Yeah, I mean, I bought a lottery ticket

and you're playing like one chance

and you're hoping for the big score.

That is the wrong way to financethe government, all right.

- This is Debbie whosays, "Pat you mentioned

"you're worried aboutsocialism in America.

"Why should we be worriedsince God is in charge?"

- Well, that's like saying,"Oh, why should I vote?

"God's in charge.

"Why should I exercise?

"God's in charge.

"Why should I eat properfood, 'cause God's in charge?"

He says don't forsake wisdom.

He's given us the wisdom.

And the socialism is aterrible form of government,

because it actually takespeople away from God.

And you know, theDeclaration of Independence,

we hold these fundamentalrights have been given us

by our creator and socialism takes away

that whole concept of acreator and it substitutes

the government in place of Him, all right.

- Okay, this is Mariano who says,

"I read two documents thatsay that when the Bible speaks

"of healing by His stripesthat it's talking about healing

"from our sin and not a physical healing.

"Is this true?"

- No, it's, it's not true.

The thing "by his stripes, we're healed."

He said, "He has placed on Him

"all manner of sicknesses and diseases.

"And by His stripes, we're healed."

It is physical diseases.

Of course, it's by the blood of the cross.

It gives us salvation, butin terms of physical healing,

the Bible talks about sicknesses.

The Lord laid on Him all kindsof sicknesses and diseases.

All right.

- Okay, Janet says, "If the Bible says

"that when we're saved,our sins are forgiven,

"then what does this mean:

"If we don't forgive others,God won't forgive us?

"What is he not forgiving?"

(Pat laughing)

- Well, look, if you want to, He said,

"When you stand praying andyou have odd against any,

"forgive as your heavenlyFather might forgive you."

That is a, well, it's a faith killer.

It'll also keep you from having miracles.

When you stand praying, ifyou have odd against any,

forgive as your heavenlyFather might forgive you.

I haven't got time to go intoa great theological discourse,

but it is, it'll kill yourpower of miracles, all right.


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