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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - January 4, 2021

Your Questions, Honest Answers: - January 4, 2021 Read Transcript

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Well, it's time for your questions,

and Pat's gonna answerthem honestly, of course.

Pat, this is Naomi whowrites and says, hi, Pat.

After someone passes away here on earth

and they either go toheaven if they were saved

and accepted Jesus into their heart

or they go to hell if they weren't saved,

will they remember anythingof their life here on earth?

- I think they definitely will.

You've got the story that Jesus gave

about the rich man and Lazarus.

And you know, the rich man woke up in hell

and he remembered exactlythat he had brothers

and stuff on earth.

I think that we have consciousness.

The spirits we have, the Lord

just doesn't erase our consciousness.

The body's left, but the spirit lives on,

and I think it's aware of what goes on.

- So this is Brittany who says, hi, Pat.

I'm a new young mom who's so worried

about what's going on and thetimes that we are living in.

I live in New York with my husband

and nine-month-old in my parents' house

and it's a very negative,ungodly atmosphere.

Besides all that, I'mwondering how I can ask God

for a sure sign that we shouldmove to a more Christian,

conservative state for our protection

from what is possibly to come.

Is it okay to ask this of God?

- You better believe it.

You know, I was livingin Brooklyn, New York

in Bedford-Stuyvesant andwe were going to set up

a rescue operation in thehouse of a former prostitution

right next door to the church.

And I was praying and askingGod, "God, what should I do?"

And the Lord said, "Read Jeremiah 16:3"

or two, I forget which, butanyhow I opened the Bible

and it said, you shall not take a wife

or have children in this place.

I said, hallelujah, we're leaving.

(Terry laughing)And I mean, you know,

God will speak to you.

He'll give you scriptures,He'll give you a word,

He'll give you a confirmationfrom other people.

But there's nothing in theworld wrong with saying,

God, this is an intolerable situation.

How do I get out of it?

Will You please show me?

But it looks like He wants to set you free

from that thing so expect an answer.

I mean, He doesn't wantHis people to suffer

the way you apparentlyare suffering, all right?

- Pat, this is Ann who says, hi, Pat.

Do you believe in New Year's Resolutions

and do you have any?

- I don't particularly believe in 'em

because you try to live forthe Lord all year round.

And the idea of a New Year's Resolution,

you're setting yourself apart for failure.

So you say, I resolve thatI'm not gonna eat any sweets

the next year and suddenlywithin a month you're--

- [Terry] Get a box of candy.

- You've got a box of candyand you're gobbling away

and you say, oh, I've justsinned before the Lord.

But what I do is go apartmyself and I ask the Lord

for His word for me, not myword to Him, but His word to me.

So if you want to do something ask God,

for this year, what isthe word that You give me?

And then look at the Bible andsee what it says, all right?

- This is Sandra who says,

Pat, I'm not attendinga church at this time.

What is the best way to pleasethe Lord on the Sabbath?

How should we practice the Sabbath?

What should we do andwhat should we avoid doing

to please the Lord?

- Well, look, I believe weshould have a day of rest.

I really believe that.

And the way you canplease the Lord, I mean,

spend time with the Lord inprayer and reading the Bible.

It doesn't have to be on Saturday.

It doesn't have to be onSunday, but there needs

to be a time when you'requiet before the Lord.

But the Bible does say very clearly,

don't forsake the assemblingof yourselves together.

So it is a blessing to cometogether with other Christians

and not try to live asolitary life, all right?

- This is Joanne who says, hi, Pat.

As a student of the Bible,the times in which we live

remind me of when Josephinterpreted Pharaoh's dream

of seven years of plenty followedby seven years of famine.

When the famine happened,the Egyptian people

gave up their crops, animals,land, and finally themselves

into slavery for food.

The state or Pharaohcontrolled, owned it all.

Do you think this ispossible for we the people?

- Regretfully, it is.

You know, that's what happenedto the communist country.

The Communist says,everything belongs to us.

The means of production,that's where socialism starts.

Socialism means that the government owns

all the means of production,that's where you start.

Then the governmentwants more and it says,

yeah, but we also own your earnings

and then we own your life andthen we own your livestock.

That's what happened in Russia.

So what happened in Egypt I don't think

is necessarily a pattern for everything,

but I do think, can it happen?

Yes, it can happen.

- This is Catalina who says,

what do you think of the death penalty?

My friend believes that as Christians

we aren't the ones to givejustice, and that anyone

who is pro-life can't bepro the death penalty.

I tried looking up what the Bible said,

but I didn't find anything.

Can you help me clear this up?

- You didn't find anything?

All you had to do was read every book

of the Old Testament, every one of 'em.

I mean, if a child is disobedient,they stone him to death.

If somebody's caught in adultery,they stone him to death.

I mean, there is moreexecution in the Bible,

you cannot believe it.

And you know, when you readthat those Israelites were told

to come into the land ofCanaan where wicked people live

and they're supposed to killevery man, woman, and child.

So death was not all that bad.

And really, you know,when you get right down

to the death penalty,you've got Charles Manson,

you've got some serial killerand what do you want do?

You want to spend 20, $30,000 a year

housing him for the rest of his life

or would it be more merciful for him

and all of us to execute him?

There's nothing wrongwith the death penalty.

But just the fact that you're pro-life,

it's one thing to kill an innocent baby.

It is something else for a murderer

to have his life takenby judicial process.


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