Fifteen minutes without a pulse and one man’s life is slipping away. So why are doctors calling this patient a “Christmas Miracle?†Plus, a glimpse inside the faith of Kathie Lee Gifford and why she says, “it’s never too late to begin ...
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- [Advertiser] The following program
is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Coming up, KathieLee Gifford's prayer.
- God is faithful.
- [Wendy] And why shesays it's never too late
to begin again.
- I'm in a new place thatI never would have dreamed
I would be.
- [Wendy] And then 15minutes without a pulse.
- [Pulse] I felt so helpless.
- [Wendy] This man'ssoulmate was slipping away.
- I don't know, I couldn'timagine life without her.
- [Wendy] So why aredoctors calling this patient
a Christmas miracle?
On today's "700 Club."
(upbeat music)
- Welcome folks.
I wanna do something differenttoday on this program,
I wanna start with something
that's very important to you.
The Lord Jesus said, "Thespirit of the Lord is upon me
"because he's anointed me tobind up the brokenhearted."
And I'm thinking todayabout how many there are
in this audience who are brokenhearted?
I think of those who'velost husbands and wives
because of this COVID,
they have seen their loved ones die.
I think of those whohave lost husbands, wives
and then mothers orfathers because of COVID,
they have died, and they'rebrokenhearted because of it.
And I think of the nurses thatare in the emergency room,
you have worked so hard, you're exhausted.
And yet a day after day, eventhough you've done everything
you could you've seen your patients die,
and they're dying by the hundreds,
and you are brokenhearted andyou don't know what to do.
"I've done everythingI can, I'm exhausted,
"and yet these people are still dying."
And I think of those ofyou who have businesses
and you've invested all ofyour life savings, your money,
your time, your work in these restaurants
or these businesses you've had
and you have your dreamswrapped up in them.
And all of a sudden they'velocked down and the customers
can't come and there's a COVID epidemic,
and you are brokenheartedbecause you have no opportunity.
And I think of those ofyou who are out of work,
and there are millions of you right now
in this audience who don't have jobs,
and you had a pretty good life
and you thought thingswere gonna go all right,
and suddenly you are broke
and you are crying outand you're brokenhearted.
And I think of those who are well,
husbands and wives you'vecome to the end of the year,
and the wife says to the husband,"I don't love you anymore,
"I want a divorce."
Or the husband says to thewife, "I don't love you anymore,
"I want a divorce, and I want out,"
and you are brokenheartedbecause somebody you loved.
And some of you kids watching,
I know they call it puppylove, but I tell you
if you propose marriageto somebody and the person
looks at you and say,
"You're a nice guy, but I don't love you,"
you are brokenhearted.
And the Lord said, "I have come to bind up
"the brokenhearted,"and God knows your need,
He knows your suffering and He's with you.
And He's not going to let this pandemic
or any of the otherthings take away His love.
He loves you.
And that's what I wanted to tell you,
that God is here to healup the brokenhearted.
And I'm also thinkingabout young athletes,
you worked so hard, I mean,I know what it's like to go
into the gym and really pump it hard.
And you've worked as hard as you could,
you've run, and you've swam,and you've done all the things,
you've done your gymnastics,and you were hoping to go
to the Olympics and nowthe Olympics are canceled,
and there's no future inthe athletic arena for you
and you're brokenhearted.
And I think of parentswho watched their children
that they invested so muchhope in, and the children
have taken fentanyl, or they'vetaken one of these opioids,
or they're hooked on cocaine, or crack,
or one of the otherdrugs that's come along
and they've seen that son ordaughter just wasted away.
And they looked, and this is my child
that I love so much and they're gone,
and you're brokenhearted.
Right now, I wanna pray for you.
I wanna start thisprogram and just tell you,
God knows you're suffering.
He's with you despite these things,
and He is here to bindup the brokenhearted
at this Christmastime.
And father, we come beforeYou and we lift before You
those in this audiencewho are brokenhearted,
their dreams are shattered,
their lives are taken away,
their loved ones have died.
They themselves have lost their hopes
and dreams and they're shattered.
And Lord, I pray right now for them.
You said, You've come tobind up the brokenhearted.
And even as we start thisprogram, would You please
bind up the brokenheartedin this audience.
Lord, I thank You that You arethe God of hope and dreams.
Thank you Lord, in Jesus name.
Thank you.
- Amen.- And well.
- That is a beautiful prayer,
and so many people needthat right now, Pat.
Thank you so much, wow.
- Well, I mean, I just felt so sorry.
You know, the Bee Gees had anumber one song a few years ago
called, "How do you heal a broken heart?"
And, you know, people,their hearts are broken
and God knows it.
He said, "I have come to heal
"and bind up the brokenhearted."
So please at this Christmastime,rather than singing
all these happy, jolly things, you know
it's phony and your heart is breaking,
God knows it, and He's going to bind it up
if you just turn it over to Him right now.
- Amen, that's one of myfavorite verses in all the Bible.
When I was going throughmy own heartbreak,
God is near the brokenhearted.
- [Pat] That's right.
- And right before that it says,
"He knows all the stars by name."
I thought, "Okay, Lord, Youknow, all the stars by name
"then You also know howbroken my heart is right now."
- Well, there's so manyright now who are suffering,
this pandemic has just killedpeople's hopes, their dreams,
their aspirations and their lives.
And God knows you're suffering, all right.
Well turning to news.
Not nearly enough tohelp hurting Americans,
President Trump evisceratedthe COVID Relief Bill,
calling the $600 perAmerican, ridiculously low.
He also ridiculed the moneyfor foreign countries,
lobbyists and special interest groups,
as well as the bill'spolitical pork at home.
Well, you know what he can doif he just does a pocket veto
if he will not sign itbefore Congress adjourns
then the bill will die and it should die.
You know the whole idea,we've got the pass it
so we can understand what's in it.
Hundreds of pages of pork inthis gigantic monstrosity,
Heather Sells explains.
- [Heather] Tuesday night,
the president unleashed his attack
on the bill with a Twitter video
criticizing it for not doingenough to help Americans.
- Congress found plenty ofmoney for foreign countries,
lobbyists and specialinterests, while sending
the bare minimum to theAmerican people who need it.
It's called the COVID Relief Bill,
but it has almostnothing to do with COVID.
This bill contains $85.5 million
for assistance to Cambodia,
$134 million to Burma,
$1.3 billion for Egypt.
- [Heather] The president also went after
the bill's political pork at home
including 40 millionfor the Kennedy Center
and 154 million for theNational Gallery of Art.
And he said the bill stimulus checks,
600 per individual are not enough.
- I am asking Congress to amend this bill
and increase the ridiculouslylow $600 to $2,000
or $4,000 for a couple.
- [Heather] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
quickly tweeted her supportfor the 2000 number,
as did Senator Bernie Sanders.
President's announcementcomes after months
of congressionalstalemate on COVID relief,
followed by the package'squick introduction Monday
and overwhelming support in both houses.
- The American peoplehave waited long enough.
- [Heather] But fiscal conservatives
like Senator Rand Paul said,
Americans can't afford to add 2.5 trillion
to the nation's $27 trillion debt.
- If free money were the answer,
if money really grew on trees,
why not give more free money?
Why not give it out all the time?
Why stop at $600 a person?
Why not $1,000?
Why not $2,000?
- [Heather] President-electBiden applauded the bill
and promised more stimulus next year.
- We're gonna need to makesure that we're in a position
that we can provide for the opportunity
for people to begin to goback to work and get new jobs.
- The president did notspecifically vow to veto the bill,
but because it's attachedto a broader funding measure
the government will shut downon December 29th without it.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- You remember that famous statement,
"We've got to pass the billso we can see what's in it."
The Congress hasn't had achance to read this thing.
It is a monstrosity.
Listen, I'll give you some other examples
of wasteful spending in this bill.
101 million to combatthe transnational threat
of wildlife poaching.
250 million over five years
for Palestinian economic aid.
15 billion for grants tolive entertainment venues
such as Broadway.
And this is the kicker,
$10 million for genderprograms in Pakistan.
Folks, it isn't their money,it's yours they're wasting,
and it's just horrible.
Our children and grandchildrenwill be in debt forever.
And what I see down theroad without question,
there's going to be anattempt to grab your money
like they did in, in Cypruswhere they actually came in
and took about a third ofthe people's bank accounts.
They may have given some phonygovernment bonds in exchange,
but I think that's what's gonna happen
because something's gonna have to be done.
And all that money sitting
in bank accounts today andIRAs and 401ks and all that,
this bunch is going to wantto take it away from you.
So you mark my word, there's got to be,
but they can't keepwasting money this way.
This is insanity.
Insanity, what is wrong with those people?
You know, you want toact like it's your money,
it's not, it isn't your money.
But that's what theysay, socialism will stop,
as long as, it'll continue, I should say,
as long as it's somebodyelse's money they can pocket,
they can pick.
Well, in other news, more political chaos
in Israel after the governmentcollapsed overnight.
George Thomas has morefrom the CBN Newsroom.
- Pat, speaking of insanity.
For the fourth time in two years
Israelis are headingto national elections.
The so-called coalitiongovernment fell apart
after months of disagreement.
CBN, Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell
explains what happened.
- [Chris] The Knesset wasdissolved automatically
at midnight, after thedeadline expired to pass
a 2020 budget or a billto extend that deadline.
- [Interpreter] We need to say
that we're in a complicated period
with multiple challenges,with multiple conflicts.
It appears to me that there is not an end
of the conflict in the public,
and also naturally in this building.
- [Chris] During the last seven months
the short-lived coalition
between Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu's
Likud Party and AlternatePrime Minister, Benjamin Gantz'
Blue and White Party was plaguedby mistress and infighting.
- [Interpreter] To my greatsorrow we couldn't find
enough in common in orderto prevent another election.
And in order to allow the 23rd Knesset
and its members to realize themandate that was given to us.
- [Chris] Early and Netanyahuand Gantz blamed each other
for the government collapse.
- [Interpreter] Apparently, Blue and White
including it's people whowere going to vote here
are going to drag us intounnecessary elections.
I wanna tell you that I'mnot afraid of elections,
we're prepared for that.
We will win.
- [Interpreter] I had no illusions
in regards with Netanyahu.
I knew his record as aserial promise violator.
- [Chris] The upcomingelections are scheduled
for March 23rd.
According to opinion polls,Likud we'll still have a lead
over other parties.
But Gideon Sa'ar' New Hope Party
and Naftali Bennett JewishHome Party will also
draw a large following from the right.
Those polls show Gantz as the big loser
with his Blue and White Partywinning just five to six seats
in the 120 member Knesset.
Adding another twist,Netanyahu's corruption trial
is set to begin afterthe first of the year.
With a possible thirdCOVID lockdown on the way,
and all the mudslinginganalysts say this could be
the toughest electionIsrael has ever seen.
- Well, Chris joins us now
from Jerusalem for moreon the political upheaval.
Listen, how has thatpolitical landscape changed,
and what does this mean for Netanyahu?
- Well, Pat, right now,
we just mentioned in thatreport, two rising stars,
first on Gideon Sa'ar and Naftali Bennett.
Sa'ar left the Likud in Netanyahu's party,
he's forming his own party,it's called New Hope,
and yet he's taking severalLikud members with him,
and that's very significant.
He's very popular.
He's pulling up to about20 seats right now.
And the other challengerright now is Bennett,
and he's risen dramatically in the polls.
he's nearly doubled his seats in the polls
to about 15 seats.
He's very popular, Patwith small businesses
because he supported themduring the coronavirus pandemic.
So both these challenges are on the right,
and now Sa'ar says, he's notgonna serve with Netanyahu.
On the other hand, Bennett and Netanyahu,
they're at odds as well.
So Netanyahu really facesa challenge from the right.
And what might their strategy be?
They might try to form agovernment without Netanyahu,
so that's a possiblechallenge to Netanyahu.
But we know that Israel right now is still
a right-wing country,
Netanyahu's Likud isstill the strongest party,
so Pat, we'll have to waitand watch to see what happens.
- How about the prime minister's trial?
Is that gonna affect the election?
- Well, you know, some people say
it's already been a concernin the past three elections.
He's been indicted now.
He does face that trialprobably in February,
but it doesn't seem to havebeen having a major impact.
It's sort of baked into what the voters
are saying right now.
The big difference Patwill be that he's actually
gonna be in the courtroomduring the campaign.
And that might make adifference when they see him
on the campaign trail andthen see him in the court.
But he can point to two bigachievements for Israelis.
And I think that's gonna have an impact
on the election as well.
First of all, the Abraham Accords
that had a huge impact here.
They see the benefits of tourism
and trade with many ofthese Arab countries.
It's really one of the few countries
in the world that can claim
the geopolitical gainsduring the pandemic.
And also he's been ableto acquire millions
of doses of the vaccine,
so that's another plus for Netanyahu.
But Pat, believe it ornot, there's some pundits
that are already wondering
because of the fracturedpolitical landscape
that's here in Israel rightnow that Israel might go
to a fifth election sometimenext August, believe it or not.
- Chris, one last question.
You know, I look at prophecy, Ezekiel 38,
and I see what's happened to Erdogan,
he is making a real badovertures against Israel
and there seems to be a coalition
of radical Muslim statesthat really want to come,
and I'm sure Iran wantsto do away with Israel
when they are as fracturedas it looks like.
Do you think, is there's any possibility
that these enemies might decide,
"Okay Israel's too weak forus and we go after them?
- Well, that's certainly a possibility Pat
because Israel is certainlypolitically frayed right now
and vulnerable, and will befor the next several months.
There will be a transitional government.
Netanyahu will remain as prime minister.
But as you say Erdogan really is making
bold steps against Israel.
In fact, one of hismain journalistic papers
just a few weeks ago saidthat, "Jerusalem is ours."
We've talked about thatbefore with Erdogan,
he claims Jerusalem as his own.
He wants to target the Al-Aqsa Mosque
here on the Temple Mount.
So who knows, there could be a coalition
between Turkey and Iran.
Certainly they have a mutual goal
of destroying the Jewish state.
And that would be a fulfillmentof what Ezekiel said
about 2,500 years ago.
As I said, we'll have to wait
and to watch
to see what happens.- We'll have to wait.
- But certainly a time to be praying
- It really is.- for the peace in Jerusalem.
- Well, first, as I told youbefore, you keep your eyes
on what's going on becauseAmerica is weakened,
we have an interregnum, we havekind of like two presidents,
we have fights going onin our, the head of our
defense department is not there in office,
and least this transition,
and so who knows whetherthese dictators will decide
"Now's the chance."
But, you know, at thebeginning of the year
I felt that that Trump wasgoing to be tested sorely.
The first thing that hastested them is this attack
on our infrastructure.
This has been an incredible,
it's clearly an act of war.
Trump's trying to say, well,it's really the Chinese,
but no it isn't theChinese it's the Russians,
and they've gone after us.
But you've got, you know, theNorth Koreans making noise.
You've got the peoplein, in ISIS reorganizing.
You've got Iran trying to close off
some of those vital waterways.
There's no question that as we get weaker,
Israel as one of our dear friends,
as these people get weaker,
it will embolden these otherpeople to try to test us,
and there's no doubt this attack we've had
on our infrastructure,
this blatant attack
is just the opening gun
of a long series of tests
against interregnum in America.
- Pat, investigators saythe Islamic Republic of Iran
was behind a website targetingfederal and state officials
who discredited PresidentTrump's claims of election fraud.
The website called enemies of the people
featured images and home addresses
of more than a dozen people
including FBI director, Christopher Wray
and former Homeland Securityofficial Christopher Krebs.
Krebs has publicly stated thatthe election was not stolen.
The FBI says Iran hassought to divide our country
and undermine our institutionssince before the election
including sending threateningemails to democratic voters
under the guise of far right groups.
Last night President Trumppardoned 15 people and commuted
the sentences of five others.
The pardons included allies caught up
in the Russia investigation
such as the George Papadopoulos,who was Trump's 2016
campaign advisor and twoformer Republican Congressman,
Duncan Hunter of California,who pleaded guilty
to misusing campaign funds,
and lastly, Chris Collins ofNew York who was convicted
of insider trading.
The president also pardoned four men,
private security contractorsconvicted of killing
more than a dozen Iraqi civiliansin Baghdad back in 2007.
Pat, as the song goes,
the weather outside is frightful,
thunderstorms and snow are headed
for the northeast this Christmas.
Tomorrow, heavy rainand potential flooding
from Northern Virginia,up through Massachusetts
followed by heavy winds andthen a burst of cold air
that will bring snow to partsof the area on Christmas Day.
Unfortunately for us folks herein the southeastern quadrant
of our State of Virginia, no snow.
- Can't have a whiteChristmas didn't matter,
but it was cold, it was 31 degrees.
It's turned, it's a little bit warmer now,
but we still don't have any snow,
up in New York State there'shuge amounts of snow.
- [Wendy] I love snow.
- (chuckles) I do too.
- It's so hard to see
everywhere here.- I want some snow,
I like snow, okay.
- Well, up next.
She walked away from a top TV show twice
but not because she was ready to retire.
So why did she do it?
Kathie Lee Gifford talksabout her prolific career
and the untold storiesbehind her enduring success.
Plus seizures, foaming at themouth, then cardiac arrest,
see why this woman is known
as the Christmas miracle, coming up later.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- "It's never too late."
That's Kathie Lee Gifford's motto.
It's also the title of her new memoir.
Currently, she has a numberone record, a number one movie
in America, a best sellingchildren's book, and more.
Recently, Kathie Lee took a look back
at her incredible careerwith CBN's Efrem Graham.
- It's my last day.
You know what we're gonna do?
We're gonna give every single one of you--
(audience screaming)
- [Efrem] It's been almost two years
since Kathie Lee Gifford walkedaway from her cohost spot
on NBC's "Today Show," andshe's been even busier.
- All right, that's pretty darn gorgeous.
- [Efrem] Directing her first film.
♪ Once again, make me catch my breath ♪
- [Efrem] Singing again.
And writing anotherbest-selling children's book.
- I'm in a new place at the age of 67,
that I never would havedreamed I would be.
I've got number one hit records.
My movie that just came out
went to number one in America.
How long are you gonna sit there
while I get eaten up?
They're not even finding you.
- [Efrem] Number one andKathie Lee's first time
writing, producing andstarring in a romantic comedy.
- At this time in my lifewhen I should be getting
my senior discount,there goes (indistinct).
Please, I'm writing them baby.
You've got to laugh.
- [Efrem] This busy widowedmother of two laughs a lot.
- Kathie you need four points.
- That's it?
- That's it.
- I will go down as thedumbest person ever.
(audience laughing)
- [Efrem] And she's enjoyeda decades long career,
making millions laughright along with her.
Some of the untold stories
behind that success are inthe pages of her new memoir.
The book is "Never Too Late:
"Make Your Next Act Your Best Act."
From someone like yourselfwho's had so many acts,
what did you want your readersto take away from this book?
- Look it was a hard book to write
for a lot of different reasons.
It's speaking to people'shearts about their fears
and about God's faithfulnessin every season of our lives.
I just ask the Lord to use me
"Help me to remember things Lord,
"things I've never said before,
"give me boldness, but at the same time
"tenderness towards people."
But I wasn't gonna writea how-to book either,
I'm not an expert at anything.
All I know is that God isfaithful, trust him again.
There's my book (chuckles).
I threw in a lot of thesestories that I've never
had a chance to tell.
As you know, 'cause, thankyou for reading by the way,
it's a who's who, it just is,
but I'm not doing that in any way,
like look at my life, look.
No, that is my life.
- [Efrem] Those who's whostories include Paul Newman,
Audrey Hepburn, Billy Graham, and more.
- So here you sit at 67,
we see God wow you againand again in the pages
of this book, I'm thinking
of you and Sting in the stairwell,
Al Pacino in your backyard,story after story.
Does God continue to wow you now?
- More so.
I was one of those kids that just thought
early in life,
that the world is minebecause God says so.
- Your life is incredible,but there's certainly
been some really down times as well,
and some difficult times for you to share.
What was the hardest story to relive
in the pages of this book?
- Anytime I relive my parentsfirst, you know, beginnings
it just breaks my heartall over again for them.
I dedicate my book to them
just reliving how hardtheir lives were before.
First of all, beforethey found each other,
and second of all beforethey (indistinct).
And just, it breaks my heart for them.
It just reminds me ofhow much I missed them.
- One of my favorite linesin the book is a simple one,
you say, "It's never toolate to leave a good thing."
What's the lesson there becauseyou're sharing that story,
you're leaving "Live! withRegis and Kathie Lee,"
and many people are surprised
that you would leave at that time.
- And then I left again Hodaat the height of the success.
Each time I left at theheight of my success
with those shows, everygood and perfect gift comes
from above from God.
So when that same Father said,
"I'm moving you to a spacious place,"
or, "I'm moving you on Kathie
"to a new chapter of your life."
I've just learned to listen to His voice.
And I don't say, "ButLord, we're number one.
"But Lord (mumbles)," you know.
If I truly hear His voice clearly
and when I'm truly listeningto Him and seeking Him, I do.
And here's the thing I tryto share with people, Efrem
in this book, God doesn'tjust do this for me.
I'm no more special
than any other child of God,
or even the people that don't even realize
that they're children of God
God loves them too, wants themto know that He loves them.
It's just that I trust Him.
- You begin each chapterof the story with lyrics
to some of the songs you'vewritten, I love them all.
But is there a favorite song?
I'm trying to get you to share one.
- I recorded a songcalled "I want to matter"
a long, long time ago.
And I ended the book withthis thought, you know,
"Though I'm fragile and foolishand flawed, I'm sincere.
"I want someone tofondly remember me here,
"more than being praised,more than be flattered.
"I need to know without a doubtthat somehow I've mattered."
And if I'm really honest, Iwould like to write one song
that someone will besinging long after I'm gone.
- [Efrem] And we all wantto live a life that matters.
With Kathie Lee Gifford,Efrem Graham, CBN News.
- She's a remarkable lady.
She's a graduate, I might add of ORU,
I recall her sister was Michie,
and they came and sang forus and she loved the Lord
in those early days, it was remarkable.
- [Wendy] Still does.
- She has a little boy who was born
on the same day I was, March 22nd.
I don't know if he's stillaround or not, but anyhow
she's an incredible person.
But, they, Kathie and Michie came out,
I don't know what's happened to Michie
but they were two singers,
and they sang together, wonderful family.
And she, I mean, I rememberyears and years ago
in the old studio we usedto have, we had one program
late at night and I looked up,
and here's this kind ofsmall form was on the floor,
you know, head down, crying out to God,
and it was Kathie Lee.
- Katie Lee.- Yeah, it was amazing.
So, anyhow, God bless her.
And I wished her, "It's Not Too Late."
- [Wendy] "Never Too Late."
- For all of us who've moved
along to the senior life (laughs).
- She's such a nice parson.- Hang in Kathie Lee
this is great stuff.
God bless you, dear.
- Well, coming up.
A holiday lunch turns deadly.
This woman stops breathingand her heart stops beating
for 15 minutes, several times.
What was wrong with her?
And why did her doctorswarned that if she survived
she'd never be the same.
See for yourself when we come back.
(upbeat music)
(light music)
Welcome back.
Well, the pain hit whenAngie Cross was having lunch
with her family justdays before Christmas.
Next, she went into seizures,was foaming at the mouth.
Before her husbandcould rush her to the ER
Angie stopped breathing andwent into cardiac arrest.
So what happened next?
And why is Angie calledthe Christmas miracle?
See for yourself.
- [Narrator] On December 14th, 2017,
Angie was in thee Christmas spirit
and enjoying lunch with her family,
when she started to experienceunbearable stomach pain.
So she took some of the medicine
her doctor had recentlyprescribed for the stomach ache,
but she had an adverse reaction to it.
And moments later, her husband Bill says
things took a turn for the worst.
- We thought it would juststop hurting, but it didn't.
This was some kind of reaction.
She just, all of a sudden got real sick.
At that time, my youngest son jumped up
ran around and grabbedher, put her in the car.
We didn't get a block away andshe started having seizures
and foaming at the mouth.
- [Narrator] Then Angie stopped breathing.
Bill pulled over andtheir son performed CPR
until the paramedics arrived.
In route to the hospital
she went into cardiacarrest multiple times.
- I was just dying,
I couldn't imagine life without her.
Angie's is my soulmate and
I don't know how I will live without her
- [Narrator] In the emergency room,
chest compressions continued,
emergency departmenttechnician, Eric Stokes was part
of the team working to save her life
While we don't compressions
we'll stop, and she'll start seizing.
The whole time I'm pressingI'm talking to God.
"God please come on, just put your power
"through me right now.
"Help me to bring her back."
- [Narrator] Angie's heart stopped beating
for up to 15 minutes, several times.
Meanwhile, friends andfamily began to gather
and pray as Bill cried outto God on his wife's behalf.
- And I felt so helpless.
And then I said, "Well, I can pray."
And so I got on my knees.
I felt like I was in God's presence.
I was pleading her case.
"Lord, please, spare her.
"She's a good person.
"Our family needs her."
And then I felt a rushof, a surge of energy,
and I knew she was gonna be okay.
- [Narrator] Two and a half hours past,
then a glimpse of hope, finallyAngie's pulse was steady.
But doctors expected herto have severe brain damage
and warned Bill shemight never be the same.
- I just kept praising God,
"Praise you, Lord God, thank you.
"Praise God."
Just keep praising God
because you can't have any doubt.
And Eric comes walking out.
- And he gave me a hug andhe was like, "Thank you."
I said, well don't thank me.
I said, "Thank God for whatHe's getting ready to do."
- [Narrator] Angie's loved ones continue
to pray with anticipation.
On day six, she was awakened
from a medically induced comaand taken off the ventilator.
Doctors were astonished.
- They asked me, "Can you move your feet?
"Can you move your hands?
"What's the date?"
"Who's the president." (laughs)
Asked a lot of questions,
and then the neurologist asked me, he goes
"What was December 7th, 1941?"
And I was thinking like,"Why is he asking me
"about Pearl Harbor?"
I said, "It's Pearl Harbor.".
And I asked him, I said,"Well, you know, if I knew
"you were gonna give me a history lesson,
"I would have studied."
We all got a little chuckle out of that.
He gave me a thumbs up and he walked out.
- [Narrator] Medical staffcalled her the Christmas miracle.
She continued recovery
and Angie was released togo home on Christmas Eve,
only 11 days after her brush with death.
She had no long-term health issues.
In fact, she says shefeels better than before.
- I thank the Lord forgiving me a second chance,
this is a second chance.
When you go without aheartbeat for so long,
there's thousands of badthings that could happen
and they didn't happen to me.
And I just wanna give the glory to God.
I want people to know thatin your worst situation
the worst scenario ever, you can pray.
You can pray, that's what saved me.
- One of the other prayersI prayed when I was
in the hospital room, I said,
"Lord, please just letus walk in the pasture,
"let us hold hands in the pasture again."
And when we came home from the hospital,
that's one of the first things we did,
was we drove up to our pasture
and we walked in it and weheld hands in the sunshine.
And we just thank God for that moment,
because life is a vapor,it's gone so fast.
We need to do what wecan and love our family,
live life while we have a chance.
- [Narrator] ThisChristmas, Angie and Bill
celebrate the joy of family,
friends, who have become like family
the blessing of prayerand the gift of hope.
- [Angie] Thank you, Jesus.
The Lord is doing miracles.
He's helping us every day.
- Wow.
A Christmas miracle.
And I love that story.
- Look what he had to say,
our life is a vapor, hereally knows what's right.
We've got some, we've had these ornaments,
we told people about and theypop them out and they send,
hang them on the tree andhang them on (indistinct),
and here's somebody who says,
"I've got breast cancer and need healing."
"Almost out of hope and money."
"Bold and confident and witness,'
and they've got neuropathyand ask healing.
- Here's some Pat.
"Protection and strengthfor the caregivers."
"My sight to be restored."
"Our leaders to look toGod for wisdom, amen."
"To be healed of osteoporosis."
- I believe the Bible says"With man is impossible,
"with God all things are possible.'
Now I believe God.
And yeah, I know we'regetting close to Christmas,
so we get all those wonderful things,
but some of your hurting,
some of your suffering and we want to pray
and God is going to do foryou a miracle this day.
So Wendy and I are gonna join hands
we're gonna believe God.
Father, we thank You forthese who are believing God
and crying out to You.
And we think of the sufferingthat's there in our midst.
We think of people that don't have hope.
We think of people who are hurting
and there's somebody else rightnow, Marcy, I believe it is,
who's got congestive heart failure.
You just heard, saw thistestimony and your faith
is resting in God right now isgonna cause those injections,
fractions in that heart is gonnabegin pumping as it should,
and you are completely healed.
You'll feel like warmth inyour heart, in Jesus name.
- Lord, we lift up everyperson who has COVID,
every person in the hospital,every person who's scared.
Lord, we ask Lord thatyou would breathe on them.
People on ventilators, Lord
that you would breathe for them.
Lord, we just speak life.
We speak life, and we cancelthe assignment of this spirit,
the spirit of this pestilence,
and Lord, I pray Psalm 91 over us.
Lord, as we continue tocry out for protection
from this pandemic Lordfrom this deadly disease.
And Lord, we thank you, Godthat you are hearing our prayers
right now in Jesus name.
- There's a young person,I believe the name Mike,
you've got mononucleosis and you're having
these terrible night sweats,that you just feel awful.
God has just touched you
and any virus that'sthere's gonna be destroyed,
and your body will bestrong in the name of Jesus.
Thank you Lord.
Wendy you have something else.
- Lord, I just lift up this request.
"My site to be restored."
There's many people I know that are
praying that prayer right now.
Lord, touch their eyes right now, God.
Lord, I believe you are healing eyes
right now in Jesus name.
Thank you God.
- The Bible says "Againsthope he believed in hope."
And right now you're gonna to hope,
and you're gonna believe God,
and God is gonna supply your need.
In the name of Jesus financedis gonna come this year
for you and the burdenis going to be lifted.
So we believe in hope
and we declare it donein the name of Jesus.
Thank you, Lord.
Amen- Amen.
- And Amen.
Please give us a call,we love to hear from you,
you know, we really do (chuckles).
We've got folks on the phone.
Christmas Day doesn't matter,New Year's Day whatever,
folks are at the phones.
And we've got people here andwe've got people in Nashville,
and we've got people in Manilawho are around the clock
answering the telephone,who love you, love God.
So please call one 1-800-700-7000, okay.
- Amen, I love our prayer counselors.
One of them actuallycalled me the other day.
- Really!
- Yeah, I guess I gave some money
to Operation Blessing so thenthey call and they, you know
they ask you if you needprayer and it was wonderful.
- Well, you know, I've had them,
all of these meetingsand some of them who live
4 and 5,000 people in the Lord,
I mean, they're just great, great people.
- I love it.
Still ahead, a YouTube favorite,
"Your Questions, Honest Answers:."
Kenny says, "What can I doto convince my girlfriend
"to keep our child and notgo through with an abortion?"
Stay tuned for Pat's answer coming up.
(upbeat music)
(intense music)
- Folks, welcome back to "The 700 Club"
for the CBN News "Newsbreak."
This morning, we're learningthat Pfizer and BioNTech
will supply the United Stateswith an extra 100 million
doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The drug makers say they expect to deliver
all the doses by July 31st.
Pfizer, as you know,already has a contract
to supply the governmentwith 100 million doses
of its vaccine.
Pfizer vaccine was thefirst to gain approval
from the FDA.
It's first shipments wentto the States last week.
The Israel museum in Jerusalemrevealed the existence
of a rare find, it'scalled a eulogia token.
It was a small souvenirthat Christians collected
on pilgrimages to the HolyLand hundreds of years ago.
This token is at least 1400 years old
and is unique becauseMary and Joseph are not
in the picture.
Instead it likely depictsthe cave under the church
of the nativity in Bethlehem.
You can always get thelatest from CBS news by going
to our website at
My friends, Pat and Wendy we'll be back
with more of "The 700Club" right after this.
(intense music)
("Jingle Bells")
- Ray is a Navy veteran,who's facing a challenge
he never thought possible.
For the first time in hislife Ray is having trouble
putting food on the table.
It's like so many Americanswhose lives have been upended
by the coronavirus pandemic.
So where can Ray and therest of them look for help?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Because ofCOVID-19 many families
have lost their jobs andnow rely on food banks
to help feed their families.
In Port Richey, Florida
they go to Operation Blessingpartner, Volunteer Way.
- We have this pandemiccalled the coronavirus
but we already had a pandemic
before Corona hit, andit's called poverty.
So now we have poverty
and we have coronavirus,and now they're together.
- I'm retired and I live on a fixed income
and everybody has shut downand wife's out of work.
Because it takes all myincome just to pay the rent
and the bills.
And that leaves nothing left for food.
- I'm an ex Navy veteran.
I'm a 100% disabled.
I can only do so much, andthe rest is out of my control.
My biggest need is food.
Considering I have rent andbills, like we all have to pay
and leaves me very little at the end.
- [Narrator] Anyone whoneeds food as welcome,
they simply drive through the distribution
as volunteers keep their distance
and place food and suppliesdirectly into cars.
- My refrigerator's empty,
and these guys have been wonderful.
- We have two childrenand two grandchildren
living with us becausethey had nowhere to live.
If your grandkids want something to eat
and you don't have it, you know,
say "Will we pay the electric bill
"or you guys get fruit loops?"
That's really helped 'cause then I know
at least the kids are fed.
- They provided me withwonderful, sustainable food
and vegetables and bread andmeats and milk and juices.
I couldn't afford it, otherwise.
I know that I can gohome, take care of myself
take care of my loved ones.
- [Narrator] Operation Blessing partners
are helping feed families
in Port Richey andacross the United States.
- This is God sent.
I am so appreciative of this.
Please, please, please keepdonating, any little bit helps.
- Thank you so much for yourheart, for your compassion
for your devotion, for your giving.
Because you're donating it allows us
to be able to help so many people
across this county alone.
So it's just, thank you, thank you,
thank you with a grateful heart.
- Did it break your heart?
That people are actuallyhungry in America,
the richest nation onthe face of the Earth.
And there are people all over this land,
so Operation Blessings thatthey're trying to help them,
and when you joined "The 700 Club"
you join an army ofthousands that really cares.
And I just believe that atChristmas time, particularly,
I always said, it's amazingyou're having a birthday party
for somebody and allthe guests give presents
to each other, but the guythat's having the birthday
doesn't get any presents.
I think we ought togive presents to Jesus,
our best gift should be to him.
And how do you help him?
You help those widows, the orphans,
to the ones who are suffering.
There's veterans that need help so much.
So when you join "The 700 Club,"this is the end of the year
is a good time to do something big.
You can get tax deduction,
if you're looking for something like that.
But our telephone number isavailable, 1-800-700-7000,
so please call.
And we're gonna try tohelp as many as we can.
All right, let's get some questions.
- We're gonna start withthis question from Kenny.
He says, "I got my girlfriend pregnant
"and she wants an abortiondespite my objections.
"What can I do to convinceher to keep the child
"and not go through with this abortion?"
- I think I'd show her that verse
in Revelation says, "Before I knew you,
"before I formed you, Iknew you and I ordained
"that you would be a prophet."
That child has a destiny
and you have to convince thatgirl that she has a destiny.
You say, you got a pregnant,you're not married,
so she's gonna be a single mother
and she doesn't wantto have to raise a kid.
Well, the other thing is you say,
"Look, there are Christianadoption agencies
"and we can arrange an adoption,
"but please don't destroy the life
"that can be so useful to God."
- Yeah, please pray for thatyoung man and that young girl.
Well, Annie says, "I became aChristian when I was a child,
"I've had a life fullof sin; sex, stealing,
"lying, affairs withmarried men and an abortion.
"Isn't committing sin knowinglyworse than not knowingly?
"Jesus told people to go and sin no more.
"As an adult, I've asked for forgiveness,
"but I know you believe peoplecan lose their salvation.
"Is this enough bad stuff do you think
"to make me lose my hope of heaven?"
- (chuckles) You sure you sure
have run the full gamut, haven't you?
Is there any sin you haven't committed?
It looks like you've done it all.
Listen, the Bible says"All sins and blasphemies
"will be forgiven the sons of man."
And it doesn't matter whetheryou did when you're old,
young or whenever.
Yes, even when you knew thatyou were doing something wrong
that's the transgression,the sins (indistinct)
you're falling short.
The other is you going across the line,
but you knew you were doingbad, you did it anyhow.
Get before God and say,
"Lord, here's what I've done."
Be tough on yourself.
Be brutal on yourself and say,
"Lord, I did this, and Idid this and I'm sorry,
"and I did it, and did it.
"And Lord, I ask your forgiveness."
And from then on God willdo a miracle in your life.
Yes, he will forgive you.
"All sins and blasphemies willbe forgiven to sons of man."
Okay.- Amen, good word.
Here's Mary, she says,
"Pat I'm so glad you got goodresults from your eye surgery.
"I'm curious about theaftercare involved?'
- Well, I have some drops,
one of the ladies puts acouple of drops in my eyes.
This eye gets three or four times a day.
I get the two drops, andthen I get one to drop
during meals and then that's it.
And I think that'sgonna be over next week.
And my eyes are just doing great.
I'm a fan of Dr. Scoper,
my eyes are incredible.
- Yeah, I think they actually look
bigger and brighter, seriously.
- Oh, I can see, Imean, I don't, you know,
I don't need glasses.
I don't need glasses to watch TV.
I don't need glasses to read.
I do have a little bit of amagnifier for small print,
but I can, you know, thisstuff here I can read
with no trouble.
I mean, it's a miracle.
- Most importantly, youcan drive your new car.
- Absolutely, I call it Diagnostic.
Diagnostic is outside snorting and waiting
for me to get in control.
- [Wendy] Cataract surgery.
- Yeah, amen, all right.
- All right, Nicole says,"I just got out of a breakup
"as a young teenage girl.
"I really want to be patientfor who God has for me
"and be prepared.
"How can I prepare myself fordating a guy in the future?"
- I don't know how, I'm alittle old for being worried
about how to prepare yourselffor dating, but I just.
Listen, the last thing,
what you want to do is be so attractive,
you know, you don't want to just be
like a "dumb broad," you're beautiful,
you've got nothing upstairs.
You wanna learn things,
I mean, educate yourself.
Instead of getting ready fordating, get ready for life.
You are just gonna go outand grab life by the horns,
and you're going to be God's wonder woman.
- Well, before we say goodbye,I have a gift for you.
And it's something you saw me do on TV
that's gonna air on the Christmas show.
- Oh, my goodness, look at that,
oh, I can't believe it!
- And you said that youwould like to try it.
So I made a German chocolatecake for you last night.
- That is the most beautiful thing.
I have never seen it.
You know, we had a contest,
if you would have entered the contest
you would have beenthe winner of the bake,
this is a German chocolate cake
and it's sinful to even thinkof eating anything this rich.
- This is something my mom taught me.
It's her recipe.
- [Pat] Well, it's unbelievable, oh, my.
- It's so moist, it's the most moist cake.
- Merry Christmas.
I can hardly talk.
- I know (laughs).
- Thank you Wendy.
- So Merry Christmas to you.- You're a brilliant cook.
This is so good.- Share this with your family.
- Mm, beautiful, that is delicious.
- And you'll see how to make this
on "The 700 Club" on Christmas Day.
- Yeah, it's good, (laughs) okay.
Well, I couldn't believeit, if she had entered
in the baking contest,
she would have won firstplace with this cake.
All right, "Today's Power Minute"
is from the book of Luke.
"Glory to God in thehighest and on Earth peace,
"goodwill toward men."
Tomorrow, we've got a doublewhite Christmas miracle.
Join us for a Christmas Eveedition of "The 700 Club."
So for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robinson.
Thank you so much for being with us,
may God bless you.
And for all of you, MerryChristmas and may your hopes
and dreams be fulfilledby the power of God.
See you, bye-bye.
(upbeat music)