(warm instrumental music)- Welcome folks.
I want to do somethingdifferent today on this program.
I want to start with somethingthat's very important to you.
The Lord Jesus said thespirit of the Lord is upon me
because He's anointed me tobind up the brokenhearted.
And I'm thinking todayabout how many there are
in this audience who are brokenhearted.
I think of those who'velost husbands and wives
because of this COVID.
They have seen their loved ones die.
I think of those whohave lost husbands, wives
and then mothers orfathers because of COVID.
They have died and they'rebrokenhearted because of it.
And I think of the nurses thatare in the emergency room.
You have worked so hard, you're exhausted.
And day after day, eventhough you've done everything
you could, you've seen your patients die
and they're dying by the hundreds
and you are brokenhearted,you don't know what to do.
I've done everything I can, I'm exhausted,
and yet these people are still dying.
And I think of those ofyou who have businesses
and you who have investedall of your life savings,
your money, your time, your work
in these restaurants orthese businesses you've had.
And you have your dreamswrapped up in them.
And all of a sudden this, they locked down
and customers can't come andthere's a COVID epidemic.
And you are brokenheartedbecause you have no opportunity.
And I think of those ofyou who are out of work,
and there are millions of youright now in this audience
who don't have jobs, andyou had a pretty good life
and you thought thingswere going to go all right.
And suddenly you are broke
and you are crying outand you're brokenhearted.
And I think of those who are,well, husbands and wives.
You've come to the end of the year
and the wife says to the husband,I don't love you anymore.
I want a divorce.
Or husband says to the wife,I don't love you anymore.
I want a divorce and I want out
and you are brokenheartedbecause he's somebody you loved.
And some of you kids watching,
I know they call it puppylove, but I tell you,
if you've proposed marriage to somebody
and the person looks at youand say, you're a nice guy,
but I don't love you,you're brokenhearted.
And the Lord said, I have cometo bind up the brokenhearted
and God knows your need.
He knows your suffering and He's with you.
And he's not going to let this pandemic
or any of the otherthings take away His love.
He loves you.
And that's what I wanted to tell you,
that God is here to healup the brokenhearted.
And I'm also thinkingabout young athletes.
You work so hard.
I mean, I know what it'slike to go in the gym
and really pump it hard.
And you've worked as hard as you could.
You've run and you've swum andyou've done all the things.
You've done your gymnasticsand you were hoping to go
to the Olympics and nowthe Olympics are canceled
and there's no future inthe athletic arena for you
and you're brokenhearted.
And I think of parentswho watched their children
that they invested so much hope in
and the children have taken fentanyl,
or they've taken one of these opioids
or they're hooked on cocaine or crack,
or one of the other drugsthat have come along
and they've seen that sonor daughter just waste away.
And they looked and this ismy child that I love so much
and they're gone and you're brokenhearted.
Right now, I want to pray for you.
I want to start thisprogram and just tell you,
God knows you're suffering.
He's with you despite these things.
And He is here to bindup the brokenhearted
at this Christmastime.
And Father, we come beforeYou and we lift before You
those in this audiencewho are brokenhearted.
Their dreams are shattered.
Their lives are taken away.
Their loved ones have died.
They themselves have lost the hopes
and dreams and they're shattered.
And Lord, I pray right now for them.
You said You've come tobind up the brokenhearted.
And even as we start thisprogram, would you please
bind up the brokenheartedin this audience.
Lord, I thank You that You arethe God of hope and dreams.
Thank You, Lord in Jesus' name, thank you.
- [Wendy] Amen.
- And, well...
- That was a beautiful prayer.
And so many people need that right now.
Pat, thank you so much, wow.
- Well, I mean, I just felt so strong.
You know, the Bee Geeshad a number one song
a few years ago called HowDo You Heal a Broken Heart?
And you know, people,
their hearts are broken and God knows it.
He said, I have come to healand bind up the brokenhearted.
So please at this Christmastime
rather than singing allthese happy, jolly things,
you know it's phony andyour heart is breaking.
God knows it, and He's going to bind it up
if you just turn it over to Him right now.
- Amen, that's one of myfavorite verses in all the Bible.
When I was going throughmy own heartbreak,
God is near the brokenhearted.- That's right.
- And right before that, it says,
He knows all the stars by name.
I thought, okay, Lord, youknow, all the stars by name
then you also know howbroken my heart is right now.
- That's right, well,there's so many right now
who are suffering, I mean, this pandemic
has just killed people'shopes, their dreams,
their aspirations, and their lives.
And God knows you're suffering, all right?
Well, turning to the news,
not nearly enough tohelp hurting Americans.
President Trump evisceratedthe COVID relief bill
calling the $600 perAmerican, "ridiculously low."
He also really ridiculed themoney for foreign countries,
lobbyists, and special interest groups,
as well as the bill'spolitical pork at home.
Well, you know what he can doif he just does a pocket veto
if he will not sign itbefore Congress adjourns,
then the bill will die and it should die.
You know the old linehere, we've got to pass it
so we can understand what's in it.
Hundreds of pages of pork inthis gigantic monstrosity.
Heather Sells explains.(logo swooshing)
- [Heather] Tuesday night thePresident unleashed his attack
on the bill with a Twittervideo criticizing it
for not doing enough to help Americans.
- Congress found plenty ofmoney for foreign countries,
lobbyists, and special interests
while sending the bare minimum
to the American people who need it.
It's called the COVID relief bill,
but it has almostnothing to do with COVID.
This bill contains $85.5 millionfor assistance to Cambodia,
$134 million to Burma,$1.3 billion for Egypt.
- [Heather] The president also went after
the bill's political pork at home,
including 40 millionfor the Kennedy Center
and 154 million for theNational Gallery of Art.
And he said the bill's stimulus checks,
600 per individual, are not enough.
- I am asking Congress to amend this bill
and increase the ridiculously low $600
to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple.
- [Heather] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
quickly tweeted her supportfor the 2,000 number
as did Senator Bernie Sanders.
The President's announcementcomes after months
of congressionalstalemate on COVID relief,
followed by the package'squick introduction Monday
and overwhelming support in both houses.
- The American peoplehave waited long enough.
- [Heather] But fiscalconservatives like Senator Rand Paul
said Americans can'tafford to add 2.5 trillion
to the nation's $27 trillion debt.
- If free money were the answer,
if money really grew on trees,why not give more free money?
Why not give it out all the time?
Why stop at $600 a person?
Why not $1,000?
Why not $2,000?
- [Heather] President-electBiden applauded the bill
and promised more stimulus next year.
- We're gonna need to makesure that we're in a position
that we can provide forthe opportunity for people
to begin to go back towork and get new jobs.
- [Heather] The presidentdid not specifically vow
to veto the bill but because it's attached
to a broader funding measure,
the government will shut downon December 29th without it.
Heather Sells, CBN news.
- You remember that famous statement,
we've got to pass the billso we can see what's in it?
The Congress hasn't had achance to read this thing.
It is a monstrosity.
Listen, I'll give you some other examples
of wasteful spending in this bill.
101 million to combatthe transnational threat
of wildlife poaching.
250 million over five yearsfor Palestinian economic aid.
15 billion for grants tolive entertainment venues
such as Broadway.
And this is the kicker, $10 million
for gender programs in Pakistan.
Folks, it isn't their money,it's yours they're wasting.
And it's just horrible.
Our children and grandchildrenwill be in debt forever.
And what I see down theroad, without question
there's going to be an attemptto grab your money, you know,
like they did in Cypruswhere they actually came in
and took them about 1/3 ofthe people's bank accounts.
They may have given some phonygovernment bonds in exchange
but I think that's what's going to happen
because something'sgoing to have to be done.
And all that moneysitting in bank accounts
and in IRAs and 401ks and all that,
this bunch is going to wantto take it away from you.
So you mark my word, this has got to be,
but they can't keepwasting money this way.
This is insanity, insanity.
What is wrong with those people?
You know, you want toact like it's your money.
It's not, it isn't your money,
but that's what theysay socialism will stop.
As long as this, it'llcontinue, I should say
as long as it's somebody else's money
they can pocket, they can pick.
But in other news, morepolitical chaos in Israel
after the government collapsed overnight.
George Thomas has morefrom the CBN Newsroom.
- Pat speaking of insanity, forthe fourth time in two years
Israelis are headingto national elections.
The so-called coalition government
fell apart after months of disagreement.
CBN Middle Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell
explains what happened.
(logo swooshing)
- [Chris] The Knesset wasdissolved automatically
at midnight after the deadlineexpired to pass a 2020 budget
or a bill to extend that deadline.
- [Translator] We need to say
that we're in a complicated period
with multiple challengeswith multiple conflicts.
It appears to me that there is not an end
of the conflicts in the public
and also naturally in this building.
- [Chris] During the last seven months,
the short-lived coalitionbetween Israeli prime minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party
and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz's
Blue and White Party was plaguedby mistrust and infighting.
- [Translator] To my great sorrow,
we couldn't find enough in common
in order to prevent another election.
And in order to allow the 23rd Knesset
and its members to realize themandate that was given to us.
- [Chris] Earlier Netanyahuand Gantz blamed each other
for the government collapse.
- [Translator] Apparently Blue and White,
including it's people whowere going to vote here
are going to drag us intounnecessary elections.
I want to tell you that I'mnot afraid of elections.
We're prepared for that.
We will win.
- [Translator] I had no illusionsin regards with Netanyahu.
I knew his record as aserial promise violator.
- [Chris] The upcoming elections
are scheduled for March 23rd.
According to opinion polls,Likud will still have a lead
over other parties, butGideon Sa'ar's New Hope Party
and Naftali Bennett's JewishHome party will also draw
a large following from the right.
Those polls show Gantz as the big loser
with his Blue and White Partywinning just five to six seats
in the 120-member Knesset.
Adding another twist,Netanyahu's corruption trial
is set to begin afterthe first of the year.
With a possible thirdCOVID lockdown on the way
and all the mudslinging,analysts say this could be
the toughest electionIsrael has ever seen.
- Well, Chris joins us now from Jerusalem
for more on the political upheaval.
Listen, how has thatpolitical landscape changed?
And what does this mean for Netanyahu?
- Well, Pat, right now wejust mentioned in that report
two rising stars, first onGideon Sa'ar and Naftali Bennett.
Sa'ar left the Likud, Netanyahu's party.
He's forming his own party,it's called New Hope.
And yet he's taking severalLikud members with him,
and that's very significant.
He's very popular.
He's pulling up to about20 seats right now.
And the other challengerright now is Bennett.
And he's risen dramatically in the polls.
He's nearly doubled his seats
in the polls to about 15 seats.
He's very popular, Pat,with small businesses
because he supported themduring the coronavirus pandemic.
So both these challengersare on the right,
and now Sa'ar says, he's notgoing to serve with Netanyahu.
on the other hand, Bennett and Netanyahu,
they're at odds as well.
So Netanyahu really facesa challenge from the right,
and what might their strategy be?
They might try to form agovernment without Netanyahu.
So that's a possible challengeto Netanyahu, but we know
that Israel right now isstill a right-wing country.
Netanyahu's Likud isstill the strongest party.
So Pat, we'll have to waitand watch to see what happens.
- Well, how about theprime minister's trial?
Is that going to affect the election?
- Well you know, some peoplesay it's already been a concern
in the past three elections.
He's been indicted now.
He does face that trialprobably in February,
but it doesn't seem to havebeen having a major impact.
It's sort of baked into
what the voters are saying right now.
The big difference, Pat,will be that he's actually
going to be in the courtroomduring the campaign.
And that might make adifference when they see him
on the campaign trail andthen see him in the court.
But he can point to two bigachievements for Israelis.
And I think that's going to have an impact
on the election as well.
First of all, the Abraham Accords
have had a huge impact here.
They see the benefits of tourism
and trade with many ofthese Arab countries.
It's really one of thefew countries in the world
that can claim their geopoliticalgains during the pandemic.
And also he's been ableto acquire millions
of doses of the vaccine.
So that's another plusfor Netanyahu, but Pat,
believe it or not, there's some pundits
that are already wondering
because of the fracturedpolitical landscape,
that's here in Israel rightnow that Israel might go
to a fifth election sometimenext August, believe it or not.
- Chris, one last question.
You know, I look at prophecy, Ezekiel 38,
and I see what's happened to Erdogan.
He is making real badovertures against Israel,
and there seems to be a coalitionof a radical Muslim states
that really want to come,
and I'm sure Iran wantsto do away with Israel.
When they are as fracturedas it looks like,
do you think, is there any possibility
that these enemies might decide, okay
Israel is too weak for usand we'll go after them?
- Well, it's certainly a possibility, Pat,
because Israel is certainlypolitically afraid right now
and vulnerable and will befor the next several months.
There will be a transitional government.
Netanyahu will remain as prime minister.
But as you say, Erdogan really
is making bold steps against Israel.
In fact, one of hismain journalistic papers
just a few weeks ago saidthat Jerusalem is ours.
We've talked about thatbefore with Erdogan.
He claims Jerusalem as his own.
He wants to target the Al-Aqsa Mosque
here on the temple Mount so who knows,
there could be a coalitionbetween Turkey and Iran.
Certainly they have a mutual goal
of destroying the Jewish state.
And that would be a fulfillment
of what Ezekiel saidabout 2,500 years ago.
- [Pat] That's right.
- And I said, we'll haveto wait and to watch
to see what happens.- We'll have to wait.
Thank you.- But certainly a time
to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
- It really is.
Well, folks, as I told youbefore, you keep your eyes
on what's going on becauseAmerica is weakened.
We have an interregnum, we havekind of like two presidents.
So we have fights going on
and the head of our Defense Department
is not there in office,at least this transition
and so who knows whether these dictators
will decide now's the chance.
But you know, at thebeginning of the year,
I felt that Trump wasgoing to be tested sorely.
The first thing that has tested them
is this attack on our infrastructure.
This has been an incredible,it's clearly an act of war.
Trump's trying to say, well,it's really the Chinese,
but no, it isn't theChinese, it's the Russians.
And they've gone after us.
But you've got, you know, theNorth Koreans making noise.
You've got the peoplein ISIS reorganizing.
You've got Iran trying to close off
some of those violent waterways.
There's no question that as we get weaker,
Israel is one of our dear friends,
as these people get weaker,
it will embolden these otherpeople to try to test us.
And there's no doubt this attack we've had
on our infrastructure, this blatant attack
is just the opening gunof a long series of tests
against an interregnum in America, George.
- Pat, investigators saythe Islamic Republic of Iran
was behind a website targetingfederal and state officials
who discredited presidentTrump's claims of election fraud.
The website called Enemiesof the People featured images
and home addresses ofmore than a dozen people,
including FBI Director Christopher Wray
and former Homeland SecurityOfficial Christopher Krebs.
Krebs has publicly stated thatthe election was not stolen.
The FBI says Iran hassought to divide our country
and undermine our institutionssince before the election,
including sending threatening emails
to Democratic voters underthe guise of far-right groups.
Last night, PresidentTrump pardoned 15 people
and commuted the sentences of five others.
The pardons included allies
caught up in the Russia investigation
such as George Papadopoulos
who was Trump's 2016 campaign advisor
and two former Republican Congressmen,
Duncan Hunter of California
who pleaded guilty tomisusing campaign funds.
And lastly, Chris Collins of New York
who was convicted of insider trading.
The President also pardoned four men,
private security contractors,convicted of killing more
than a dozen Iraqi civiliansin Baghdad back in 2007.
Pat, as the song goes, theweather outside is frightful.
Thunderstorms and snow areheaded for the Northeast
this Christmas, tomorrow heavyrain and potential flooding
from Northern Virginiaup through Massachusetts
followed by heavy winds andthen a burst of cold air
that will bring snow to partsof the area on Christmas day.
Unfortunately for us folks herein the Southeastern quadrant
of our state of Virginia, no snow, Pat.
- Can't have a whiteChristmas, doesn't matter,
but it was cold and it was 31 degrees.
It's a little bit warmer now,
but we're still not having any snow.
Up in New York State ishuge amounts of snow.
- I love snow.- Yeah, I do, too.
- It's so hard to seeit every year from here.
- Yeah, I want somesnow, I like snow, okay.