Read Transcript
(upbeat music)
- Well, it's time for your questions
and some honest answers.
Pat Bryan says, "I enjoy your show
"but why are you against socialism?
"I believe in helping the poor,
"and Jesus was the greatestsocialist of all time."
- Oh, I have to differ with you on that.
He was the greatesthumanitarian of all time,
because he gave himself but hedidn't ever set up a system,
which enforced giving.
He didn't set up a systemwhich took away from people.
And as a matter of fact,when you look at it,
socialism around the world,
it has led to the deathof 100 million people
around the world,
it has been a plaguethat his cursed society,
because it starts out, inthe early days in Jerusalem,
they had pure absolutesocialism, you're right.
They gave away all their property,
they gave away all themeans of production.
And then what happened,they all went broke,
they all went broke andPaul was getting offerings
for his for the poor saints in Jerusalem.
The same thing happened in New England,
when they first startedout trying to be socialist.
And what happened was,the wives would say,
"you want me to work
"and make money forthat guy down the road?
"No way, I wanna make it for me."
So when they stopped the socialism
and started pure capitalism,
that's when they began to prosper.
Because every person wasresponsible for his own debts,
his own responsibility,
but socialism says we can giveand give and give and give.
And who's gonna give?
Well, the answer is,
as long as it's taken outof somebody else's pocket,
and socialism is a system
where the government takesit out of your pocket,
but when they stop having pockets to pick,
then they have to go to tyrannise
and that's what happens in communism,
we don't like it, we don't want it.
- Okay, this is Dawn, who says,
"Pat, you took a coupledays to pray with the Lord
"and received a message
"that President Trump would be re-elected.
"I've been holding on to that answer, Pat.
"I feel God hasn't had Hislast word on this election.
"My concern/question is what now?
"Pat, what do you hear from the Lord?
"I'm feeling stressed over the situation."
- You're not as stressed as I've been.
I was early this morningbefore I waked up.
I really was, I mean, before I got up,
I said, "God, I'm so tired, Idon't know what I'm gonna do"
and then the Lord said,will you start praying,
I said, okay, in the name of Jesus,
I bind the spirit of delusions
that has come across our land,
we will not surrender our nation,
we will not give up this great country
and Satan, you cannot haveit in the name of Jesus
and I began to pray, andI believe God is heard
and I'm asking everybodyin this audience to pray.
It isn't over yet, andI don't think again,
he wants to turn thisnation over to socialism,
and Bernie Sanders and AOC
and those people are pure socialists,
and they wanna take overcontrol of everything.
They wanna run all the business,
they wanna run all the industry,
they wanna redo all the energy we've got,
they wanna take away your cars,
they wanna stop people flying airplanes.
I mean, it is crazy what theyhave, we cannot allow that.
So let's pray and what am I hearing?
I still think Trump'sgonna ultimately win.
- Okay.- Okay.
- Okay, just wanna give you a plug here.
She said, Dawn said, She's also reading,
"I Have Walked With the LivingGod", and she says, awesome.
- I'm grand, I'm grand, I'm grand.
- This is Jack, who says,
"Pat, I have so calledfriends that go to a church
"I used to go to and Iused to be their pastor.
"They told me because I don'tgo to their church anymore
"their new pastor told themnot to talk to me anymore.
"And they say that the Word of God says
"that if you leave the church,
"they can't talk to you anymore.
"What do you have to say about that?"
- I don't know anything in the Bible
that says any such thing that.
If somebody is in the sin, Imean, if they're fornicators,
if they're crooks, andthey claim to be Christians
don't even eat with them.
But he said, I have to deal with it.
Undoubtable either that I'llhave to leave the world.
But we try to bring
the fallen brethren back into fellowship.
But whatever you're telling me
they said in that churchis not from the Bible.