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Comedian Adam Carolla Takes On 'Cancel Culture' in Documentary 'No Safe Spaces'

Comedian Adam Carolla Takes On 'Cancel Culture' in Documentary 'No Safe Spaces' Read Transcript

- In the film,

"No Safe Spaces"

comedian and top podcaster Adam Carolla

shares the screen

with conservative talkradio host, Dennis Prager.

The men explore threatsto the First Amendment

and freedom of thought in America.

Something Carolla saysthe mainstream media

refuses to admit.

- [Kid] You have theright to remain silent.

- [Kid] Anything you say,

- [Kids] Will be used against you.

- First and foremost, we wanted to make it

an entertaining film

and that it is.

But it has a lot of perspectivefrom both sides of the aisle

and some pretty interesting stories

that maybe the news didn'texactly fully cover.

[Charlene Aaron] Carolla admitsthat while he and Prager,

come from different backgrounds,

they share the same passion

about fighting the politicalcorrect culture's aim

to squash speech they don't like.

- I like people's values.

And when I have a valuethat I share with somebody

then I'm immediately attracted to them

even though in DennisPrager's particular case

we could not be further apart on paper

in terms of how we grew up.

He was an East Coast guyand I was a West Coast guy.

And we just couldn't

be, further apart

except for the part where wehave the exact same values.

- [Charlene Aaron] "No Safe Spaces"

now available on DVD and streaming

became 2019's top-grossingpolitical documentary

after showcasing the erosionof First Amendment rights.

- You are not listening!

I want your job to be taken from you.

- [Announcer] A protest has turned violent

at California Berkeley.

- This is why we're fightingfor the soul of America.

- [Charlene Aaron] Carolla also points out

how this generation has been trained

to hate alternative options,

despise debates, and unleashanger on any opposing views.

- Our free speech is to be,

if you don't like somethingthat your congressman

is doing or saying, or theprincipal of the school

or the police captain, thenwe're allowed to speak up.

- [Charlene Aaron] Yeah

- And voice our disagreement.

And that was kind of whatfree speech was based on.

That part of free speech hasnot only not been altered

or changed, it's been turbocharged.

- [Charlene Aaron] He saysthe purpose of free speech

Isn't about stifling voices

including those with whom you disagree.

- The part that we didn'tunderstand about the free speech

is comedians making jokes,

professors sticking to their guns,

parents saying, "I don't want this subject

"brought up in school."

We didn't know those peoplewere gonna be shut down.

We put in place so we couldspeak our truth to power.

Not so we could get folksfired from their jobs.

- [Charlene Aaron] Thedocumentary also features backlash

faced by comedians, suchas Tim Allen and Kevin Hart

for comments seen as crossingfree speech boundaries.

- Kevin Hart has stepped down

from hosting this year's Oscars.

- [Kid] Anything yousay that we don't like

will be used to shut you up.

- [Charlene Aaron] Hart's decision came

after liberal outrage over old tweets

that included comments on homosexuality.

Carolla sees his jobas making people laugh.

Even if it makes some mad in the process.

- I have one truth, it'sthe truth as I know it.

And that's what I'm gonna say

because at the end ofthe day, I'm a comedian.

Why would I get into comedy

to figure out what people wanna hear?

That sounds like the opposite of comedy.

- Yeah.

- How about I say what I wanna say?

- [Charlene Aaron] He calls the film

an eye opener for all Americans.

- I think it's kind of thing

that's important to watchwith your kids as well.

You know, you've got probably 11 and up

or something like that, but it's a good,

it's a good thing to know.

You can agree with all of it.

You can disagree with some of it

or most of it, it doesn't really matter.

You should still be exposed to it.

- [Charlene Aaron] Meanwhile,Carolla says he is not afraid

of speaking his mind.

And urges others to not be afraid

about speaking out for what they believe.

- Their power is your fear.

And they don't have any actual power.

Their power is you're scared of them.

Once you speak up and you stay the course,

they leave you alone.

There's nothing they can do.

They have no dominion over you.

The dominion they hold overyou is your own personal fear.

- Charlene Aaron, CBN News.


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