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Nothing Is Safe From the Cancel Culture Mob

Nothing Is Safe From the Cancel Culture Mob Read Transcript

- [Dale] The censors have come

for the children's cartoon "Paw Patrol",

"Gone with the Wind", LEGOs,

the Cracker Barrel restaurant chain,

and even a ride at DisneyWorld called Splash Mountain.

All in the name of trying to erase

the culturally insensitive.

It seems nothing is safe fromthe cancel culture movement.

Hollywood stars havegone public to confess

their supposed sins ofignoring racial injustice.

- I take responsibility.

- I take responsibility.

- They could also be tryingto save their careers,

a number of celebritiesand corporate heads

have already lost theirjobs for alleged racism

or cultural insensitivity.

Even the editorial pageeditor of the liberal

"New York Times".

Another casualty is TheChurch of the Highlands

in Birmingham, Alabamawith 60,000 attendees.

They will no longer be ableto meet at local high schools

after the pastor likedsocial media posts supporting

President Trump and wasdeclared culturally insensitive.

Freedom of speech iscontinuing to lose ground

in America to a kind ofsocially enforced group think.

Saying the wrong thing, orsimply not saying anything

could have the thought policedeciding you're a bad person.

- The worst crimes are committedby people saving the world.

- David Horowitz who ledthe '60's anti-war movement

says the difference betweenthe Vietnam War protests

and the George Floyd protestsis that Black Lives Matter

has real power to changeAmerica thanks to the backing

of the democratic party,corporate America and the media.

- Yeah, I find thisshocking that so many people

cave into this.

All the stupid apologies by people,

and you know then Hollywoodfunding the looters.

Who do you think is mosthurt by these riots?

Poor black people.

Who's gonna be hurt themost by defunding the police

and tying their hands?

Poor black people.

- [Dale] Even some onthe left are now alarmed

by the censorship and firings.

University of PennsylvaniaProfessor Jonathan Zimmerman,

a staunch opponent of President Trump,

wrote in the "ChicagoTribune", that what he calls

rituals of public humiliation

are not accomplishing anything.

- The irony of our momentis you find a lot of people

saying you know, we needan honest conversation

about race, but thenessentially erecting barriers

about what can be said on it.

And that's not formula foran honest conversation.

- [Dale] When I askedProfessor Zimmerman if America

was headed into dangerousterritory he replied:

- Dale, we're not headedtowards it, we're in it!

Like, this is not ajourney, we've arrived, man!

- [Dale] Zimmerman saysAmerica urgently needs

a bipartisan movementto defend free speech.

Before coming to Christ,political activist Tiana Elisara

marched with the leftagainst President Trump.

- All my life I was taughtthat there was someone

holding me down, the system is against me.

- [Dale] Now she hoststhe "Left the Left" show

on social media.

She says she understandsthe hearts of the protestors

and those who are censoring.

- My heart is heavy because

I know they have good intentions,

but what I'm most sad aboutis that they are being

grossly manipulated to fitsomeone's political agenda.

- [Dale] America was foundedon the principal of pluralism.

The idea that different views are welcome.

That America doesn'tseem to exist anymore.

Dale Hurd, CBN news.

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