Actress Melissa Anchutz takes us inside her latest film, “Lost Heart.†Plus, comedian Adam Carolla takes aim at cancel culture and shares ways we can get back our rights on today’s 700 Club.
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(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Mark] Today.
- [Woman] You have theright to remain silent.
- [Mark] The high cost of free speech.
- You are not listening.
I want your job to be taken from you.
- [Mark] Comedian Adam Carollatakes aim at cancel culture.
- We didn't know those peoplewere gonna be shut down.
- [Mark] And shares the waywe can get back our rights.
- [Adam] Their power is your fear.
Their power is we're scared of them.
- [Mark] Go inside the newfilm, "No Safe Spaces."
- [Adam] Yeah, but I cansay what I want to say.
- [Mark] On today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."
If you're like me, you'reamazed at President Trump.
I have never seen anybody
with such indefatigable energy in my life.
And he is going fromstate to state to state,
long meetings, huge crowds,
and he's not gonna rest one minute
until this thing is over.
And it looks like right now,
the big thing that I want toexplain as we start this show,
the Democrats have apparentlybeen voting by mail
and a large number oftheir votes are already in.
The election will be decided
whether or not the Republicanpeople turn out to vote.
And so your vote is extremely important.
And a lot of Republicanssay, "We vote in person,"
many of the Democrats vote by mail.
And so many millionsand millions of people,
an unprecedented number,have already voted.
It's going to be a huge election,
but I want to emphasize,your vote matters.
And it is so important,
so if you haven't mailedin a ballot, that's fine.
Show up to the poll.
And the polls are open andtomorrow's the big day,
so by all means, get out to vote.
Well, the final countdown,
President Trump is, asI said, is in overdrive,
readying up support in five states today,
on top of five yesterday.
Joe Biden is still hammering the president
on the COVID cases.
And the president is firing back
about the dangers of a Biden lockdown.
The big question will be,
will we have a winner on election night?
We're gonna have a big program here
and I think it will be decided.
And what about the day after?
Is it going to be chaos in the streets?
Dale Hurd has that.
- President Donald Trump and Joe Biden
will be making their closing arguments
to the American people today
as the long race to the White House
approaches the finish line.
- It's time for Donald Trumpto pack his bags and go home.
- [Dale] Trump and Bidenspent the last weekend
before election day inkey battleground states.
- Our Father and our God,we pray for our president.
Protect him and his familyand protect our nation.
And we pray this in Jesus' name.
- [Dale] Trump is hittingfive states today,
on top of large ralliesacross five states Sunday,
many of them states he won in 2016.
- And we're going to win fourmore years in the White House.
- [Dale] With reported COVIDcases rising in most states,
Joe Biden is slamming Trump'shandling of the pandemic.
- Imagine where we'd be
if this is president just wore a mask
instead of mocked it from the beginning.
- It's a choice betweena deadly Biden lockdown.
He wants to lock down.
We'll never lock him down.
- [Dale] Meanwhile, theUS Elections Project
shows more than 94 million Americans
have already cast their ballots,
surpassing 2/3 of all ballots cast
during the 2016 presidential election,
folks like these Virginiavoters waiting hours in line
to make sure their vote is counted.
- There's so much on the line.
- [Mark] What's on the line for you?
- Our freedom.
- [Dale] But the hugenumber of mail-in ballots
threatens to prolong the counting
and delay declaring a winner.
- We should know the result ofthe election on November 3rd.
That's the way it's been.
- [Dale] Biden campaignsenior advisor, Anita Dunn,
thinks we'll know theresults from some key states.
- Georgia and North Carolinaand Florida are all states
that I think we can reasonably assume
we're gonna hear results from,
either election night orearly the next morning.
- [Dale] Trump campaignsenior advisor, Jason Miller,
told ABC's "This Week,"
he believes election nightwill show a Trump victory.
It's after election daythat he's worried about.
- You speak with many smart Democrats,
they believe that PresidentTrump will be ahead
on election night,
probably getting 280 electoral,somewhere in that range.
And then they're gonnatry to steal it back
after the election.
- Meanwhile, many shopsin offices in major cities
have already been boarded up
amid fears of left-wingrioting after the election.
This feels in some wayslike a repeat of 2016
with Trump down in many polls,
but with a sense that the pollsters
have again underestimated his support.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Well, CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst, David Brody,
is joining us for more aboutwhere this race stands.
David, all eyes are onPennsylvania and it looks like,
when Biden talked aboutshutting down fossil fuels,
he opened the door for Trump.
What do you think?
- You're absolutely right, Pat.
As a matter of fact,
those poll numbers inPennsylvania started to plummet,
six points, five points.
Now about four or threepoints in Pennsylvania
in terms of a Biden lead, atleast according to the polls.
But even if you give Bidena three or four point lead,
the last time I checked,that's in the margin of error.
And here comes Trump nation,
Make America Great Again nation, MAGA,
as we've heard all about,
and as you said at the top of the show,
that is what the Trumpcampaign is relying on,
that MAGA nation will show up on Tuesday.
Look, I think Pennsylvania,
if we're talking about Pennsylvanialate on a Tuesday night,
that is not good news for theBiden campaign and here's why.
Because what the Biden campaignhopes happens on Tuesday
is that somehow, some way,he actually wins Florida
and North Carolina.
If he wins Florida, North Carolina, look,
it's gonna be tough.
It'll be really toughfor Donald Trump to win,
as a matter of fact, near impossible,
especially if Biden winsFlorida, North Carolina.
I don't expect that to happen,
but that is the Biden best case scenario.
- David, it looks like Florida'sbeen voting Republican.
They've got a Republicangovernor, other things are in.
Does it look like it'sbreaking for Trump in Florida?
- It does, that's what the polls suggest.
But forget the polls for a second.
I talked to a campaign source
and a very high level campaignsource that I can't reveal,
but I'll just tell you this,
that the numbers that they have,
specifically as itrelates to early voting,
is that in essence, the Democratsare up two points or so.
That's nothing in Florida.
Two points in early voting is nothing.
The Democrats shouldbe up 10, 11, 12 points
roughly after early voting, they are not.
The fact that Democrats areonly up about two points
in all of early voting,
we're talking about mail-in voting
and then in-person voting as well,
that is not good news for Democrats at all
when it comes to Florida.
Same thing with North Carolina.
North Carolina,
I don't want to kind ofgeek out on the numbers,
but in North Carolina, theearly voting for Democrats
needed to be north of 200,000votes going into election day
for Democrats to feel good.
It's way under 200,000.
In other words, it's almostvirtually tied in North Carolina
when it comes to early voting.
Once again, good newsfor Trump considering,
and what they're banking on
is that the voting on election night
will obviously be intheir favor in spades.
- The big thing that they'relooking at is the Senate, too.
And you've got McSally in Arizona,
you've got Tillis in North Carolina,
you've got some of these other races.
You've got Tommy Tuberville,who might pick up a seat,
and you've got Cory Gardnerwho might lose one in Colorado,
et cetera.
And Susan Collins in Maine.
How do you see theseSenate races breaking?
- Well, Pat, it's gonnabe tough for Republicans.
They're working ondefending a lot of seats.
And if you go through the list, I mean,
Cory Gardner in Colorado, aRepublican, is in trouble.
Susan Collins in Maine isin trouble, those are two.
Now Joni Ernst, the good news for her,
is that the polling seemsto be on an uptick for her.
So she potentially couldsave her seat in Iowa.
Thom Tillis, that'sgonna be neck and neck,
but as we know, a risingtide lifts all boats.
So if Trump is doing well
in North Carolina on election night,
that should pull Tillisover the finish line.
And I can go on and on.
You've got LindseyGraham in South Carolina,
he should be okay though he'sin a very tight race there.
The Martha McSally race, asyou mentioned in Arizona,
is tough for Republicans.
But once again, if thepresident does well in Arizona,
especially in MaricopaCounty, in that Phoenix area,
that's gonna lift McSally as well.
So bottom line is it's gonna be tight.
- The president is thinkingwe should know the winner.
Who will be reporting early
that we can make some kind of a trend on?
- You bet.
The key states to look atearly on, by 8:00 p.m. Eastern,
are gonna be Florida,North Carolina and Georgia.
All of those states are notonly very important, obviously,
but they're already counting ballots.
I mean, they're alreadycounting early ballots.
So at 7:00 p.m. Eastern,
when many of these pollsclose across the country,
on the East Coast, that is,
they're gonna drop thatearly voting, those numbers,
excuse me, into the system.
And so we're gonna start tosee those numbers right away
and by 8:00 p.m. or so,
we should have an idea
of who won North Carolina,Florida, and Georgia,
especially if it's notgonna be razor-thin close.
I'm looking at Miami-DadeCounty, specifically,
as it relates to Florida.
That's where the big Latinogroup is, if you will.
And if Donald Trump doesbetter in Miami-Dade
than he did in 2016, thatmeans he's gonna win Florida.
So bottom line, Pat, Florida,North Carolina, Georgia early,
and then we move to the RustBelt later in the evening.
And quite frankly, possiblyinto Wednesday, and November,
and who knows, even December.
- (laughs) Let us hope and pray
we don't have to wait that long.
I think this country will be in chaos.
They're boarding up the stores
and they certainly aren't right-wingers
who are gonna do the damage.
They're looking at theseAntifas and people like that
to tear the place up if Trump's ahead.
- Yeah, and Pat, can Ijust make one last point?
I just wanted to make this very clear.
I just got off the phonewith a Trump campaign source.
In 2016, the Trump campaignmade 10 million calls
across the country.
Ready for this Pat?
In just this week alone,
the Trump campaign hasmade 10 million calls
to people across thecountry, in one week in 2020.
Compared to 2016,
where they did 10 millionfor the entire campaign.
That gives you a sense ofwhat the ground game is
when it comes to Trump.
That's what they'reexpecting on Tuesday night.
My sense is this race hasturned in the last 48 hours.
We'll see what happens.
- That means the Democrats are scared.
They've been looking at that,
"We're up 10 points, we're up 12 points.
We were gonna win the thing goin' away."
And it looks like they losing it.
Is that what you're saying?- Yeah, exactly, Pat.
I mean, it does look like,once again, losing, winning,
I won't get into the prediction business,
but I'll just simply say froman analytical standpoint,
things are looking verymuch on the upswing
for this Trump campaign.
- David, thank you so much.
And we look forward to gettingtogether on election night
for a cogent analysis asthe results start coming in.
- Thanks, Pat.- Okay.
Ban late-term abortion,
that's what voters in Coloradowill have the power to do
at the polls tomorrow.
Will the initiative knownas Proposition 115 pass?
Charlene Aaron has the outlook.
- Colorado was one of severalstates without time limits
on when a woman can get an abortion.
Pro-lifers in the state,
hope voters will change that narrative
by voting yes on election day to a measure
that restricts abortion after 22 weeks.
- This has been the blood,sweat and tears of Christians
and pro-lifers in this state.
It's on the November 3rd ballot now,
and we're quite excited about it.
- [Charlene] In 1967,
Colorado became the firststate to legalize abortion,
six years before Roe v. Wademade it legal nationwide.
More than 50 years later,it's one of seven states,
plus the District of Columbia,
that allows a baby to beaborted up to the ninth month.
Across the state, abortion opponents,
including Focus On The Family,
hope to change that with theinitiative, Proposition 115.
- Colorado needs to jointhe majority of states
who recognize that ababy's life at 22 weeks
and capable of experiencing pain,
will stick its tongueout, will suck its thumb
and can recognize its mother's voice.
- [Charlene] It alsoincludes serious consequences
for doctors who violate the order.
- It makes it a misdemeanor
and a physician performingsuch an abortion
would lose his license fora period of three years.
It does not punish the woman at all
for undergoing the abortion.
- [Charlene] The editorialboard of "The Denver Post"
opposes the ban,
saying, "Colorado's prosecutorsshould not be in exam rooms
with patients and their obstetricians."
Many are split on the issue.
A recent poll foundthat 42% favor the ban,
while 45% say they'll vote no.
Past attempts to restrictabortion have failed.
Earlier this year, statelawmakers voted down legislation
that would have mandatedphysicians provide medical care
to a child born alive afteror during an abortion.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- You know the one thing wecannot abide is infanticide.
And the governor of Virginia,
the current governor of Virginia,
said if there's a botched abortion
and a child is born alive, you will,
"Keep him comfortable till youdecide what to do with it."
This is the governor of our state.
- [Terry] And a doctor.
- Yeah, he's a doctor who said that.
It makes you sick at your stomach.
That's infanticide.
And partial birth abortion,it is no question,
it is infanticide.
The baby is actuallyleaving the birth canal,
is partially born and theypunch a hole in his head
and suck his brains out.
That is what we're talkingabout and it's horrible.
I remember when that debatewith Hillary Clinton,
and Trump brought that out
and she would not get off it one bit.
"Absolutely, I am, you know,
against any ban onpartial birth abortion."
There's no way you can say
that's part of the health of a woman.
So the one thing that this law
that they're talking about in Colorado,
it would punish the abortion provider.
It would not be make acriminal case against the woman
and I think that that is a good thing.
You don't want to put a woman in jail
because she's having an abortion,
but the abortion providersshould be held at,
you know, before the law.
If he's killing a baby, infanticide,
we cannot permit it, ladies and gentlemen.
What kind of a society are weif we do that sort of thing?
- Well, still ahead, nausea,head spinning, eyes watering,
excruciating migraine pain.
That's what this professor endured
for as long as she could remember.
Medicine never worked,
so how did she find a curewithout leaving her home?
She'll tell you herself.
That's coming up.
And up next, he's a comedianand a top podcaster,
but his new movie is no laughing matter.
Adam Carolla exposes thedanger of the cancel culture.
So why isn't he afraid to speak his mind?
(hopeful music)
(determined music)
- What is called the cancelculture is working hard
to wipe out free speech in America
and comedian, Adam Carolla,is determined to stop it.
He has an unlikely partner in this crusade
and together they've madea hard-hitting expose,
called "No Safe Spaces."
Charlene Israel has that story.
- In the film, "No Safe Spaces,
comedian and top podcaster,Adam Corolla, shares the screen
with conservative talk-radiohost, Dennis Prager.
The men explore threatsto the First Amendment
and freedom of thought in America,
something Carolla saysthe mainstream media
refuses to admit.
- [Child] You have theright to remain silent.
(dramatic music)
Anything you say- Will be used against you.
- First and foremost,
we wanted to make it anentertaining film and that it is.
But it has a lot of perspectivefrom both sides of the aisle
and some pretty interesting stories
that maybe the news didn'texactly fully cover.
- [Charlene] Carolla admits that while he
and Prager come fromdifferent backgrounds,
they share the same passion
about fighting the politicalcorrect culture's aim
to squash speech they don't like.
- I liked people's values.
And when I have a valuethat I share with somebody,
then I'm immediately attracted to them,
even though in DennisPrager's particular case,
we could not be further apart on paper
in terms of how we grew up.
He was an East Coast guyand I was a West Coast guy
and we just couldn't
be further apart
except for the part where wehave the exact same values.
- [Charlene] "No Safe Spaces,"
now available on DVD and streaming,
became 2019's top-grossingpolitical documentary
after showcasing the erosionof First Amendment rights.
- You are not listening.
I want your job to be taken from you.
- [Reporter] The protesthas turned violent
at California Berkeley.
- This is why we're fightingfor the soul of America.
- [Charlene] Carolla also points out
how this generation has been trained
to hate alternativeoptions, despise debates,
and unleash anger on any opposing views.
- Our free speech used to be,
if you don't like somethingthat your Congressman is doing
or saying, or the principal of the school,
or the police captain, thenwe're allowed to speak up
and voice our disagreement.
And that was kind of whatfree speech was based on.
That part of free speech
has not only not been altered or changed,
it's been turbocharged.
- [Charlene] He says thepurpose of free speech
isn't about stifling voices,
including those with whom you disagree.
- The part that we didn'tunderstand about the free speech
is comedians making jokes,
professors sticking to their guns,
parents saying,
"I don't want this subjectbrought up in school."
We didn't know those peoplewere gonna be shut down.
We put it in place so we couldspeak our truth to power,
not so we could get folksfired from their jobs.
- [Charlene] The documentaryalso features backlash
faced by comedians, suchas Tim Allen and Kevin Hart
for comments seen as crossingfree speech boundaries.
- Kevin Hart has stepped down
from hosting this year's Oscars.
- [Child] Anything yousay that we don't like
will be used to shut you up.
- [Charlene] Hart's decisioncame after liberal outrage
over old tweets, that includedcomments on homosexuality.
Carolla sees his jobas making people laugh,
even if it makes some mad in the process.
- I have one truth.
It's the truth as I know it,and that's what I'm gonna say
because at end of the day, I'm a comedian.
Why would I get into comedy
to figure out what people want to hear?
That sounds like the opposite of comedy.
How about I say what I want to say?
- [Charlene] He callsthe film an eye opener
for all Americans.
- I think it's the kind ofthing that's important to watch
with your kids as well.
You know, you got, probably 11 and up,
or something like that.
But it's a good thing to know.
You can agree with all of it.
You can disagree withsome of it or most of it,
it doesn't really matter.
You should still be exposed to it.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile,
Carolla says he is notafraid of speaking his mind
and urges others to not beafraid about speaking out
for what they believe.
- Their power is your fear
and they don't have any actual power.
Their power is you're scared of them.
Once you speak up and you stay the course,
they leave you alone.
There's nothing that can do.
They have no dominion over you.
The dominion they hold overyou is your own personal fear.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Take that, "Their hold overyou is your fear of them."
And boy are they, this cancel culture,
what is being done in higher education.
Faculty members will not get promoted
unless they believe in global warming,
unless they believe in all of these things
that are being put outas political correct.
And they cannot get promoted.
They cannot get tenure.
They cannot be departmentchairs, it's unbelievable.
What's happening in higher education,
but I won't go into all that now,
but the big thing, they've got us afraid.
And of course they lie a lotand if we can hold the course,
Adam Carolla said it right,
"Their hold over you is your fear."
And if you stand up for whatyou believe that, before long,
they'll leave you alone becausethey can't intimidate you.
- I think of the scripture that says,
"In having done all, stand,"
- That's right. (laughs)
Yeah, "having done all, stand."
- Well, we've been focusedon praying for America
during the weeks up to this election.
If you haven't joined us yet, please do.
Call our toll-free number, 1-800-700-7000.
Or go to,sign up there.
You can also text P-R-A-Y, pray, to 71777.
And we'd like to take just a moment now
and Pat, would you lead usin prayer for our country?
- I will, and folks, you know,
God is in control.
"This is my Father's world.
I rest me in that thought.
This is my Father's world."
He is all powerful and withhim, nothing is impossible.
So let us pray together.
The election is coming up.
But it's not just an election,
it's this nation we live inand the world we live in.
And chaos is so right at the edge
of breaking out throughout our world.
Father, in Jesus' name,we come before you humbly
and we pray for this nation.
And as the prophet said, "I'm a sinful man
and I live in the midst of a sinful man,
but my eyes have seen the Lord."
Now, Lord, we want to look to you
because you have the answers.
We can't solve all these problems,
world hunger, starvation,rioting, hatred, misery.
All the things that we'reseeing in this pandemic.
But, God, you can take control of it.
And so we ask that we, as people,
be worthy
of your love and attention.
And we pray for our great nation,
that's still the hope of the world
that we might see yourglory here in America
and throughout the world.
In Jesus' name, we ask it.
Amen.- Amen.
- Amen.
- Well, still ahead, asneak peek at the movie
featuring "SNL's" Victoria Jackson,
and "Happy Days," Don Most.
Actress and producer, Melissa Anschutz,
joins us live with all thelow-down on her new film.
That's coming up.
And then up next, no chocolate, no cheese,
no stress, no noise.
For years, this woman tried everything
to get rid of her punishing migraines.
So how was she healed in aninstant by touching her head
and stretching her hand?
See for yourself after this.
(uplifting music)
(upbeat music)
Just stepping into the sunlight,
that could trigger a full-blown migraine
for Lilia Santiague.
Her eyes watered, her head spun,
and she had to wear sunglasses indoors.
This went on for years, but not anymore.
What happened on the daythat Lilia simply calls,
"The most amazing day of my life"?
Take a look.
(soft music)
- [Reporter] Dr. LiliaSantiague pursued her passion
for higher education inspite of a lifelong struggle
with migraine headaches.
- I am a professor and I teach,
and both serve as a faculty supervisor
and student supervisor.
I love what I do,
an opportunity to helpstudents to get their doctorate
and to be able to goout into that community
and help others.
It's the perfect way to serve.
But I know that for aslong as I could remember,
I suffered with migraines.
I could remember as far backas going every six months
to get an MRI, or every year to get one.
In the last eight years,maybe I've had six of them.
The migraines would beso, so incredibly painful
that when the doctor asked me,
"Between 0 to 10, whatis your pain level?"
I would say, "11."
I'd go through years of takeout chocolate, take out cheese,
avoid stress, avoid noise,or anything of that nature.
But there's never a conclusive,
"Here's the reason you weregetting the migraines."
I've taken a lot of differentkinds of medication.
None of it has worked.
So currently I work from home,
but before, I would go into the office
and if I started feeling nauseous,
then I knew I was getting a migraine.
So then it would becomehard to see the screen.
It would become hard to see the lights
and I would put on my sunglasses.
I would feel nauseous.
My head would spin.
My eyes would water.
Simply, you just can't doanything with the pain.
While I wanted it to goaway, it wasn't something
that I specificallyprayed all the time for.
- [Reporter] On theevening of May 29th, 2018,
Lilia was at home, nursingthe familiar headache pain
that always led to a full-blown migraine.
- I was at home with my god-sister
and "The 700 Club" was on.
And she was in front ofthe television watching
and she heard Pat say-- There's another migraine.
The Lord has just touched you.
It's like His hand is on yourforehead right at this moment.
- And she says, "Come over.
I think this is for you."
- Just touch your head, inthe name of Jesus, touch.
- And I started to touch my head
and stretch my hand out to the screen.
- That migraine is gone.
In the name of Jesus.
- And here I was, healed at that moment.
You want to dance, you want to laugh,
you want to run around the house,
but it's like, I was in such,"Oh my gosh, it's happened.
I don't feel what I was feeling before.
It's amazing."
I think we raised our hand.
We were praising God, wewere saying, "Alleluia,"
and "Amen."
It was amazing.
Two years have passed since"The 700 Club," that instant,
and I feel great.
I don't have any migraines.
I could stay in front ofthe computer all day long
and not have any problem with that.
I can do more.
I can now go outside.
You know, I'm not worriedthat stepping outside,
the sun is shining,
I may get a migraine,so I'm not going out.
I'm not worried about that anymore.
God is amazing. (laughs)
I mean,
Jesus is everywhere,
So to happen through a television screen,
I could tell you honestly, thatit took me to another level.
It was simply the mostamazing day of my life.
- You just rejoice with her, don't you?
I mean-- Isn't that wonderful?
- That much pain-- The most amazing thing
in my life.- Oh, my goodness.
- But I didn't knowLinda, but God knew her.
God saw her pain.
We have a savior who is,
"touched with a feelingof our infirmities."
He understands your pain.
He suffers with you.
Now here's another one.
Tamara, who lives in Fife, Washington,
had flare-ups of painfulbumps on her armpit.
She was watching this program.
Terry, you said, "You'vediscovered lumps under your armpit.
You won't even see if you need a doctor."
Tamara said, "That's me."
"She felt for the bumps.
They were gone.
As soon as she heard the wordscome out of Terry's mouth,
the bumps disappeared."
- Praise God.- Hallelujah.
- [Terry] It is, God is amazing.
This is Charles, he livesin Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
"He experienced severe pain in his neck
and shoulders for several months."
His wife, Marilee, waswatching this program, Pat,
on October the 21st,
and she heard you speak her husband's name
during the prayer.
"You said, 'Charlie,'" I remember this,
"you said, 'I believeyou've got a neck problem.
The muscles in your neckare not working properly.
Just reach up and touch.'
Just then, Charles walked into the room.
Marilee told him aboutthe word of knowledge.
He received the word.
He was healed.
Months of pain, completelygone within two days."
- Hallelujah.- Hallelujah, indeed.
- Now listen, folks.
The God we serve is ableto do exceeding abundantly.
And I am convinced today thatHe is going to do a miracle
in your life.
Now Terry and I are goingto join hands together.
We're gonna believe God for you.
And I want you to believe God.
Don't listen to whatthe doctors have said.
Don't listen to your fear.
Don't listen to whatyou've been watching on TV.
Don't listen to anythingexcept the word of the Lord.
And the Lord said, "By Hisstripes, you are healed."
Now we're gonna believe God together.
We're gonna join hands,pray with us, please.
Father, in Jesus' name, how we rejoice,
we rejoice in these testimonyof your healing power.
Thank you, Lord.
Oh, my God, thank you.
Thank you.
Terry, do you have any?
- There's a, I think this is a man,
possibly I'm wrong aboutthat, but there is somebody,
you, I don't even know what age you are,
but your hair has grayed.
You just feel like yourlife has gone past you
and there's a depressionthat comes with that,
like God has done everythingthat he could in your life.
The answer is no.
Today, you're gettingrefreshed by the Lord,
including a call upon your life
that has been there all along
but because of your depression,you couldn't see it.
There is more for you.
You, get in the word of Godand reach up and touch Him
as He rejuvenates you,revitalizes your faith
and sets you on a path of His making.
- There's somebody, Ibelieve the name is Marianne.
You've got some bumps,
your skin, isn't normal.
You've got a lot of
spots in your skin.
And right now just wipeyour hand across it
and those spots are gonna leave.
In the name of Jesus,
your skin is gonna be completely whole.
In Jesus' name.
- And there's someoneelse, you have a raspiness
that has just come recentlywith your voice when you speak.
You're afraid to even go see a doctor
because it's a little uncomfortable.
God's healing that for you right now.
Just open your mouth, speak His praises,
and receive a complete wholenessfrom Him, in Jesus' name.
- Martha, you've got a splitting headache.
I believe you have a braintumor, it hasn't been diagnosed.
But right now, God isreaching into that head
and that thing is going away.
It is shrinking, shriveling and vanishing.
In the name of Jesus, theheadache shall be gone.
Touch him.
Thank you, Lord.
- And one more, there's a person,
you've had COVID and yourtaste has not come back.
It has made you not want to eat.
That's being restored to you right now
and you're gonna begin to enjoyfood again, in Jesus' name.
- And Billy, I know yourtongue is all swollen and sore.
And right now, just putyour hand over your mouth.
In the name of Jesus, you're made whole.
Now, Father, throughout this audience,
people are crying out to you.
They're crying out for financial help.
They're crying out because of fear.
We rebuke the spirit of fear.
We speak words of hope
and may the joy of theLord be your strength.
In Jesus' name, touch them.
Thank you, Lord.
And Amen.
Please call us if you need further prayer.
We've got folks at the phones.
They just love you.
They love to pray with you.
If you want to share thejoy of what God's done,
we'd love to hear that.
And if you want somebody to pray with you,
just it's toll-free, no moneyinvolved, 1-800-700-7000.
These folks are at thephones right now as we speak
and they will bedelighted to pray with you
or answer your questions, all right?
- Well, still ahead, a Mondayround of your email questions.
David says, "I'm 70 years old
and before this age ofCOVID-19, I went to a gym.
I would love to return.
Do you think it's safefor an oldster like me?"
I can answer that.
I know what Pat'll say. (laughs)
Your Questions and someHonest Answers are coming up.
Plus, actress andproducer, Melissa Anschutz,
talks about her new movie, "Lost Heart."
What hardships did she faceafter the film wrapped?
Find out when she joins us live.
That's later on.
(hopeful music)
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to "The 700 Club."
US Marshals recovered 27missing kids in Virginia.
More than 60 investigators teamed up
with Virginia's Departmentof Social Services
in Operation Find Our Children.
It's the latest in a series ofoperations in several states
to locate children atrisk of exploitation.
More than 440 kids in Georgia,Ohio, Indiana, Virginia,
and other states have beenremoved from harms way,
according to the Justice Department.
Well, Superbook has launched
a Superbook for Home program in Myanmar.
Due to COVID-19, churches cannot gather
and Superbook can't distributeits Sunday School curriculum.
So this weekly digital programon Facebook and YouTube
features "Superbook"episodes and Bible background
that encourages parents tospiritually train their children.
Each episode includes a challengefor the kids to complete,
which is then featuredon the Facebook page.
You can find out more
about what CBN is doing around the world
by going to
Pat and Terry will beback, right after this.
(dramatic music)
(uplifting music)
- Melissa Anschutz stars inthe new movie, "Lost Heart."
She's also the producer.
And just challenging asboth of those roles are,
Melissa's biggest challengecame after the film wrapped.
Take a look.
- [Reporter] MelissaAnschutz is an actress,
producer and publicist.
Her most recent film, "Lost Heart,"
places her alongside well-knowncomedian, Victoria Jackson,
and Don Most of "Happy Days" fame.
- If she repents will God forgive her?
- Why, of course.
He's forgiven worse than that, right?
- [Reporter] "Lost Heart" tells the story
of a music megastar who hits bottom
and finally faces the hurts of her past.
- Momma.
- [Reporter] What she finds is love,
forgiveness and redemption.
- Please welcome to "The700 Club," Melissa Anschutz.
Melissa, great to have you with us.
- Oh, it's great to be here.
Thank you so much for having me.
- Well, you play the leadrole in "Lost Heart,"
tell us a little bit aboutyour character in this film.
- Well, my character has runaway from an abusive father
and in search of a dream, too.
And she does reach thatdream in Nashville,
she becomes a major, mega-music star.
But she is quite broken.
She's runaway from this pastand has never really faced it.
And so throughout the film,
she's really trying to become whole again
and she doesn't know how to do that.
Her father does pass away in the film.
So she goes back to her small town
and she has found thateverything is different.
He has become a changed man
and she really struggles with that.
One of the main messagesI think in the film
is how we all live infront of our own faces
and how things affect us.
And it's not until westart to look outward
and to the person who's before us,
that we really start to heal
and, you know, realize thatwe don't have to live angry
and broken and how does that happen?
So that's kind of whatthe film takes you through
on that journey of her storyof redemption and healing.
- After the movie wrapped,
you experienced extremeheartbreak and suffering yourself,
tell us what happened.
- Yes.
So after the film wrapped,almost directly after it,
about a month later,
my husband and I were bothdiagnosed with cancer.
Two days apart.
We found out about hiscancer first and then mine.
He had something calledSquamous cell carcinoma,
which has cancer in the tonsil.
It's a curable form of cancer,
but the treatments would bebrutal, but it would be cured.
I had breast cancer.
You can imagine you're trying to be there
and be supportive for yourspouse, and yet, you know,
you're going through your own thing too.
And we had quite a journey, you know,
over the last 10 monthsof dealing with that.
Here, I'm so excited,I'm seeing my dreams.
I've got this lead inthis film and producing
and so much work.
And then I was faced withthis personal tragedy
that I really wasn't ready for,
and I of course kept asking Lord,
"Why," you know, "why now?"
I should be celebrating this film
and, you know, praying that it has legs.
And yet we're in the middle of, you know,
what really felt like anightmare at the time.
Fortunately, I really leanedinto Jesus during this
and just prayed and prayed.
And the outcome didn'tnecessarily coincide
with what I wanted.
I lost my husband on August28th, which was very hard.
And I definitely feel likeHe put his arms around me
and carried me through that.
I currently am cancer-free,so I'm so grateful for that.
And I do know that He's prepared me
for this next season of my lifeand I'm so grateful to that.
But I, daily, I, by the minute,
I lean into that strengththat He has given me.
And the legs that hopefullythis film will have,
because I feel like my lifewould have been like Hannah's,
had I not had Him to lean into.
- These are such hardlife lessons to learn
and to have to learn them
when you've gotten tothe top of the mountain
that you're aspiring to climb,
it really almost takes the air out of you.
How did your faith make a difference?
When you say you leaned intoJesus, how did you do that?
- I had to trust Himin my own chaos, right?
It's so easy to say. wetrust in Him, we believe
and we have this faith,
but when you're facedwith the kind of tragedy
that I was feeling andexperiencing, you know,
it just takes you to your knees
and you instantly just wantto say, "This isn't fair.
Why did this happen to me?"
And I did say those things, but I prayed.
I prayed so hard for Himto make me understand
that He knew why and to nottry to control my destiny,
that He's got that, you know?
And I think as humans,
that's a really hardthing for us to accept.
I'm not trying to controlthe next moment in our lives.
You know, with this film,
I mean, Hannah did all that, right?
She became this, you know,major, mega-music star.
She had everything asperceived by the outside world,
but she was broken and she wasempty and she was miserable.
It was when He lifted her that, you know,
that she finds that redemption
and that forgiveness of herself.
And I experienced the same thing.
You know, I can only describeit as this great comfort.
I'd walk through a day
and I would know that thereason I got through that day
was because He carried me through it.
He lifted me through it.
It's not easy.
It's not easy every day.
It's not easy every moment,
but I feel the warmth of His love
and I continued to put my trust in Him.
And that's how I've beenable to come through this.
- Viewers, to know the movieis called "Lost Heart."
You can watch it November7th and November 21st.
It's on at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time.
It's free.
It's on Encourage TV, socheck your listings for that.
If you'd like moreinformation, go to
because we'll have it listed there.
Melissa, thank you so much.
You have a remarkable story
and we look forward to seeing the film.
- Thank you so much, too.
I really appreciate you having me on
and I hope everyone watches the film.
- You too. (laughs)
God bless you.
Well, coming up, we'vegot your email questions
and of course, Pat's honest answers.
This person asks, "I've heardPat say, God's name is Yahweh,
but Gordon has a DVD out thatgives God's name as Jehovah.
Which is his correct name?"
Pat's gonna settle thatdilemma after this.
(upbeat music)
(lively music)
- Well, I've got a sad storywith a happy ending for you.
And I want to introduceyou to Barb Weatherby.
Barb has been in andout of surgery 20 times
in the past seven years.
Her disability checks aren'tenough to make ends meet.
Barb said she was, "starvingbefore the COVID crisis hit."
So how is Barb surviving now?
Take a look.
- [Reporter] Before theCOVID 19 pandemic even began,
Barb Weatherby was dealing witha health crisis of her own.
- I have been struggling formany years with diverticulosis.
There's some days I can'teven get out of bed still.
- [Reporter] The diagnosisled to 20 surgeries
over the last seven years.
Barb went on disability,
but the income hasn'tbeen enough to live on.
- I worked so hard for over 30 years
and could have made it on my own
if I didn't have allthese medical problems.
The finances are tightand bills piling up.
It was a struggle.
I was starving and said, "I need help.
Please, I need help.
I'm not gonna make itif I don't get help."
- [Reporter] A neighbor told Barb
about Operation Blessing partner,
Buist Community Assistance Center.
Buist is doing everythingthey can to keep Barb safe
while providing her with thefood she desperately needs.
- COVID has made conditionsreally hard for us
as a food pantry and we keep adapting.
And Barbara is one ofthe means that I have
to gauge our response.
In my mind, is this safe for Barb?
And just the privilegeit is to pray with her
and be with her, to help provide her food
and provide comfort andcompanionship through hard times
so that she knows that she is not alone.
- They load my trunk andthat's a huge relief for me.
If I do get COVID, I could very well die,
but I knew I could count on Buist.
I feel safe.
They are protectingeveryone that goes there.
They know what we're goin'through and what we need
and they're willing to provide that.
- We were starting to run out of dry goods
and it was when the OperationBlessing truck pulled in
that we were able torestock those resources
that were running low.
Operation Blessing is ahuge part of what we do
in helping provide food.
It's all brought together
to make a difference for the kingdom.
- I'm just truly, trulythankful for Operation Blessing
and Buist.
I don't feel like I would have survived
if I didn't have peopledonate to Operation Blessing,
to feed American peoplethat are struggling.
It's not just the food that they provide,
but also friendship and prayer and hope.
They give us hope.
- Isaiah 58 was the scripturethe Lord gave me a long,
long time ago.
"Is not this the fast that I have chosen
that you would deal yourbread to the hungry.
If you see the naked, you clothe them.
If you see the homeless, youtake them into the house."
And God said, "If you do that,
your light's gonna shine speedily
and you will call and I will answer."
And Operation Blessing hasbeen operating ever since.
We've given out, I think,
in the neighborhood of $2-plus billion.
We have 300 million people ayear we help around the world
with food, clothes, medicalattention, all the other things
because Jesus loves people,He cares about people.
And we at CBN care about people
because God loves you
and he loves people like Barb.
And at this Christmas andEaster, I mean, excuse me,
Thanksgiving time,
you know, rather than sitting down
at a great big feast for yourself,
think of the poor andneedy in your society.
That's what I'm urgingpeople, you know, around me.
Don't give me any presents,I've got everything I need.
Take care of the poor in your community.
There are people hungry here in America,
people who are actually starving,
they don't have enough food.
And Operation Blessings'out there for them
and others are as well,but we need to help people
that are helping those because,man, people are suffering.
They really are hurtingand we've got to help them.
Now the number is 1-800-700-7000.
We'd like you to be a 700 Clubmember and as a gift to you,
Gordon has done something, it's wonderful,
about the names of God.
You know, God's name is I Am
and so you can fill in the blank.
It's whatever you need.
I am victory.
I am healing.
I am, you know, all theother things that I am.
I'm Jehovah Jireh.
I'm Jehovah, oh, there's somany wonderful names of God.
And we'll give this to you.
Please call.
And I wish you would, if youwould right now, call in,
and say you can count onme as a 700 Club member.
And I want to helppeople who are suffering
at this Thanksgiving, Christmas,and this holiday season.
- Okay, time for some questions.
- Let's go for 'em.
- This is David, who says,
"Pat, to me, you are a health guru."
To me, too, David.
He says "I'm 70 years old, andbefore this age of COVID-19,
I went to a gym.
I would love to return.
Do you think it's safefor an oldster like me?"
- What do you mean oldster?
You're just a kid.
I'm 90 and I, you know-- I knew it was comin' there.
- I try to work out every other day,
three times, at least, a week.
But look, we have amarvelous gym in our hotel,
I mean, it really is a good one.
But I don't go to the gym, I stay at home.
And I have what's called a Total Gym.
You can do 70 exercises on a Total Gym
and it's only about 18 inches.
You can fold it up and put itunder your bed if you want to.
But I'm a great fan of the Total Gym.
But I have a weight bench, Ihave a whole bunch of dumbbells
and things like that.
So at 70 you're just a kidand us 90 year olds. (laughs)
But I really don't thinkI'd go to the gym right now
if I were you.
I think this COVID stuff is too serious.
But get a Total Gym or just, you know,
you could get all kindsof little bands and things
and work out at home, you know?
It's really easy.- Yeah, create.
- Create.
- Okay, this is, Chris, who says,
"I've heard Pat say, God's name is Yahweh,
but Gordon has a DVD out thatgives God's name as Jehovah.
What is His correct name?"
- All right, well it's it's Y-H-W-H.
It's a tetragrammaton in Hebrew,
which I think is the Hevel or the Hebrew,
which means "He whocauses everything to be."
But Elohim is another name for God.
So if you take the vowels out of Elohim
and you put it together with Yahweh,
you get yah-ho-wah.
And yah-ho-wah is Jehovah.
So, you know, if that makes you happy.
But, you know, the name,for example, of Elijah,
it wasn't Elijah, it's Eliyah.
And "El" is God and "i" meansmy and "yah" means Yahweh
and He said, "My name is Yahweh."
So you've got the "yah" in there.
And Jesus, his name, Joshua,
Yehoshua is "Jehovah's savior."
But you just take thevowel points from either
and add on the I or Elohimand put 'em together
and you get Jehovah, okay?
- That's all the time we've gotfor today, but we'll be back
with more tomorrow.- That's your friendly
Hebrew lesson for the day.- Thank you. (laughs)
- Thank you very much.
Both names are appropriate, no problem.
Well, thank you for the those questions.
And today's Power Minute is from Psalm 84.
"For the Lord God is a sun and shield.
No good thing will He withhold
from those who walk uprightly."
Well tomorrow,
a pregnant mom makes amiraculous comeback from COVID.
So for Terry and all of us,thanks for being with us
and we will see you tomorrow.
Bye-bye.(uplifting music)