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The 700 Club - September 18, 2020

Imagine being six figures in debt and you and your spouse both losing your jobs. Seem hopeless? Murphy and Melissa walked through this and came out on top! See what they did to conquer debt that you can do too. Read Transcript

(intriguing music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up.

- [Franklin] We're coming to pray.

- [Gordon] Two Christian prayer rallies

with one goal in mind.

- God is converging everything.

That's how important this day is.

- [Gordon] FranklinGraham and Jonathan Cahn

head to the heart of our nation's capitol.

- And let's fill this city with people

who are willing to pray for this country.

- [Gordon] And fight forthe soul of our country.

- And it's the day set

in the Bible's calendar for returnings.

- [Gordon] Coming upon today's "700 Club."

- Let's just take a stand

for what we believe God wants us to do.

(light music)

(intriguing music)

- Well, welcome to the "700 Club."

A second lockdown has shutdown Israel.

The Jewish nation has beenhit with an alarming spike

in new coronavirus casesand more than 1,100 deaths.

- The shutdown comes just hours

before the Jewish High Holy days begin,

and it's generating highly-chargedreactions from Israelis.

Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.


- [Chris] For the firsttime in its 62-year history,

Jerusalem's Great Synagogue is closed

for the High Holiday services.

- The reason is a very simple one.

The most important criteriain Judaism is the safety,

the physical safety, of every human being.

- [Chris] And the lockdown is widespread,

closing schools, malls,hotels, and restaurants,

except for delivery.

Israel has seen a dramaticrise in the number of new cases

to more than 5,000 per day,with more than 1,100 deaths.

(Reuven speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] Tonight,I wanted to tell you

that I understand wellthe feeling of confusion,

of embarrassment, of concern,that many certainly feel.

I understand and askbefore everything else

to apologize for this.

- [Chris] While admitting the lockdown

harmed Israeli's abilityto celebrate together,

President Rivlin encouragedthem to be strong,

then turned to the government.

(Reuven speaking in foreign language)

- [Translator] We must do everything

to restore personal, medical,and economic security

to all Israelis.

- [Chris] Meanwhile, policespokesman, Micky Rosenfeld,

says law enforcementis ready to do its part

while keeping the peace.

- Israeli national police have completed

security health and safety measures

for the scheduled lockdown.

More than 7,000 policeofficers will take part

in blocking different neighborhoods

and preventing movements.

- [Chris] Israelis takingcare of last minute needs

at Jerusalem's open air market

shared mixed reactions to the lockdown.

- We're mad, I'm honest,because in July and August,

everything was open, everyonewe drink a beer, everything.

They would go to concerts,but in the holidays,

when it's supposed to be happy,

everyone's supposed to be united,

it's Rosh Hashanah, newyear's of the Jewish,

they close everything.

- The fact that we arethe first Western country

to enter a second lockdown, it's insane.

- I think it's a good idea,given our records thus far.

We did really, really wellwhen we had a lockdown,

then we relaxed standards,

and things went from bad to much worse.

- [Chris] Still, somesee a spirit bright side.

- Maybe it will bringus all together more.

Maybe we have to stay home andhave a little introspection

of ourselves and so forth.

And I think that probably next year

they'll even be moreturnout in the synagogues.

See, I think it's gonnastrengthen us in the end.

- Chris Mitchell, CBN News.

- Well, this is one of the first times,

if not the first time, inhistory that Rosh Hashanah

is not going to be publicly celebrated.

Will there still be theblowing of the shofar?

Yes, but they're not going togather at the Western Wall.

This is a lockdown in themiddle of the High Holy days,

and it's starts at Rosh Hashanah

and then goes forward allthe way through Yom Kippor.

So this is an incrediblething for Israel to lock down.

I encourage Christians tocelebrate these High Holy days,

and we're going to be celibatecelebrating here at CBN

in a wonderfully COVID-protected way

that you can watch on the CBNNews channel on CBN Family.

You can also have it on ourFacebook pages and on YouTube,

September 18th and 19th, Fridayand Saturday at 7:00 p.m.

If you want to helpcelebrate Rosh Hashanah,

you can do it in your ownhome with your own family.

And I encourage you to do it.

Get in touch with the Jewishroots of the Christian faith.

And when you startunderstanding the festivals,

you understand a great dealmore about Christianity.

Well, in other news, aprovocative claim from Joe Biden

about President Trump'shandling of the coronavirus.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

In a CNN Town Hall, thedemocratic presidential nominee

appeared to blame President Trump

for all of the deaths from COVID-19.

- President had done his job,

had done his job from the beginning,

all the people would still be alive.

All the people, andI'm not making this up.

Just look at the data.

Look at the data.

- Major media outletsquickly criticized Biden.

The Washington Post Fact-Checker writing,

"Actually, Biden is making this up.

There is no data to support this."

Politico called it untrue.

Well, conservativesare criticizing YouTube

for taking down a link to aninterview with Scott Atlas

when he was at StanfordUniversity's Hoover Institution.

Dr. Atlas now serves asa coronavirus advisor

to President Trump.

YouTube said it does notallow medical information

that goes against what theWorld Health Organization

or local medicalauthorities say about COVID.

But conservative critics say YouTube

is carrying out censorship.

The Wall Street Journalargued this week that,

"If the virus nightmare hastaught the world anything,

it's that no one has a monopoly

over the right policy advice."

And went on to say,

"that's why a freesociety fosters debate."

Well, social media giantslike Facebook, Twitter,

and Google may deny it, butmore and more conservatives

say they're facing censorship.

And as CBN's Paul Strand reports,

an effort is coming togetherto fight against it.

- [Paul] The ConservativeMedia Research Center

announced a new alliancethat's gonna fight

the big tech companies over the censoring

of conservative speech, websites,

and people all the wayup to the president.

- If they can do it to thepresident of the United States,

they can do it to anyone.

And in fact, that isexactly what's happening.

- [Paul] This new effort,Free Speech America,

will track and report this censoring

on its website,

- Mother Theresa isnow deemed hate speech.

Is this hate speech?

- [Paul] And they'll work with lawmakers

like Tennessee RepublicanSenator Marsha Blackburn,

who has also been censoredby big tech social media.

- We are no longer givingthem the benefit of the doubt

that what we are doing isholding them to account.

- [Paul] Who do the socialmedia giants hit the worst?

- Abortion is groundzero for the far left,

and the Right to Life movement has no home

in Silicone Valley.

The Pro-Life movement couldn't advertise

the Right to Life March.

- One voice censored justthis week by Facebook

said his group's $4 million ad campaign

to keep women's sportsfree of transgendered men

had been censored,

and not because its ads weren't factual.

- They had been removingads for being fact checked

to be false or mostly false.

The new rating that theycreated was missing context.

And so whatever that means.

- [Paul] These social media juggernauts

also actively use theirpower to aid the left wing.

One critic pointing to whatFacebook's Mark Zuckerberg

might well deliver forJoe Biden on Election Day.

- An additional 450,000 votes that day

just by sending out Go Vote reminders

just to people who lean left.

- [Paul] Lawyer KellyShackleford sees this effort

possibly steeringvictims to come down hard

on these tech giantswith crushing lawsuits.

- All it takes is an attorney general

in a number of thesestates to bring me, I mean,

there are fines per incident per citizen.

And so this could be a huge way

to really get them under control.

- When you have this kind of censorship,

you really are threateningthe democratic process

in this country.

- And that's why we needconservative individuals

and organizations to reach out to us,

let us know when they'veencountered problems

with tech companies.

- Bozell says thecensorship is so widespread

it will take years, maybe decades,

to wage this war with the tech giants.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.

- Thank you, Paul.

Well, the rains from whatwas once Hurricane Sally

are still drenching parts ofthe southeastern United States.

More than half a millionpeople are without power

as rescues are underway,

and the Gulf Coast facesflash flood watches.

CBN's Ben Kennedy brings us that story.

Now a tropical storm, theremnants of Hurricane Sally

are leaving behind a path ofdamage, destruction, and death.

It's been mighty bed,

and our state is reeling justas our people are hurting,

- [Ben] Hurting afterthe storm claimed lives

in Alabama and Georgia.

(wind whooshing)

Packing a punch with105-mile-per-hour winds

and bringing a surge of sea water

dropping more than two feetof rain in some places.

- It woke me up, that's how loud it was.

It was like a train forabout a minute long.

- I was awakened by,

it felt like a dumpsterbeing dropped in my yard.

- [Ben] In North Carolina,

the rain caused a massive treeto fall onto a moving car.

The driver thanking Godhe could walk away unhurt.

- Hey, that ain't nothin' but God.

That's amazing, just therain brought the tree down

because we didn't havea heavy wind last night.

- [Ben] This morning, peopleare now saving what they can

from their damaged homes and businesses.

- Got a long way to start cleaning up.

- [Ben] To help with their recovery,

CBN's Operation Blessing is on the scene

delivering food and supplies.

Because of power outages,people in Pensacola, Florida

needed ice to keep theirfood from going bad.

Operation Blessing supplied that ice

along with food and fresh water.

- The first one, which we seeright now, is the ice truck,

which people desperately need.

So we're bagging theice and getting it out.

Second truck should arrive any minute,

and it's supposed to be halffilled with cases of water,

and then secondly, nonperishable foods,

which will be reallycritical for their homes.

- Now Alabama and the Sunshine State

are still bracing for flooding.

Florida Governor RonDeSantis is urging residents

not to let their guard downas rivers rise and overflow.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News.

- And Gordon, OperationBlessing delivering health,

both physically and spiritually.

- We're going to be there

and we're going to be there in your name.

If you're a member of the 700 Club,

you're part of that relief effort.

If you want to donate to it,

all you have to do iscall us 1-800-700-7000.

Or you can write to us, DisasterRelief Fund, CBN Center,

Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23463.

Or you can go to

There's a place in the Giving page

where you can designate your gift

into the Disaster Relief Fund.

Either way, do it now, be apart of helping people in need.



- Well, still ahead, assaulted at home,

beaten, shamed, and starved.

This man grew up with a foster father

he called "The Warden."

What happened when he tookhis anger to the streets?

And why did he put arazor to his own throat?

That's coming up.

But first, two prayer rallies in one day.

Why are Christians about todescend on the National Mall?

What do they hope to accomplish?

And how can you be a part of it?

The answers are all coming up after this.

(intriguing music)

(intriguing music)

- Race riots, the COVIDpandemic, our collapsing economy,

these are just some of the severe issues

facing America today.

And that's why Christianswill be gathering

in Washington, D.C. for two prayer events,

asking God to give our country more time

to repent and to return.

Paul Strand has the details.


- Evangelist Franklin Graham

and prophetic writer Jonathan Cahn

both say God led them separately

to call for huge gatheringshere on the National Mall

Saturday, September 26th.

Cahn doesn't think it'sjust a coincidence.

- God is converging everything,

that's how important this day is.

- [Paul] In a promotional videofor the event he's in with,

The Return, Cahn pointed outthe significance of this time.

- This will take place not only 40 days

before the presidential election,

but also on the 400th anniversary

of the sailing of the Mayflower.

in the days of America'sfounding and dedication to God.

- [Paul] He insists thecountry has to repent

and get back to that dedication, or else.

- So I believe that Americais heading to calamity

if it continues on its course,

and I believe we have thewarning signs all around us.

We can total economic collapse,

we're already seeing the beginning of it.

We can have the dividing of America,

the breakdown, disintegration of America.

It would also mean persecutionfor the people of God.

It also could mean theend of religious freedom.

- We're coming to pray,

and I'm just asking people to join me.

- [Paul] Franklin Graham says The Return

and his noontime prayer march the same day

are a good start to getAmerica out of trouble

and back to God.

- And let's fill this city with people

who are willing to pray for this country,

to pray for the president,

to pray for all of our leaders,Democrat and Republican.

- The Return will go from9:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m.

a couple of blocks that waytowards the US Capitol Building.

And then at noon, Graham'sprayer march will start

at the Lincoln Memorial andmove with targeted focus prayer

to the World War II Monument,

then up here to theWashington Monument area,

and then over to the National Museum

of African American History and Culture.

And finally over to theUS Capitol Building.

Here's Graham's invitationfor September 26th.

- As I stand in our nation's capital,

this country's in trouble.(people shouting)

The only hope for America is God.

Prayer is our most important weapon.

It allows us to go directlyto the King of kings,

directly to stand in frontof the throne of grace

and make our petitionsknown directly to God.

- There's something very big and spiritual

focused on that day and that place.

- In fact though, Cahn saysGod told him months ago

to have this sacredassembly called The Return,

September 26th, he just foundout that's the Sabbath day

on the sacred Hebrewcalendar called Shuva.

- Shuva in Hebrew means "the return."

And it's a day set in theBible's calendar for returning,

specifically for the return of a nation

back to God for repentance.

- He also didn't know till recently

that the preset scripturefor synagogues nationwide

to read that day arespecial words in Joel 2.

- But it says "Then consecrate a fast

and consecrate a solemn assemblyto repent before the Lord."

We had no idea.

So this is clearly, youknow, this is not our thing.

This is God's thing.

- [Paul] Repent and return,but Graham also says be bold.

- Let's not all try tobe politically correct.

Let's just take a standfor what we believe

God wants us to do, andlet's don't be afraid.

And we need to speak out in this country.

- [Paul] Cahn states those gathering

will be practicing allthe safety protocols

to keep the coronavirus at bay.

But if worries about that,

or other reasons keep you from D.C.,

Cahn says you can still participate.

- Calling everybody who can come, come,

but we're also gonna bestreaming it all over,

so no matter where youare, if you can't come,

in your homes with yourfamilies and your churches,

you can have your ownevent, it doesn't matter.

September, a national dayof prayer and repentance

before the Lord for our own sins

and then to intercede for America,

and God will hear our prayer.

- Graham points out 100 years ago

pastors and their churcheswere political leaders

in their communities in America.

He says it's time for God's people

to return to such a position

of crucial influence in the land.

Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom the National Mall.

- Well, there's a greatpromise in the Bible,

"If My people who are called by My name

will humble themselves and pray."

This isn't a call for unbelievers.

This is a call to those

who are within the community of faith.

"If My people who are called by My name."

So let's, if you're a Christian,

if you call yourself a Christian,set aside time to pray,

and pray for our nation.

This is a crucial time.

I've never seen the divisionthat we have politically today.

How can we even possibly cometogether after this election?

I mean, there's so many open questions,

but God can heal our land.

We need Him to move, we need Him to act,

and we do that by prayingand asking for it.

If you don't want to attendin person in Washington, D.C.,

we're going to be streaming The Return

on the CBN News channel,so you can find that.

You can find out more information

about both the prayer events

and how you can beinvolved on


- Well, coming up, six figures of debt.

That's what this couplebrought into their marriage.

Before long, they werealso both out of work.

So how in the world did theypay off $229,000 of debt

in only five years?

You have to see it tobelieve it, after this.

(upbeat music)

(intriguing music)

- A never-ending cycle of insanity.

Well, that's how MelissaStewart once described her life.

She and her husband, Murphy,were juggling $229,000 of debt

and falling further behind every day.

So how did they manage toditch their massive debt

in just five years?

Well, take a look.

- [Narrator] Like so many couples,

Murphy and Melissa Stewart's marriage

was being torn apart by money problems.

It started when theycame into their marriage

with a combined six-figure debt load.

(light music)

- We had a lot of friendsthat we hung out with

that drove cars, went on vacations,

and spend money frivolously.

It's something that we wanted to do too.

- It really caused a lot of hardship

and burden in our marriage.

- [Narrator] After they married,

Melissa left her bankjob to return to school.

She also took out a loan to pay for it.

They were now stuck with payingback thousands of dollars.

- And so on top of the $7,000in debt, our credit card debt,

we also had $30,000 of schooldeb that my wife accrued.

And also we had IRS billdebt and medical debt.

- And it was just likethis never-ending cycle

of just insanity.

- [Narrator] By 2012, theyknew they needed God's help

and started going to church.

They also began learning

about financial stewardship and tithing.

- I was now immediatelyon board, absolutely,

because I realized thatsomething needed to change.

- [Narrator] Then Murphylost his bank job.

Now they were both out of work

and using credit cards to get by.

One night at church,

they were prompted by God togive a sacrificial offering.

- And it was actually somefrom our recycle cans money,

some of the last cash that we had on hand,

and we both felt likethat was confirmation

like, okay, God is with us,He's gonna take care of us.

- [Narrator] The Stewarts began tithing

from Melissa's new part-time job

and Murphy's unemployment benefits.

Within a month,

Murphy was hired as anaccount manager at a bank.

- But I knew God was still in it

and enabled me to becomemore of a provider

for my household, as a man.

- [Narrator] By 2013,

the Stewarts were consistently tithing.

They also put themselveson a strict budget.

- I started to see us payingoff the debts one by one,

and things started toinspire me and motivate me

and really trust Him and trustGod too that we can do this.

- [Narrator] In January, 2014,

Melissa got a new jobat a community college.

During that year, they receiveda combined total of $18,000

in bonuses and raises,

which they use to pay down their debt.

After a five-year commitment,

they were able to payoff $229,000 Of debt.

- It was probably the secondbest day of our lives,

besides our wedding day. (laughing)

It was amazing.

- Being debt-free, it's asurreal feeling for sure.

I feel a lot lighter, there's no burden.

And I feel like I'mwalking now into my destiny

that God has promised me.

- [Narrator] Today, theStewarts find their fulfillment

in staying debt-free and helpingother couples find freedom

through their fitness andfinancial coaching business

called Fit&Fund.

- Really just take that step of faith

and really turn it overto God and just let it go,

that He will just overwhelm you

with blessings and abundance.

- I believe it's important to give

and to really follow God's principles

because He will bless youbeyond your imagination.

But most importantly, Heopens up doors for you

to start giving backand show others the way.

- You can start livingto fulfill your destiny.

Listen to what Murphy says.

The freedom that's in his voice,

the hope that's in his voice.

And you can see it in his eyes,

all because he and Melissa said,yes, let's do it God's way.

We've done it our way long enough,

and this is where it's brought us,

and let's start doing it God's way.

This isn't some kind ofget-rich-quick kind of thing.

But if you consistently applythe principles in the Bible

to your finances, where youdisplay before yourself,

before God that you're trusting Him

and that you're putting Him first,

then these transformationscan happen to you.

For Murphy and Melissa,it took five years.

How long will it take for you?

I don't know, but I do know this,

that if you start living life God's way,

blessings will overtake you.

It is incredible howmuch he wants to provide

for His children.

What he's waiting foris your heart to say,

okay, God, I'll do it Your way.

Here's the promise, and thisis a promise you can bank on,

it's from Malachi chapter three,

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,

that there may be food in My house,

and test Me now in this,says the Lord of Hosts,

if I will not open foryou the windows of heaven

and pour out for you a blessing,

that there will not beroom enough to receive it."

When you start giving,

it's the principle thatJesus laid out in Luke 6:38,

"Give, and it will be given unto you."

When you put it into practice,that's when it happens.


- Well, imagine losing sleep at night,

worried that you won'thave food the next day

to feed your family.

That's a very real fearthat many Americans

are facing right now.

The COVID pandemic has created

a whole new hotspot ofhunger across the country.

Take a look.

- [Narrator] In the wakeof the COVID-19 pandemic,

many families are running shortof food for the first time.

Joseph's Storehouse, anOperation Blessing partner

outside of Nashville,is serving lines of cars

that stretch as far as the eye can see.

(light music)

Because of the coronavirus,we have seen a lot of those

who have been furloughed from jobs.

Those who have been laid off from jobs

and just don't have theadditional resources

to pay their bills, aswell as feed their family.

- It has been a struggle.

My husband works fora restaurant downtown.

COVID hit, that's been closed.

I worked in ophthalmology,

and I did reservationsand things like that.

They cut my hours.

So then they cut uscompletely all the way down.

And so literally for the past six months,

we have been just tryingto make it, trying to live.

- When I was working atSiva, they made us stay home.

So we're out of a job,struggling, struggling.

- [Narrator] Joseph'sStorehouse has partnered

with Operation Blessingfor more than 15 years.

They knew they could count on us

to help fill their wheelbarrows,

which contain 150 pounds of food

for every family that drives up.

- It really helped a lot.

It's a blessing.

I could still have somethingin the refrigerator

for the kids to actually openup, get juices, get good food.

- I just needed help food-wise.

And it was absolutely incredible,I just couldn't believe.

I mean, it's just such a blessing

to be able to go to bed

and know that there'splenty of food and my kids.

I really, really thank you for it.

- Through donors who giveto Operation Blessing,

we get that tractor trailerload full of food and drinks.

We get that every month.

And there's a lot of peace in that

knowing we have that relationshipwith Operation Blessing

and what they're able to provide for us.

- When you're able to give and they do,

they don't understand the person's life

that they're changing.

I'm so excited to be ableto have food to take home.

For someone to do that for us,

we really appreciate everything.

- Do you know why they'reable to help people

month after month after month,

both at Joseph's Storehouseand other places like it

around the country?

Because of you.

It's your kindness, yourgenerosity, and your faithfulness

that makes that possible.

I try to think of myself asa mom going to bed at night

wondering if when I wake up

I'm gonna be able to feed my children.

I mean, how would anyoneeven sleep like that?

You make it possiblefor us to assure people

that they are going tohave food for themselves

and for their families.

We just wanna say thank you.

If you're a 700 Club member,you are doing so much,

here at home and around the world.

If you're not a 700 Club partner,

I can't think of a better time in history

for you to join than right now,

because we all need to reachout and make a difference

in each other's lives.

It's 65 cents a day, $20 a month to join.

Even the number to join this toll-free.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

You can right now.

Maybe you already are a 700 Club member.

If you are,

why don't you consider goingup to the next club level?

Go up to 700 Club Gold at $40 a month,

or you could join the1000 Club at $84 a month.

You see there, we have manyclub levels and options for you.

When you join today,

we want to send you aGordon's latest teaching.

It's called "The Name of God."

And I love this because it'sfilled with information,

solid information, Scripture.

that's where God Himselftells us what His names are.

Our it's His character.

He tells us who He is,

and that tells us whoHe wants to be to us.

We want you to have this

because we think it'llreally build your faith.

And by the way, when you call,

if you use somethingwe call Pledge Express,

that's electronic monthly giving,

means your bank does all the work.

It saves us a little bit of money

that we can put more of yourgift right into the work

that we're doing.

And to thank you for using Pledge Express,

we're gonna send you a"Power for Life" teaching.

You'll get one every month,

and so we think you'll be fed and blessed

by these two gifts, but most of all,

you'll be feeding andblessing other people.

So will you call right now?



- Well, Tom and Madielike to help other people

all over the world andright here in the USA.

And they do it withoutleaving their living room.

This generous couple is gratefulfor everything they have,

and they found an unforgettableway to share it with others.

- [Narrator] Tom and Madie Schruckengust

have enjoyed 60 years of marriage

and show no signs of slowing down.

- We find ourselves living a lifestyle

that we would have never expected

and we're active in our church,

and our lives are rich and full.

- [Narrator] The Schruckengustshave learned a few things

over the years, especiallyabout their faith.

One of those lessons cameearly on in their marriage.

Instead of teaching, thecouple decided for Madie

to be a stay-at-home mom,

while Tom taught at a local high school.

They didn't give much thought to tithing

because they were tryingto stretch every dollar.

One day, as they were listeningto a message on tithing

at a meeting, that changed.

- There was a man up inthe front of the room

who just stood up and he said,

"I don't know what I'm saying this,"

but he pointed right back to us.

"If you aren't tithing,you should be tithing."

- [Narrator] The couple started tithing

and have never stopped.

- The Lord is very generous.

We wanted to be generous also,

so we gave in that same manner,

as well as not only to thechurch, but also to other groups.

- [Narrator] Something elsethey've learned over the years,

they can trust when they give to CBN,

they're helping changelives around the world.

- Operation blessing,yes, they go everywhere.

It's good to see that they're doing this

and that we're a part ofit, the money that we send

and the prayers that we givefor them are a part of that

in helping them.

- By being part of the ministry,

we're able to see hungrypeople fed, sick people healed.

It's just a wonderful ministry.

We do Pledge Express.

People our age tend toforget things. (laughing)

If you're with PledgeExpress, you don't forget.

Our purpose is to be obedient

and to glorify the name of Jesus

and spread the Good News.

- [Narrator] Today, Madieenjoys writing Christian books,

and Tom is an ordainedminister who teaches the Bible

in a nearby nursing home.

The couple are still givingto CBN and still trusting God.

- We've seen that God is faithful.

He never ever lets us down.

As long as we're obedient towhat the Lord is calling us

to do, He's faithful toprovide all of our needs.

(light music)

- And He'll be faithful to you.

If you want to start a lifeof giving, give us a call.


We're just asking youto be a 700 Club member.

That's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.

Some can join at 700 ClubGold, that's $40 a month.

1000 Club, $1,000 a year, thatbreaks out to $84 a month.

But the amazing thing, whentens of thousands of people

join together to say, yes,let's make a difference,

wonderful things can happen.

You can help people around the world

and you can preach theGospel around the world.

That's a wonderful thing to accomplish,

and we can accomplish it together.

If you want to join,call us, 1-800-700-7000.

And be like Tom and Madie andsay yes to Pledge Express.

That's electronic monthly giving

where the bank is doing all the work.

You don't ever forget.

And we can send, as our gift to you,

"Power for Life" monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those,you can go to

Sign up there.

When you give monthly on the Internet,

you'll automatically sign up.

We also have a text-to-give now,

text the letters CBN to 71777.

Or you can call us 1-800-700-7000.

When you call and join,I've got a DVD for you,

it's called "Jehovah Shalom."

That's one of the names you'llbe learning from that DVD,

the names of God, Jehovah Shalom,

it means the Lord our peace,

and it embodies tremendous power.

Just ask Noah and hisparents who found peace

in the name of Jehovah Shalom.

(inspirational music)

When four-year-old Noahwas rushed to the ER

with a mysterious illness,the doctor's told his parents

that unless they couldget Noah stabilized,

he was going to die.

When you're gettingthis kind of diagnosis,

how do you find peace?

Well, he found it in prayer.

And God spoke to himand gave him that peace

that he needed to get through.

That's when a supernatural peace took over

in Noah's father's heart.

And he knew that Jehovah Shalom,

the Lord our peace, was with him.

(dramatic music)

These are times of warfare.

You go into the strong towerwhen you're under attack.

- [Announcer] CBN presents"The Name of God,"

The latest teaching by Gordon Robertson.

- God has given you theright to carry His name.

That is life changing.

- [Announcer] Discover thepeace, healing, provision,

and protection that can befound in the Lord's name.

- Plus, you're going to see

some tremendous real-lifestories of people who have seen

firsthand what trustingin the name of God can do.

- The thought of losing Noah

was one of the most terrifying things

I've ever walked through.

- I can hear my house being shredded

and I heard my wifescreaming over the phone.

- I knew that God didn't lie to me.

I knew that God didn't forget about me.

- This is God's promise.

This is the way, this is the answer.

Go into that strong tower.

- [Announcer] Get your DVD copyof "The Name of God" today.

Call now or go to

(light music)

- [Gordon] Coming up.

- [Swartson] He justhit me upside the head.

- [Gordon] Tormented by "The Warden."

- I'm being assaulted at home.

- [Gordon] What almost took this man out.

- [Swartson] I picked up the blade

and I put into my throat.

- [Gordon] And how didhe escaped with his life?

- [Swartson] Like asupernatural experience.


(intriguing music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Here's an interesting way todeal with the coronavirus,

with a robot to help doctors

treat patients with the disease.

Egyptian engineers designedthe human-like robot

that reduces the infectionrisk of medical staff

dealing with coronavirus patients.

It can take blood samples,

conduct COVID-19 tests,and check vital signs.

Patients in isolation saythe friendly-looking robot

lifts their spirits.

Since the virus wasfirst detected in China,

robots have been enlisted around the world

to help fight the disease.

Well, CBN's OperationBlessing is helping Americans

in the fight against COVID-19.

Danielle, a single motherin Georgia, has epilepsy,

which makes her extremely high risk

for contracting the disease.

She had to leave herjob in the medical field

and was without work duringthe coronavirus lockdown.

That produced several stressful nights

with her praying about having enough money

to buy food or pay a light bill.

However, she and herfamily were able to receive

the food supplies theyneed after she saw a flyer

about Operation Blessing'sministry partner,

Destination Church.

Danielle is very grateful toOperation Blessing's partners

saying their donations helppeople and families like hers.

Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing

by visiting

Gordon and Terry will be back

with more of today's "700Club" right after this.

(intriguing music)

- It really is a wonderful celebration,

and we do hope you'll join us

for CBN's specialcelebration of Rosh Hashanah,

that's tonight or Saturdaynight, 7:00 p.m. Eastern

on the CBN News channel.

Gordon Robertson hosts the special program

that shows you why RoshHashanah and the Days of Awe

are such an important time,

both for Christians andJews, to pray for ourselves,

our nation, and for the people of Israel.

So you don't wanna missthis informative program

with a special teaching from Pat Robertson

on the propheticsignificance of this holiday.

So join us tonight orSaturday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern

on the CBN News channel.

You can also watch on the CBN Family app,

on Facebook pages, and YouTube.


- The knife was to his throat

when a young man named Swartson

had a supernatural encounter.

His body trembled, hewas sober in an instant.

How did that happen?

And how did it lead him towhat he'd been looking for

all his life?

Well, you're about to find out.

- I excelled in physicalactivities, such as running,

running track, somebasketball, some soccer,

everything I did as a child,I identify in my abilities.

- [Narrator] Those natural abilities

and growing up in a loving foster home

gave Swartson Priesthilleverything he needed,

confidence, attention, and love.

(light music)

Then at eight yearsold, he was hit by a car

and ended up on crutches.

While a minor injury,

it revealed just how muchthose abilities meant to him.

- I just had negative thoughts

shortly after the car accident.

And these negative thoughts had me

act out and have some anger.

I just felt like it was a mark of shame.

It's not being able to run,not being able to jump around,

to play sports, and just feltlike I had lost my identity.

- [Narrator] Then came a devastating blow.

(soft music)

After investigating the accident,

social services took Swartsonfrom his cherished foster mom

and put him in a group homewith an abusive foster dad

Swartson called "The Warden."

- The first day, he justhit me upside the head,

and I ended up falling and I cried.

He said, "Men don't cry here."

You know, real men don't cry.

And so I was conditionedfrom that point to not cry.

- [Narrator] For the next six years,

Swartson was the target ofphysical and mental abuse

by "The Warden" and theother kids at the home.

- Now I'm acting out.

I'm now being angry, showing frustration,

punching things, breakingthings, being destructive.

- [Narrator] Each Sunday, thekids were sent off to church,

but to Swartson the idea of aloving God seemed like a joke.

- How can you tell me thatthere's a God who loves

and shows mercy if I'mbeing assaulted at home,

if I'm going to trauma at home,

if I'm not getting enough to eat at home?

It doesn't make sense.

- [Narrator] There was only one place

where he felt accepted.

- The basketball courtbecame my sanctuary.

Yeah, I felt free fromthe negative thoughts,

I felt free from depression.

Basketball was an opportunityfor me to channel my emotions,

my anger, and use it towardssomething that I loved.

- [Narrator] In ninth grade,he made the varsity team,

but "The Warden" wouldn't let him play.

So at 14, Swartson ran away

and took his anger to the streets.

- I was stealing, I wasfighting, I was lying.

I had trouble with the law.

I felt free.

I felt like the gang was my family.

I felt more accepted bythem than I did in the home

that I was just in for six years.

- [Narrator] But thatfreedom was short-lived.

Soon, Swartson was arrested for robbery

and sent back to the home.

The next year, "The Warden" became ill,

which opened the door for Swartson

to try out for thevarsity basketball team.

Finally, he found where he belonged.

- So basketball did helpme change how I saw myself

because it was somethingthat I was able to see myself

be successful in.

- [Narrator] He went onto three stellar seasons

and led his team to NewYork City's Elite Eight

for the first time inthe school's history.

- It made me feel about the world

and made me forget about my problems.

(upbeat hip hop music)

Just being in the four lines of the court,

it helped me channel, help mefocus, help me set my goals.

- [Narrator] Swartson was thrilled

to earn a college scholarship.

But now at 17 and in a new town,

new school, and surrounded by new faces,

his feelings of isolationand rejection returned.

- Outside of basketball,I still fell very nervous,

very depressed frombeing away from something

I just built in my home city,

and now I have to travel anddo something all over again.

And so I turned to alcohol and marijuana

to help me forget about those thoughts.

(dark music)

- [Narrator] Towards theend of his freshman year,

the drugs and alcohol weren't enough.

- I felt awful,

there's no way I can get awayfrom these negative thoughts

of no one cares aboutyou, no one loves you.

You know, you're not good enough.

And I went into my dorm roomand I saw the blade on the sink

and I picked it up and Ithought, you know, this was it.

And I'm gonna killmyself, no one will care.

I picked up the bladeand I put into my throat,

and I said, "God, if You'rereal, show me that Your real.

If not, I'm gonna kill myself."

And I cried out and Ifelt my body trembling.

And as I looked up, I felt the toxins,

the effects of the marijuana and alcohol

starting to leave my body.

And as those things are leaving my body,

it was like a supernatural experience.

All of those feelings,the depressive feelings,

the anxiety, it went away.

And I started to read the Gospels

and I realized who Jesus spoke to.

And I was able to identifywith individuals in the Bible.

(light music)

- [Narrator] He started attending church,

and a few weeks lateraccepted Jesus into his life.

- Accepting Him as my Lord and Savior,

it made me see whole,

it made me feel like I lack nothing.

It made me feel acceptedinto His family as a son.

This is the first time Iidentified myself as someone's son,

a child of God.

- [Narrator] Swartson found amentor who helped him forgive

those who'd hurt him and develophis relationship with God.

He finished college and playedtwo years as a pro in Europe,

before retiring for good.

Now he works as a directorat a boys and girls club,

helping kids who feel broken and abandoned

find hope in Christ.

- No matter how hard life is,

there's still a God who caresenough to come after us.

He'll leave the 99 for the one.

Take that leap of faith,

take that chance, that opportunity,

because He's always waiting.

He's always waiting.

- And He's waiting for you.

He's waiting for youto say the same prayer

that Swartson prayed,

to meet that moment where you finally say,

Lord, if You're there, could You show up?

Could You show up for me?

Jesus knows what it's like to be rejected.

He knows what it's like to be despised.

He knows what it's like to be betrayed.

He knows all of thosethings, He went through it.

The Gospels are clear as towhat He suffered for your sake.

The Gospels are alsoclear that He always goes

and looks for the one.

He leaves the 99, He is always looking.

He is the Good Shepherd,

constantly looking forthat one who is lost.

And if that's you, ifyou're feeling isolated,

if you're feeling lonely,if you're feeling abused,

if you feel that nobody cares,

I've got really good news for you.

There's a God who loves you.

He loves you so much Hewas willing to die for you.

He was willing to leave heavenand come be here on earth

and be like us just for you.

So if you want to know if He's real,

you want to have the sameexperience that Swartson had,

it's an incredible experiencewhere God shows up for you.

It transforms everything,it changes everything.

We talk about it as aborn again experience,

but words can't describe what happens,

where suddenly you have awhole new vision of life,

you have a whole newvision of the universe,

and access into a Godwho loves you so much

that He's willing to die for you.

It's an incredible thing.

If you want it, bow your head with me.

Pray a very simple prayer, andJesus will do all the rest.

What He's done for others,

and trust me on that, Hewants to do this for you.

He wants to show up for you.

Pray with me.

Jesus. That's right, just sayHis name, say it out loud.

Jesus, if You're there,

if You can hear me,

hear my cry,

show up for me,

forgive me of the thingsthat I've done wrong.

Set me free.

But most of all, freeme from my loneliness,

from my despair,

from all the rejection.

Fill me with Your love, Your forgiveness,

Your righteousness, and Your joy.

And Jesus, if you do this for me,

I will follow You all the days of my life.

Hear my prayer, for Ipray it in Jesus' name.

Lord, for those who just prayed,

I ask for a baptism in Your love.

I ask that You fill them to overflowing.

Let Your presence surroundthem and be in them.

Let them know that theirprayer has been heard

and has been answered today.

Do it now, for we ask it in Jesus' name,

Amen and Amen.

If you prayed with me, the Biblesays that if you'll believe

in your heart and thenconfess with your mouth,

you shall be saved.

I want you to do that.

I want you to say I just prayed.

Call us, 1-800-700-7000.

When you call, we've gotsomething free for you.

It's a free packet.

It's called "A New Day."

in there is a CD teachingon what you do now

and how do you live the Christian life.

It's all free.

Phone call's free, packet's free.


Well, we've got some timefor some email questions.

- We do, this first onecomes from Bill, who says,

"Gordon, what is themeaning of agape love?"

- It's a curious Greek word.

The Greeks had a lot ofdifferent words for love,

and our English languageis a little primitive

in comparison to it.

There's eros, which is,you know, erotic love.

That's where we get theEnglish word, erotic.

There's phileos, there's brotherly love,

there's the love of a parent to a child.

But the New Testament essentially changes,

some people say uh-gah-pay,some people say aw-guh-pay.

It means an unconditional, unlimited love.

And even the Greek languageis limited on explaining it.

And the New Testamentessentially it takes a Greek term

and transforms it to talk abouta love that is so incredible

that it's willing to giveeverything and be all in,

and that there is nothingthat will ever stop it.

You can't get past it,you can't get over it,

you can't get around it,you can't get away from it.

It will absolutely overwhelm you.

And it's from peoplethat have experienced it.

And it's like so many things in life

where until you actually taste it,

you don't know what the taste is.

You don't know what this is.

There aren't human comparisons to it.

Imagine that someone is willingto give their everything,

their life for you, andthat's what that love is.

- Mm-hmm.

This says, and I'm gonnaread this as fast as I can,

"My husband recently received 16,000

from the Payment Protection Program

as a sole proprietor who works from home.

Do we tithe, as it's technically a loan?

We should be able to write it off

and it should be turned into a grant."

- Well, it's gonna be real easy.

Just wait until it becomes a grant.

The government has promisedit will become a grant,

but there's certain conditionsyou have to go through

for it to be a grant.

So just wait for it to be the grant,

and then as part of the increase,

you tithe from your increase.

So what is the income thatGod is providing for you?

What are the other sourcesof increase in your life?

And if you tithe faithfullyfrom that, then you're fine.

With this particular thingright now, it's a loan,

but you fulfill those conditions,well, now it's a grant.

And so, yay.

And now it's an increase.

And so it's perfectlyproper at that point in time

to tithe from it.

Here's a word from Romans 10:13,

"Everyone who calls on the nameof the Lord will be saved."

If you're facing difficultytoday, just call out His name.

You can find shelter in it.

He will find salvation for you,

He will provide for you,He'll be your all in all.

God bless. We'll see you next week.

(inspirational music)


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