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700 Club Interactive - September 8, 2020

Introduced into the sex industry at 19, Corrine thought she was in control until daily anxiety attacks drove her to find answers. Read Transcript

- [Gordon] A 10 pound tumor.

- [Rebekah] And it wasinoperable and it was very large.

- [Gordon] How this worship leader

survived to tell her story.

- [Rebekah] That was amiracle from, from my heart.

- [Gordon] Plus, astripper leaves the stage

in the middle of a routine.

- [Corinne] And I'm like, "Oh my goodness,

I think I'm hearing things,like God is speaking to me."

- [Gordon] Why she walkedoff and never looked back

on today's 700 Club Interactive.

Well, welcome to the show.

A 10 pound tumor wrapped around her kidney

and the prognosis, organfailure leading to death.

Well, that's what worshipleader, Rebekah Bishop,

was facing as a young wife and mother.

- Still, Rebekah wasbelieving for a miracle.

What exactly did she pray?

And how did she receive such aprecise answer to her prayer?

Take a look.

- The surgeon came outand laid the news on us

that it was a cancerwrapped around my kidney

and it was inoperableand it was very large.

- [Narrator] As worshipleaders in Phoenix, Arizona,

Rebekah and Brad Bishop knowto trust God in all things.

But when Rebekah was diagnosedwith an inoperable tumor,

their faith was put to the test.

- Inoperable is not aword you want to hear.

I think it kind of immediatelymeans chemo, radiation,

if there's anything at all as an option,

or is there an option?

- [Rebekah] I didn't know

if we were going to be planning goodbyes

or if I was going tostart a heavy treatment.

- That first drive home, that was where

I probably dealt with that the strongest.

Like what is, what does this mean?

What does this look like?

Is this a, like how long do we have?

- [Narrator] In the middleof all the unknowns,

they pressed into their faithand prayer to sustain them.

- [Rebekah] I put my handon my belly every day

and I would say,

"God, cause the tumor to shrivel up

and fall out of my body."

I wanted to build my faith,but at the same time,

I also wanted to rest and trust

in his goodness and sovereignty,

even if I didn't see thathappen and that was difficult.

That was very difficult becauseI had to come to a place

where I could truly say in my heart

that I trusted God withno matter what happened

and even if that meant,

ultimately I'd leave my kidsand my husband from Earth.

- [Narrator] Rebekah wasdiagnosed with a rare cancer

called liposarcoma, herprognosis was not good.

The 10 pound tumor wouldeventually cause organ failure

and lead to death.

They decided to get a second opinion.

- The original reportsaid it was inoperable,

but the doctor came in the next morning

and said it was operable.

We had some contact with another doctor

who recommended that we goto MD Anderson in Houston,

and they also verifiedthat it was operable,

but that they were the only ones

that needed to be doing the surgery.

- God's plans are always better than ours.

So if that meant we weresupposed to be in Phoenix,

then he would very clearlyshut the doors to Houston.

I remember a moment ofjust being mindful of that.

Like, okay, we want to do this,but at the end of the day,

like we want to go whereGod wants us to be,

because that's the purpose and the plan.

- [Narrator] The couplejust released an album

and plan to be on tour.

Despite the unknown future for Rebekah,

they decided to praise Godthrough their concerts.

♪ Rejoice, rejoice ♪

♪ Oh, my soul ♪

♪ He is good ♪

- [Rebekah] We would be in a concert

with a congregation of people,

watching people worship with us

and knowing that they hadstories way worse than mine,

but yet there they stood

and they were choosing to lift their hands

and lift their voices and sing

about the goodness and love of God

and that was so encouraging to me,

like they were leading me in worship.

- [Brad] In the middle of this chaos,

we got to be with some ofour amazing church families

across the country,singing and worshiping.

Now, these songs were justmassively impacting our hearts

and we're looking at theselyrics in a whole new way

and declaring these truths

that we needed more than anything else.

- [Narrator] As they prepareto have surgery in Houston,

their insurance denied theirclaim to go to MD Anderson.

- I was really scared.

I was really afraidbecause I just felt like

my insurance companyisn't, they don't care.

They don't care if I live or die.

What are we going to do now?

- [Narrator] Brad andRebekah kept praying.

Then out of nowhere,

the insurance companychanged their decision

and decided to cover the surgery

and even pay for their travel.

- [Rebekah] Another sign of God

just coming in andchanging, changing the story

and that caused us to, youknow, we have the report of man,

but then God comes inand he gives his report.

And the word says

we're supposed to believethe report of the Lord

and trust in that and he'sgoing to trump anything

that has to be said, because he's able.

- [Narrator] The day finallycame for Rebekah's surgery,

they were told it would take six hours,

but just two and a half hours later,

the surgeon came out

to meet with Brad and Rebekah's parents.

- And I see the surgeon, which in a meet,

there's like this immediate,like why is the surgeon out?

The surgeon isn't supposedto be here right now.

And she says, "Well, we're all done.

We got on the table, we opened her up

and the tumor practicallyfell out of her body."

- [Rebekah] When they came in and said

that the tumor practicallyfell out of my body.

I was just like, oh, that wasa miracle from, from my heart.

Just that I needed to know,because he used the words.

He put them through the surgeon's mouth

to say exactly theprayer that I had prayed

that the tumor fell out of my body.

- [Narrator] Rebekah's followup scans

show that she is still cancer-free

and the Bishop's rejoice.

- [Rebekah] I knew thatGod was saying to me,

he heard my prayer

and that even the moments that I felt

like I didn't know where he was

and I didn't know ifhe was going to heal me

and I didn't know if he wasgoing to answer my prayer

that, that he was with me,

so closely with me that he knew

and he was listening to my words

and he was answering methrough the surgeon's words.

- We've seen God do amazing things

year after year after year.

Not all of them massive and big.

Some of them very smalland almost insignificant,

unless you're lookingfor what God has done,

but we can look back and see those things

and that's when I wouldencourage anybody to do,

look back and see what God has done.

Look how he's worked inspite of a circumstance

and look how he's done it in a way

that is clearly his plan and not ours

and then be able to trust that

the situation you're walkingthrough now, he can handle.

- Amen and amen and Idon't know what situation

you're walking through right now,

but God's promises are yes and amen

and if it's healing, hispromise for you is yes and amen.

And we have some prayer requests

from our 700 ClubInteractive YouTube channel

that we're going to pray over.

Jamie writes, "Please pray for my husband,

Antonio's salvation.

I haven't seen or heard from him

since the month of February this year

and we just got marriedin December of 2019.

I'm seeking a miracle.

Also pray for my momand sister's salvation."

And Wendy says, "I need prayersfor depression and anxiety.

I will soon be livingalone and it scares me."

And this is from Olivia, she says,

"I have attacks, a lotof spiritual warfare,

maybe witchcraft is against me.

Please pray for me."

And we have one more, thisis from Natalie and she says,

"Please pray for consistencyin my prayer life

and my walk with Jesus.

I want to be on fire for him."

So we are going to agree inprayer for you guys over those.

- Yes, we are gonnapray, and before we pray,

just a word of encouragement.

God always shows up on time.

And so for here for Rebekah,and she's got this tumor,

a lot of questions couldhave gone through her mind

and maybe did go through her mind.

Why, why me?

Why now?

All of these things,

but she didn't let it overcome her faith

and realize that faith is whatleads to the breakthrough.

And then for God to answerfrom the mouth of the surgeon

to say, this is exact, I'mgoing to repeat back to you

exactly what you prayed to God,

realize your prayers areanswered, they are heard

and if you're praying inaccordance with God's will,

they are answered and get the picture

that is so clear fromthe book of Revelation,

the prayers of the saintscome up to the throne room

and are revealed as incense,

which means God loves to hear them.

He loves the presence of your prayers.

Don't be afraid to pray.

Don't be ashamed to pray.

Let your request be made known.

Come boldly to the throne of grace,

let your prayers be knownand pray with specificity.

For Rebekah, she had to get very specific

because her problem was very specific.

So do that and realize God is able.

We're going to pray now,

all we have to do is believe.

We're praying in accordance with his will.

He wants to provide, he wants to heal.

He wants to save, he wants to restore.

He wants to do all of these things.

You know you're praying inaccordance with his will.

So let's do that now and he will answer.

Lord God, almighty, we come to you

and we just declare that you are almighty.

You are the alpha, you are the omega,

you're the beginning, you're the end

and in between, you provide.

So Lord God, in these inbetween years, we ask boldly,

we come to your throne of grace

and we ask because youhave told us to ask this.

You have told us to praythat your kingdom would,

would come, that your will would be done

on Earth as it is in heaven.

In heaven, there is no one lonely.

There is no one afraid.

There is no one hungry.

There is no one sick.

There is no one mourning.

So Lord, we see your will.

And now we, there, we askthat your will would be done

in the lives of everyonewatching right now,

everyone who hassubmitted a prayer request

on the internet channels,

everyone who is cryingout to you right now,

you are the answer to every human need

and it is your will andyour desire and your love

that causes you to answer.

So we depend on you.

We look to you and we ask nowfor these prayer requests,

we ask now to stretch forthyour hand to heal disease

and deliver people fromall fear, all anxiety,

all lack now in the name of Jesus.

Ashley, God's giving you something.

- Yeah, I think someone'swatching with auditory problems.

I think it's in your right ear.

You have a hearing aid.

There's a blockage.

Yeah, God's just healingthat for you right now.

Just begin to like moveyour jaw and begin to hear,

there's going to be some popping.

Just receive that today in Jesus name.

- There's someone named Sharon.

You've got anxiety headaches,

and, and they've just beenplaguing you since COVID-19 you,

you're living with stress and anxiety

and you have these,this terrible headache.

God is just lifting thatoff of you right now

in the name of Jesus.

Let the peace of God come to you,

guard your heart and your mind

and deliver you fromall fear, all anxiety.

Let peace be known.

Let, let, let your verycountenance just shine forth

peace to all around you.

- And I think someone'swatching with a cough,

a really bad cough thatyou're not able to get rid of,

you aren't able to breathe well,

I think it's from allergies.

We just, just declare healingover that in Jesus name.

Take deep breaths.

God is clearing out your lungsin Jesus name, Jesus name.

- Lord, we just prayfor everyone right now

afflicted with COVID, COVID 19.

Anyone with respiratoryproblems, anyone with cough,

anyone was symptoms, in thename of Jesus, be healed.

We lift up all emergency workers,

all healthcare workers to you right now,

we ask for a hedge ofprotection around them,

around their families,

let the contagion notcome near them, Lord God.

Be with them and just, just letyour love flow through them.

We ask it all in Jesus name.

Amen and amen.

If you need prayer, allyou have to do is call us,

1-800-700-7000, or you cancheck out our YouTube channel.

There, you can submit prayer requests

and find encouraging stories

all on your phone or any other device.

Go to

Well, up next, a singlemom gets a serious setback.

- [Tina] My right leg got infected.

I was septic, I was very sick.

I'm like, oh goodness, I'mgoing to be off from work.

Bills still have to be paid.

- [Gordon] See where thiswoman turned for help

right after this.

Tina Keith runs a busy daycareand she's also a single mom

with a son of her own.

Not long ago, after five surgeries,

Tina was down for thecount and couldn't work.

She desperately needed a hand up

and that's exactly what she got

from CVN's Operation Blessing.

- [Narrator] Tina Keith hasbeen running an in home daycare

for 28 years.

- I love children.

Kids are a joy and God saidto take care of his children,

so I'm taking care of his children.

- [Narrator] 11 years ago,she felt God prompting her

to become a foster mom.

- [Tina] Josiah was three months old.

His grandmother hadcustody of the children,

then grandma gets sick.

- [Narrator] Tina got permanent custody

and she's been Josiah's mom ever since.

- [Tina] He's been a joy in my life.

In times when I was sad, he made me happy.

He's very loving, he's very, very smart.

- [Narrator] Several yearsafter becoming Josiah's mom,

Tina found herselfstruggling to provide for him

when her leg required five surgeries.

- [Tina] My right leg gotinfected, I was septic.

I was very sick.

I'm like, oh goodness, I'mgoing to be off from work.

Bills still have to be paid,whether you working or not.

I'm the sole provider of my family

and I have to take care ofJosiah, the home, everything.

I have it all to do.

It was hard.

- [Narrator] Tina wasn'table to work for over a year

and had to temporarily close her daycare.

Desperate for help, sheasked God what to do.

He led her to Operation Blessing Partner,

Five Loaves and Two Fishes.

- [Tina] It was justamazing how much was there,

from household supplies,clothing, foods, everything.

I was able to take money anddo something else with it

that really needed to be done,like paying the garbage bill.

It's like a miracle.

Like with my daycare kids,they bring a child here

and that child may not have what it needs,

I can always pick the phone up to say,

"Ms. Linda, I need such and such

to help my mommy with her baby."

And she says, "Come on and get it."

And that right there is a wonderful thing.

- [Narrator] Not long aftershe began receiving food,

Tina decided it was time to volunteer.

- I went back several moretimes and then I said,

"You know what?

I want to give back.

I want to be a part of that."

It is a joy.

It's a blessing all the way around.

- [Narrator] Tina says she doesn't know

what she would have donewithout the help she received

from Operation Blessing Partners.

- [Tina] I want to thank everybody.

That food bank down there

is one of the best things thatever happened to this county.

- And you can be a part ofproviding food to people.

During the middle of COVID-19,

we've actually seen ourdemand for food go up by 40%

and we want to be there for people.

It's now 30 millionAmericans are out of work.

Hardworking people, want to find jobs,

but they're just not there andwe're all sheltered in place

and we need to make sure peoplehave enough food to make it.

So if you want to bea part of that effort,

all you have to do is pickup the phone and call us,

1-800-700-7000, say you'llbe a member of the 700 Club.

Portion of every gift to the 700 Club

goes into Operation Blessing.

If you want to contributedirectly to the food relief,

there's a place on cbn.comwhere you can do just that

and a hundred percent of your donation

will go into food relief.

There's two, two categories,Hunger Strike Force,

there's also our disaster relief.

All our disaster relief rightnow is going to COVID-19,

so be a part of it.

Call us, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well up next, likehaving a heart attack,

that's how this woman feltevery day of her life.

- [Corinne] It was a thoughtin my mind all the time.

Am I going to die today?

Am I going to die today?

- [Ashley] How did a song and her anxiety?

Find out after this.

Easy money and a way to control men.

That's what drew Corinne Martinez

into the world ofstripping at 19 years old.

Then one night, Corinne didsomething that shocked herself.

She fled the stage because of a song.

- [Narrator] As a childgrowing up in Mexico,

Corinne Martinez didn't understand

why her parents were always fighting,

or the alcoholism tearing them both apart.

What she did understandwas her father's love.

- [Corinne] That was the onelove that I always held on to,

even though I wouldsometimes be in the middle

of him and my mom having a fight,

I felt that he truly loved me.

- [Narrator] But thatlove would be denied.

Late one night, her mothertook six year old Corinne

and her two sisters andhopped a Greyhound bus

bound for her hometown inIndiana to start a new life.

- [Corinne] I remember feeling alone,

but then I had a deeper feeling of fear.

- [Narrator] And it only got worse.

Her mom dated and lived with abusive men

and was often absent for daysor even months at a time.

At age 12, Corinne startedhaving panic attacks daily.

- [Corinne] I was afraid of death,

thinking I'm going to die every day.

I literally would feel likeI was having a heart attack.

It was a thought in my mind all the time.

Am I going to die today?

Am I going to die today?

The only way I can go aboutmy day is if I wasn't alone.

- [Narrator] As a teen,

she found the company of boysand sex eased her anxiety.

By 19, she was a high school dropout

and making money as a stripper.

- [Corinne] And somethingclicked, guys loved me.

And I thought, wow, I'm good at something,

I feel in control and I'mmaking a lot of money.

- [Narrator] For the next five years,

stripping and boyfriends

would keep her lonelinessand anxiety attacks at bay.

Then at 24, she moved back in with her mom

after breaking up with herboyfriend of three years.

- [Corinne] The next day,I had a severe panic attack

and I said, I haven't had it this bad

in the past couple of years,I don't know what to do.

Well, eventually within that week, I said,

"You know what?

If God is wonderful and all these things,

then maybe he can be my medicine."

- [Narrator] Corinne's onlyexperience with God or church

was when she went toSunday school as a kid.

Now, somehow she knew that'swhere she needed to go.

- [Corinne] People are praising the Lord

with their hands up,these people seem so free.

I want that and I satthere Sunday after Sunday

for a couple of weeks.

The pastor preached about

if you never give yourheart to Jesus Christ,

your eternity won't be withhim, it would be in hell.

I suddenly became afraid

to be forever separated from true love.

I just remember praying,

"Remove this panic, this anxiety for me,

if you are who you sayyou are, all loving,

and if you're a healer andI get to feel that forever,

I really want that."

- [Narrator] The next day,she realized something else.

- [Corinne] Oh my God,

I went all day and Ididn't have a panic attack.

I hoped so bad that this was real.

But to be honest, I, I still wasn't sure.

I've always carried an attitudeof expecting the worst.

I'm going to find somethingwrong where I can say,

"Oh, I hoped you were real,but turns out you're not."

- [Narrator] Corrine was afraidshe couldn't fully trust God

with her heart and her life,

so she kept dancing on occasion for money

and going to church on Sundays.

One night at the club,

her dance was disrupted by a worship song

she'd heard at church.

- [Corinne] And I'm like,

"Oh my goodness, I thinkI'm hearing things,

like God is speaking to me."

It was like I was alonefor a moment, me and God.

Then, the scripture that says,

"I purchased you for a price,

therefore honor me withyour body" fell on my heart.

It wasn't just knowledge anymore.

I had Godly insight.

That void in me allalong was a lack of love.

I was spiritually dead.

He raised me from the deadthat day and love will do that.

Love will chase youdown and it took for him

to come inside the strip club to do that.

- [Narrator] Corrine immediatelywalked out of the club

and never looked back.

She went on to finish school

and earn her degree asa physical therapist.

She now has a strongrelationship with her mom

and after years ofsearching for each other,

she and her dad reunited.

Today, Corrine is married to Mike

and runs a ministry to share Jesus

with women in the adultentertainment industry.

- [Corinne] I went back tothe clubs with such excitement

that I wanted to share withthem the love of Christ,

because in my mind, Jesuscame to visit me in the club.

So if Jesus is with me everywhere I go,

then he's going to govisit them in the club too.

- Yeah, there's a scripture

that came to mind as I was watching that,

it's in Limitations and it says,

"The faithful love of the Lord never ends.

His mercies never cease."

And I love what she saysthat love chases you down

because that's exactlywhat God's love does.

And I believe that's whathe's doing for you right now.

He is chasing you downwith his lavish love.

And another thing thatI love about that story

is it was a song thatGod spoke to her with

in the middle of a strip club.

She had a moment whereit was just her and God

and she realized how much he loved her

and there's a song that says,

"no shadow, you won't light up,

no mountain, you won'tclimb up coming after me."

And I believe that's what Godwants to do for you right now.

I don't know what mountain,what giant is in your life.

I don't know what darkness surrounds you,

but Christ almighty is there waiting

to just light up yourlife full of salvation,

full of abundant living,full of hope and joy.

He wants to take thebroken pieces of your life

and put it back together

and make something beautiful out of it,

just as he did in that story.

So if that's what you want today,

I want you to pray with me.

It's time to give God a chance.

Stop doing it your way.

Look where it's gotten you.

God has so much better for you.

He wants to shine hisbeautiful, amazing, abundant,

healing light in your life

and if you want to givehim a chance, do it today.

Stop what you're doing andpray with me right now.

Jesus, say his name outloud, Jesus, I come to you

and I surrender my life to you.

I'm done doing it my way, God.

I ask for forgiveness of my sins.

I believe that you died for my sins

and I thank you for theforgiveness that I now can receive,

because I believe in you Jesus.

Today, I make you King ofmy heart, Lord of my life.

In Jesus name, amen and amen.

And if you guys prayedthat prayer with me,

I am so happy for you.

Please give us, give usa call, 1-800-700-7000.

We have a pamphlet for you.

Thank you so much forpraying that prayer it's,

the best is yet to come.

- Here's a word from Psalms 1:13,

"From the rising of thesun to it's going down

the Lord's name is to be praised."

God bless.

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