Corrine was introduced into the sex industry at 19. She thought she was in control until daily anxiety attacks drove her to find answers.
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- [Narrator] As a childgrowing up in Mexico,
Corrine Martinez didn't understand
why her parents were always fighting
or the alcoholism tearing them both apart.
What she did understandwas her father's love.
- That was the one lovethat I always held onto,
even though I wouldsometimes be in the middle of
him and my mom having a fight,
I felt that he truly loved me.
- [Narrator] But thatlove would be denied.
Late one night, her mothertook six year old, Corrine,
and her two sisters andhopped a Greyhound bus
bound for her hometown inIndiana to start a new life.
- I remember feeling alone
but then I had a deeper feeling of fear.
- [Narrator] And it only got worse.
Her mom dated and lived with abusive men
and was often absent for daysor even months at a time.
(ominous music)
At age 12, Corrine startedhaving panic attacks daily.
(ominous music)
- I was afraid of death,
thinking I'm gonna die every day.
I literally would feel likeI was having a heart attack.
It was a thought in my mind all the time.
Am I gonna die today?
Am I gonna die today?
The only way I can go aboutmy day is if I wasn't alone.
(ominous music)
- [Narrator] As a teen, shefound the company of boys
and sex eased her anxiety.
By 19, she was a high school drop out
and making money as a stripper.
- And something clicked.
Guys loved me
and I thought, "Well,I'm good at something.
"I feel in control and I'mmaking a lot of money."
- [Narrator] For the next five years,
stripping and boyfriendswould keep her loneliness
and anxiety attacks at bay.
Then at 24, she moved back in with her mom
after breaking up with herboyfriend of three years.
- The next day, I hada severe panic attack
and I said I haven't had it this bad
in the past couple of years.
I don't know what to do.
(ominous music)
Well, eventually within that week,
I said, "You know what?
"If God is wonderful and all these things
"then maybe He can be my medicine."
- [Narrator] Corrine's onlyexperience with God or church
was when she went toSunday School as a kid.
Now, somehow, she knew that'swhere she needed to go.
(hopeful music)
- People are praising theLord with their hands up.
These people seemed so free.
I want that
and I sat there Sunday after Sunday
for a couple of weeks.
The pastor preached about,
if you never give yourheart to Jesus Christ,
your eternity won't be with him.
It would be in Hell.
I suddenly became afraidto be forever separated
from true love.
I just remember praying.
Remove this panic, this anxiety from me.
If you are who you say you are,
all loving and if you're a healer,
and I get to feel that forever?
I really want that.
- [Narrator] The next dayshe realized something else.
- Oh my God.
I went all day and Ididn't have a panic attack.
I hoped so bad that this was real.
But to be honest, I still wasn't sure.
I've always carried an attitudeof expecting the worst.
I'm gonna find something wrong
where I can say, "Oh,I hoped you were real,
"but it turns out you're not."
- [Narrator] Corrinewas afraid she couldn't
fully trust God withher heart and her life
so she kept dancing on occasion for money
and going to church on Sundays.
One night at the club,her dance was disrupted
by a worship song she'd heard at church.
- And I am like, "Oh my goodness.
"I think I'm hearing things,like God is speaking to me."
(dramatic music)
It was like I was alonefor a moment, me and God.
Then the scripture that says,
"I purchase you for a price,
"therefore honor me withyour body," fell on my heart.
It wasn't just knowledge anymore.
I had Godly insight.
That void in me allalong was a lack of love.
I was spiritually dead.
He raised me from the dead that day
and love will do that.
Love will chase youdown and it took for Him
to come inside the strip club to do that.
- [Narrator] Corrine immediatelywalked out of the club
and never looked back.
She went on to finishschool and earn her degree
as a physical therapist.
She now has a strongrelationship with her mom
and after years ofsearching for each other,
she and her dad reunited.
Today, Corrine is married to Mike
and runs a ministry to share Jesus
with women in the adultentertainment industry.
- I went back to theclubs with such excitement
that I wanted to share withthem the love of Christ
because in my mind, Jesuscame to visit me in the club,
so if Jesus is with me everywhere I go,
then He's gonna go visitthem in the club too.