Author Jonathan Cahn returns with a mind-blowing follow up to his book, The Harbinger. Plus, CBN News goes inside one of the top ten most dangerous places to be a Christian.
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Wendy] Today, hang onto your seats,
"The Harbinger" is back with part two.
What does it have to dowith the COVID pandemic?
Jonathan Cahn returns with afollowup mind-blowing saga.
Then, one of the top 10 most dangerous
places to be a Christian.
- [Nettleton] If you want to live there,
you should be a Hindu.
Plus, burning pain in both feet.
How did it vanish in an instant?
Find out on today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
Do Joe Biden and the violent
protesters share the same agenda?
Well, that's the question coming up.
Plus, the president says he knows
who's funding the left-wing groups.
So who are they?
And the Democrats had beenmum about the violence,
so why is Joe speaking out now?
Dale Hurd has that.
- With his numbers sagging in the polls,
Democratic presidentialcandidate Joe Biden looks
to be trying to reinvent himself
as the kinder, gentlerlaw and order candidate.
Speaking not in the shattered cities
of Portland or Kenosha, but in Pittsburgh.
- Rioting is not protesting.
Looting is not protesting.
Setting fires is not protesting.
None of this is protesting.
It's lawlessness, plain and simple.
- [Dale] But PresidentTrump wasn't letting
Biden off the hook.
- The violent rioters shareBiden's same talking points
and they share his sameagenda for our nation.
- This after deaths in two cities
after police failed to put down protests.
In Portland, authoritiesidentified the victim
as a member of a right-winggroup called Patriot Prayer.
Police are seeking aperson who self identified
as anti-fascist in connectionwith this shooting.
- I am not sad that a(beep) fascist died tonight.
- [Dale] Journalist andformer Portland resident
Mark Hemingway writes inthe Wall Street Journal
that "violent radicalism has been enabled
by 50 years of political leadership
that has been as corrupt and depraved
as it has been progressive."
After the shooting, anumber of progressive groups
in Portland are calling forthe mayor and police chief
to resign for failing to protect citizens.
President Trump is set tovisit Kenosha, Wisconsin today
and defended Kyle Rittenhouse,the teenager accused of
fatally shooting two demonstrators there.
- He was trying to getaway from them, I guess.
He probably would have been killed.
It's under investigation.
- [Dale] Rittenhouse'slawyer says he was acting
to defend the communitywhen police would not.
But Trump says he doesn't want his
supporters confronting rioters.
In an interview on FoxNews "The Ingraham Angle,"
the president accusedstupid, foolish, rich people
and corporations of funding the riots.
- The money is coming from somewhere.
- [Trump] Money is coming from-
- How can it be fact?
- From some very stupid rich people
that have no idea that iftheir thing ever succeeded,
which it won't, they will be thrown
to the wolves likeyou've never seen before.
- Colorado RepublicanCongressman Ken Buck is calling
for congressional hearings into the source
of the funding for the riots
that have erupted in American cities.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Well, ladies and gentlemen,
that law and order is goingto take President Trump
to another term in the WhiteHouse without question.
And the radicals aregiving him the election.
They think they'reprotesting for something,
but what they're doing isprotesting for Donald Trump.
They just don't realize it.
And now for some good news.
A crackdown on sex traffickers has led
to the rescue of dozensof missing children.
Good news you don't readabout much in the papers,
but we've got it here.
John Jessup.
- That's right, Pat.
Over a period of several weeks,
US Marshals have recoveredat least 64 missing children
in operations targeting several states.
Many of the children arevictims of sex traffickers.
In an ongoing crackdown in Ohio,
the marshals so farhave located 25 children
between the ages of 13 and 18.
They're looking for about 200 more.
Last week they rescued 26 children
and located 13 othersin Georgia and Florida.
Another operation led tothe arrest of 27 men in Ohio
who were having sexualconversations online
with agents posing as children.
The head of the Food andDrug Administration says
he's open to fast-trackinga COVID-19 vaccine
before clinical trials are completed.
Dr. Stephen Han told the Financial Times
that under the rightcircumstances an emergency
authorization could be approved.
while stage three trialsare still underway.
Dr. Han said the drugcompany would have to
request emergency authorization
before the FDA makes that decision.
He stressed pressure from the White House
would not influence that decision.
President Trump has promiseda vaccine by year's end
but with recent pollsshowing as many as 35%
of Americans unwilling to take it,
the question some are askingis could the government
make it mandatory?
One state health officialsays he'd give that order.
Paul Strand looks at the complications
and concerns of such a potential decision.
- The Supreme Court ruled in 1905
after a smallpox epidemic hadraged through Massachusetts
that a state could mandate vaccinations.
First Liberty Instituteattorney Jeremy Dys.
- If the court said,"Look, there is a necessary
police power to encouragepeople to be able
to have a vaccine toeradicate this deadly disease,
especially amongst children.
- [Paul] The military has long mandated
US troops get vaccinations.
Many hospitals and schools insist on them.
So no surprise some arenow advocating mandatory
vaccinations for COVID-19.
Like Virginia's healthcommissioner who said,
"If we develop a vaccinethat can prevent it
from spreading in the community,
we will save hundredsand hundreds of lives."
When asked if he would mandate a vaccine,
Dr. Oliver replied yes.
That's not a popularview though among people
who may not trust the scienceor have religious objections.
- I think there are people who absolutely,
their faith would say if this vaccine,
for example, uses abortedunborn children, fetal tissue,
that we're going to take a pass,
that we're going tosay, "We can't be a part
of anything that would in any way
denigrate the value of human life."
- [Paul] But some lawmakersobject to allowing
any religious exemption.
Like Virginia delegate Mark Levine
who proclaimed, "You do not have the right
to kill somebody else"
if such non-vaccinated then got the virus.
- He went on to basically say,
"I think they shouldreceive criminal penalties."
- [Paul] Levine even compared such people
to those who drive drunk.
- And that is shocking and despicable.
- While Democrats inVirginia's legislature
blocked a bill favoringreligious exemptions,
the point might be moot since
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam says
he doesn't support mandating vaccinations.
But might it not be a person'sduty to get the vaccination,
to protect those around them,to be their brother's keeper?
- No question we arecalled to love our neighbor
and we need to be veryfaithful to do that.
- Everyday individualAmericans have to recognize
that they've got a responsibility,
one towards anotherand to their fellow man
and their neighbor to makesure that they're caring,
not only for themselves,but for the whole as well.
- Cobb points out thoughsome people fear the health
effects of a new vaccine,particularly on their kids.
- We need to very carefullybalance personal responsibility,
individual Liberty, andthen most importantly,
parental rights to do what's best
for the children that God has bestowed
upon us to raise not the government.
- With a vaccine hoped for soon,
this could soon become aprominent national issue.
Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.
- Thanks, Paul.
The White House is facing a backlash
after the nation's topintelligence official
canceled in-person briefings
on election securityfor members of Congress.
John Ratcliffe, the directorof national intelligence,
said the briefings willbe given in written form
with no opportunity toask questions in person.
Ratcliffe said he took thestep because of a quote
"pandemic of leaks" butdid not get specifics.
Democrats condemn the decision
that comes only weeks togo before the election
and with growing concerns over meddling
by Russia, China, and Iran.
They're considering subpoenaing Ratcliffe
to explain that decision.
- Well, I think the ideaof having an open forum
to let the intelligencebe leaked by dozens
of sources is wise to shut it down.
And as they say, ShiftySchiff in the house is just
having a fit becausehe'll get the briefing,
but he'll get it inwriting instead of oral
which I think there's nothing with that.
But it's their call.
And by the way, back tothat vaccination thing.
I think we need to have more information.
There is no way underheaven that we now know
that a quick vaccine that's just brought
out is going to have the effects
they want it to haveagainst this COVID-19.
And to force people to get it before
it's proven would be a very bad decision.
Later on when they got it out,
we certainly learned that the vaccination
against the smallpox wasextremely important and everybody,
little kids all gotvaccinated and that was fine.
But I don't think wehave enough knowledge now
to force people to get that vaccination.
So that's my take on it,
- Pat, turning to thedevastation in Louisiana
where residents arefacing crucial shortages
of basic supplies after Hurricane Laura.
More than 17,000 linemanfrom 29 states are working
to restore power.
Hundreds of thousands left with no AC
on some of the hottest days of the year.
About 180,000 people don't have water.
Cars have been backed up for miles
as the US military hands outice, water, meals, and tarps.
This man was trapped in his home
for days hoping for any help he can get.
- We lost the roof to our house.
We've been trapped in our house for days.
My brother-in-law came cut us out
with a chainsaw yesterday.
- Operation Blessingtrucks are on the scene
in Lake Charles, Louisianabringing power tools
and equipment to clear out homes
and to cut and remove debris,
ready to sign up volunteersto help the victims.
And Pat, you and I have both been
on the scene after hurricanes and know
how much help Operation Blessing brings.
- Sure have, I've done anoperation during Katrina,
where they had trailers in there
and those people were working like crazy
and doing a wonderful job.
It is so much work that needs to be done.
Those people are sufferingand Operation Blessing is now
their work in Lake Charlesand surrounding areas
and we got a drivethrough food distribution,
disaster relief teams are ready to serve
by tarping roofs, mucking gutting homes,
tree removal debris, cleanup.
Operation Blessing Disaster Relief Fund.
So if you want to do somethingto help your fellow man,
we can do it through Operation Blessing.
- I know a lot of people would like
to volunteer and now is your chance.
Operation Blessing iscoordinating daytime volunteers
to help with the HurricaneLaura cleanup efforts
in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
You must be at least 18 years old.
And for more informationcall this special number
on your screen, 1-800-730-2537.
Or you can go to
Again, the number, 1-800-730-2537
if you'd like to volunteerin Lake Louisiana
in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura.
Coming up a burning sensation,
like feet being held to the fire.
This horsewoman wound up flat on her back.
What got her back in the saddle?
Stay tuned to find out.
But first, the nation of India shot
from number 30 to number 10 on the list
of the most dangerousplaces to be a Christian.
The question is why?
The answer after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- A mob drags a pastor from his home,
beats him brutally, andthen slits his throat.
That monstrous murder is just one example
of the horrific violencethat is now sweeping India.
Why has this nationbecome one of the top 10
most dangerous places to be a Christian?
George Thomas explains.
- A new report by ahuman rights group claims
that despite a four monthcoronavirus lockdown,
Christians in India are facing an uptick
in religiously motivated persecution.
(traditional Indian music)
According to Persecution Relief,
these four states are nowthe most dangerous places
for Christians where beatings,arrests, church destruction,
and at times death areregular occurrences.
- The police will be called
and at times theChristian will be arrested
and accused of creatingcommunal disharmony,
accused of causing problemsby being a Christian.
- [George] Among those brutally killed,
27-year-old Kande Mudu who converted
from Hinduism toChristianity four years ago.
- Among the first people he led
to Christ were his three brothers.
That started the pressure in his village.
- [George] On June 7th, halfa dozen radical Hindu men
armed with sharp weapons andhomemade guns dragged Mudu
out of his home, severely beathim, then slit his throat.
- And even when theHindu mob came to get him
and knowing that his lifecould be about to end,
the last thing he said to hiswife as he was led away was,
"Honey, I want you tostay strong in your faith.
Even if they kill me,
you remain firm in your faith in Christ."
- [George] Persecution Relief says Mudu's
case was among 293 incidentsof anti-Christian persecution
in just the first six months of this year,
a 40% jump compared tothe same time last year.
- Seeing the ways enrich attacks
on those communities havecontinued has been part
of the reason why wesee the concern raised
by Open Doors and manyacross the world in terms
of what's happening forreligious freedom in India.
- [George] Over the past seven years,
India has gone fromnumber 31 to number 10 on
Open Doors' World Watch Listof the most dangerous places
in the world to be a Christian.
The majority of attackshappening under the Hindu-led
BJP government of Narendra Modi.
Modi's party is accused of trying
to turn India into a Hindu nation.
- As Prime Minister Modiwas reelected last year,
he promised to make India more Hindu.
They believe that India is a Hindu nation,
literally the soil is Hindu soil.
And if you want to livethere, you should be a Hindu.
- [George] India's constitution
guarantees religious freedom,
yet the government ispushing a national law
that would ban religious conversions.
- Basically laws that say youcannot change your religion.
If you want to change your religion,
you need to appear before a magistrate.
You need to explain why you're doing that.
And that gives thegovernment opportunities
to fight against that conversion
and to try to talk you outof changing your faith.
- [George] So far eightof India's 29 states
have passed anti-conversion laws.
(mob shouting)
And it's not just Christians.
Muslims are also coming under pressure.
- We see a number of effortsthat have been undertaken
that particularly targetMuslims, including last year,
the passage of a citizenshipamendment act made
it a lot easier foreveryone other than Muslims,
to try and obtain a path to citizenship.
(traditional Indian music)
- [George] Then in early August,
Hindus across the country celebrated
as Prime Minister Modi broke ground
on a long-awaited Hindu templeto their revered god Ram
at the site of a demolished16th century mosque.
In 1992, Hindu radicalsdestroyed the mosque
sparking massive Hindu-Muslim violence.
For more than seven decades,
India has been held togetherby its secular constitution,
rich culture, and pluralistic values.
Now human rights groups sayall that is under threat
as Modi and his politicalparty pursue an aggressive
and deadly agenda of trying
to turn India into a Hindu nation.
Something a ranking BJPleader once said would happen
by December 31st, 2021 when all of India
would be free of Christians and Muslims,
either by conversion or they'dbe forced out of the country.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Thanks, George.
The Hindu faith, they haveabout 300 million gods.
It's a weird sort of thing.
They worship all kinds of deities.
But they really haven't beenaggressive toward others.
The Muslims, Islam has beenaggressive in terms of jihad
and taking over countriesand forcing conversion.
The Hindus haven't done that.
I'm surprised in India thatthey're beginning to do that.
I think there's a spirit ofanarchy throughout the world.
This isn't just in India,it's throughout the world.
There's a spirit spirit of lawlessness.
And you just feel thatit's almost like the powers
of hell are being loosedagainst the population.
It's not just against Christians,it's against everybody.
And you've got rioting inthe streets of America.
You've got rioting in India.
You've got rioting in Germanyand all throughout the world.
And there's terrible oppression in China.
You could go down thelist of the countries
and it's a time of chaos.
Why, what does it mean?
Well, you remember that thing that
I told you Jerusalem shall be trodden
under foot of the Gentiles until the times
of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
And Jerusalem is no longerunder foot of the Gentiles.
It's in the hand of the Jews.
And does this mean that theend of the Gentile domination
of the world is coming to a collapse?
It looks that way.
It looks like it's goingto be a financial collapse.
It looks like it's going tobe a governmental collapse.
And we see this all over the world.
So if there's ever a timeto pray, now is the time.
- Amen.
Still ahead, an ancient mysterybehind the global pandemic.
What is it?
Bestselling authorJonathan Cahn reveals it
from the pages of "TheHarbinger II" coming up.
But first, burning pain inthe bottoms of her feet.
This woman prayed for othersand got healed herself.
Watch how it happened after this.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Feet to the fire.
For Kristin, that wasn'tjust an expression.
The bottoms of her feet actually felt
like they were burning.
So what finally put out the flames?
Take a look.
- My name is Kristin.
I enjoy outdoor activities, gardening,
taking care of animals.
We have a couple horseshere I enjoy riding
and just getting outsideand enjoying time out there.
In May of 2019, Istarted experiencing pain
in both of my feet and a burning sensation
on the bottom of my feet.
It was going on for a couple of weeks
and it was hindering my active lifestyle.
I wasn't able to get through the day
and do the things that I needed to do.
I wasn't able to work through the pain.
I was hesitant aboutcontacting the doctor.
I wasn't sure exactlywhat I would tell him,
that I was having foot pain and that
there was a burning sensation.
It actually felt like my feetwere being held to the fire.
Everything changed on May 28th, 2019.
That day I was watching "The 700 Club."
I was sitting in my living room
with my feet up due to the pain.
At the end of the show whenPat and Terry were praying,
I was praying along with them
and that's when Terry started talking
about the pain that I was experiencing
and the pain and burning sensation.
- Someone with burning onthe bottom of your feet,
that's going to stop now, in Jesus' name,
you'll not have it anymore.
- At that time, I wasnot praying for myself
for healing and I was praying along,
and I thought that it was uh strange
that somebody else had the same issue
and within moments afterI had that thought,
the pain went away, the burning went away.
I sat there for a few moments thinking,
"If I move, is it going to come back?"
And I just sat for afew moments and I got up
and I started walking around and I said,
"It's really gone."
My feet were back to normal.
I know that there's people out there
that are suffering and that have much
worse conditions, much bigger problems.
The fact that the Lord touched me
and healed my issue was very humbling.
I am on my feet for a goodpart of the day taking care
of the horses and the other animals here.
And I've had no pain atall doing all my activities
and chores and it's been wonderful.
God works miracles every day and I think
when they happen we should take the time
to acknowledge them and toshare the joy of a miracle.
- Share the joy of a miracle
and you've done that, Kristin.
We're so excited thatyou received that word
and you have no more pain in your feet.
And we've got some praise reports.
- [Pat] Amen, go ahead.
- Okay, here's one from Tammy.
"On August 25th," just a few days ago,
"I was watching "The 700 Club,"
and you had a word of knowledge, Pat,
for someone with a shattered knee and that
God was healing it puttingall the bones back together.
She says, "I'd fallen somany times on my left knee
I couldn't get up without difficulty.
The kneecap felt broken.
But when Pat prayed, I claimed it,
and I have to say proclaim," rather,
"that God healed my knee instantly.
Praise Jesus.
God can do anything if youjust believe and receive."
- Isn't that wonderful?- I love it.
- This is from somebody named L.K.
"I was listening on August the 5th
and Wendy had a wordthat somebody suffered
from anxiety and fear of the future.
I had been in a place of hopelessness
and had no desire tostay on earth whatsoever.
It was awful.
My heart was broken and I was devastated.
It lifted instantly.
God, just somehow put me back together.
Thank you for your faithfulness."
- [Wendy] Praise God.
- God bless you.
We're going to join right now in prayer
before we have anything else.
Now what is your need?
God loves you.
And these individualswe just talked about,
they're not some special apostles
or a first century Christian or anything.
They're people who Godloves and God loves you.
So Wendy and I are goingto join together right now.
We're going to believe Godfor you, whatever the need is.
Father, in Jesus' name.
My goodness, there's a ruptured aorta.
That is serious business.
You may be actually in surgery right now,
but whatever it is that bleeding,
the Lord is just reaching down
and He's going to repair that aorta
and give you a brand new vessel,new heart, in Jesus' name.
- Someone, you have lower back pain
that has just plagued you for years.
And God is healing you right now.
Today is your day, just receive it.
You are healed and that painwill not be there anymore.
In Jesus' name, thank You.
- You have what's called diverticulitis
and the diverticular,
your intestines arebeing healed right now.
This terrible pain, you haveall kinds of upset stomach.
God has just healed you,you'll feel like fire
in your intestines, in Jesus' name, touch.
- There's someone named Felicia
and the Lord is touching you right now.
I'm not sure what your issue is,
but He called out your name.
So if your name is Felicia,receive your healing.
God is touching you and youare healed in Jesus' name.
Thank You, God.
- I believe the name isCharlie, you got night sweats.
You've had a virus infectionand those things are going
to be completely healed in Jesus' name.
Wendy, you have one more.
- I just want to lift up all the people
that are in the wake of Hurricane Laura.
There's so many elderly, somany young people as well
without power, without food, without homes
and Lord, we ask for Your provision.
We ask that You send Your angels,
Lord, that You send the volunteers,
that You send the physical help
and the spiritual help that they need.
Lord, we can't even imagine right now,
how it's so hot and stickyand Lord, they need help.
And so we thank You for those
that are there helpingright now in Jesus' name.
- Before, there's somebody named Nichole,
you have a tumor in your abdomen.
And if you just put yourhand on it right now,
God has healed it inJesus' name, amen and amen.
Give us a call, will you please?
We'd love to hear the testimonyso don't hesitate to call.
If you need prayer, it's just so simple.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
We're here because we loveyou and the Lord loves you
and we're here for you, okay?
- Amen.
Still ahead, a fire chief whomissed putting out the flames.
How did he find a way out and
who helped him discover his true calling?
That's coming up.
Plus Jonathan Cahn is back with
"The Harbinger II: The Return."
What new harbingers have appeared
since the release of his first book?
Stay tuned to find out.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN "NewsBreak."
Hamas and Israel have agreedto back off hostilities.
For weeks, Hamas has been sending balloons
with explosive devices and firing rockets
from Gaza to Israel andfacing Israeli retaliation.
Hamas announced the ceasefire after talks
with an envoy from Qatarwho mediated the deal.
Qatar reportedly gave $27million to a mosque in Gaza.
Israel reportedly has also agreed
to restore critical fuel shipments to Gaza
and allow fishermen to returnto their coastal fishing zone.
Huge gatherings of people took part
in revival services in theNortheast over the weekend
with many getting saved and baptized
as a move of God swept parts of the area.
Worship leader Sean Feuchtand Dr. Charles Karuku
with International Outreach Church brought
revival meetings to New Jersey,New York, and Massachusetts.
One person carried a sign that read,
"Worship is Warfare," atestament to the belief
that America is facing anescalating spiritual battle.
Dr. Karuku and Feuchtwill carry the movement
to the Midwest.
Dr. Karuku had already led the riots
to revival in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
which has seen protests and violence.
You can find out more about this story
as well as always getthe latest from CBN News
by going to our website at
Pat and Wendy will be back with more
of "The 700 Club" right after this.
(dramatic music)
- Hi, this is PatRobertson with an excerpt
from my new book "I HaveWalked With the Living God."
I hope it will be a blessingto you as you walk with God.
"I arrived at the White House
and was led into the Oval Office.
'Mr. President, I have a word
from the Lord for you,' I said.
'You are going to leada powerful coalition
that will win a great victoryover Saddam Hussein and Iraq
and you will be hailed as a war hero.'
When I delivered those words,
he came around the desk to thank me.
I extended my hands andsaid, 'May I pray for you?'
He took my hands, bowed hishead, and we prayed together
for God's blessing on this enterprise.
He then left the Oval Officeand went into the Cabinet Room
and laid out the plan toliberate the nation of Kuwait
from the aggression of Iraqi forces."
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to "The 700 Club."
Tom Hardin was just 24 yearsold when he became fire chief.
But at the top of his profession,Tom felt totally trapped.
What was he missing?
And how did he develop aGod-given idea for his dream job?
- [Reporter] Tom Hardin is a lifesaver.
Something that started at a young age.
- I worked at the firedepartment during summers
here in high school, they gave me a job.
I just fell in love with it.
- [Reporter] Tom quickly movedup the ranks and at the age
of 24 became the youngestfire chief in the country.
But he soon learned thatbeing in charge meant
he couldn't do what heloved most, helping people.
- I was just a manager,managing a corporation
that had a million dollar budget.
Didn't get to do a wholelot of firefighting.
I just felt so unhappy 'causeI could see no way out.
- [Reporter] Tom wanted to quit,
but he didn't know what to do next.
So he prayed and got his answer one day
while watching "The 700 Club."
- Pat did his fingerlike that and he said,
"God has a storehouse of every idea
that has not yet beenthought of, ask Him for one."
So that's what I did.
- [Reporter] As Tom prayed,an idea began to take shape.
He stepped down as fire chief
and started a business training workers
in industrial and workplace safety.
- God gave us the idea andGod gave us the ability.
He made it possible and then we had
to exert the effort and usethe abilities He gave us
and just became very successful.
- [Reporter] Business increased
over 20% per year, year after year.
And as his business grew,Tom became a CBN partner.
- You give to CBN, youknow that every penny
of that's going to be usedto its maximum ability
and actually it's going tobe multiplied over and over.
So you know that's a good investment.
That's a solid investment.
- [Reporter] Today, Tom has his dream job
and now he encourages people to trust God
and pray for opportunities to help others.
- The first thing you have to do is give
and He's going to take care of you
just do what He tells you to do.
Follow His leading, know His voice,
learn to identify His voice,and following His leading.
- God will make a way, follow His leading.
He wants to give youthe desires of His heart
that's what Psalm 37:4 says.
It says, "Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you thedesires of your heart."
Well, when you joined The 700 Club,
we want to give you something it's called
"Do You Need a Miracle?"
These are real life stories of real people
and God at work in their life.
Incredible stories thatwill encourage your faith.
All you have to do to jointhe club is call the number
on your screen, 1-800-700-7000.
And it's just 65 cents a day,$20 a month is all it takes.
You can also log on to
if you'd rather give online,but we need your help.
There's so many hurting peoplearound the world right now.
And if you can help, pleasego to your phones right now
because you're the onesgoing to be blessed.
You cannot outgive God.
All right, Pat.
- Up next, could theglobal pandemic, 9/11,
and the financialcollapse all be connected
to an ancient mystery?
So what does it revealabout the future of America?
Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn
answers these questions right after this.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- "The Harbinger."
It caused a worldwide sensation
and it was our privilegeto introduce that book
on this program about eight years ago.
Well, Jonathan Cahn is back with us
and today his book iscalled "The Harbinger II."
It's released again today, take a look.
- [Announcer] "The HarbingerII: The Return" will reveal
what could never be revealed until now.
Could an ancient mystery be determining
the events of our time?
And does it reveal thesecret of our future?
What does it reveal about judgment?
Are we closer now than we were before?
How much time is left?
Is the shaking that hascome upon the world a sign
of a warning of things to come?
Could the global pandemic,9/11, the financial collapse,
and other shakings all be joined together
as part of an ancient mystery?
- He's with us now, an amazingscholar, Jonathan Cahn.
Jonathan, it's so good to see you again.
Thank you for being with us.
And this new book, "The Harbinger II,"
what is it going to say about America?
- The ultimate thing hereis, where are we now?
And this is the book, Pat,that I held back for years,
because ever since I wrote "The harbinger"
I knew that there was moreand that was the beginning
of a template or mystery of judgment
and it has continued to this day
and what we are experiencing now.
I could not just write this book.
I had to wait and about a year ago,
I'm praying and saying,"Lord, what's the next book?"
And it came that now it's time.
And I had a very strong sense that
this year was going to bea year of shaking, 2020.
I told people about it, I spoke publicly
and then I had to write this book
because this is going to be the resuming
of the mystery of a harbinger,
the shakings that are coming upon America.
And I had to write thisbecause this is where it is
and the template that we,
I spoke the first time I came there
and it was it on the day,like it's on the day today,
but the ultimate thing was that
first the template ofjudgment, there is a shaking.
There is an attack on the land.
This is a biblical template happened
with America with 9/11.
Then there was a window oftime that the nation's given,
years to come back toGod or head to judgment.
And if it doesn't come back,then the shakings continue.
And one of the things,Pat, when I look back
at "The Harbinger," the original,
it actually speaks about theshakings that are gonna come
and also even the timingthat it was to be,
this is the time, 2020 is even there.
And if we have time,
I will share about why it had to be now.
And the thing is that there is this moment
that we're in right nowthat is very, very crucial
because I believe it's critical.
We are on the cusp ofsomething very gigantic.
So it's going to reveal,are we approaching judgment?
How much time do we have?
What do we need to knowfor the days ahead?
And so "The Harbinger II"is going to open up that,
it's kind of taking it where it was.
So it's things that I, one,I have not revealed before
that go all the way from 9/11that are affecting us now
to what's happened since"The Harbinger" came out.
Has the harbingers continued?
Well, they have.
And then where we are right now,
is there a mystery behindit and is there hope?
So it's all that,
that's what "The HarbingerII" is going to open up.
- Jonathan, why is 9/11 important to you?
- 9/11, if you look atthe original template
of in the Bible, italways begins the warning
of a nation that it's under judgment,
is this strike that comes on the land.
And it's a wake up calland we knew that back then.
But that happened with America.
But here I'll give youan example of things
that I did not reveal in "The Harbinger"
that have to do withnow as well from 9/11.
One of the things isthis, when the judgment,
when God starts warninga nation of judgment,
He allows the powers ofthat nation to be shaken
and actually takes thenation to its foundation.
Well, what was the foundationof America's military power?
America's this military superpower.
It really rose in 1941when it entered the war
and it never has stopped.
At the same moment that itentered the war, the rise,
a building was built,which was the Pentagon,
which has represented that.
When was the Pentagon built?
The Pentagon was born,birthed on September 11th,
the very day, in 1941.
And so the ancient mysterythat it comes back,
things come back to the foundation
and, Pat, it replaced a building,
it was called the War Department
that had existed for 60 years,
if you take the day that thePentagon was begun at 60 years,
it comes to September 11th, 2001.
And it wasn't just that.
Even the rise of America's economic power,
where did that focus on?
New York City.
When did New York city begin?
When was that planted?
When Henry Hudson discovered it.
What day was it?
September 11.
The rise of America's economic power,
the rise of its military power,
and the warning, Pat, isthat these are symbols
of something to come that ifAmerica does not come back
to God, its powers willbe shaken, will crumble.
And the other thing is,I never shared this,
just days before 9/11,there was an appointed word,
in the synagogues, theyopened up the scrolls
from words that areappointed from ancient times,
they open up the scrolls and the word
that was appointed for justbefore 9/11 was the word
of warning when God istalking about a nation
that has been blessedby the blessings of God,
and it turns away, He says then these
things are going to come upon you.
And it begins, it says that an enemy
from far away is going to comeand strike you at your gate.
Well, the gate wasAmerica's New York, 9/11,
it says the enemy will comelike an eagle swooping down,
literally 9/11 happened that way too.
This is a classic sign ofthe beginning of judgment
and the swooping eagleand on the first plane
that began 9/11, there wasactually an image on the back,
and it was an image ofan eagle swooping down.
And so I'll just mentionone more from there.
And then it goes to where we are now.
Another one is thatthere's a sign in the Bible
that alarm that an enemyis coming to strike a city.
Well, that's the sound ofthe shofar of the watchmen.
People don't realize this,
but before anybody knew about 9/11,
on that morning, all around the Northeast,
the sound of God's alarm starts sounding
throughout the Northeast.
And it starts sounding in the places
where the terrorists are.
As they go to one place, it sounds there.
Go to Boston, it sounds there.
New York, it sounds there.
It was appointed fromancient times for that day.
And it's appointed tosound until about 10:30.
Well, the last event of 9/11,
the fall of the tower happens about 10:29
and then the alarm stop.
And so the trumpets aresounding, God is warning
and that's really where we are now.
We're at a much more critical space
because it hasn't stopped.
Since "The Harbinger" came out,
there are more harbingersthat have appeared.
- John, what's 19 years?
What's that got to do with this?
- It's called the 19 yearmystery, a chapter in the new book
that has to do with thetiming of the shaking.
Now I said that thebeginning of the warning
and shaking of a nationis that first strike.
But then there is this window of time,
this window where thenation has to come back.
Well, how long is it?
In "The Harbinger," when I look back, Pat,
at things to come, thatchapter, it gives dates
and the classic dates areit's a 19 year period.
In ancient Israel,Nebuchadnezzar struck the land
at 605 and then he came back.
The bigger shakings comeback in 586, that's 19 years.
Again and again, the 19th year.
Well, when did 9/11 happen?
When is the 19th year?
Does the mystery pinpointthe time of shaking?
It pinpoints the year 2020,19 years from 9/11 is 2020.
And in the original template,
it speaks of the shakings that will come,
shakings of division of theland, disorder in the land,
economic collapse, the infrastructure,
all of these thingsthat are happening now.
And not only that, but theprophet Jeremiah, literally,
when he spoke about what was going
to happen in the 19th year, he literally,
he speaks about a plagueor a pestilence or pandemic
that will come upon the land.
And even behind that isa mind-blowing mystery
about what's happening now.
- Jonathan, there was something else
that triggered the time
when our Supreme Courtruled about marriage.
Could you talk about that?
- That's one of the signs or harbingers
that have happened since Ifirst came to "The 700 Club"
and there is a date onthe Hebrew calendar,
you can see it in the Bible,
that when the walls of the nations,
the hedge of protection,are breached, it's attacked.
It happened in 586 whenNebuchadnezzar breached the walls.
It happened on the daycalled the ninth of Tammuz.
Now this became a day ofmourning on the Hebrew calendar.
And so it was the daythat the hedge is breached
and the defense of thenation is abandoned.
Well, ninth of Tammuz.
Well, a number of years ago,
the Supreme Court, Americathrough the Supreme Court,
struck down marriage as we know it,
the biblical, actually, which is a hedge
of protection of a civilization.
It happened on June 26, 2015.
On the Bible's calendar,it was the ninth of Tammuz,
the day that the walls that are
protecting the nation arestruck down and when it heads
to judgment on the actualexact biblical day.
- What do you think is next?
2020 is the key year.
What can happen next?
- I believe that theshakings that have come,
and I shared this at thebeginning of the year,
it's not over.
I believe there aregreater things to come.
I believe that we are, this September,
we're starting September right now.
and the book is releasedtoday, that's not an accident,
that we are heading toa very critical period
and that if we don't comeback, if we don't turn,
if there's not a revivalthat we are heading
to some very gigantic things.
I believe at the sametime that there is hope.
One of the things about the book,
and so people realize, itleads to what is the hope.
How can we turn it around?
The Bible gives an answer on that.
And the only answer is revival
and the only way revivalcomes is through repentance.
And I believe, peoplehave asked me for years,
Pat, is there going to be judgment
or is it going to be revival?
And I say, sometimes there could be both.
Sometimes there could be shaking
through which revival comes.
We know the Scripture and Iknow we'll talk at another time,
but I remember 40 yearsago when you were there
at the Washington for Jesus,
that was major, a sacredgathering for revival
and I believe it touched history.
I believe it's even more critical now.
And that Scripture, whichis II Chronicles 7:14,
"If my people called by myname will humble themselves,
pray, seek my face, turnfrom their evil ways,
I'll hear from heaven.I'll forgive their sin.
I will heal their land."
But people don't realize ifyou look at the verse before,
maybe some people do now,look at the verse before,
it gives the context, it says,
"If I send a plague on the land,"
then it says, "If my peoplewho are called by my name."
So I believe that this is amost critical time right now.
This is the 19th year.
This is also the autumn,a very peak period.
And we are at an election that is crucial.
So I believe this is crucial.
We've called for somethingcalled the return.
I know we'll talk about it,
but a national day on September26, a prayer repentance,
But I believe it's crucial,Pat, if I could ever say this,
if I ever sounded the trumpet, it's now.
- The return, a grouphave signed off on that
to go to Washington and cryout to God and repent like,
"If my people who are calledby my name will humble
themselves and pray."
- Yeah, that, that is the ultimate thing.
This is a call, nowwhether people can come to,
if people can come toWashington on that day,
September 26th, the NationalMall will be the whole day
at the Washington Monument.
But also, if you can't come,at home, wherever you are,
it doesn't matter, in your churches.
It is so crucial.
All the signs have pointed.
I said to the Lord, "Lord,this is a heavy message."
And He said, "But if youdon't sound the trumpet,
if you don't sound the trumpet,then it's going to come
and you're going to be responsible."
So that's "The Harbinger II."
It was so heavy uponme, Pat, that this year,
before it happened, and Istarted writing it in January.
And then everything startedthat this is the crucial year.
This is a crucial period right now.
And we have to comeback, we have to return.
All the signs are appearing.
And even this pandemic that'shappening has all the signs
of a biblical mystery because
of the hour is crucial critical.
It is time to be onour faces for the Lord.
- You talked about the planting
of a peace tree that is now dead.
What is the significance of that?
- Pat, when I first came on with you,
we spoke about the harbingers,the nine harbingers.
One of the signs in the Bible of the fall
of a nation is the fallof a particular tree.
And that tree is called the erez tree.
Now one of the nine harvestersin the original book
that they planted atground zero after 9/11,
they called it the tree of hope,we're coming back stronger.
It's an erez tree, biblical erez tree.
One of the signs of theBible is the withering
away of a tree.
What happened to that tree?
That tree, that harbinger,started literally
withering, withering away.
And then it actually was destroyed.
It fell, and this is a sign of the Bible,
it talks about the fall ofthe cedar or the erez tree,
it fell and it fell on aHebrew holiday, on Passover,
and that night, literally,the moon turned blood red,
we got another sign of the Bible,
all these things and the warning is,
if you remember theharbinger, it was the sycamore
and so the sycamore hasfallen that linked to 9/11.
But the fall of the ereztree is a much heavier sign.
And it's saying that Americahas been withering away
spiritually and if it does not come back,
there's going to be a great fall
that's going to be greater than 9/11.
- When do you think that'sgoing to be, Jonathan?
- I believe that on onehand, when I looked back,
Pat, I looked back at thechapter that said things to come
in the original book, "The Harbinger,"
and it speaks about disorder,division of a nation,
dividing of a nation, thebreakdown of infrastructure,
economic collapse, naturalcalamity, and manmade calamity.
I believe that any of these things,
there are many things thatthe way it can manifest,
but I believe these things,
if we don't come back,we're going to see a fall
and we're going to seea crumbling of America.
And I believe we'realready seeing the signs.
Pat, one of the things I mentioned
that Jeremiah prophesied that
in the 19th year a plaguewould come on the land,
but he actually linked it, he actually,
he said that one of thereasons this is coming is
because of what you havedone to your children.
They offered up their children,
we've offered up millions of children.
Do you know, Pat, that the day that
they identified the plague in America,
it was called patient zero in Seattle.
And then the headlines thenext day, all over America,
that the plague has come to America.
The date next to theheadlines was January 22nd.
That is the day thatAmerica legalized abortion.
And it's also exactly one year,
one year anniversary to the day
when New York passed that gruesome law
and to celebrate, to kill children,
lit up the tower, theharbinger at ground zero.
It came that same day.
So I believe when youlook back in the Bible
at when these things came, thereare several ways they came,
through the sword, the Bible speaks
about famine, of sword, and pestilence.
- Jonathan, the book iscalled "The Harbinger."
We ran out of time.
Thank you so much.
It's released today, "TheHarbinger II: The Return."
You don't want to miss this one.
It's available wherever books are sold.
And Jonathan, you are tremendous.
And thank you for the insights
that God has given you on this.
I think you'll enjoy it,ladies and gentlemen,
"The Harbinger II."
- [Wendy] It's amazing.
- That's all the time we've got.
We'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye.