Jonathan Cahn's 'The Harbinger II': A Biblical Mystery of Judgment on America Could Culminate This Year
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(intense instrumental music)
- "The Harbinger."
It caused a worldwide sensation,
and it was our privilegeto introduce that book
on this program about eight years ago.
Well, Jonathan Cahn is back with us,
and today his book iscalled, "Harbinger II."
It's released again today.
Take a look.
(intense instrumental music)
- [Announcer] "TheHarbinger II: The Return".
"The Harbinger II" will reveal
what could never be revealed until now.
Could an ancient mystery be determining
the events of our time,
and does it reveal thesecret of our future?
What does it reveal about judgment?
Are we're closer now than we were before?
(clock ticking)
How much time is left?
Is the shaking thathas come upon the world
a sign of warning of things to come?
Could the global pandemic, 9/11,
financial collapse, and other shakings
all be joined together aspart of an ancient mystery?
- He's with us now, an amazingscholar, Jonathan Cahn.
Jonathan, it is so good to see you again.
Thank you for being with us.
And this new book, "The Harbinger II",
well, what is it gonna say about America?
- Yeah, well, the ultimate thing here is,
this is, where are we now?
And this is the book, Pat,that I held back for years,
because ever since Iwrote "The Harbinger",
I knew that there was more,
and that was the beginning of a template
or mystery of judgment, andit has continued to this day.
And what we are experiencing now,
I could not just writethis book, I had to wait.
And about a year ago,I'm praying and saying,
Lord, what's the next book?
And it came that now it's time.
And I had a very strong sense
that this year was gonnabe a year of shaking, 2020.
I told people about it, I spoke publicly,
and then I had to write this book
because this is gonna be the resuming
of the mystery of "The Harbinger",
the shakings that are coming upon America.
And I had to write thisbecause this is where it is.
And that the template that Ispoke first time I came here,
and it was on the day likeit's on the day today,
but the ultimate thing was that
there is first the template of judgment
is there is a shaking, thereis an attack on the land.
This is a biblical template,
it happened with America with 9/11,
then there was a window of time
that the nation's given,
years to come back toGod, or head to judgment,
and if it doesn't come back,then the shakings continue.
And one of the things Pat,
when I look back at "TheHarbinger", the original,
it's actually speaks about theshakings that are gonna come,
and also even the timingthat it was to be.
This is the time, 2020 is even there.
If we have time, I will shareabout why it had to be now.
And the thing is that there is this moment
that we're in right nowthat is very, very crucial,
because I believe it's critical.
We are on the cusp ofsomething very gigantic.
So it's gonna reveal, arewe approaching judgment?
How much time do we have?
What do we need to knowfor the days ahead?
And so "The Harbinger II"is gonna open up that.
It's gonna taking it where it was.
So it's things that I, one,I have not revealed before
that go all the way from 9/11that are affecting us now,
to what's happened since"The Harbinger" came out.
Has the harbingers continued?
Well, they have.
And then where we are right now,
is there a mystery behindit, and is there hope?
So it's all that.
That's what "The HarbingerII" is gonna open up.
- Jonathan, why is 9/11 important to you?
- Yeah.
Yeah, well, 9/11, if youlook at the original template
in the Bible, it alwaysbegins the warning of a nation
that it's under judgment
is this strike that comes on the land.
And it's a wake up call,and we knew that back then,
but that happened with America.
But here, I'll give youan example of things
that I did not reveal in "The Harbinger"
that have to do withnow, as well, from 9/11.
One of the things isthis, when the judgment,
when God starts warning anation of judgment, He strikes,
He allows the powers ofthat nation to be shaken,
and actually takes thenation to its foundation.
Well, what was the foundationof America's military power?
America's this military superpower.
It really rose in 1941when it entered the war,
and it never has stopped.
Well, at the same moment thatit entered the war, the rise,
a building was built,which was the Pentagon,
which has represented that.
Well, when was the Pentagon built?
The Pentagon was born,birthed on September 11.
The very day, in 1941.
And so ancient mystery that it comes back,
things come back to the foundation,
and Pat, it replaced a building,
it was called the War Department
that had existed for 60 years.
If you take the day thatthe Pentagon was begun,
add 60 years, it comesto September 11th, 2001.
And it wasn't just that.
Even the rise of America's economic power,
where did that focus on?
New York City.
When did New York Citybegin, when was that planted?
When Henry Hudson discovered it.
What day was it?
September 11.
The rise of America's economic power,
the rise of its military power,
and the warning, Pat,
is that these are symbolsof something to come.
That if America does not come back to God,
its powers will be shaken, will crumble.
And the other thing is,I never shared this,
just days before 9/11,there was an appointed word.
In the synagogues, theyopen up the scrolls
from words that areappointed from ancient times.
They opened up the scrolls,and the word that was appointed
for just before 9/11was the word of warning
when God is saying, talking about a nation
that has been blessedby the blessings of God,
and it turns away, Hesays, then these things
are going to come upon you, and it begins,
it says that an enemy from far away
is going to come andstrike you at your gate.
Well, the gate of Americais New York, 9/11.
It says the enemy will comelike Eagle swooping down,
literally, 9/11 happened that way, too.
This is a classic sign ofthe beginning of judgment,
and the swooping eagle.
And on the first planethat, that began 9/11,
there was actually an image on the back,
and it was an image ofan eagle swooping down.
And so I'll just mentionone more from there,
and then it goes to where we are now,
but another one is thatthere's a sign in the Bible,
that alarm that an enemyis coming to strike a city.
Well, that's the sound ofthe show for the watchmen.
Well, people don't realize this,
but before anybody knewabout 9/11 on that morning,
all around the Northeast,the sound of God's alarms
starts sounding throughout the Northeast,
and it starts sounding in the places
where the terrorists are.
As they go to one place, it sounds there.
Go to Boston, it sounds there.
New York, it sounds there.
It was appointed fromancient times for that day,
and it's appointed tosound until about 10:30.
Well, the last event of9/11, the fall of the tower
happens about 10:29 andthen the alarm stop.
And so the trumpets aresounding, God is warning,
and that's really where we are now.
We're at a much more critical space
because it hasn't stopped.
Since "The Harbinger" came out,
there are more harbinger'sthat have appeared.
- John, what's 19 years?
What's that got to do with it?
- Yeah, yeah.
Okay, this is the, it'scalled the 19 Year Mystery,
a chapter in the new book
that has to do with thetiming of the shaking.
Now I said that thebeginning of the warning,
and shaking emanationis that first strike,
but then there is this window of time,
this window where thenation has to come back.
Well, how long is it?
In "The Harbinger," when I look back, Pat,
at things to come, it says,
that chapter, it says, it gives dates,
and the classic dates areit's a 19 year period.
In ancient Israel, Nebuchadnezzarstruck the land at 605,
and then he came back,
the bigger shakings comeback in 586, that's 19 years.
Again and again, the 19th year.
Well, when did 9/11 happen?
When is the 19th year does the mystery
pinpoint the time of shaking?
It pinpoints the year 2020.
19 years from 9/11 is 2020.
And in the original template,
it speaks of the shakings that will come.
Shakings of division of theland, disorder in the land,
economic collapse, the infrastructure,
all of these thingsthat are happening now.
And not only that, butthe prophet, Jeremiah,
literally, when he spokeabout what was gonna happen
in the 19th year, he literally,he speaks about a plague
or a pestilence or pandemicthat will come upon the land.
And even behind that isa mind-blowing mystery
about what's happening now.
- Jonathan, there wassomething else that triggered,
the time when our Supreme Court rule of-
Tell about that.
- Yeah, sure.
That's one of the signs, or harbingers,
that have happened since Ifirst came to "The 700 Club."
And there is a date onthe Hebrew calendar,
you can see it in the Bible,
that when the walls of the nations,
the hedge of protection is breached,
are breached, it's attacked.
It happened in 586, whenNebuchadnezzar breached the walls,
it happened on the daycalled the ninth of Tammuz.
Now, this became a day ofmourning in the Hebrew calendar,
and so it was the day thatthe hedge is breached,
and the defense of thenation is abandoned,
well, ninth of Tammuz,
Well, a number of yearsago, the Supreme Court,
America through the Supreme Court,
struck down marriage as we know it,
the biblical, the actuallywhich is a hedge of protection
on a civilization.
It was happened on June 26, 2015,
but it was on the Bible's calendar,
it was the ninth of Tammuz,
the day that the walls thatare protecting the nation
are struck down, and whenit heads to judgment,
on the actual exact biblical day.
- Oh.
What do you think is next?
I mean, if 2020 is the key year,
what can happen next?
- Well, I believe that theshakings that have come,
and I shared this at thebeginning of the year,
it's not over.
I believe there aregreater things to come.
I believe that, we are, this September,
we're starting September right now,
and the book is released today.
I believe this is not an accident,
that is, we are headingto a very critical period,
and that, that if we don't come back,
if we don't turn it, ifthere's not a revival,
that we are heading tosome very gigantic things.
I believe at the sametime that there is hope.
One of the things about the book,
and so people realize, itleads to what is the hope?
How can we turn it around?
Well, the Bible gives an answer on that,
and the only answer is revival,
and the only way revivalcomes is through repentance.
And I believe, you know,people have asked me for years,
Pat, is is it gonna judgment,or is it gonna be revival,
and I say, you know,sometimes there can be both.
Sometimes there can be shakingthrough which revival comes.
So, we know the scripture,
and I know we'll talk at another time,
but I remember 40 yearsago when you were there
at the Washington for Jesus,
that was major, a sacredgathering for revival,
and I believe it touched history.
I believe it's even more critical now,
and that scripture, whichis 2 Chronicles 7:14,
if my people, called by myname will humble themselves,
pray, seek my face, turnfrom their evil ways,
I'll hear from heaven,I'll forgive their sin,
I will heal their land.
But people don't realize ifyou look at the verse before,
I mean, maybe some people do now,
look at the verse before,it gives the context.
It says, if I send a plague on the land,
then it says, if my peoplewho are called by my name.
So I believe, Pat,
that this is a mostcritical time right now.
This is the 19th year.
This is also the autumn,a very peak period,
and we are at an election that is crucial,
so I believe this is crucial.
We've called for somethingcalled The Return,
I know we'll talk about it,
but national day on September26, of prayer repentance,
but I believe it's crucial, Pat,
that if I could ever say this,
if I ever sounded the trumpet, it's now.
- Well, of The Return, agroup signed off on that
to go to Washington, andcry out to God, and repent,
like, if my people wouldcall Him by my name,
will humble themselves and pray.
- Yeah, that is the ultimate thing.
And that is, and this is a call, now.
Whether people can cometo Washington on that day,
September 26, the National Mall,
we'll be the whole day atthe Washington Monument.
But also if you can't come,at home wherever you are,
it doesn't matter, in your churches.
It is so crucial.
All the signs have pointed.
I said to the Lord, what does the Lord-
You know, this is a heavy message,
and He said, yeah, but ifyou don't sound the trumpet,
then it's gonna come, andyou're gonna be responsible.
So, that's "The Harbinger II."
It was so heavy upon me, Pat,
that this year before it happened,
and I started writing it in January,
and then everything startedthat this is the crucial year.
This is a crucial period right now,
and we have to comeback, we have to return.
All of the signs are appearing,
and even this pandemic that's happening
has all the signs of a biblical mystery
that says that the houris crucial, critical.
It is time to be onour faces for the Lord.
- Well, you talked about the planting
of a peace tree that is now dead.
What is this?
You have an answer to that.
- Yeah, well you know, Pat,when I first came on with you,
we spoke about the harbingers,the non-harbingers.
Well, one of the signs in theBible of the fall of a nation
is the fall of a particular tree,
and that tree is called the erez tree.
Now, one of the nineharbingers in the original book
that they planted atGround Zero after 9/11,
they called it the tree of hope.
We're coming back stronger, you know?
Well, it's an erez tree,biblical erez tree.
One of the signs of the Bible
is the withering away of a tree.
What happened to that tree?
That tree, that harbinger,
started literallywithering, withering away.
And then, it actuallywas destroyed, it fell.
And this is a sign of the Bible,
it talks about the fall ofthe cedar or the erez tree,
it fell, and it fell on aHebrew holiday, on Passover,
and that night, literally,the moon turned blood red,
we had another sign of theBible, all of these things.
And the warning is, if youremember "The Harbinger,"
it was the sycamore, it saysthe sycamore has fallen,
that linked to 9/11, butthe fall of the erez tree
is a much heavier sign, and it's saying
that America has beenwithering away spiritually,
and if it does not come back,
there's gonna be a great fall
that's gonna be greater than 9/11.
- Well, what do you thinkthat's gonna be, Jonathan?
- I believe that on onehand, when I look back, Pat,
I've looked back at the chapterthat said things to come
in the original book, "The Harbinger,"
and it speaks about disorder,division of a nation,
dividing of a nation, thebreakdown of infrastructure,
economic collapse, naturalcalamity, and man-made calamity.
I believe that that any of these things,
I mean, there are many things,that the way it can manifest,
but I believe these things,if we don't come back,
we're gonna see a fall,
and we're gonna see acrumbling of America.
And I believe we'realready seeing the signs.
You know, Pat, one ofthe things I mentioned
that Jeremiah prophesiedthat in the 19th year,
a plague would come on theland, but he actually linked it.
He actually said that one ofthe reasons that this is coming
is because of what youhave done to your children.
They offered up their children.
We've offered up millions of children.
Do you know, Pat, that the day
that they identifiedthe plague in America,
it was called patient zero inSeattle, I'm sure you know,
and then the headlines next day,
all over America that theplague has come to America.
The date next to theheadlines was January 22nd.
That is the day thatAmerica legalized abortion.
And it's also exactly one year,
the one year anniversary to the day
when New York passed that gruesome law,
and to celebrate, to kill children,
it lit up the heart, lit up the tower.
The harbinger at GroundZero, it came that same day.
So I believe when youlook back in the Bible
at when these things came,there are several ways it came.
Through the sword, the Bible speaks about
famine, of sword, and pestilence.
- Jonathan, the book iscalled, "The Harbinger."
We ran out of time.
Thank you so much.
It's released today, "TheHarbinger II: The Return."
You don't want to miss this one.
It's available wherever books are sold.
And Jonathan, you are tremendous,
and thank you for the insights
that God has given you on this.
I think you'll enjoy it,ladies and gentlemen,
"The Harbinger II."