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- Well, we are going to jumpinto some meat now you ready?
- Let's go for it, yes.
- All right, Jim says, ifthe Holy spirit dwells in me,
does that count as two peopleagreeing in prayer or does it
have to be a physical person?
- No, I think it's the Holy Spirit.
You, you agree.
You know, the Biblesays a double-minded man
shall receive nothing in the Lord.
And so, you know, you have a spirit
and your spirit is in touchwith the Holy Spirit and you,
the Holy Spirit speakssomething and you say, amen.
And so you agree with the HolySpirit and a double-minded
man, doesn't get anything.
So you've got two things,but when you pray,
you're asking God for somethingand the Holy Spirit you're
saying, I agree with the Spirit of God
and the Spirit of God and Iare in agreement together.
And it's that partnership
that is two people because thespirit is separate from you.
- Man, I've never heard that, interesting.
It's very interesting.
Okay this viewer saysI have completely hurt
and destroyed my family.
Each day I have flashbacks as to the harm
I caused my children,my family, my friends
for many, many years.
I've returned to God andasked for forgiveness,
but I can not forgive myself.
Please help me.
- Oh, look, the Bible says,
as far as the East isfrom your West, the West,
that's how far God'staken your sins from you.
And he said he will remember his,
your sins no more in thesea of his forgetfulness.
Now God's the only one whocan forget if he wants to,
but he'll take those sins away.
You know, the Bible says we're supposed
to have a clear conscience
that we would serve the living God.
So don't let this stuff hang around.
He wants you to serve him.
He doesn't want you beating yourself up
for what you've done.
Sure you've done terrible things.
Sure you've hurt your family.
Sure you've screwed up many, many things.
So leave that behind.
He wants you to have a clearconscience to serve the living
God, he's interested inyour service going forward,
not in your recrimination.
So forgive yourself and get on with it.
Do what God says.
- Amen, enjoy your life.
Okay, this viewer says, Pat,
do you think we will eventuallygo to war with China?
Very troubling things are happening.
And things seems to begetting out of hand.
What are your thoughtsand feelings on this?
- Well, don't have any definitely worried
about going to war withChina, but they certainly are
they're doing everythingthey can to provoke a war.
What they're doing in theSouth China Sea is appalling.
What they're doing about humanrights in China is appalling
how they're persecutingChristians in China,
appalling and sooner or later
there's going to be a conflict.
But God loves the Chinese.
The Chinese have a longhistory of knowing God
and being people of God.
And I think this Xiregime is an aberration
and it will go away.
But does that mean theremight be a conflict?
I, the Bible doesn't I really don't know.
So, but I do know thatthey're provoking everything
they can to force us to havesome kind of a conflict.
- All right, here's a question from Ken.
He says, hi, Pat, I love your show.
My mom, my mother wants to know
what you take for mentalclarity and memory.
Where can I get the supplements you take?
- Be Life Extension has gotsomething called Cognitex.
And it is based on a fossil title series,
which is the basis thathas, it has a Pregnenolone.
It has Vinpocetine.
It has several other things in it.
And it's really good stuff,Life Extension Cognitex.
And if you've got a cancer,
they say maybe you shouldn'ttake it but other than that.
- Cognitex.
- If you remember Phosphatidylserine, Pregnenolone and--
- Life Extension Cognitex
- That's right.
- Okay, all right.
We all need to take that.
All right, Maggie saysI have a good friend
who believes that Saturday is the Sabbath
than anyone who preacheson Sunday is wrong.
What do I tell him?
- Look, the Muslims celebrate Friday.
The Jews celebrate Saturdayand the Christians celebrate
Sunday, why?
Because it's the day of the Resurrection.
We on the first day of the week he rose
and it's the first day.
And that's why we celebratethe day of the Resurrection.
That's why it's Sunday.
But the big thing that Godwants us was to have at least a
day of rest.
Sabbath was made for man,not man for the Sabbath
and is for us that wemight rest in the Lord.