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Answered Prayer Preview

In CBN's DVD,Answered Prayer: How to Pray Effectively and See God Work In Your Life, Pat Robertson answers questions regarding prayer and seeing your prayers answered. Read Transcript

- [Pat] Prayer is acommunication with God.

It's a powerful exchangebetween God and man.

We're going to answermany of your questions

in Answered Prayer,How to Pray Effectively

and See God Work in Your Life.

- [Announcer] In Pat Robertson's DVD,

Answered Prayer, you'lllearn the biblical principles

of prayer and how to getyour prayers answered

and hear miraculous stories of answers

to prayer from Pat's ownfaith-filled journey.

- We share some of the lessons

that I've learned along the way.

- [Announcer] Plus, you'llsee dramatic true stories

of life-changing answers to prayer.

- God proves Himself time and time again.

- He's in the room with us,answering people's prayers.

- I think I survived

because God has a bigger plan for my life.

- The doctor was justlike, I've never seen

anything like this before.

- And He hears your prayers.

- I never saw this coming.

- Every great work of Godis preceded by prayer.

- [Announcer] Answered Prayer,How to Pray Effectively

and See God Work in Your Life.



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