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- Time for some questions
and honest answers, you ready?
- All right.
- This is Carolyn who says,
"Pat, there are over six scriptures
"that say the sexuallyimmoral will not go to heaven,
"but there are also scripturesthat say no one can snatch
"a believer out of Jesus' hands.
"What about believing Christianswho live together outside
"of marriage?
"Will they go to heaven?"
- Well, let's start about God's hand.
Nobody's gonna take you out of God's hand.
That doesn't mean you can't jump out.
It means that nobody's gonna take you out.
There's no
demon or force that can separate you
from the love of God.
Now, the question is
sexually immoral andthe Bible's pretty clear
about that outside or the
and abusers of themselves,
and also, I mean, adulterers,et cetera, will be outside,
and you ask why I'm livingtogether outside of marriage.
Is it okay, and what you allwant me to say always is,
yeah, you're okay.
Well, if you've gotthe question, you know,
whatever's not of faith is sin.
What is in your heart?
And if you love thehuman being, the person,
whether it's a man or awoman you're living with,
if you love 'em, whydon't you get married?
What's the deal?
You say, well, there's alittle bit of finance involved.
Oh, baloney, that's not an answer.
Do the right thing.
You obviously are concerned about it,
and would you jeopardizeyour immortal soul
for momentary pleasure?
That's what you're asking.
I mean, eternity goes on forever
and you don't wanna engage
in something that'll satisfy your body,
'cause like it or not,
these bodies of ours are gonna waste away.
You're gonna get to apoint where sex isn't all
that big a deal, but, you know,
right now it is so do the right thing
and it'll be fine, okay?
- Then Sam says,
"Why did Jesus only appearto the Jewish people?
"During this period of history
"many other civilizationsexisted, China, et cetera,
"and they did not get the message.
"Jesus said he's the only way to heaven.
"Well, it sounds like a lotof people were left out."
- All right.
The whole world was there
and the world were rebelled against God,
and the Bible says everyimagination of their heart
was on evil continually andviolence was in the land,
and God says, I'm sorry I madethe world and he sent a flood
and wiped all the peopleout except the children
of one family,
and those people weregiven the oracles of God,
and out of those many, many people,
there had to be some groupwho received the precise word
of what God wanted,
and so to the Jewish peoplewere given the oracles of God.
They were given the law of God.
They were given the promises of God,
and they were given the onewho had to die for their sins.
So it had to narrow downthe scope, that one family
and through, it took about2000 years to work it all out.
Beyond that Jesus
died and he died for everybody.
So the question is at this point of time
as many as received himto then gave him power
to become the sons of God asmany believed in his name.
So it expanded, it was narrowed down.
So you could get the revelation
and be sure he was theright word to one people,
the children of Abraham,
and then it expanded from there, okay.
- Okay, this is Mary who says,
"I live with judgmental people.
"How do I deal with them?"
- I think.
- [Woman] You need the Joy Book, Mary.
- Yeah, I think id move if I were you.
That's what I think.
You know, it's terrible to live with.
People are always judging and, you know,
they can't be happy.
Nobody's happy who's alwaysjudging somebody else.
The Bible says, judge notthat you be not judged.
And what did he say?
If you point the finger at oneperson, you got four or five,
four fingers coming back at you.
So, you know, to accusesomebody or somebody else
what's in your heart,
you are implying, you're imputing to them,
and it's a disaster.
How do you live with them?
I think I wouldn't ifI were you, I'd try to,
so if you've got a familythat way, I may just, again,
don't argue with them.
That's the thing I wanna tell you.
All right.
- This is the viewer who says,
"Hi, Pat,
"I have neighbors who aredrug dealers and criminals.
"I've tried to help them andlead them to a Christian life,
"but it seems like nothingbad ever happens to them,
"and I always get the bad end of the deal.
"Why do you think thatkeeps happening to me?"
- I don't understand thesituation where bad things
are happening to you.
Unless the drug dealersare getting you involved,
or you're going on a raid with them, but,
how do you deal with that?
If you've got a criminalliving next to you,
what you really ought to do is report
that criminal to the police,
and you know, it may, youknow, cost you your life.
But I don't think it will.
I think God will protect you,
but I don't understandwhat kind of a situation.
That's too confusing aquestion to really answer.
- The person doesn't really say
what the bad end ofthe deal on there part.
- Yeah, exactly.
I don't know how they're involved.
These are neighbors whoare doing these bad things.
Well, I mean, does that mean
that they they're shootingup the neighborhood?
It means that there's police raids.
I don't know what's going on.
It's not enough to answer.
- Well also, you know,
if she or he is trying to help them
and introduce spiritual life to them,
the enemy is not gonna leave them
alone.- Exactly.
Well, I think I'd really get in prayer,
but the big thing is by your mouth,
control it in the name of Jesus.
I bind in the spirit and Ibind it and speak that word.
That's how you take authority.
Don't just go along with it, all right.