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'People are Really Hungry to Get Their Questions Answered': Website Reaches Millions Answering Questions about God

'People are Really Hungry to Get Their Questions Answered': Website Reaches Millions Answering Questions about God Read Transcript

- Everyone has questions aboutGod, the Bible, just life.

One ministry is uniquely poised

to answer these spiritual questions

and help people explore, experience

and engage God's plan for their lives. is thebrainchild of Jamie Radtke,

who is also the group's president.

At a time when the internetoffers so much information,

she says many also use it tosearch for meaning and purpose.

- When we did our research, we could see

that there were over two million searches

taking place every singleday, on a daily basis,

on questions related towho is God, who is Jesus,

what is the Bible, what is Easter.

It was like two million a day,

and so it is a massive mission field.

- [Charlene] So far, morethan 15 million people,

including Muslims, from some 80 countries

have connected to itswebsite and Facebook pages,

discussing everything from who is Jesus

to why does God allow suffering.

A team of theologians,pastors and volunteers

from around the world provideanswers from the Bible

to those who submit questions.

- We're talking about issuesthat the people who are asking

are asking, versus what thechurch wants to talk about.

A lot of times churches say,

this is what we want you to care about,

but people are in a different place.

- [Charlene] While thesite offers discipleship

and outreach material,another ministry component

takes place offline incities across the country.

Explore God Miami is the latest example.

Running through March 21st, organizers say

it's Miami's largest evangelistic outreach

since Billy Graham held a crusade in 1949.

Hundreds of local churches

from 18 differentdenominations are involved.

- When we partner withchurches and ministries,

they agree to talk onseven different topics

over seven weeks, so the first week is,

what is my purpose and meaning in life?

The second week is, is there even a God?

And does God allow pain and suffering?

And then we talk aboutJesus and the Bible,

and we end up with the last week being,

can I know God personally?

- [Charlene] Momentumramped up when Clark Hunt,

chairman and CEO of Super Bowl champs,

the Kansas City Chiefs,offered his support.

- It's had a wonderful impact.

We're so grateful for his endorsement.

As you know, the Super Bowl was in Miami.

And he won, and he saw the ads

and we've had over 45,000people just in the Miami area

in the last few monthscome to our website,

based on his support and thework that's going on in Miami.

- [Charlene] In the end,Radtke says Explore God exists

to meet people where theyare, both online and beyond

for the purpose ofguiding them to the truth,

one question and answer at a time.

- People really are genuinely hungry

to get their questionsanswered and engage in,

not in preaching, but toengage in conversation.

- [Charlene] Charlene Arron, CBN News.

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