Could Israel-UAE peace deal be part of prophecy? And a miracle in Beirut saves scores of lives in the epicenter of the devastating blast; and Israeli Air Force planes fly over Germany and the Dachau death camp for the first time ever.
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(horn blows)
- This week on Jerusalem Dateline.
Could the peace deal between
the United Arab Emirates and Israel
be a part of prophecy?
And a miracle in Beirut that saved lives
at the epicenter of the blastthat devastated the city.
And for the first time,
Israeli Air Force planes,
fly into German airspaceand over the death camp
at Dachau, and pledge never again.
All this and more thisweek, on Jerusalem Dateline.
- Hello and welcome to this edition
of Jerusalem Dateline, I'm Chris Mitchell.
As all sides move to finalize
the peace deal between Israeland the United Arab Emirates,
it's causing a political shuffle across
the Middle East, withsome other Arab states,
like Sudan, moving towardsnormalization with Israel.
Some also believe the shift in the region,
may have prophetic implications.
Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu,
saw only good results fromthe historic agreement.
- Peace is a good thing.
And this peace unites two ofthe most advanced economies
in the world, Israel andthe United Arab Emirates,
and two of the most moderate,
were fighting Iran and the Radicals,
who are trying tooverthrow the entire order
in the Middle East, subjugatepeople, propagate terrorism.
So this is good forpeace, good for security,
good for prosperity.
I think it's good for the UnitedStates and good for Israel.
- But not everyone in the region agrees.
Iran flat out condemned that,
the Palestinian authoritycalled the UAE traitors.
President Erdogan threatened to break off
diplomatic relations withthe United Arab Emirates.
- Exact suspects that youwould expect to hate this deal,
hate this deal.
- [Chris Mitchell] Best selling author
and Middle East expert, JoelRosenberg tells CBN News,
Turkey's reaction to thepeace deal is revealing.
- Why is that interesting?
Because Turkey has a relationship,
they have full normalizationwith us here in Israel.
So, the idea that thewould be Sultan of Turkey,
is condemning a Muslim state,
for creating a fullnormalization with Israel
that he already has, it'sridiculous and it's hypocritical.
But is indicative, ofthe fact that Erdogan
is taking his country out ofthe western moderate camp,
into the Iranian, Islamist,more radical camp,
and that's a long-term,very serious problem.
- [Chris Mitchell]Rosenberg also believes this
Abraham Accord has prophetic undertones.
- We watch in the book of Ezekiel,
chapters 38, 39, which knownas the eschatological future
War of Gog and Magog, is the Arab states
being very calm and quiet towards Israel.
Israel reconstructed peaceful, prosperous,
calm, secure, and then aRussian, Iranian, Turkish
alliance forming against Israel.
- [Chris Mitchell] The Bible talks about
a confederation of nations,including Put, Cush,
Persia, Magog-Gomer andTubal, coming against Israel.
- Now I'm not saying,
the War of Gog and Magog is imminent.
I'm saying as the trend lines of peace
in the Middle East with aRussian, Iranian, Turkish axis.
This is exactly where we're heading.
This is the trajectory and it's something
that should cause all Christiansto watch carefully and
to continue to pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.
- President Erdogan and Iran both
have their sights set on Jerusalem.
Erdogan said recently he wants
to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
and Iran wants to conquer the Holy City.
Iran also has a stranglehold on Lebanon,
through its proxy army, Hezbollah.
Now an internationaltribunal in the Netherlands,
convicted a senior Hezbollah member
of assassinating Lebanon'sprime minister 15 years ago.
And as CBN Middle East correspondent,
Julie Stah reports, itthrows the spotlight
on the Iranian backed group, once again.
- [Julie Stah] The specialtribunal for Lebanon,
all but blames Syria and Hezbollah,
for involvement in Hariri's killing.
- The growing oppositionto the Syrian presence
in Lebanon, threatened Syria's interests.
The trial chamber is of the view,
that Syria and Hezbollah,
may have had motives toeliminate Mr. Hariri,
and some of his political allies.
However, there was noevidence that this Hezbollah
leadership had any involvementin Mr. Hariri's murder,
and there is no direct evidence
of Syrian involvement in it.
- [Julie Stah] Hariri was assassinated
in a massive truck bomb blast in 2005,
that killed 21 others and
left damaged buildings and a huge crater.
The only thing left ofthe driver was a tooth,
so his identity was never uncovered.
The verdict was delayed for years,
due to Hezbollah's grip on power.
The court found one seniorHezbollah member guilty,
while three others were acquitted
of involvement in the murder.
(Saad Hariri speaking in Lebanese)
- [Translator] He wasassassinated because,
he was against the policyof the regime in Syria.
And he wanted to take thisregime out of Lebanon.
We all said this, right?
But when it comes from a court,
that shows that we've saidbefore in the past, is true.
- [Julie Stah] Several yearsafter the assassination,
Rafic Hariri's son, SaadHariri, became Prime Minister.
He resigned last Octoberamid anti-government protests
and a failing economy,
and stayed on as caretaker until January.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- [Translator] We allknow the truth now and
it remains that justice will be executed,
regardless of how long it takes.
- [Julie Stah] It's now up to Hezbollah
to turn over Salim Jamil Ayyash.
The huge blast that rockedBeirut on August 4th,
leaving nearly 200dead, 6,000 wounded, and
hundreds of thousands homeless,
also caused many to pointthe finger at Hezbollah.
The Iranian backed group,may have stored weapons
at the port, adding to the explosion.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] My demandis that the truth and
justice for Rafic Hariri and his comrades,
leads the way to knowing the truth and
achieving justice for all the innocents
that perished in the Beirut blast.
- [Julie Stah] Hariri calledon Hezbollah to come clean
and for coexistence between thevarious factions in Lebanon.
He said the only way theywill be able to rebuild
their country, is if theyare honest and work together.
- When that blast tookplace on August 4th,
a Holy Spirit hunch mayhave saved many lives,
in the wake of that horrificexplosion in Beirut.
Pastor Said Deeb of Life Center Church,
told CBN's Wendy Griffith,he sent his entire staff and
scores of children homethe day of the blast.
Because he sensed somethingvery bad was about to happen.
- Pastor you say the dayof that horrific explosion
at the port in Beirut, that you heard
the voice of the Holy Spirit.
What did He say to you?
- Yeah well we're meetingand praying at about 1 p.m.
We have a center that host all
the refugee kids, Syrian refugees.
I felt something bad is going to happen.
I don't know what happen with me,
it's like, so intense.
So I was saying, "Everybody,go, go, go home."
And they said, "We are cooking!
We need to distribute food forrefugees and for the poor."
I said, "Today, canceleverything. Put it in the fridge."
- You had said thatthe explosion basically
blew one wall to the other side and
that if anybody, if thosekids had been in there,
that they probably would have perished.
Tell us about the damage that happened,
like in those classrooms.
- [Pastor Deeb] Theystart sending me pictures
from the church and I was shocked,
because it took us 12 yearsto build this auditorium
and this church, and nice facility.
All the ceilings on thefloor, all the doors,
and we see the glassremoved from its place.
It's horrible.
- At least 200 peoplehave lost their lives
in the explosion, thousandswere injured, many are homeless.
How is your church, Churchof God, Life Center Beirut,
helping those in need, right now?
- Imagine the number willbe 10,000 lost their lives
all around us and around the place.
You won't believe your eyes,
it's only 150, 200 death.
Now we have 300,000 displaced,they have no place to sleep.
We have around 100,000kids now, without shelter.
The army is trying to buildtents and stuff like that.
The second morning, we start cleaning,
so we fix the kitchenand we start cooking.
And we start making sandwiches and
hot meals, and giving away.
Today we gave away 400hot meals and boxes,
and 500 sandwiches, in addition
to thousands of bottles of waters.
We do this every day.
And I thank God for the Body of Christ.
People are keep callingme all over the world.
The five continents.
Sending us money through Western Union and
through the accounts of the church.
And every penny we get, wegive away, straight away.
- Well thank God, Pastor that you heeded
the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Many lives were saved.
And now your church ishelping those in need,
while you're rebuilding yourselves.
- [Chris Mitchell] Coming up.
A miraculous story offaith under overwhelming
circumstances, 75 years ago,
with timeless lessons for today.
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(upbeat music)
- Imagine taking your wife and children
to a foreign country,
to run a school and serve the locals.
And instead, gettingseparated from your family,
drafted into your country's army and
then interned into a prisoner of war camp.
That's the story of Shadow of the Sun.
I spoke with journalistand author, Marney Blom,
recently about her new book.
Shadow of the Sun, thishas been a labor of love
for many years, tell us about the book.
- Well actually it's about a story,
an against all odds survival story
that took place 75 years ago,
in the Asia-Pacific war,ending of the second World War.
And it's a story,actually about my family.
In 2013, I came acrossthese little tiny letters.
They fell out of a boxin my sister's basement.
And when I looked at them,I realized these were
the letters my grandfatherwrote as a prisoner
in the jungles of northern Thailand.
And he's one of the POWs that was working
on the Burma Railroad,
and these were letters thathe penciled to my grandmother.
They were secret, forbidden letters.
If he was caught, hewould have been killed.
But in the process, he was documenting
what was taking place.
So it's an eyewitness account of the POWs.
Now my grandfather, was actuallya missionary to Indonesia.
He was sent from Holland in 1928 and
he was conscripted by theDutch Indies Military.
And so he was captured by the Japanese,
when the Japaneseoverran the Dutch Indies.
And then he, over three years,
that he was actually a slave,
a prisoner to the Japanese and
he was sent to northern Thailand to work
on the Burma Railroad andeventually ended up in Japan,
where they dropped the atomic bombs.
- Tell me why this was so important.
It was put on your heart to do this.
- I started in 2013 and nowthe book is being released,
at a time when the world isfaced with great uncertainty,
and a lot of people are suffering.
And this is a story of God's faithfulness
during a very difficult time.
Also, it's a story ofchoosing to trust God
in the midst of difficulties,in the midst of deaths.
Being surrounded by death,being surrounded by starvation,
and a completely changed world.
- You know, I can relate to this.
Back in 2002, when my mother passed away,
we found 75 letters that my dad
had written to my mother and
very compelling, butactually the circumstances
that your grandparents went through
were much more desperateand dire, weren't they?
- Yeah and actually, asmy grandfather was a POW,
basically a slave to the Japanese.
My grandmother with seven children,
was put into a Japanese internment camp
on what is now the islandof Java in Indonesia,
and one of her children were murdered and
three of the others got very, very sick,
were on their deathbed as well.
But, thankfully they didn't die.
And so in my grandfather'snotes that I discovered,
he writes about how inthat season of difficulty,
in that crucible, he wasable to really see his heart.
He was able to seehimself in a new light and
he was able to see his failings
as a husband and as a father.
Most of his friends perished.
He was even on his deathbed.
He contracted dysentery,
which basically killed the prisoners.
There was no medical care.
And he just said, "Godgive me another chance."
And he hang on to the hope that we
have in the Word of God.
And that's actuallywhy the book is called,
"Shadow of the Sun."
Because the sun represents the red sun
on the Japanese flag that they were under.
Prisoners under thatflag, but also represents
Psalm 91, verse 1, "He whodwells in the secret place
of the Most High will abide inthe shadow of the Almighty."
And they clung to that scripture and
that gave them great hope and strength.
- Well it's such a compelling story.
I've read it and I heartily recommend it.
Tell us when people read this,
what do you want them to take away?
- I hope that theirfaith will be encouraged,
that their spirits will be raised up, and
that they will have hope in God.
That God, He hasn't abandoned us.
I know a lot of peopleare suffering right now.
But God, even in the midstof the impossible situations,
God can come through and provide for us.
And I detail that in the book.
- Well Marny, tell us howpeople can get the book.
- Go online and go to
So it's "Shadow of the Sun",the name of the book, .org.
This story actually waswritten as a screenplay first.
There is that sense of youenter into that time period
of history and you relivethe events with my family.
But also, my hope and prayer,and I'm working towards
getting this on the big screen as well.
- Well you know when I readthe book as well Marty,
that's exactly how I felt.
I mean this sounds like a movie,
looks like a movie, reads like a movie.
I hope that can finallyget to the big screen.
And now we're here 75 yearsafter the end of World War II,
in the Pacific, and it'svery timely book and
blessings on your work, Marny.
(upbeat music)
- Up next, Titus, Trump,and the Triumph of Israel.
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- U.S. President DonaldTrump made history when
he moved the U.S. Embassyfrom Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
That's just one of the historic decisions
Josh Reinstein discusses in his new book,
"Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel."
Reinstein is the director of
the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus,
and I talk to him near the walls
of the old city of Jerusalem.
Josh Reinstein, great to be with you.
- Thanks, Chris.
- You've written a book called,
"Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel."
Tell us about the book.
- Well the book takes youfrom the time of Titus
to destroy the second temple and
declared victory over the God of Israel.
And of course, he thoughtthat paganism won out.
That the was the end of the history
of the Jewish peopleand the God of Israel.
But people who knew the Bible,
people knew the story of Israel,
knew that, that was justthe beginning of prophecy.
That we'd be kicked out of the land and
brought back to the land of Israel.
Now the book basically shows you
that if you look atIsrael, not from a biblical
point of view, but from a political
point of view, you miss the story.
And so, all of history,from that time until today
when Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem
as the embassy to Jerusalem.
If you look at it from apolitical point of view,
people don't understandwhat's happening here
in this small little country.
But from a biblical point of view,
things become very understandable.
And that's basically the idea of the book.
- We're looking at the Jaffa Gate,
the walls of the old city.
2000 years ago, Titus was here,
and he had destroyed the city.
And here we are, 2000 years later,
and a bit of fulfillment ofbiblical prophecy, right here.
- Absolutely, I mean the book's called,
"Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel:
The Power of Faith-Based Diplomacy."
And the power of faith-baseddiplomacy is your viewers.
It's Christians who get involved
with the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
And we've seen in the lastthree and a half years
under the Trump administration,
probably some of thebiggest successes we've
ever seen before becauseof Christian involvement.
And we go into the book,not just the history
of the Jewish people, butalso what's happening today.
- So why is this book soimportant at this time?
- Well I think it's essential.
We see that Judeo-Christianvalues are under attack
around the world and peopledon't understand why.
First of all, it's important for people
to know, why are Judeo-Christianvalues under attack?
Why do people hate Israel so much?
Why are churches beingfire bombed in America and
Bibles being burnt today?
What's the connection?
And there is a big connection it.
But secondly, we have toknow what do we need to do.
What's the plan?
How do Jews and Christiansneed to work together
in this new relationshipin the 21st century?
And I think in the book,I go through our history,
where we are today, andwhat does the future hold
for our cooperation as well?
And so I think it's a very timely book.
But also, it's a very important book
for people who want to knowhow they can stand with Israel.
- So how can Jews and Christianswork together at this time?
- Well I think if you read the book,
"Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel"
we go through a variety of different ways
that we can stand together.
First of all politically.
We talk about the embassy movebeing a Christian initiative.
We talk about the anti-BDS legislation
being a Christian initiative.
We talk about the Africanblock of Christian nations.
Also we talk about Jews andChristians coming together
in this unprecedented birth of activity.
Secondly, is to know what is the plan.
What is God's plan for Israel and
how do we follow that roadmap?
The importance of faith-based diplomacy is
taking biblical support and turning it
into real political action.
And in the book, I try to give a roadmap
of how we can do that.
- You're really probably the pioneer of
faith-based diplomacy.
How would you explain that?
- Well you know, it kinda issomething that I didn't expect.
We got into this in2004 when we established
the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and
that led to the establishment
of the Israel Allies Foundation.
Today we have 44 Israel Allies caucuses
in countries around the world.
Over a thousand members ofparliament in our network.
And we run faith-based diplomacy.
But I believe that this is all part
of the fulfillment of prophecy.
We knew that the nations will come up
to Jerusalem for the feast and
pray homage to the one true God.
We knew that it would be the Gentiles,
the nations that carryour sons and daughters
back to the land of Israel.
And when we come together,Jews and Christian together,
and work for Israel,incredible things happen.
But at the same time,when we turn our backs
on Israel, bad things happen as well.
And I think in the book,
"Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel"
I try to dissect that whole relationship
and see, where have we gone right,
where have we gone wrong and
what do we need to do moving forward.
I will tell you that there has never been
a more pro-Israel presidentthan Donald Trump.
As an organization, theIsraelites Foundation,
made a list of the top ten things
America could do for Israel.
And in the last three and a half years,
Donald Trump has done nine of them.
I mean each one of them on their own,
would have been a sea change in policy
for American-Israel relations.
So obviously, people inIsrael want that to continue.
- What do you wantpeople to take away from
"Titus, Trump, and the Triumph of Israel."
- Well I think that peopleunderstand that this story,
our past, our present, and our future,
has been foretold, it's in the Holy Bible.
And I take great comfort in the fact
that there will be peace in Jerusalem,
as I know you do, too Chris.
The question is what is our role
in this story, thisfulfillment of prophecy?
And I think if people read it,
and they love Israel,they're gonna understand
what they're role is.
And if they're not sure about Israel,
they'll understand better why people
are standing with Israel and
why they should stand with Israel.
This story is a magnificent story.
It's a story of ages and
we're living through itright in our own lives.
So I encourage all of youto go to and
look up "Titus, Trump, andthe Triumph of Israel."
I think it's a very important book and
it's something that people of faith,
will really enjoy andnot just look at Israel
from a biblical point of view,
but from other aspects as well.
- Well congratulationson the book, Josh and
thanks for being with uson Jerusalem Dateline.
- [Chris Mitchell] Coming up.
An historic flyover,Israeli Air Force planes
soar over Germany andthe Dachau death camp,
with the pledge, never again.
- [Narrator] Roman soldiers destroyed the
second temple of Jerusalem.
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- [Woman In Movie] Theywent from Jerusalem to Rome,
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- [Narrator] A story of mystery.
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- The Israeli Air Force made history
when it flew over Germanyfor the first time.
It's a reminder of howfar the Jewish people
have come just 75 yearsafter the Holocaust.
Julie Stahl has that story.
- [Julie Stahl] For the first time ever,
the Israeli Air Force and German Luftwaffe
flew together in the German skies.
The moment the Israeli Air Force planes
crossed into German airpsacewas captured in this tweet.
- [Lt. Gen. IngoGerhartz] On behalf of the
German Air Force,
it is an honor for me to welcome
the Israeli Air Forceentering German airspace.
[Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin] Well, my friend,
I'm proud to lead our firstdeployment to Germany.
It's a testimony to our strongties and mutual commitment.
- [Julie Stahl] The Israeliplanes were in Germany
for a joint training exercise.
Together, they flewover Dachau, the former
Nazi concentration camp.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin]Flying together above
the valley of darkness, makingroom for only light ahead,
as we vow, never again.
- [Julie Stahl] Those wordswere echoed on the ground
by the German Air Forcecommanding officer.
- We show the whole world never again,
it should happen whathappened 75 years ago.
In our darkest part of history and
we show the world that
it is more than just a cooperation,
it is a friendship.
(speaking in German)
- [Translator] Thisholds a national meaning
with historic connections.
We will never forget,we will always remember,
but we know that we haveto build our future.
- That's a truly remarkable event.
And I'm sure many Holocaust survivors
may have thought they'dnever see a day like that.
It's also a reminder ofthe cry, never again.
Well that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.
Thanks for joining us.
Remember you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell,we'll see you next time
on Jerusalem Dateline.
(rock music)