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Historic Israel, UAE Peace Deal Puts Judea, Samaria Sovereignty on Hold 8/14/20

Trump announces a historic peace deal between Israel and UAE; and Lebanon teeters on the brink of collapse - who is behind the explosion that decimated Beirut; and Christians there call for prayer; and CBN News’ Middle East Bureau turns twenty. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] This week onJerusalem Dateline president

Trump announces anhistoric peace deal between

Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

- This is a truly historic moment.

- [Narrator] After it'scatastrophe Lebanon teeters on the

brink of collapse, whowas behind the explosion

that decimated Beirut.

Christians, their callfor prayer and CBN news

middle East Bureau turns 20.

All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.

- For the first time in morethan a quarter of a century,

president Donald Trump announceda peace deal between Israel

and an Arab nation.

The agreement represents amajor shift in the middle East.

President Trump made thehistoric announcement

at the white house.

- After 49 years Israel andthe United Arab Emirates will

fully normalize theirdiplomatic relations.

They will exchange embassiesand ambassadors and begin

cooperation across the boardand on a broad range of areas,

including tourism, education,

healthcare, trade, and security.

This is a truly historic moment.

- [Narrator] This been 26 yearssince Israel signed a peace

deal with Jordan in 1994 andmore than 40 years since they

agreed to peace with Egypt in 1979.

Israeli prime ministerBenjamin Netanyahu hail this

agreement dubbed the Abrahamaccord as a new era of peace.

- Israel and the UAE are two of the most

advanced countries in the world.

Together We'll transformthe region and forge an

even better future for our people.

This is a future of peace,a future of security and

a future of prosperity.

- According to the agreement,Israel prime minister

Netanyahu will delay his goalof annexing parts of Judea and

Samaria Israel's biblical heartland.

But he said he would not giveup declaring that sovereignty

off his agenda or give upIsrael's right to the land.

- [Narrator] In 2018, CBN newstraveled to the UAE with a

delegation of us evangelicalleaders led by Christian author

and middle East expert JoelRosenberg to meet with the

country's crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.

Rosenberg believes thispeace agreement will be much

different than Israel's peacedeals with Egypt and Jordan.

- The peace deal that'semerging between the

United Arab Emirates and Israel,

I think is going to bedramatically better, richer,

warmer as it were than the previous peace

deals with Egypt and Jordan.

I think this is going toactually become the model

of what a peace treaty can be.

And I think we're going to see more in

not too distant future.

- [Narrator] Those countries could include

Bahrain, Oman and Morocco.

A major factor bringing Israeland the UAE together is their

common enemy. Iran.

- Iran is going to go ballisticover this deal and what we

have to pray as Christians all the world.

If they don't literally go ballistic.

- [Narrator] President Trumpsaid he will be inviting both

Israel prime minister Netanyahuand crown Prince Mohammed

bin Zayed to the white house soon to

formally sign the agreement.

- That's just one of the topstories here in the middle

East, just North of Israel,Lebanon's prime minister and

cabinet resigned in the wakeof the massive port blast that

devastated the Capital Beirut.

Many are hoping this couldbe a key to uprooting

Hezbollah and the Iranian influence there.

- [Narrator] Since last week'sexplosion seen round the

world, thousands have marchedto Beirut smartest square to

blame Lebanon's leaders for the disaster.

In a virtual conference includingthe UN and United States

french president Emmanuel Macrontold international leaders

the future of Lebanon andthe region is at stake.

Yet Sending help is difficultdue to Lebanon's government

leaders accused of corruption.

Many blame Hezbollah for the disaster,

but its leader HassanNasrallah denied involvement.

Middle East expert Dr.MordechaiKedar says Beirut Port had

become known as Iran main armsupply route to Hezbollah.

- Every night between3:00 a.m and 5:00 a.m,

Hezbollah actually was kickingout all the officials and the

policemen, everybody else.

And the gate was fully safeto do whatever they like.

- [Narrator] Kedar says thecalls for change in Lebanon's

government could potentiallyhave the biggest impact on Iran

master plan that has helpedHezbollah entrench itself into

Lebanon for 40 years.

- Hopefully now the worldwill start looking at how

Hezbollah took over this stateand maybe the world will do

something about this ortighten for the grip over the

Iranians head of the octopusin order to release States like

Lebanon from this grip.

- As he mentioned Dr.MordechaiKedar believes Hezbollah

controlled the Beirut portand bomb experts are raising

questions about the explosionthat contradict the Lebanese

government's version of what went wrong.

Many want to know moreabout the fatal blast

that left the country in shambles.

- [Narrator] The Lebanesegovernment says incompetence,

corruption, fireworks, andalmost 3000 tons of ammonium

nitrate led to the blast.

- What we're beginning torealize is that there is no

plausible way in which thatis the true story because

the magnitude of the explosion,the nature of what we see

and so forth strongly indicatea fundamentally different

structure of collapse here.

- [Narrator] In hisanalysis, What Happened?

Former Navy intelligenceofficer David webster says the

amount of ammonium nitrate would have

produced a 1.1 kiloton blast.

He cites world renowned explosives expert,

Danilo Coppe, dubbed Mr.Dynamite who puts the actual

the actual blast at three kilotons.

- The ammonia nitrates simplydoesn't account for the

Magnitude, even in its best circumstances,

It barely got there.

Now it's pretty clear. Itis not sufficient to have,

cause that massive blast at the end.

- [Narrator] Coppe told theItalian publication Corriere,

the blast revealed thepresence of missiles.

You could clearly see a brickorange column tending to

bright red, typical oflithium participation

which in the form of lithiummetal is the propellant for

military missiles.

- [Narrator] I think therewere armaments there.

- I think what we're talking about here,

putting all this evidencetogether is a missile shipment

potentially with a missileconversion facility next to an

ammonium nitrate store.So whatever happened,

the Lebanese government,which is under the control of

Hezbollah is simply nottelling the truth and whatever

happened looks to be by theminute more and more nefarious.

- [Narrator] In 2018, Israelprime minister Benjamin

Netanyahu warned the Unitednations that Hezbollah had

secret sites for buildingprecision guided missiles

in the city of Beirut.

- Hezbollah's deliberatelyusing the innocent people of

Beirut as human shields.

They've placed three of thesemissile conversion sites along

Beirut international airport.

Here's a picture that'sworth a thousand missiles.

- Hezbollah leader HassanNasrallah denied any involvement

in last week's explosion.

Still if the Lebanese peoplesee Hezbollah as the one

responsible for this catastrophe.Observers believe it would

be a catalyst toloosening the grip of this

terrorist group on their country.

- The political and human impactof the recent explosion at

Beirut has been vast and the people are

suffering a sense of despair.

One Christian broadcaster istrying to ease that suffering

by providing for theirneeds and offering hope CBN,

middle East correspondentJulie Stah has that story.

- [Julie] When the mushroomcloud blast ripped through

Beirut Arabic Christian broadcaster SAT-7,

jumped into action.

- We started to broadcastprayers for people for their

safety, for those who lost loved ones,

a prayer for the responsiblepeople in the government like

in the government positions soGod may open the eyes so they

can save people from this misery.

- [Julie] SAT-7 and GeorgeMakeen told CBN news,

while broadcasting live worship,they brainstormed on how

the church could help.

- Thursday by another broadcastwhere just people praying

and worshiping and speakingabout where we can find hope,

how we can hope in such Pain.

- [Narrator] Several milesfrom the epicenter there

Beirut studio suffered very minor damage

but the homes of nearly allstaff members were damaged.

Still They took action to help others.

- They went into the streetsdowntown trying to clean and

trying to distribute fooddrinks to people and just pray

with them and tell themthat we feel with you.

And hopefully in the coming few days,

we will have the campaignHope For Lebanon.

- [Julie] For two weeks thecampaign will use prayer to

mark the exact time of the explosions

hoping to ease the memory.

On the ground and day rootJuliana's fair reported how the

Lebanese had never experiencedanything like this explosion.

Even in 15 years of civil war.

- They have lost hopein their politicians.

They have lost hope inthe future. Please pray,

pray for protectionfrom another civil war.

Please Pray for protectionfrom immigration as well.

A lot of our young peoplewill want to leave now.

Please pray for us here at SAT-7,

to be the church that heals.

- [Narrator] SAT-7 broadcastto some 30 million people

in the middle East and North Africa,

making the gospel availablein Arabic Farsi and Turkish.

- I think the most touchingthing is the kind of prayers and

sympathy and the supportthat was coming from outside

Lebanon from Egyptians,Jordanians, Syrians,

lots of people who say thatyou are like, we feel with you.

You mean a lot to us.

- [Julie] And while manywork to clean up the

overwhelming physical damageMakeen says their focus goes

beyond the buildings.

- It's much more important tobuild human capacity and build

people trust in the future more than just

building the buildings.

And this is like what theywish and pray that we can

contribute toward by whatwe are doing our programs.

- Makeen says the desirefor Lebanon is not only

restoration, but to become a light to the

rest of the Arab world.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Coming up a reddragon in the Persian Gulf,

growing ties between Chinaand Iran, where will it lead?

(upbeat music)

- [Commentator] CBN films presents

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- [Commentator] Powerful storiesof suffering and hope that

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(upbeat music)

- As president Trump works toconvince countries to losen

their dependence on trade with China,

Beijing is busy forming new friendships.

One strategic partnershipin the middle East may cause

trouble for the United States.

Gary Lane brings us thisreport on the Red Dragon,

Rising In The Persian Gulf.

- During his race and blisteringattack against Beijing, U S

secretary of state Mike PompeoWarned the China's making the

world's waterways less safefor international commerce.

- President Nixon One saidhe feared he had created a

Frankenstein by openingthe world to the CCP.

And here we are.

- [Narrator] And nearly 50years after Nixon's historic

meeting with Mao the Chinesegovernment is making aggressive

moves in the middle East closelyaligning itself with one of

America's top enemies.

- Iran's regime currentlyis looking at possibly being

squeezed by sanctions totwo no 400 billion dollars.

Today Iran has become afront porch for China right

in our backyard.

- [Commentator] Then Backyardis the strategic Strait of

Hormuz a narrow waterway where much of

the world's oil travels.

It's also a choke point whereWestern and Japanese oil

tankers have come underattack from the Iranian

revolutionary guard.

Most recently Iran launched amissile from a helicopter on

the strait striking a mockup of a US aircraft carrier.

The message despite USsanctions against the regime,

Iran and tends to dominate the flow of oil

out of the Persian Gulf.

And now China enters theregion as a new player.

Iran has reportedly enteredinto a 25 year contract

whereby the Chinese governmentwould help make up for

international sanctions bygranting the Islamic Republic

400 billion dollars in exchangefor discount oil concessions

Mohabat TV's Mike Ansarireceives daily reports

from people inside Iran.

- Chinese money means theIranian political recovery

and economic stability.

I had told us we'll be givingChina a permanent foothold in

Iran, which will enhanceChinese regional position at the

cost of undermining USA.

- [Narrator] Part of thedeal, reportedly grants,

China military use of astrategic Iranian Island in the

Persian Gulf known as Kish Island.

Us secretary of state MikePompeo told Fox news China's

entry into Iran willdestabilize the middle East

placing Israel, Saudi Arabiaand the Emirates at risk.

Hudson Institute seniorfellow Robert Spalding,

- The world resolving intomore of a bipolar arrangement

where the democracies areall United around the United

States that was evident fromthe decision that UK made with

regard to Huawei.

And then the othercountries, the authoritarian

regimes around China's.

- [Narrator] Spalding believesit's a pattern of behavior

that we'll see a lot of in the future.

And while Washington mayfind this new Alliance

worrisome, Ansari says the Iranian people

also see it as troubling.

- Iranians inside Iran aretaking to social media,

denouncing Iranian government's actions.

They're saying they don'ttrust the Oriental laws.

They also don't trust China.

They see this as a colonialcontract and are looking to the

West for help.

- Administration critics saythis Alliance with China is a

consequence of America's bigeconomic squeeze against Iran

and with sanctions alreadyin place against the regime,

it appears there's a little,the United States can do,

to stop them.

(upbeat music)

- [Commentator] Up next andlook back at Israel's unilateral

pull up from the Gaza Strip 15 years ago

and where we are today.

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- [Commentator] A new wave ofantisemitism is sweeping the

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(upbeat music)

- I am Regent first university.

- During the last several weeks,terrorists and Gaza renewed

their launch of incendiaryballoons across the border

setting scores of firesin Southern Israel.

15 years ago, the Israeligovernment unilaterally pulled out

of Gaza, hoping for peace.

Instead, they got rockets, terror tunnels,

and fire balloons.

Here's the story CBN Scott Rossdid several years ago on the

10th anniversary of the disengagement.

And he looked at the humancost of that fateful move.

- [Narrator}For decades AnitaTucker successfully farmed In

her community of Netzer Hazan.

She helped build the Jewishenclave of Gush katif from the

sand dunes of Gaza.

Tucker told CBN Scott Ross,about one of her first

encounters tat stillseems hard to believe.

- One day we see out fromunder the Sand dunes comes this

Arab with his (speaksin foreign) Arab robe.

And all of a sudden we seethey have Britain salt in their

hands, in the Muslimtradition, proclaim by him.

Welcome. They say to us, we'reso glad that you're here,

And they say, it's sohappy that you're here.

And maybe there'll besome work for our people.

- [Commentator] TheCommunities began to thrive

And over 30 years, agriculturegrew to a 60 million dollar

per year industry providing 15% of

Israel's export as vegetables.

- We're Arab neighborssurprised by your success

you had written something,the blessing out of occurred.

- They were happy with thatblessing because there was work

for their people. We in taughtthem a modern agriculture.

- So you had Arab neighborsand you got along with each

other there's no conflict, nothing.

Where did it break down?

- The world started talkingabout peace because I want to

say they misspelled it inthe right instead of writing

P-E-A-C-E somebody bymistake wrote P-I-E-C-E

And they started tearing us topieces and tearing the Arabs,

living in Gaza to pieces.

I think the real troublestart when they brought

(speaks in foreign) to the Gaza strip.

- As time went by and talk tothe so-called disengagement

grew Tucker then known as thecelery lady talk to CBN news

in 2005 about the prospect ofbeing forced from her home.

- I Can't be that people whoareliving peacefully in a place

and it turned into aflourishing, beautiful area

should have to leave their home.

And around us, there werepeople who are trying to murder

us, throwing rockets as trying to kill us.

- The community of Netzer Hazanis one that stuck together.

Some 100 families builtthis new community.

- [Tucker] The minute thatwe left, we switched mode and

said, we are building again.

We're staying together as a community.

- Would you have anydesire to go back to Gaza?

- I'll be the first in line,

as soon as it's safe to go there and

the governance come back.

(upbeat music)

- [Commentator] Still ahead.

The CBN news Bureau in Jerusalemturns 20 I'll look back at

some of the highlightsof those powerful years.

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- This month marks the 20thanniversary of the establishment

Of the CBN news Bureau here in Jerusalem.

And the Bureau has grown from its

small beginnings to a global outreach.

- [Narrator] on August 17,2000, I arrived in Israel with my

wife, Liz and our threechildren, Phillip, Kathleen,

and grace to open the CBN news Bureau.

We had no idea what wouldbegin just five weeks later.

(car hunks)

- The bombing comes one day before the

international court of the Hague.

A three year long campaign ofPalestinian terror attacks and

suicide bombings known as thesecond Intifada rocked Israel.

It was a chaotic time tonot only raise a family,

but to begin a business.

It started in a one room office,

a small staff and a mandateto cover the news from a

biblical perspective,without a bias against Israel

or the Jewish people.

During the ensuing years,we've been able to cover first

hand how Jerusalem and themiddle East remains the epicenter

for world shaking events.

- Our middle East Bureauchief Chris Mitchell joins us

now from Gaza strip.

In 2005 we brought you thewrenching Israel pull out from

the Gaza strip as thousandsof Israelis were evicted.

The next year, Pat Robertsonjoined us on the front lines of

the 2006 second Lebanonwar and prayed for Israel

live on the 700 club.

- And we pray for Israel.

We pray for these whoare engaged in fighting.

We pray for those who are in leadership,

they might have wisdom.

- [Chris] Minutes later, hewas interviewed while Hezbollah

rockets struck the hills behind us.

- When the Arab spring erupted in 2011,

we sped to Tahrir square inCairo with thousands gathered to

protest the government ofEgyptian president Hosni Mubarak.

CBN news covered the rise ofISIS and its reign of terror

from the bombed out city of sinjar to a mass grave of UCDS.

We sat down and felt theanguish of a woman who just lost

her son and saw the ruins ofthe Islamic state after its

demise in the city of Moso.

We spent time with the Kurdish Peshmerga,

the brave men and women spearheading the

battle against ISIS.

We met face to face withpersecuted Christians and told the

world about the awful riseof Christian persecution

throughout the middle East.

Many times, CBN news wentto Israel Southern border.

When Wars broke out withHamas and went underground on

Israel's Northern borderto get a rare look at

a Hezbollah terror tunnel.

And we've been on the sceneduring the Trump years and

covered the historic decisionby president Trump to move the

us embassy to Jerusalem.

And we saw the opening ofSaudi Arabia to the world.

- Hello and welcome tothis edition of Jerusalem

Dateline on Chris Mitchell

- In 2011, CBN news beganthe award winning program,

Jerusalem Dateline nowentering our 10th season.

It's broadcast around the world and

translated multiple languages.

(speaks in foreign)

- [Chris] Over 20 years ourviewers have seen prophetic

stories of the Jewish peoplereturning to the land of Israel

and the remarkable archeologicalfinds that prove the Bible

like the seal of King Hezekiahand the pilgrimage road in

the city of David with Jesus walked .

Through it all the Bureausees itself like the book of

Isaiah says to be Watchmenon the walls of Jerusalem and

also like the tribe of Hezekiahto understand the times.

- well, it's been an incredible20 years and all of this

would not have been possiblewithout the support of CBN,

founder, Pat Robertsonand CEO, Gordon Robertson,

and an amazing team of newsprofessionals led by Rob Allman

and an incredible staff here in Jerusalem.

Thanks also to our CBN partnersfor their support and to

those prayer warriors whopray for us faithfully.

The hero of this story,I believe is my wife,

Liz who came to a war zone,

raised a family and stayedby my side all these years.

And a shout out to mychildren, Phillip, Kathleen,

and grace, came along for the journey

stayed for the adventure.

You are all ruined for the ordinary.

I love you all.

And all the glory goes to the Lord,

the God of Israel who hasbeen with us every step of the

way, just as he promised tonever leave us or forsake us.

Well, that's all forthis edition of Jerusalem

Dateline, thanks forjoining us and Lord willing.

We hope you'll all stay withus for the next 20 years.

I'm Chris Mitchell.We'll see you next time

on Jerusalem Dateline.

(upbeat music)


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