Prophecy Fulfilled? Joel Rosenberg Lays Out the Biblical Meaning Behind the Israel-UAE Peace Deal
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- [Chris] On Sunday,Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, saw only good results
from the historic agreement.
- Peace is a good thing, andthis peace unites moderate--
Two of the most advancedeconomies in the world,
Israel and the United Arab Emirates,
and two of the most moderate.
We're fighting Iran and the radicals
who are trying tooverthrow the entire order
in the Middle East, subjugate peoples,
propagate terrorism, sothis is good for peace,
good for security, good for prosperity.
I think it's good for the United States
and good for Israel.
- But not everyone in the region agrees.
Iran flat out condemned it.
The Palestinian Authoritycalled the UAE traitors,
and President Erdoganthreatened to break off
diplomatic relations withthe United Arab Emirates.
- Exact suspects that youwould expect to hate this deal
hate this deal.
- [Chris] Best-selling authorand Middle East expert,
Joel Rosenberg, tells CBN News
Turkey's reaction to thepeace deal is revealing.
- Why is that interesting?
Because Turkey has a relationship.
They have full normalizationwith us here in Israel,
so the idea that thewould-be sultan of Turkey
is condemning a Muslim state
for creating a fullnormalization with Israel
that he already has, it's ridiculous
and it's hypocritical, but it's indicative
of the fact that Erdoganis taking his country
out of the Western moderate camp
into the Iranian, Islamist,more radical camp,
and that's a long-term,very serious problem.
- [Chris] Rosenberg alsobelieves this Abraham Accord
has prophetic undertones.
- We watch in the Book ofEzekiel, Chapters 38, 39,
what's known as theeschatological future war
of Gog and Magog, is theArab states being very calm
and quiet towards Israel,Israel reconstructed,
peaceful, prosperous, calm, secure,
and then aRussian/Iranian/Turkish alliance
forming against Israel.
- [Chris] The Bible talks abouta confederation of nations,
including Put, Cush, Persia,
Magog-Gomer, and Tubal,coming against Israel.
- Now, I'm not sayingthe war of Gog and Magog
is imminent.
I'm saying it's the trend lines
of peace in the Middle East
with a Russian/Iranian/Turkish axis.
This is exactly where we're heading.
This is the trajectory,
and it's something thatshould cause all Christians
to watch carefully,and to continue to pray
for the peace of Jerusalem.
- [Chris] President Erdoganand Iran both have their sights
set on Jerusalem.
Erdogan said recently he wants to liberate
the Al-Aqsa Mosque, andIran wants to conquer
the Holy City.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.