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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - August 18, 2020


- Time for your questionsand some honest answers.

Pat, this first questionscomes from Virginia who says,

my church asked us toquit watching the news.

They call it a news fast.

They want us to focus on loveand the Great Commission.

I believe Christians should watch the news

and try to be good citizens.

Should I find another church?

- Absolutely not.

I think that pastor'sgiving you good advice.

People can get just bombedout if you watch this news.

Week after week there's somuch hate and so much evil

and so much garbage,and as Trump calls it,

there's so much fake news.

So I think your pastor'sgiving you good advice.

I wouldn't change churches for the world.

- This is Shannon who says, how do I pray

for my 31-year-old daughterwho has two children

and is in another ungodly relationship

that's damaging to her and her kids?

The last two relationshipsleft her with two kids

born out of wedlock andleft my husband and me

with her now 10-year-old son.

I have prayed for years,but nothing has changed.

What should I pray?

Please help, tired ofcrying for these babies.

- You know, the Biblesays, bring up a child

in the way that he shallgo and when he's old

he won't depart from it.

That daughter must not havehad a very good upbringing

when she was young, butit sounds like, again,

there's a certain enablement.

She has these kids, shedoesn't take responsibility

for 'em and they turn out to be yours.

And I think there comes a time

that people have to beconfronted with their sins.

And what you could do, I mean,

maybe you should have thechildren taken away from her

and you might want to adopt'em and make 'em your own.

But I think this daughter is bad news.

And there needs to be somekind of an intervention.

I mean, people got toget to her and say, look,

you've got to shape up.

This kind of thing ofhaving promiscuous sex,

getting pregnant and leaving your children

for your parents to lookafter, that's, you know,

something's seriously wrong, okay.

- Richard wants to know, how do I pray

if I'm angry with God?

- (chuckles) What you'dbetter do is realize that God,

what you need to do isstart reading the Bible.

Read what that Bible says about Himself.

He is the author of everything.

You know, how can you get mad with God

who gave His own Son thatHe loved you so much?

And what you need to do isfocus on the love He has.

And you need to look at yourself.

What are you doing wrong?

And so God doesn't sin,doesn't solicit the sin.

God is absolutely perfect.

So if you question Him,what you're really doing

is confessing yourself thatyou are angry with yourself

and you're blaming God for it.

And so what you need to dois look inside and say, look,

let me look at me, okay?

- This is Annette who says,what if you learn your pastor

does not believe in thepre-existence of Christ?

What should you do?

- What you should do isget out of that church

as fast as you can.

I mean, you don't hang around that thing.

If he doesn't believe in Jesus,

you know, this is thespirit of anti-Christ.

And those that believe inGod believe that the Lord

came in the flesh, and, you know,

He is the author of everything.

And, you know, you are complete in Him.

And without Him there's no salvation.

There's no other namewhereby we must be saved

except Jesus, so if you got a pastor

that doesn't believe in the power of God,

doesn't believe who Jesus is,

doesn't believe in the Trinity,

you oughta get out and don'ttry to stir up a revolution.

Just leave, I mean, thereare plenty of churches.

Find one that peaches the Gospel.


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