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The 700 Club - August 17, 2020

A small-town doc has a big-time problem when he begins writing his own prescriptions for painkillers. Plus, one woman’s year of shoulder pain vanishes after agreeing with a prayer on TV. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Today, a small town doc.

- The children hardly knew who I was.

My wife certainly never saw me.

- [Wendy] With a big time problem.

- And if you think you'reSuperman then control it.

- [Wendy] And it's one he wrote himself.

- Let me go fill it at the pharmacy.

Let me take four or fiveof them in the parking lot.

- [Wendy] His final RX.

- Close the garage door and run the engine

and it'll all be over.

- [Wendy] On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Ladies and gentleman,there's something we need

to understand about ourselves.

We are social creatures.

We like to get together with our family.

We like to have friends in for dinner.

We like to go out to eat in restaurants.

We like the pleasure ofjust getting together

with other people togo to sporting events,

to go to football games,to go to all this stuff.

Now we can't do that.

And as a result the numberof people committing

suicide has gone up dramatically.

The number of cases of domestic

abuse has gone up dramatically.

And all this business of being socially

quarantined is really hurting us.

But we hear about the cases of people

who have the disease who are dying,

but we don't hear so much about the people

who are in their homes suffering

with some kind ofdepression and the violence

that's taking place.

Violence against spouses,

violence against childrenis rising dramatically.

And we need to do something about it.

But the crisis of COVID-19 hasbeen ravaging nursing homes.

Could the deaths be far worse

than reported especially in New York?

And does governor AndrewCuomo have something to hide?

As Charlene Aaron reports,

families and lawmakersare demanding answers.

- The official COVID-19death toll in nursing homes

across New York stands at 6,600.

But that number may be far greater

because the state only counts residents

who died on nursing home property.

And not those who died afterbeing transported to hospitals.

For Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean,

the stats on COVID relatednursing home deaths are personal.

Earlier this year,

she lost her elderly in-laws to the virus.

So coronavirus happens, we'renot allowed to see them.

We didn't know his dad was ill at all.

We were getting updatesfrom the nursing home,

regular updates.

And one Saturday morning,we get an update,

the end of March saying,"Your dad's not feeling well."

And three hours later,

they call us back and tell us he's died.

His mom was in theassisted living residence

and several days later, she got ill

and she had to be brought to the hospital

and they diagnosed her with coronavirus

and she just died a few days later.

- [Charlene] New YorkGovernor Andrew Cuomo says

his state has only 20% of COVID deaths

from nursing homes comparedto 68% in Pennsylvania,

64% in Massachusetts,and 44% in New Jersey.

The controversy began in March

when Cuomo mandated recovering coronavirus

patients be placed in nursing homes.

This despite the availability

of the Navy hospital ship Comfort,

2,500 hospital beds set up

inside the Javits Convention Center,

and the field hospitals setup by Samaritan's Purse.

Many say the policy led to thousands

of possibly preventabledeaths across the state.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paulwants Cuomo removed from office.

- Governor Cuomo oughta be impeached

for the worst public health decision

maybe in a century sending patients

with coronavirus back to nursing homes.

- [Charlene] Despite multiple calls

for an independent investigation,

the governor's still refusingas recent as last week.

- [Governor Cuomo] No, Iwouldn't do an investigation.

I think you'd have to be blind

to realize it's not political.

Just look at where it comesfrom and look at the sources

and look at their political affiliation.

- [Charlene] The New YorkState Legislature wants answers

and recently invited familieswhose loved ones died

in elder care facilities to testify.

During those hearingslawmakers also grilled

State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker

for failing to report the actual number

of COVID deaths in nursing homes.

- Your administration'sdefinition truly misrepresents

the true scale of thiscrisis in a nursing home.

And let's try and get thefull picture here and now.

How many of New York's nursing home

residents died in hospitals?

- I am not prepared togive you a specific number.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Dean believes

she was disinvited from the public hearing

because of her affiliation with Fox News.

Regardless, she says all the families

affected deserve answers.

- I would like a 9-11style commission hearing

because it's not only in New York,

there are several other statesthat did the same thing,

putting coronaviruspatients into nursing homes.

So, listen that's my hope.

I don't know if that'll ever happen.

But my argument is GovernorCuomo, what do you have to hide?

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Plenty of scandalsand plenty of cover up.

The death toll worldwide iscoming close to a million.

You know, we've had worsepandemics before flu.

And of course, whenyou got the Black Death

during the Middle Ages, itwiped over half the population.

It was just horrible.

There's good news on themedical front though,

in the fight against COVID-19.

Even though the numberskeep getting worse,

Wendy Griffith has more about that.

- That's right, Pat,

the death toll nationwidehas now passed 170,000

and five states have set newrecords for weekly deaths.

But the FDA has approved a new saliva test

for COVID-19 developed by Yale University.

It's simpler and less expensive,as little as $10 per test,

which will invariablyincrease testing capacity.

Meanwhile, a New York Times report says

new research is offering hope.

Unpublished studies say patients

who've had mild cases ofthe coronavirus show signs

of developing strong longterm immunity.

Those studies are still being reviewed,

but experts commissioned by The Times,

call them promising and exactlywhat you would hope for.

Violence is rocking America's cities

as protesters continue topush for defunding the police

and some city councils are complying.

Crime rates are shooting sky high.

George Thomas has the latest.

- From Los Angeles to New York City,

from Philadelphia to San Francisco,

the movement to defund police departments

across the country is growing.

This as at least 12other cities also brace

for severe budget cuts notseen in more than a decade.

The results some say is aspike in violence nationwide.

Days after the city councilin Austin, Texas voted

to slash $150 millionfrom the police budget,

three Cedar Park policeofficers, a suburb of the city,

were shot on Sunday aftera man barricaded himself

with three of his family members.

- I visited them in the hospital,along with their families,

they are all in stablecondition and doing well.

The state's governor warning the cuts

in police funding will pavethe way for lawlessness.

- [George] In Chicago, newvideo emerges showing a violent

confrontation between Black Lives Matter

protesters and police.

- This group changed their appearance

and began pushing our officers

and eventually assaulting them.

- [George] One protesterallegedly hitting a police officer

repeatedly with a skateboard.

The mayor of Chicago saying the attack

on police officers was planned

and that protestors camelooking for a fight.

- We are absolutely notgoing to tolerate people

who come to these protestslooking for a fight

and are intending toinjure our police officers

and injure innocent people.

- [George] Authorities in Chicago now

monitoring social media sites for threats

against officers and businesses.

- What we want to dois expand our capacity

in this space of looking atintelligence on open source.

- [George] And it's not just in Chicago.

Violence now eruptingin other major cities

across the country as well.

In New York City, morethan two dozen shootings

in less than 48 hours.

In Philadelphia, a massshooting at a block party

injures three teens and two others.

Shots were also fired at police officers.

60 shell casings fromseveral weapons were found

at the scene includingrounds from an AR-15.

On Sunday in Cincinnati,18 people were shot,

four killed in four different incidents.

- Horrific and tragic thatwe have this much violence

and potential for that muchloss of life in our city.

- [George] All thishappening as a new study

shows violent crimeson the rise nationwide.

Murder rates in 20 majorcities spiking by 37%

between May and June of this year.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Pat, this is very serious.

What do you think?

- I think that they allmoved to defund the police

is brought about by people whowant to destroy our country.

And the trouble is citycouncils are yielding

to the mob instead of yieldingto their intelligence.

And the mob is ruling incity after city after city.

And it's shocking, the numbers of people

who are being killed, theviolence is taking place.

And the one thing you do when you have

that much trouble is to beef up the people

who are standing against the trouble.

Instead of that, the city councils

in city after city after city across

America are taking moneyaway from the police.

In New York, $1 billion being taken

out of the police budget,just think of that.

In the middle of a crisis of people

who want to destroy thegovernmental structure

of our nation and the citiesare being laid open wide

to terrible violence, theworst violence we've ever seen,

and it's being orchestrated by Antifa

and these other groupslike Black Lives Matter,

which are trying to destroy America.

That's the open ended goal.

They want to destroy thefreedoms we have in America

and lay us subject to asocialist dictatorship.

And the amazing thing is wehave a one particular party,

a political party that is infavor of defunding the police,

in favor of some of these rioters,

and is not speaking outopenly against them.

And you say, why can't weget together as Americans

to understand there'san evil in our society

that needs to be squelched.

And it won't be squelched by taking

away the weapons we have to control it.

Well, that particularparty is getting ready

to have a virtual convention right now.

And Wendy can tell us about it.

- They are indeed, Pat.

Democrats open theirnational convention tonight.

The virtual event featurespeakers from across the country.

Former First Lady MichelleObama will deliver the keynote.

Others include progressivestandard bearer Bernie Sanders

and former Ohio GovernorJohn Kasich, a Republican.

The four night event isanchored in Milwaukee,

but due to COVID-19 only a smallcontingent will be on site.

And you can follow the nightly coverage

on our website at

Well, high heat and lightening are fueling

major wildfires across California.

The Loyalton fire has burnedat least 20,000 acres.

Thousands of people areunder evacuation orders.

This just one of dozens offires consuming the state

in the middle of a massive heatwave.

Over the weekend, powerofficials declared an emergency

temporarily cutting power to hundreds

of thousands of customersto protect the power grid.

And speaking of those hightemps in Death Valley, Pat,

the high was 130 degreesSunday possibly one

of the three highest temperatures

ever recorded on planet earth.

- Global warming.

I'm telling you, that's hot, 120 degrees,

the highest ever recorded on earth.

This is shocking.


- That's why airconditioning was the best.

- Fortunately, it's a little cooler.

We live in a wonderful part of the world.

Instead of going up,temperatures in our area

of Virginia Beach have gonedown a nice, comfortable

to the 70s and it's very comfortable.

- It is now.

It's been a little warmfor some of us here.

It's summer, summer in Virginia.

- If I'm being blessed, I'mnot going to complain about it.

I am rejoicing in thegoodness of the Lord.


- Still ahead, a bitter pill to swallow.

This top doc got hooked on painkillers.

His only escape, closing his garage door

and turning on his car engine.

So what stopped his suicide?

And, he's rushed into war zones,

heard rockets exploding around him,

and seen biblical prophecyunfold in real time.

CBN's Chris Mitchell recaps 20 years

of reporting from Jerusalem.

What could the next 20 look like?

Stay tuned.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Ongoing Palestinian attacks,

two wars between Israel andLebanon, the Arab Spring,

a bloody civil war inSyria, the rise of ISIS

and Christian persecution,the list goes on.

Who's there, who's in the midst of it?

Our CBN News Bureau in Jerusalem

has been on the frontlinescovering it all.

Today, on the 20th anniversaryof its humble beginnings,

Chris Mitchell shows us how it's grown

into a global outreach.

- [Chris] On August 17,2000, I arrived in Israel

with my wife, Liz and our three children,

Phillip, Kathleen, and Graceto open the CBN News Bureau.

We had no idea what wouldbegin just five weeks later.

The bombing comes one day

before the InternationalCourt of the Hague,

a four year long campaign ofPalestinian terror attacks

and suicide bombings known

as the Second Intifada, rocked Israel.

It was a chaotic time tonot only raise a family,

but to begin a business.

It started in a one roomoffice, a small staff,

and a mandate to cover the newsfrom a biblical perspective

without a bias againstIsrael or the Jewish people.

During the ensuing years, we've been able

to cover firsthand howJerusalem and the Middle East

remains the epicenterfor world shaking events.

- Our Middle East Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell joinsus now from Gaza Strip.

- [Chris] In 2005, webrought you the wrenching

Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip

as thousands of Israelis were evicted.

The next year, Pat Robertsonjoined us on the frontlines

of the 2006 Second Lebanon War

and prayed for Israellive on "The 700 Club."

- And we pray for Israel.

We pray for these whoare engaged in fighting.

We pray for those who are in leadership

that they might have wisdom.

- [Chris] Minutes later,he was interviewed

while Hezbollah rocketsstruck the hills behind us.

When the Arab Spring erupted in 2011,

we sped to Tahrir Square in Cairo

where thousands gatheredto protest the government

of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

CBN News covered the rise of ISIS

and its reign of terrorfrom the bombed-out city

of Sinjar to a mass grave of Yazidis.

We sat down and feltthe anguish of a woman

who just lost her son and saw the ruins

of the Islamic state after itsdemise in the city of Mosul.

We spent time with the KurdishPeshmerga, the brave men

and women spearheadingthe battle against ISIS.

We met face to face withpersecuted Christians

and told the world about the awful rise

of Christian persecutionthroughout the Middle East.

Many times, CBN News wentto Israel's southern border

when wars broke out with Hamas

and went underground onIsrael's northern border

to get a rare look at aHezbollah terror tunnel.

And we've been on the sceneduring the Trump years

and covered the historic decision

by President Trump to movethe US Embassy to Jerusalem.

And we saw the opening ofSaudi Arabia to the world.

Hello and welcome to this edition

of "Jerusalem Dateline,"I'm Chris Mitchell.

In 2011, CBN News beganthe award-winning program,

"Jerusalem Dateline."

Now entering our 10thseason, it's broadcast

around the world and translatedinto multiple languages.

(speaking in foreign language)

Over 20 years, our viewershave seen prophetic stories

of the Jewish people returningto the land of Israel

and the remarkable archeological finds

that prove the Bible like the seal

of King Hezekiah and the Pilgrimage Road

in the City of David where Jesus walked.

Through it all, the Bureau sees itself

like the book of Isaiahsays to be watchmen

on the walls of Jerusalem and also

like the tribe of Issacharto understand the times.

- Chris is with us now.

Chris, like the biblical group,

are times sufficient for you now?

What do you think?

- Well, the times areamazing right now, Pat.

Just in the last few days,we've had this UAE peace deal,

which really just reshuffledthe whole Middle East that

really has profound geopoliticaland prophetic implications.

Turkey's consideringcutting off diplomatic ties.

They say they're nevergoing to forgive the UAE's

hypocritical behavior and hypocritical

may be the term for Turkey since

they already have normalrelations with Israel.

Why are they so upset, Pat?

They want to be the leaderof the Muslim world.

They increasingly see Israel as an enemy

and they're aligning more andmore with Iran and Russia.

So what are the prophetic implications?

In Ezekiel 38 and 39,

it says that a confederationwill come against Israel

when it's dwelling in safety and security.

And some are wondering if right now

we're seeing the beginningof that safety and security

before this confederation comes

against Israel from the north.

And, Pat, in 20 years,there's a lot of stories.

And I want to tell a story about you

on the northern border on Israel in 2006.

We just had it in our clip right there.

It's one of my favorite stories.

So four o'clock, we have "The 700 Club,"

we do a live shot, you prayed for Israel.

I get a call from Fox News,Jennifer Griffin calls up

and says, "We want to do a live shot

with Pat at five o'clock."

Well, Hezbollah didn't get the message.

And so Katyusha rocketsare falling from Matula

to carry out shamona,you know the geography,

it's about five miles away.

And so when we get tothe production facility,

they tell everybody we haveto go into a safe room.

Well, that lasted aboutthree minutes with you.

And you said, "I'm goingto go up on the roof

and do the live shot."

And there you were doingthe live shot with the smoke

from the Katyusha rocketsand the hills behind me.

And so after 20 years,there's a few acknowledgements

and Pat, I just want to single out you.

I want to thank you and honor you, Pat.

So when I came here 20 years ago,

I stood on your sterling reputation,

the goodwill that youhad built up for decades,

and we're here to continue the mandate

of what you told the Lordon the Mount of Olives

so many years ago that you would stand

with Israel and the Jewish people.

And we take that seriously.

Gordon and his Israeli documentaries,

they've had a profound impact here

in the last several years.

And we serve with incrediblenews professionals led

by Rob Allman and amazingstaff here in Jerusalem.

And in those 20 years,we've had the support

of CBN partners and where would we be

without the prayer warriorswho have faithfully

prayed for me and the Bureauand I think I'm alive,

'cause I've been on thefrontlines with ISIS,

because of their prayers.

And Pat, I just want to end with,

as the hero of this story is my wife, Liz.

She came to a war zone, raised the family,

stood by me all theseyears and a shout out

to Phillip, Kathleen, and Grace.

And I like to say thatthey came on the journey,

but they stayed for the adventure

and were ruined for theordinary and I love them all.

And the best is yet to come.

And most of all, Pat, the Lord,

He's been with us all the way.

He promised never toleave us or forsake us.

He's been faithful to that promise

whether on the frontlines with ISIS,

whether up with you on thenorthern border in Israel,

or here in Jerusalem.

- Chris, it's a fabulous job you're doing.

I want to expand a little bitabout that Ezekiel 38 thing.

I've been waiting for that to happen.

When a coalition is goingto come against Israel,

it's going to involve Turkey.

Gog and Magog is primarily in Turkey.

And we've got Syria inthere and Rush means head,

but it could be those nationsin the Caucasus region.

And Magog is right there in Turkey.

And Chris, do you feel thatwe might be on the border?

If that's the case, itwould be a major invasion

of Israel by people like the people

from Iran who vowed to destroy Israel.

And now Erdogan is getting on board.

Could this be possible inthe near future do you think?

Are the signs beginningto line up for that?

- It's very possible, Pat.

And here's why.

Because when you read Ezekiel 38 and 39,

it says that Israel is at a time

of safety, security, unwalled villages.

And so why would that be?

And it's possible, andsome people are thinking

and speculating that this peace treaty

with the UAE and Israel,

could it be the beginning of the safety?

As well, you're also seeingthis kind of federation,

Turkey aligned with Iran and Russia,

and could be this one day,

this confederation thatcomes down against Israel,

that's in safety and security.

I don't know if we'reon the cusp of it, Pat,

but we're seeing that trend right now,

just in the last fewdays of what's happening.

And maybe all this is leading up,

obviously to the Lord'sreturn, eventually.

So Pat, looking ahead,we're going to have a lot

to report on and we'll have a lot

to talk about in the years to come.

- You're not a living history,you're making history.

Chris Mitchell, doing a great job,

ladies and gentlemen,bringing you the news

all over this nationand all over the world,

Chris Mitchell and ourJerusalem News Bureau.


- Now is the time forChristians to show the world

that we will support Israeland the Jewish people.

To help you do just that, wehave a free booklet available.

It's called "Why ChristiansStand With Israel."

In this you'll discover why Christians

support the Jewish state and you'll learn

why we must stand togetherwith the Jewish people.

If you'd like to get your free copy,

call our toll free number 1-800-700-7000

or you can visit

We'd love for you to have this.

It's a great little booklet and something

every Christian reallyshould read and understand.

Still to come, paralyzingpain for 10 months.

This woman couldn'tafford to see a doctor.

So how did she get a hallelujah healing?

Stay tuned to find out.

But first, doctor's orders,dozens of Vicodin every day.

He had been writing fake prescriptions

for himself for 15 yearsand he couldn't stop.

What broke the cycle of addiction?

You're going to see, it's next.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- You're watching "The 700 Club"

and I'm so happy tohave you with us today.

God is going to be blessing you because

we've got some special thingsthat will touch your heart.

10 feet tall and bulletproofas a small town doctor.

Louis felt like he was a superhero.

But over the years, heworked himself to exhaustion.

Then one day Louis said,

"I've got to take somethingto give me a boost of energy."

So he picked up some pills called Vicodin.

And soon the superhero was swallowing 40

of these Vicodin pills every single day.

- [Reporter] The mountain town of

Clarksburg, West Virginiaseemed an ideal place

for Dr. Lou Ortenzio to raise his family

and set up his practice in 1982.

It was small and they needed good doctors.

- I did take good care of people.

I really cared about them,and they knew that I cared.

- [Reporter] Affectionately called Doc O,

Lou embraced his roleas a small town doctor,

making house calls andworking 16-hour days.

While he genuinely caredabout his patients,

something else was driving him.

- Sometimes there's a little bit

of self-satisfaction in all that,

you know, "Look what I've done,look how much they love me."

And if at my core I don't love myself,

then I need everyone else to love me

to make me feel adequate.

- [Reporter] While herelished the admiration,

Lou admits he too often neglected

his wife and three children.

- When you're home,you're paying attention

to your beeper or yourphone, or you're running

back to the hospitalor the emergency room.

The children hardly knew who I was.

My wife certainly never saw me.

- [Reporter] It went onfor years, as Lou worked,

sometimes to the point of exhaustion,

to meet everyone's expectationstrying to earn their love.

- I felt like I had toperform at such a high level,

be 10 feet tall and bulletproof

and faster than a speeding locomotive

and trying to make your patients happy,

you're trying to make yourpharmaceutical reps happy,

you're trying to make your family happy.

There was no one otherthan me in this whole deal.

- [Reporter] Then in 1988,working late one night,

Lou had an excruciating headache.

But when over-the-countermeds didn't help,

he reached for something stronger,

a Vicodin sample that apharmaceutical rep had left.

- It gave me this tremendous relief

of pain and suffering, butalso gave me this sense

of euphoria that I could do anything.

And that just grew and grew and grew.

- [Reporter] As did his addiction.

At first, he'd self-medicatefor an extra boost of energy.

- When I felt inadequate,

when I would run out ofsteam, drugs filled that gap.

The other side of that is if you think

you're Superman then youthink you can do that

and control it, that itwon't take over your life.

- [Reporter] Except it did.

Within a few years he was using daily,

and by the late '90s, he wastaking up to 40 pills a day,

writing fake prescriptionsto keep them coming.

- You focus on, "How do I feel,

how do I feel, how do I feel?

Do I have any more pills?

Let me go write a prescription,

let me go fill 'em at the pharmacy.

Let me take four or five ofthem in the parking lot."

- [Reporter] During that time,

Lou's wife realized he had a drug problem.

With their marriage already strained,

she took the kids and movedto Pittsburgh, two hours away.

They tried to make it work,

but ultimately divorcedin the early 2000s.

By now, even his performanceat work was slipping.

- There was pressurecoming in from everywhere.

I'd failed as a husband,I'd failed as a father,

my practice wasn't going well.

And I realized that I couldnot stop using medication.

I couldn't stop using the opiates.

And that was the pattern I was stuck in

and stuck in and stuck in.

- [Reporter] Unable to see a way out,

one night in the fall of 2002,

he decided to take theonly escape he knew.

- I'm going to go in my car,

park in my garage at night,close the garage door

and run the engine and it'll all be over.

- [Reporter] But the fumesseemed to have no effect.

- I was crying out to God,

a God I really didn'tknow or understand saying,

"God, take me out of this mess.

I can't do this anymore.

You've gotta do something, take me out."

But God didn't take me out.

- [Reporter] But he saysGod did answer his prayer.

The next day a patient in ICU crashed.

They saved the patient, but in the chaos,

one nurse got Lou's attention,her name was Donetta.

- She was very calm and serene.

I shared with her a little bit

about what was going on in my life.

- [Reporter] Donetta prayed for him

and invited him to church.

After a few Sundays,Lou had a realization.

- I had messed up terriblyand I needed to be forgiven.

And I asked Donetta,"How do I be forgiven?"

And she said, "You just getforgiven for just asking,

that's how that works."

And I said, "Jesus,you've gotta take this.

You've got to take over in my life,

'cause I sure can't do it on my own.

I sure can't run this thing.

I'm running into the ground,

I'm running myself in theground, I'm going to be dead."

- [Reporter] But it wasn'tuntil a few weeks later

he decided to give his life over to Jesus

and accept His unconditional love.

He confided in a patient,who was a Christian,

that he hadn't prayed to accept Jesus.

- He said, "Well, let's do that right now.

Get down on your knees,

I'll get down with you andwe'll pray this prayer."

I got up off the floorfeeling really legitimately

10 feet tall and bulletproof,but only with Jesus,

only with that power.

Not what would Jesus do,it's what has Jesus done?

- [Reporter] With God'sstrength, Lou quit using drugs.

He and Donetta grew closerand married in 2004.

He did lose his medical license

and served community service

for the fraudulent prescriptions he wrote.

Although eligible to havehis license re-instated,

he says God showed him a new purpose.

- I was able to takethat community service

and turn that into ministry to an extent,

use all this to help someone else.

- [Reporter] He's now a ministry leader

with Celebrate Recovery andserves as executive director

of the Clarksburg Mission, helping those

who need shelter, food, and hope in Jesus.

- It doesn't make any sensehow my life ended up like this.

It only makes sense in the Kingdom of God.

You've got to have JesusChrist as your Savior

or it just doesn't work.

- When troubles of life overcome us,

there used to be a time whenyou would turn to the Lord.

Now, people are turning towhat seems to be an easy way.

We've got so many different drugs.

We've got oxycodone andwe've got hydrocodone

and we've got Vicodin and we'vegot all these other pills.

And many of them are legitimate,

they're prescribed by doctorsand it takes the edge off

and makes you feel good for a while.

And so you say, well,let's take a few more.

And before long, the devil has you.

And there's so many peoplewatching this program right now,

you've got the same problem.

You have had headaches.

You have been exhausted.

You have been depressed.

And you say, "I think I'll justtake a few of these pills."

And you go to a doctorand the doctor writes you

out a prescription andsays, "Here, go get these."

And you say, "It must be legit

because I have a prescription."

And the next thing you know,

you are an addict and you're hooked.

God Almighty has an answer.

There is no temptation taken you,

but such as is common to man.

But God is faithful who will not let

you be tested beyond what you're able,

but will with the testingmay a way of escape

that you may be able to bear it.

God has a way out.

And the way out isovercoming not going under.

You go over, not under.

And God wants you to be an overcomer.

And if you return to Him right now,

He'll deliver you fromaddiction and He will give you

hope and joy you've never known possible.

And your life will befull of joy and peace.

And the pressure will be taken away

because you have giventhe pressure to Jesus.

He once spoke to me, He said,

"This is my work, I'll carry the burden."

And He will carry the burden of your

life if you'll turn it over to him.

So what I want to talk to you right now,

if you have a problem with anykind of addiction to drugs,

they may be prescription drugs,

they may have been given you by a doctor.

Now, if you have theoxycodone or hydrocodone,

those things are very pernicious

and you need something along the way

to kind of ease you down oryou'll go right back into them.

And so there are other forms of medicine

that will help you easeoff of those things.

Because if you go cold turkey,

you'll immediately come back on them.

But God will set youfree and do a miracle.

And right now I want to pray with you

and I want you to pray with me.

If you have this problem,God Almighty stands ready.

He is all powerful and He canset you free in an instance.

Whether it's alcoholism orsomething to do with drugs,

bow your head and pray with me right now.

Don't be afraid.

Pray these words.

Let's believe God.

Father, that's right, praywith me wherever you are.

Father, You know I havebeen taken over by drugs.

My life is now a shamble.

I have looked for a way out of stress

and now I am hooked andI ask You to set me free.

Lord, You came to deliver the captives

and I ask You to come and set me free.

In the name of Jesus, I admit,Lord, that I'm a sinner.

But I know that You died for sinners

and You didn't come to condemn me,

but to give me a new life.

And so Lord, I asked Youto come into my heart,

fill me with Yourself,

come into my heart in all of Your power.

And may the Holy Spirit deliver me from

that which is bonding maybecause I want to be free.

And now I speak to thisaddiction and to Satan

that you shall not have me anymore.

I am free, in the name of Jesus, loose me.

Thank You, Lord.

Thank You.

In Your holy name, amen.

Now, if you prayed with me just then,

I want you to start out and I want you

to start growing in the Lord.

I don't want you to goback to where you've been.

I want you to come out.

Like the man in the pigsty,he didn't stay in the pigsty,

he came out and went to his father.

And I want to send you something,I think it will help you.

It's called "A New Day."

And it's a little CD,I've done a compact disc

that has about 70-some minutesof very compact teaching.

And it has a little book about Scriptures.

I'll give this to you free,

all you have to do is just call in.

There's no money involved whatsoever,

nothing involved, no money.

The Lord has paid the price.

We don't have to worryabout you paying a price,

God's already paid for it.

And your salvation is free,

but it cost the life of Jesus Christ.

So you've got Him as Savior,confess it, don't be afraid.

Pick up the phone, call inright now, it's 1-800-700-7000.

Say, "I just prayed with Pat.

I want you to know I'm freeand I want you to pray with me"

and our guys on the phone, men and women

that would love to hear from you.

Many of them I've had thesame experience you have.

1-800-700-7000 and I'llsend you this little book,

"A New Day" free of charge.

But if you don't want to tellus your name or anything,

just call anyhow and say,"I just prayed that prayer.

I want you to know I amfree in the name of Jesus."



- Up next, healed but how?

This woman had shootingpain in her right shoulder.

She couldn't bend her arm.

She couldn't even dress herself.

So how was she curedwithout seeing a doctor?

Find out.

And then later, YourQuestions and Honest Answers.

Warren asks, "My grandsonasked me to co-sign

for an apartment he wants tomove into with his girlfriend.

By co-signing, have I committed a sin?"

Hear Pat's answer, that'sall later on today's program.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to "The 700 Club."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says

she's calling the House back into session

over the US Postal Service crisis.

She and other Democrats believe

President Donald Trump is trying to

undermine the agency headinginto the November election.

The president says he plansto block a $25 million request

for emergency fundingfor the postal service

and a Democratic proposal of 3.6 billion

to fund additional workfor mail-in voting.

Malawi's new president,Dr. Lazarus Chakwera says

he wants to pastor a nation.

In an exclusive interviewwith CBN South Africa,

the president discussed global issues

as well as his Christian faith.

Born into a poor rural family,

Chakwera spent much of his life

as a pastor and denominational leader.

He won the June 2020election and made history

as the first African opposition candidate

to defeat an incumbent in a rerun.

He strongly believes that God called him

to this high position.

And you can see more of his encouraging

story on YouTube and Facebook.

You can also find out moreabout what CBN is doing

around the world by goingto

Pat and Terry will beback right after this.

(dramatic music)

(upbeat music)

- Shooting pain in herright arm made it hard

for Patti Bryant to do much of anything.

She couldn't even dress herself.

For months, Patti prayed to be healed,

but she was also askingfor something more.

So what was it?

And how did it lead to whatshe calls a hallelujah healing?

- [Reporter] Gatlinburg,Tennessee local Patti Bryant

stays busy running one of the country's

largest ministries for single mothers.

But after pressurewashing around the house

one day in July 2018,she felt a shooting pain

in her right shoulder thatwould sideline her for months.

- And I actually couldn'tmove my arm at all.

It was like stiff, I couldn't bend it.

It was very frustrating.

- [Reporter] And livingon a limited income

from the donations to her ministry,

Patti couldn't afford health insurance.

So she felt going to adoctor wasn't an option.

- Different things were happening.

Like the maneuvering ofmy fingers and my hands,

they would drop.

I kinda knew it had todo with my rotator cuff.

I thought it would go away

and after six months, it didn't go away.

- [Reporter] As the months passed,

Patti was losing herpatience and independence.

- I don't think I everhad an old mentality

but when your body is notdoing what it's supposed to do,

I couldn't get dressed,

like it would take mea while to put this on.

I felt very alone.

There's no doubt aboutthat, I felt very alone.

- [Reporter] Despite herdoubts and frustrations,

Patti still turned to the one person

she knew she could count on.

- I was praying for a total healing,

to not just a healingof what I was before,

but what I was many years ago.

I never had any doubts.

God was gonna heal me in time,

I knew He was gonna do somethingI just didn't know when.

- [Reporter] Then oneafternoon almost 10 months

after her injury, Pattituned in to "The 700 Club,"

where a familiar voice said something

that caught her attention.

- There's somebody inthe state of Tennessee.

I think you've pulled a shoulder muscle,

and I don't know who, where, or what,

but I believe God ishealing you right now.

Just raise your arm wherethe shoulder muscle,

you couldn't work it, andwork it back and forth,

and you'll be completely healed.

- I got the most amazing peace in my body.

And I knew it was thepresence of the Holy Spirit.

And it was like, "Oh my gosh,I can move my shoulder!"


And it was instant.

"Wow, Lord, You're really hearing me.

You're really listening to me.

Thank You, Father."

I called up my friends and thenI called up "The 700 Club."

I said, "I just want youto know I was the person

in Tennessee and God healed me instantly."

- [Reporter] Today, if you come

through the Gatlinburg mountains,

you'll find Patti pain-freeand as active as ever.

And when she isn't helping others,

she's pausing to give creditand praise to Jesus Christ.

- I know God brought me herefor such a time as this.

There's no pain.

There's none.

And I couldn't do this,are you kidding me?

And I can move my armaround and pick things up.

If He can do it for me, Hecould do it for anybody.

- Patti is right.

He did it for her andHe will do it for you.

There are many of you, I know,

who stay tuned into ourprogram for this moment in time

when we pray for you and for your needs.

And so let's just declare God's

power.- Wasn't that marvelous?

- Yes, absolutely.

- Here's one, Michael wholives in Colorado Springs,

he had a condition known as dry eyes.

And one day he waswatching and Terry said,

"Someone else has dry eyes.

It's not just unpleasant,it's affecting your vision

you eyes are so dry.

Jesus is healing your eyes.

By faith, Michael said, "That's me."

Immediately, his eyes were healed

and he's got plenty of moisture.

- [Terry] That's awesome.

This is Mary, Pat, who livesin Portsmouth, Virginia.

She couldn't shake a lingeringand annoying dry cough

that followed after a terrible cold

she'd had three weeks earlier.

One day, she tuned into this program

and was delightfullysurprised to hear you pray

over her condition and call her by name.

You said, "God, right now ishealing the influenza virus.

You've been coughing, you'vebeen crying out to God.

I believe your name is Mary.

You are being healed."

Mary believed, she hasbeen healed ever since.

- Isn't that great?

Folks, look, God's no respecter of persons

and he's able to do exceeding, abundantly

above all we ask or think.

'Cause with God all things are possible.

Now we want to pray for you,

Terry and I are goingto believe God for you.

So would you please pray with us?

And don't be saying in yourmind, "No, it can't happen."

Just open yourself to God's power.

Father, I join with Terryand we pray together.

What is it, Lord?

Somebody's got something called kitar.

Your nose runs continuously

and you don't know what it is right now,

just put your hand on your nose

and you are healed, in Jesus' name.

Terry, what else do you have?

- There's someone else, youhave a problem with your feet.

It's not fallen arches,

but it's very painful for you to walk.

God is healing that condition for you.

You're going to have your mobility

back again right now, in Jesus' name.

- Somebody has got a dislocatedvertebrae in your back.

It's really sore.

And right now, if you would,

if you can get your handback there, touch it,

if you don't, just believe God.

- Someone else, you'rehere hearing has just

kind of interrupted.

All of a sudden, you can't hear well

out of one side you're hearing

and God is opening that right now.

You're just going tohear like paper crinkling

inside your ear and your hearingis restored in Jesus' name.

- You've been taking blood thinner,

there's a burst artery now

and you've got a great big patch of blue

where the blood has come out.

The Lord is healing it right this moment

in the name of Jesus.

Donella, I believe that name is.

In the name of Jesus, touched them.

Now, Lord, may the anointingof the Holy Spirit reach out

to every one in this audiencewho's crying out to You,

Lord, answer their prayer, hear the cry

of your people and domiracles in their behalf.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Amen, okay?

Let's answer some questions.

- We've got some questions for you.

- Let's go for questions.

- This first one comes from Gail who says,

"The pastor of my smallchurch encouraged us

to take money from our retirement accounts

and give it to the church

because the church ishaving financial problems.

Later, I discovered the pastorand his wife drive an Audi

and Mercedes and live in a very nice home.

Is it right for a pastorto ask a congregation

to donate retirement account money

to save the church but theydo not seem to be sacrificing?

- I think that, if I can usethe term, is an abomination.

In the early days ofCBN, I gave of my money

if I had some to help the ministry.

I actually mortgaged acar to take the money

from the car to give to the ministry.

And I didn't take a salaryfor the longest kind of time.

I don't take a salary from CBN right now.

And I think for a guy to be living large

and asking his people totake their retirement fund,

that is before God is an abomination.

Don't do it.

- This is Warren, Pat, who says,

"My grandson asked me toco-sign for an apartment

he wants to move into with his girlfriend.

They both go to college and have jobs.

By co-signing, have I committed a sin?"

- You certainly are.

You're enabling them to dosomething you know is wrong.

For heaven sakes, don't co-sign a note.

Don't do that.

Don't ever do that. (chuckles)

Don't go on somebody's note.

The Bible is very specific.

Why should your bed be taken away from you

for going on somebody else's debt?

Don't even think about it.

- This is Kenny whosays, "If heaven is real,

why are so many religiouspeople the first to grab

all of the supplies and gunsand hide in the closet?"

(Pat chuckling)

- I think that that's a littlebit of a joke, isn't it?

The truth is if we have a major problem,

there is no quantity offoods you can store up.

You can't do it.

I mean you can't, if there'sno food, no water, no nothing,

you can get a littlebit to kind of tide you

over for a couple of months.

But the idea is, if we're going to heaven,

you don't want to starve todeath while here on earth.

And there's nothing wrongwith providing a little

something along the way.

But the truth is if there'sa major, major problem,

I'm not sure that you'llbe able to function.

But having a littlegarden or something like

that isn't a bad idea.

- This is Patti who says,"How can I be an influence

for my adult children to accept the Lord?

They seem so lost sincetheir dad passed on

and have such anxiety and fear.

I speak the Word to them,

but I don't feel they're hearing me."

- They won't hear you as muchas they'll see your life.

You say, "I'm living forGod, I praise the Lord."

And every time you see them say,

"I'm really happy and I love you so much

and life is so good and thisis the day the Lord has made."

Continually show them an example

of why you are an overcomer.

They won't hear your words,

but they'll look at the way you live.

We leave you with thesewords from Philippians.

"I press on toward thegoal to win the prize

for which God has called meheavenward in Christ Jesus."

Tomorrow, the end of Alzheimer's?

A plan that has helped patientsreverse their symptoms.

It's a miracle, you want to listen to that

and hear what the doctor has to tell us.

It's very good stuff.

That's all the time we've got.

For Terry and all of us,this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you so much for being here.

Remember, our telephones areavailable if you want to call.

Somebody's here to love you.

Till tomorrow, see you later, bye-bye.


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