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News on The 700 Club: August 17, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” August 17, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.

Ladies and gentlemen,

there's something we need tounderstand about ourselves.

We are social creatures.

We like to get together with our family.

We like to have friends in for dinner.

We like to go out to eat in restaurants.

We like the pleasure

of just getting together with other people

to go to sporting events,

to go to football games,to go to all this stuff.

Now we can't do that.

As a result, the number ofpeople committing suicide

has gone up dramatically.

The number of cases of domestic abuse

has gone up dramatically.

And all this business ofbeing socially quarantined

is really hurting us.

But we hear about the cases of people

who have the disease

who are dying,

but we don't hear so much about the people

who are in their homes suffering

with some kind of depression

and the violence that's taking place.

Violence against spouses,violence against children

is rising dramatically.

And we need to do something about it.

But the crisis of COVID-19

has been ravaging nursing homes.

Could the deaths be farworse than reported,

especially in New York?

And does Governor Andrew Cuomo

have something to hide?

As Charlene Aaron reports,

families and lawmakersare demanding answers.

- The official COVID-19 death toll

in nursing homes acrossNew York stands at 6,600.

But that number may be far greater

because the state only counts residents

who died on nursing home property

and not those who died

after being transport to hospitals.

For Fox News meteorologist, the stats

on COVID-related nursinghome deaths are personal.

Earlier this year, shelost her elderly in-laws

to the virus.

- So coronavirus happens,

we're not allowed to see them.

We didn't know his dad was ill at all.

We were getting updatesfrom the nursing home,

regular updates and one Saturday morning

we get an update, the end of March saying

your dad's not feeling well

and three hours later they call us back

and tell us he's died.

His mom was in theassisted living residence

and several days later she got ill,

and she had to be brought to the hospital

and they diagnosed her with coronavirus

and she just, you know,died a few days later.

- [Charlene] New YorkGovernor Andrew Cuomo

says his state has only20 percent of COVID deaths

from nursing homes,

compared to 68 percent in Pennsylvania,

64 percent in Massachusetts

and 44 percent in New Jersey.

The controversy began in March

when Cuomo mandated recoveringcoronavirus patients

be placed in nursing homes.

This, despite the availability

of the navy hospital ship Comfort.

2,500 hospital beds set up inside

the Javits Convention Center.

And the field hospital set up

by Samaritan's Purse.

Many say the policy led to thousands

of possibly preventable deaths

across the state.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul

wants Cuomo removed from office.

- Governor Cuomo ought to be impeached

for the worst public policypublic health decision,

maybe in a century,

sending patients with coronavirus back

to nursing homes.

- [Charlene] Despite multiple calls

for an independent investigation,

the Governor still refusingas recent as last week.

- [Andrew] No, I wouldn'tdo an investigation.

I think you'd have to be blind to realize

it's not political.

Just look at where it comes from

and look at the sources and look

at their political affiliation.

- [Charlene] The NewYork State legislature

wants answers andrecently invited families

who's loved ones diedin elder care facilities

to testify.

During those hearings,lawmakers also grilled

state health commission Howard Zucker

for failing to report

the actual number of COVIDdeaths in nursing homes.

- Your administration's definition,

truly misrepresents the true scale

of this crisis in our nursing home.

Let's try and get thefull picture here and now,

how many of New York'snursing home residents

died in hospitals?

- I'm not prepared to giveyou a specific number.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Dean believes

she was disinvited from the public hearing

because of her affiliation with Fox News.

Regardless, she says all the families

affected deserve answers.

- I would like a 911style commission hearing

because it's not only New York,

there are several other states

that did the same thingputting coronavirus

patients into nursing homes.

So, you know, listen, that's my hope.

I don't know if that'll ever happen.

But my argument is Governor Cuomo,

what do you have to hide?

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Well, you're gonna be plenty of scandals

and plenty of coverups because

the death toll worldwide is coming close

to a million.

You know, we've had worsepandemics before flu

and, of course whenyou got the black death

during the Middle Ages, it wiped out

over half the population

and it was just horrible.

Well, there's good news onthe medical front, though,

in the fight against COVID-19.

Even though the numberskeep getting worse,

Wendy Griffith has more about that.

- That's right, Pat.

The death toll nationwidehas now passed 170,000.

And five states have set new records

for weekly deaths.

But the FDA has approved a new saliva test

for COVID-19,

developed by Yale University.

It's simpler and less expensive,

as little as $10 per test,

which will invariablyincrease testing capacity.

Meanwhile, a New York Times report

says new research is offering hope.

Unpublished studies say patients

who've had mild cases of the coronavirus

show signs of developingstrong long-term immunity.

Those studies are still being reviewed,

but experts commissioned by the times

call them promising and exactlywhat you would hope for.

Well, violence is rocking America's cities

as protestors continue topush for defunding the police.

And some city councils are complying.

Crime rates are shooting sky high.

George Thomas has the latest.

- From Los Angeles to New York City,

from Philadelphia to San Francisco,

the movement to defund police departments

across the country is growing.

This, as at least 12 other cities

also brace for severe budget cuts

not seen in more than a decade.

There result, some say,

is a spike in violence nationwide.

Days after the citycouncil in Austin, Texas

voted to slash $150,000from the police budget,

three Cedar Park police officers,

a suburb of the city were shot on Sunday

after a man barricaded himself

with three of his family members.

- I visited them in the hospital,

along with their families.

They are all in stable condition

and doing well.

- [George] That state's governor

warning the cuts in police funding

will pave the way for lawlessness.

In Chicago, new video emerges showing

a violent confrontation between

Black Lives Matter protestors and police.

- This group changed their appearance

and began pushing our officers

and eventually assaulting them.

- [George] One protestor allegedly hitting

a police officer repeatedlywith a skateboard.

The mayor of Chicago saying the attack

on police officers was planned

and that protestors camelooking for a fight.

- We are absolutely notgonna tolerate people

who come to these protestslooking for a fight

and are intending toinjure our police officers

and injure innocent people.

- [George] Authorities in Chicago

now monitoring social media sites

for threats againstofficers and businesses.

- What we want to dois expand our capacity

in this face of looking at intelligence

on open source.

- [George] And it's not just in Chicago,

violence now eruptingin other major cities

across the country as well.

In New York City, morethan two dozen shootings

in less than 48 hours.

In Philadelphia, a massshooting at a block party

injures three teens and two others.

Shots were also fired at police officers.

60 shell casings from several weapons

were found at the scene,

including rounds from an AR-15.

On Sunday, in Cincinnati,

18 people were shot, four killed

in four different incidents.

- Horrific and tragic that we have

this much violence and potential

for that much loss of life

in our city.

- [George] All thishappening as a new study

shows violent crimeson the rise nationwide.

Murder rates in 20 major cities

spiking by 37 percent between May and June

of this year.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Mm.

Pat, this is very serious.

What do you think?

- I think the whole moveto defund the police

is brought about by people who want

to destroy our country and the trouble

is city councils are yielding to the mob

instead of yielding to their intelligence

and the mob is ruling

in city after city after city.

And it's shocking, the numbers of people

who are being killed,

the violence is taking place

and the one thing you do when you have

that much trouble is to beef up

the people who are standingagainst the trouble.

Instead of that, the city councils

in city after city aftercity across America

are taking money away from the police.

In New York, $1 billion being taking

out of the police budget.

Just think of that.

In the middle of a crisis of people

who want to destroy thegovernmental structure

of our nation and the cities

are being laid open wide

to terrible violence,

the worst violence we've ever seen

and it's being orchestrated by ANTIFA

and these other groupslike Black Lives Matter,

which are trying to destroy America.

That's the open-ended goal.

They want to destroy thefreedoms we have in America

and lay us subject to asocialist dictatorship.

And the amazing thing is we have

one particular party, political party

that is in favor of defunding the police,

in favor of some of these rioters

and is not speaking outopenly against them.

And you say why can't we get together

as Americans to understand

there's an evil in our society

that needs to be squelched

and it won't be squelched

by taking away the weapons we have

to control it.

Well, that particular party

is getting ready to have avirtual convention right now

and Wendy can tell us about it.

- They are indeed Pat.

Democrats open theirNational Convention tonight.

The virtual event features speakers

from across the country.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama

will deliver the key note.

Others include progressivestander bearer, Bernie Sanders.

And former Ohio GovernorJohn Kasich, a republican.

The four-night event isanchored in Milwaukee,

but due to COVID-19,

only a small contingent will be on site

and you can follow the nightly coverage

on our website, that's

Well, high heat and lightening

are fueling major wildfiresacross California.

The Loyalton fire has burnedat least 20,000 acres.

Thousands of people areunder evacuation orders.

This, just one of dozens offires consuming the state

in the middle of a massive heat wave.

Over the weekend, power officials

declared an emergencytemporarily cutting power

to hundreds of thousands of customers

to protect the power grid.

And speaking of those hight temps,

in Death Valley, Pat, thehigh was 130 degrees Sunday,

possibly one of the threehighest temperatures

ever recorded on planet earth.

- Global warming?

I'm telling you, that's hot.

120 degrees, the highestever recorded on earth?

This is shocking.



- That's why air conditioning was-

- What was that?

- The best.

- Well, you know, fortunatelyit's a little cooler.

We live in a wonderful part of the world.

I mean instead of going up, temperatures

in our area of Virginiabeach have gone down

and nice and comfortable in the 70s

and it's very comfortable.

- It is now, it's been a little warm

for some of us here.

- Yeah, the Lord just keeps-

- Summer in Virginia.

- If I'm being blessed,

I'm not gonna complain about it.

- [Terry] That's right.

- I am rejoicing in thegoodness of the Lord.


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