A historic peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates means bringing the biblical heartland under Israeli sovereignty is on hold.
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(orchestral music)
- [George] This week onChristian World News,
the historic Peace Dealin the Middle East,
what does it mean for Jews living
in Israel's Biblical heartland,
and why Christians shouldbe praying more now,
more than ever.
- [Wendy] Plus divine intervention,
this Lebanese pastor sent hisentire staff home just minutes
before the blast that devastated Beirut
and damaged his church.
He says the Holy Spiritprompted him to do it.
- And radical Islam inAfrica, ISIS and Al Qaeda
are targeting Christians in Nigeria.
When will the worldrespond to this genocide?
Hello, everyone, welcometo this week's edition
of Christian WorldNews, I'm George Thomas.
- And I'm Wendy Griffith.
The world was amazed whenU.S. President Trump announced
the historic Peace Deal between Israel
and the United Arab Emirates.
It's hailed as a major stepforward in bringing peace
and prosperity to the middle East.
However, the deal does haveimplications for Jews living
in Biblical lands controlledby the Palestinians.
Under the agreement, Israel has agreed
to suspend bringing territories in Judea
and Samaria under Israeli control.
However, Israel Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu says
he would not take declaringsovereignty off his agenda
or give up Israel's right to the land.
U.S Ambassador to Israel,David Friedman emphasized
that point with CBN's, David Brody.
- And then we're going to doall of that bearing in mind
that we put out a peaceplan that contemplates
that the Jews who livein Judea and Samaria,
the Israeli citizens living in Judea
and Samaria will never beasked to leave their homes.
The flags that are flyingover Shiloh and Bethel
and Hebron and you know, Gush Etzion
that are flying over there today,
are they gonna be flying overthere tomorrow or the next day
and we think forever.
- So from a biblical Homeland standpoint,
we hear so much aboutit, evangelical Jews care
about Orthodox Jews, I mean--- Yeah.
- You're saying what tothem regarding this plan?
- I'm saying, take a deepbreath and let us let us work
through what we've just begun,
which I think has huge opportunity.
And we are not taking the notion
of sovereignty off the table.
But you know, whetheryou're an Orthodox Jew
or you're a devout Christian,
you know, we all follow the same Bible.
And you know, in Psalm 1:20, King David,
who is the greatest warrior of
the Jewish people have ever known,
what did King David,say in the last sentence
of Psalms 1:20, "I am forpeace, they are for war."
And we have to pursue peaceas the first initiative.
I think we just have to.
We owe it to our childrenand our grandchildren,
but believe me, the biblical territory
of Israel that was given tothe Jewish people by God,
that is not in any waybeing taken off the table.
- Middle East expert JoelRosenberg, says deal could signal
a new day in the region,prompting other nations
to make peace with Israel.
However, he warns thatIsrael sworn enemy Iran will
not sit quietly as thesechanges take place.
- It's gonna go ballisticover this deal and
what we have to pray asChristians are all over the world
is they don't literally go ballistic.
- Rosenberg says, Iran mightrespond with terror attacks
to try and disrupt the new agreement.
- Yeah, pretty hot in theMiddle East these days.
Turning now to Lebanon, anotherhot spot in the Middle East,
where one Beirut pastor,
while he is thanking Godfor a Holy spirit hunch
that he says saved thelives of his church members
from that massive explosion in Beirut.
Pastor Said Deeb said, he felt the need
to send everyone home early that day.
He was so concerned overthe risk of COVID-19,
but little did he knowthe reality was far worse.
34 church members and 240children gathered each day
at his Life Center Churchin Beirut, which is just
a two-minute drive fromthe site of the explosion.
He says the blast blewthe windows from one wall
to another and tookeverything out in between,
and no one would have survived.
- And Pastor Said, joins us now by Skype.
Pastor, thank you so muchfor being on the show.
- Thank you for hosting me, Wendy.
- Pastor, you say the dayof that horrific explosion
at the port and Beirutthat you heard the voice
of the Holy Spirit.
What did he say to you?
- Yeah, we we're meeting and praying
at about 1:00 PM.
We pray every morning because at night
we have discipleship groupsand we have kids that comes
because they have a center that hosts
all the refugee kids, Syrian refugees.
And we have lots of refugeescome for discipleship.
We have meetings
in every room.
We have so many classroomsand we are 34 staff there.
So I was feeling anxious.
I don't know what's happened to my heart.
And I was feeling not at ease.
And I don't know what to explain it.
I felt something is going to happen,
something bad is going to happen.
We started praying, praying,
but we didn't get the breakthrough.
So I don't know why I was so rude.
I went, everybody, go home, go home,
close everything, and gohome, just close the center.
They said, how come, we have acommitment, we have meetings,
we came long ways and longdistances and now saying go home.
I said, I don't knowwhy, but please go home
and come on Sunday.
It was a Tuesday afternoon.
- Wow, thank goodness.
What went through your mind when,
you felt the Lord telleveryone to go home,
what were you thinking?
- Well, I don't knowwhat's happened with me.
It's like anger, sadness.
I don't know what is thisbut something so intense.
Just like as if the Holyspirit say, go, go, go, go, go.
So I was saying, everybody,go, go, go home, go home,
go home, pushing them,turn off the computers,
forcing them to leave, I was forcing them.
And they said, we are cooking,
we need to distribute foodfor refugees and for the poor.
I said today, cancel everything,put it in the fridge.
So they were thinking I lost my mind,
but they didn't know and I didn't know
this is the Holy spirit prompting.
I didn't know why, that's why I said,
I don't know why just leave.
- You had said that
the explosion basically blewone wall to the other side
and that if anybody, ifthose kids had been in there
that they probably would have perished.
Tell us about
the damage that happenedlike in those classrooms.
- It's they started sendingme pictures from the church
and I was shocked becauseit took us 12 years to build
this auditorium and thischurch and nice facility
and now everything I've built
in 12 years, I saw itdestroyed on the floor,
all the ceilings on thefloor, all the labs,
all the paintings, all the doors,
doors without frames, windows,and you know, all is glass,
all of it in glass andaluminum, double-glazed,
and you see the glassremoved from its place,
and even the frame isremoved out of this place.
It's horrible.
- We know so far, at least 200people have lost their lives
in the explosion, thousandswere injured, many are homeless,
how is your church, a church of God,
Life Center, Beirut helpingthose in need right now?
- I see it's a big, big,big miracle that I imagined
the number would be10,000, lost their lives.
I read it, doubting the numbers.
When you see the damageall around the center
and around the place, youwon't believe your eyes.
It's only 150-200 deaths.
Now we have 300,000 displaced,they have no place to sleep.
We have around 100,000kids now without shelter.
Now that the army is trying to build tents
and stuff like that.
The second morning, early in the morning,
we start cleaning, but Ithought everybody is hungry now.
So I told myself, let'sfinish with the kitchen first,
before we continue.
So we fix the kitchenand we start cooking,
and we started making sandwiches
and hawk meals and giving you away.
So in one hand, we were cleaning
in the other hand, feedingthe poor around us,
and we didn't know what to do really
because they need all around us is huge.
So people were comingfrom all over Lebanon
to help cleaning this area where we are.
And we started sending food,sandwiches, giving away drinks,
and usually everyday wehave people coming for food,
we haven't stopped food,we haven't stopped that.
And today we gave away400 hot meals and boxes,
very nice rosto andpuree, and 500 sandwiches
in addition to a thousandsof bottles of waters.
We do this every day.
And I thank God for the body of Christ.
People keep calling me all over the world,
the five continents, America,
Europe, Singapore,Germany, Switzerland, UK,
sending us, you know,money through Western Union
and through the account of the church.
And we start by face cleaningand by faith cooking.
And every penny we get, wegive away, straight away.
- Well, thank God pastor that you heeded
the voice of the Holyspirit, many lives were saved
and now your church ishelping those in need
while you're rebuilding yourselves.
So we thank God for your testimony.
Thank God that you're alive,
that you live to tell about the story
and the goodness of God.
God bless you.
- God bless you, and thank you so much.
- Quite a remarkable story there.
The fallout, as you can imagine from
that devastating explosion isrocking in Beirut and Lebanon.
In the middle of the anguish and unrest,
one Christian broadcaster isworking to ease the suffering
with humanitarian aidand a message of hope.
Middle East Correspondent,Julie Stahl, has that story.
- [Julie] When themushroom cloud blast ripped
through Beirut,
Arabic Christian broadcasterSAT-7 jumped into action.
- We started to broadcastprayers for people
for their safety, forthose who lost loved ones,
and a prayer for the responsible people
like in the government positionsso God may open their eyes,
so we can save people from this misery.
- [Julie] SAT-7, GeorgeMcKean, told CBN News
while broadcasting live worship,
they brainstormed on howthe church could help.
- Thursday by another broadcastwhere just people praying
and worshiping and speakingabout where we can find hope,
how we can find hope in such pain.
- [Julie] Several milesfrom the epicenter,
their Beirut studiosuffered very minor damage,
but the homes of nearly allstaff members were damaged,
still, they took action to help others.
- They were in the streetsdowntown trying to clean
and trying to distributefood, drinks to people
and just pray with them andtell them that we feel with you.
And hopefully in the coming few days,
we will have a campaign, Hope for Lebanon.
- [Julie] For two weeks,the campaign will use prayer
to mark the exact time of the explosions,
hoping to ease the memory.
On the ground in Beirut,Juliana Sfeir, reported
how the Lebanese had neveranything like this explosion
even in 15 years of civil war.
- They have lost hopein their politicians,
they have lost hope in the future.
Please pray, pray for protectionfrom another civil war.
Please pray for protectionfrom immigration as well.
A lot of our young peoplewill want to leave now.
Please pray for us here at SAT-7
to be the church that heals.
- [Julie] SAT-7 broadcastto some 30 million people
in the middle East and North Africa,
making the gospel availablein Arabic, Farsi and Turkish.
- I think the most touchingthing is the kind of prayers
and the sympathy and the support
that was coming from outside Lebanon,
from Egyptians, Jordanians,
Syrians, lots of people who say that
you are like, we feel withyou, you mean a lot to us.
- [Julie] And while many work to clean up
the overwhelming physical damage,
McKean says their focusgoes beyond the buildings.
- It's much more importantto build human capacity
and build people trust in the future
more than just building the buildings
and this is what they wish and pray that
we can contribute towards,by what we are doing
in our programs.
- [Julie] McKean says,the desire for Lebanon
is not only restoration,
but to become a light tothe rest of the Arab world.
Julie Stahl, CBN news, Jerusalem.
- [George] Up next, pushedout of their strongholds
in the Middle East, ISIS andAl Qaeda are gaining strength
in Africa, committinggenocide against Christians.
(water trickles)
(water trickles)
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- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.
- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli Archeologists aretalking about a discovery
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- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell,
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- An ongoing campaign ofterror has been carried out
against Christians acrossNorthern Africa in recent weeks,
mainly by Islamic radicals.
The attacks include the killing
of several hundred Christians
in at least three African countries
from South Sudan to Cameroon.
And George one nationwhere the church is facing
a serious threat is Nigeria.- Yeah, absolutely.
Militant Muslims are waging an insurgency
to try to overthrow the government
and rid the country of Christians.
Now human rights groups are asking
the White House to stop the carnage.
After losing ground in Syria and Iraq,
the top general of U.S. specialoperations command in Africa
is warning that Al Qaeda, ISIS
and other Islamic terrorgroups are now trying
to take all the parts of thecontinent most populous nation.
Major General Dagvin Anderson says,
Muslim terrorists have set their sights
on Nigeria, Southernand Northwestern regions
and the U.S. is now sharingspecific intelligence
with the country.
- So this intelligencesharing is absolutely vital
and we stay fully engagedwith the government of Nigeria
to provide them an understanding
of what these terrorists are doing.
(singing in foreign language)
- [George] Their goal,eventually turn Nigeria
into a Muslim country and forceChristians who make up half
the country's populationto either leave or convert.
- Christians are in the eye of
the target and they're coming after them.
- [George] And the numbers are staggering.
August 6th, Muslim storm fourremote Christian villages
in Kaduna state killing 22 villagers.
July 24th, 21 dead, scores injured
and several Christian homesdestroyed by militants.
July 19th, 19 people killedwhen assailants armed with guns
and machetes attacked a wedding reception.
And the list goes on.
Leading human rights groups say
what's going on in Nigeria is a genocide.
- If you look at what's happened
on the last 20 years,George, is just massive,
massive number of attacksagainst Christians.
Look 50 to 70,000 have been murdered.
- [George] For years, the mainterror group was Boko Haram,
which seeks to overthrowthe government here
and create an Islamic state.
- They go after Christiansand moderate Muslims,
they push a hard line Muslim agenda.
It is their intention toestablish a caliphate and to
just rid all of Nigeria and West Africa
of any Western influence whatsoever.
- [George] Now there's anew actor on the scene.
In Nigeria, so-called Middle Belt Region,
where the Muslim Northmeets the Christian South,
a terror group made upof Muslim Fulani herders
are killing thousands of Christians.
More than 1400 Christianswere hacked to death
in just the first seven monthsof 2020 by Fulani herders.
- unfortunately the secularmedia are quite often biased
and trying to present
this as a tribal conflict,rather than religious.
- [George] Nigeria's President,a Muslim has so far done
very little to stop the bloodshed.
His police and army are alsomostly made up of Muslims.
- The attackers are never captured.
They are not prosecuted.
The security services respond very slowly.
A full day can go on withthe attacks happening
and no security shows up.
And frequently the governmentofficials will provide cover.
- [George] Helpless and vulnerableto almost daily attacks,
leading Catholic bishops arenow urging Nigerian Christians
to defend themselves.
Human rights groups areasking the White House
to appoint a special envoy
to help end the persecutionof Christians in Nigeria.
- Unless the world takesnote and puts pressure,
economic pressure, sanctions, visa bans
on the officials who areresponsible for this travesty
and for not reigning in the terror,
then Nigeria will continueto be a blood bath.
- [George] Meanwhile,King's Group is helping
more than 3000 Christians wholost their businesses, homes,
farms, or land to Boko Haramand Fulani militant attacks.
International Christian Concernhas created communal farms
to give victims the opportunityto rebuild their lives.
- When they get back towork, the family is fed,
they have a future, thekids can go back to school.
It's a restoration of hope, it really is.
And it's much more than just economics,
it's the whole community,it's all the parts of life,
the emotional, the physical, the mental.
It means a lot to them.
- ICC and so many othergroups trying to bring hope
in the midst of allthis devastation facing
the Christians of Nigeria.
- And they are doing it.
- They are, absolutely.- Great story, George.
- Thank you.- Coming up,
new evidence of a biblicalstory about King David,
and how he fooled his enemies.
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- And welcome back to the broadcast,
and archeological discoveries straight
from the pages of yourBible is giving researchers
a unique look into the life of king David.
- I love King David.- Wow.
- Emily Jones, has that storyand more from Jerusalem.
(soft music)
- Welcome to Jerusalem for thisInside Israel Report, where
we tell you what's happeningin Israel and the Middle East.
Israelis are fearing theycould be headed for yet
another election as politicalinstability threatens
to dissolve the government.
Just four months after itwas formed, deep divisions
within Israel's Unity Governmentcould spell it's collapsed.
Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu,
who is sharing power with his rival,
Benny Gantz, are at oddsover the country's budget.
If there is no agreement by August 25th,
Israel faces its fourthelections in two years.
- The Israeli Government is aunity government in name only.
They've already proven overthe span of only three months,
that it is nearly impossiblefor them to work together.
- Meanwhile, Israel faces civil unrest
as thousands protestsNetanyahu's government
and the country battles asecond wave of the Coronavirus.
A viral video captured the shocking moment
when Beirut's explosion rippedthrough a Lebanese church,
as people worshiped inside,
a priest has seen giving massbefore the lights go out,
the earth shakes and stain glasswindows falls to the floor.
A leader in the church is speaking out
and he says, it's amiracle everyone survived.
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Narrator] We felt the grace of God.
He was with us because whenyou look at the damage,
you can think that no onecan come out of this alive
because there were damageswith lots of glasses
and iron pieces that exploded.
- Just days after theblast, the church reopened
and parishioners poured in.
They said their faith inGod gives them the courage
to return to the devastation.
Open up the book of 1st Samuel,and you'll read about David,
fleeing to a city calledZiklag to escape King Saul.
Israeli archeologiststhink they found the city.
Researchers say geography and history,
all point to this sitebeing biblical Ziklag.
The Bible says David,fled here with 600 men
before it was destroyed.
Archeologists have uncovered dozens
of 3000-year-old vessels, alldating to the time of David.
- We are in this side off the side,
but it's magnificent becauseover here, this is the rooms
that we found, all the pottery vessels,
the complete vessels,the massive destruction.
This is the place that wecollected the carbon 14 seeds.
And this is the place that we dating
to the time of King David.
- Scholars believe more siteswill be uncovered to support
the history of King Davidand the Biblical narrative.
For more stories like this,
you can watch our JerusalemDateline program @cbnnews.com.
Back to you.
- Thanks so much, Emily, and there's more
of Christian World News right after this.
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- And finally this week,some good news coming out
of American cities that have seen
their share of riding in violence.
Hundreds of peoplegathered in a Seattle park
for the Let Us Worship rally organized
by Bethel Music, Sean Feucht.
It's an event packedwith prayer and praise.
Men, women, and children gave their lives
to Jesus Christ at this event.
Violent protestors tried to shut it down,
but Feucht, and the crowd saysthey continued to worship.
And George, he says that, you know,
they were trying to be intimidated,
but he says that he thinksthat the worship really touched
those that were trying to shut it down.
- And then they see allthose beautiful people
are getting baptized.
Bye folks, that is itfor this week's edition
of Christian World News.
- Well, until next week, goodbye
and from all of us here, God bless you.