Israel hosts historic UAE meeting, Bahrain signs deal expanding Abraham Accords; Israeli gov’t. Minister tells CBN News another normalization on the way; Armenia, Azerbaijan still warring; and Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast prays for peace of ... ...
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- [Announcer] This weekon Jerusalem Dateline,
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu hosts
an historic meeting withthe UAE while Bahrain
signs more agreements toexpand the Abraham Accords,
plus Israel's Ministerof Regional Cooperation
tell CBS News to expect another country to
normalize relations with Israel soon.
And Israel stuck in the middle
of the Armenian Azerbaijan conflict.
While the Jerusalem PrayerBreakfast brings the world
together to pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.
All this and more thisweek on Jerusalem Dateline.
Hello and welcome to this edition
of Jerusalem Dateline, I'm Chris Mitchell.
Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, hosteda trilateral meeting
with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
and the Financial AffairsMinister of the UAE.
It's just the latest stepin the developing ties
between Israel and the Gulf States marked
by historic flights between Israel,
the UAE and Bahrain.
- [Announcer] Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahu,
hosted the meeting just after
the first commercial flight ever
from the UAE landed atIsrael's Ben Gurion Airport.
- Today we are making history.
We are making historyin a way that will stand
for generations.
This is the first ever official visit
from the United Arab Emirates to Israel.
This is the first time since the signing
of the historic agreementsin the White House
that the government ofIsrael and the UAE will be
signing concrete, practicalagreements of cooperation.
- We are committed tosupport legal framework
for the movement of people and goods
and for fostering a continuous business,
friendly environment between the UAE
and the state of Israel.
- [Announcer] On MondayUS Treasury Secretary
Mnuchin attended signings
of memorandum ofunderstanding in Abu Dhabi
between the UAE and Israeli companies.
On Sunday Mnuchin joined Israeli officials
on the first LL flightever to land in Bahrain.
Bahrain joined the UAE at the last minute
in signing the Abraham Accordsin Washington in September.
- Today we build on that historical Cajun
at the White House last month.
They think the next stepsto implement the declaration
in support of peace andthe Abraham Accords.
- The opportunitieshere are quite enormous,
both economic, trade, investment,
cultural and securitybetween the three countries.
- [Announcer] Israel and Bahrainsigned a joint communique
on establishing peaceful anddiplomatic relations on Sunday.
US Ambassador to Israel,David Friedman said
they were in the land ofAbraham where his sons
Isaac and Ishmael hadreconciled 3,500 years ago.
- Today, we're bringingBible back to life.
The children of Isaac and the children
of Ishmael are reconcilingonce again in this Holy land
and in Bahrain and in theUnited Arab Emirates as well.
It's another historic dayamong many historic days
that the Trump administrationhas brought to this region.
- When the Abraham Accordswere signed in Washington
it shelved months of anticipationover Israel's expected
move to extend sovereignty or annex parts
of biblical Judea andSumeria, the West bank.
For that reason, many weresuspicious of the Accords,
but at a recent conferencecalled the Abraham Accords
towards a new Middle East,US ambassador to Israel
David Friedman explained
that stopping the sovereigntyprocess is only temporary.
- The United States believes
in the Jewish communitiesin Judea and Sumeria
being there permanently.
We believe that in the longrun, it is in Israel's interest
and American interests forIsrael to extend its sovereignty
over these communities.
We also believe that it isIsrael's highest and most
important priority as is oursto extend the circle of peace
for as far and as long asit will go and to really
make that our first priority.
It is not to the exclusion,to the ultimate exclusion
of sovereignty, but it is a priority.
So if your follow up questionis when will sovereignty
occur, I wish I had an answer for you.
We're going to spend all, atleast from the perspective
of the United States, we'd liketo spend all of our efforts
in the near future on diplomatic efforts,
push the diplomatic agenda
as far as it will take us,make Israel as safe, secure
and prosperous amongall the, all the nations
in the region, create asmuch peace as possible,
reduce the threat levelas much as possible.
And then when we feel thatwe've exhausted those efforts
of course, to try to,to formalize Israel's,
help Israel at least,formalize its boundaries
in a way that includesits sovereignty over
the Jewish communitiesin Judea and Sumeria.
- While historic peaceagreements are being made
in the Middle East, not far away
a decades old conflict has reignited.
Washington is eager to bring an end
to the conflict between Armenia
and Azerbaijan that rearedits head in late September.
The war involves manynations in the region
including Israel.
- [Announcer] That decadesold conflict reignited
over a region called Nagorno-Karabakh
Azerbaijan claims the area,
though most living there are Armenian.
The disputed area sits herebetween the two countries.
When the Soviet union fell in 1991
this self-governed region
of Azerbaijan voted to join Armenia.
The conflict pits offand friendly powerhouses
against each other.
Turkey supports Azerbaijan,
while both Russia andIran side with Armenia.
- Israel also plays a role.
Over decades it and Azerbaijan
have developed close ties.
For Israel, it's partgeopolitics and part economics.
- Azerbaijan is a veryimportant country for Israel
because it supplies much of Israel's soil.
It's a country that hasalso a Jewish community
that they are treating very well
and it is a Muslim country.
And we are very much interestedin having good relations
with Muslim countries andfinally it borders Iran.
And of course we are interestedin looking into Iran.
- [Announcer] Ironically,the Alliance with Azerbaijan
also puts Israel on the same side
of it's adversary Turkey.
Azerbaijan's ambassador Elin Suleymanov
confirmed its close relationship
to Israel with CBNs George Thomas.
- Out of the 57 nation member states
of the Organization ofIslamic Cooperation,
Azerbaijan is probably theclosest friend of Israel.
We have a 2,600 years old Jewish community
in Azerbaijan.
We have Christians, we haveMuslims living together
in peace.
Azerbaijan is a close friend of Israel.
I tell you that as Azerbaijan and Israel
do not only celebrate the relationship.
We're proud of this partnership.
- [Announcer] Therelationship includes Israel
selling advanced militaryequipment to Azerbaijan.
When the war broke out,Armenia's ambassador
to Israel protested thearms sales Azerbaijan
and left the country.
- The amount of weapons
that we are selling toAzerbaijan is very large
and I can quote the PresidentAliyev of Azerbaijan
a few years said the sum of Israeli sales
to Azerbaijan is five billion dollars,
which is of course, ahefty sum for Israeli
and it is a useful export market for the
Israeli military industries.
- [Announcer] This reportedlyincludes sophisticated drones
that can be a game changeron the battlefield.
- We buy on the open market,including from Israel.
And we're very grateful toour friends and partners
in Israel for being a great partner to us.
Now remember precision weapons are good
in terms of minimizingcivilian casualties.
They're targeting onlyand only military targets.
Azerbaijan has repeatedly said,
we have no intention to harming civilians.
Our goal is to fight with the military
and not with civilians.
- [Announcer] Azerbaijanalso uses conventional arms,
but on the open market from many countries
Armenia says civilianareas have been shelled
forcing many residents tospend the conflict in shelters.
Inbar calls the war tragicand hopes to see it end.
- We have nothing against Armenia.
We have no dispute with Armenia.
The Armenians have adispute with Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan has a dispute with Armenia
and we would love tosee those two countries
be able to co-exist in that region.
No, we have nothing against Armenia.
Armenia was never an enemy of Israel.
- [Announcer] But aftertwo failed cease fires
the fighting rages onwith no end in sight.
(upbeat music)
Coming up,
Israel's Minister of RegionalCooperation discusses the
historic changes in the Middle East
because of the Abraham Accords.
(upbeat music)
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(upbeat music)
- Ofir Akunis is Israel'sMinister of Regional Cooperation
and serves at one of the mosthistoric times in the region
in nearly a quarter of a century.
We sat down with the Minister to discuss
the ongoing historic developments known
as the Abraham Accords.
Minister Akunis, great tobe with you on CBN News.
Appreciate it very much.
- Thank you for inviting me.
And I'm so very glad to see you here
in The Knesset in Jerusalem.
- You were there yesterday at the meeting
at Ben Gurion Airport.
Tell me your reaction tothis really historic meeting.
- Yeah, it was a historicday to see the aircraft
from the Emirates with the logoof Emirates and warm welcome
of the Israeli delegation to the Emirates,
to their Minister of Finance
and for the American delegation as well.
But they are here all the time.
The Emirates were hear for the first time
and it was an historicday and a very happy day.
Happy day for all of us.
- You've been servingIsrael for many, many years.
What does it mean tothe history of Israel?
- I will tell you something when I was,
let's say younger in thebeginning of the nineties
I remember the idea of new Middle East.
Then our late Presidentserved as a Minister at Paris.
He said it's a new Middle East.
So it wasn't then a newMiddle East, it wasn't.
It was old with a lot ofterror, tears and blood.
And we remember thedays of Oslo agreements.
But what happened yesterday,it was a new Middle East.
Because you saw theaircraft from the Emirates.
We are looking forward tothe delegation from Bahrain.
I think that something newis happening right now.
These days in the Middle East,there is the Iranian issue
and Iran, (foreign language)and Israel Emirates, Bahrain.
And I hope that you will find
in a few days in othercountries here around us.
So this is the new MiddleEast, and this is a new era.
- Quite a time to be theMinister of Regional Cooperation.
- I agree.
I agree.
So we have a lot of economic
regional projects that weare, want to restart them.
I have to tell you to restart them.
And we talked aboutthem with the Emirates,
with the Bahrainis and ofcourse, with the Americans.
I think that the Abraham fund is a very,
very important thingthat I heard yesterday
from Adam Bueller, the head of the DFC.
This is very important.
- Now that is $3 billion toencourage trade cooperation,
economic cooperationwithin the Gulf and Israel.
- Especially to thestates, to the countries
that will declare thenormalization with Israel.
So it will be for the benefit of them
but Israel will be part of the project.
And we have a lot of examples.
I can give you some examples,like the tourism project
in (foreign language)
nearby Jericho of course,and Jordan gateway
and nearby Bachchan.
And we talked about the Red Dead Pipe
and there is another project Med Red Pipe.
A lot of projects, of course
including the high-tech biotech, FinTech
agritech watertech, et cetera, et cetera.
So this is a great days toIsrael and to neighbors.
- We've seen Bahrain,we've seen in the UAE
who do you expect next thatmight normalize relations?
- I will let the Americansannounce about the next country
that will normalize theirrelationship with Israel.
It will be their announcementand our celebration.
- While there is celebration about the
Abraham Accords, there's also opposition
from Iran and Turkey seemsto oppose it as well.
How would you characterize theopposition within the region?
- I'm very sorry, I have to tell you.
I'm very sorry, becauseI think that there is
a huge opportunity to build anew regional situation here.
And of course, I cannottalk about Iran because
we know what has beenthere in the late seventies
and it's still the same situationand even worse situation
but I'm very sorry for Turkeybecause they can be part of a
new Middle East and the newworld in the junction from the
far East and from Indiato North America and to
and to Latin America as well,
and to South America,actually to the whole world.
And I'm sorry for the bad winds that came,
I'm very sorry.
- For evangelical Christians,
how would they give your perspective?
What should they be knowing
about the Abraham Accordsin this new Middle East?
- Of course, we arelooking forward to millions
of tourists from the Christianworld to come to Jerusalem
to see from close the beautyof this land and this country.
And of course
if there will be a peace inour region, it will be easier.
And there is a peace to comehere and to travel very safely.
This can be, as I said,a junction for peace.
This is the place, Israel.
And of course from here from Jerusalem.
- Appreciate your time Minister.
(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] Up next,CBNs Gordon Robertson talks
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(upbeat music)
- On October 18th Israel'sgovernment press office
sponsored its fourth annualChristian media summit.
The summit brings togetherChristian journalists
from all over the world.
And this year, like most other events
it was virtual because of COVID-19.
CBNs Gordon Robertson addressed the summit
of how Israel is becominga light to the nations,
just as the prophet Isaiah said it would.
- We're seeing peace breakoutwith the UAE and with Bahrain.
- Wouldn't it be wonderful
if peace spread throughoutthe Middle East?
Here's something that was on my heart,
I want to share a scripture with you.
It's from Isaiah 49.
And this is a prophecy of Israel.
The modern day, Israel.
It was insufficient that you be a servant
for me only to raise up the tribes
of Jacob and to restorethe ruins of Israel.
I will make you a light for the nations
so that my salvation may extendto the ends of the earth.
This was a scripture thatinspired David Ben-Gurion
and in his writings, hetalked about Israel's purpose.
As he was forming the modernstate, as he was working
in the 1920s, 1930s, workingso diligently to create Israel.
This was on his heart
and we today need to recognize the purpose
of Israel is not just togather the tribes, not just
to restore the ruins, notjust to make the desert bloom
but it's time for Israel tobe a light to the nations.
When you look at the emblem of Israel,
you see the menorah right there.
That was to recognizethat on the very emblem
of the state of Israel, thereis a light to the nation.
I like to remind people
the menorah is now outside the temple.
And that menorah isIsrael as Israel becomes
and is a light to thenation, repairing the world,
bringing good things to people.
So as Christian communicators,as people in Christian media,
our job is to tell the worldabout what Israel is doing.
Now, I know in these times
of boycott divestment sanctions,it's a difficult task.
I, like many of you, havebeen incredibly dismayed
at the rise of antisemitism
we're seeing throughoutthe world, here in America
and France today, throughoutEurope, in the Middle East.
The rise of antisemitism canliterally discourage you.
You're wondering whereis the source of this?
And why does it continue?
Even in the year 2020, why dowe still have these things?
And then on top of it,you had a global pandemic.
It can lead to discouragement.
There's something else from Isaiah.
And let me remind youthat the Isaiah scroll
was rediscovered, if you will,
in a cave in Qumran aspart of the birthing
of the nation of Israel.
It's the only complete scroll
of the dead sea scrolls.
And it's a prophecy of Israel.
But in that prophecy, here'sa word of encouragement.
And this tells you what God is doing.
He will not fail nor bediscouraged till he has
established justice in the earth.
And let that be our call andour mission that we are not
going to fail.
We're not going to be discouraged,
greater is he who is with us,than he who is in the world.
We will work together with God almighty
to establish justice in the earth.
Let that be our mission.
Let that be our call.
Be a light to the nations.
God bless you.
(upbeat music)
- [Announcer] Up next, theJerusalem Prayer Breakfast
and how Jerusalem affectedthis Christian leader
when she came here for the first time.
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♪ Joy ♪
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♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
- Terri Copeland Pearsonsjoined the fourth annual
Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast this year,
hosted at the Friends ofZion Museum at Jerusalem.
She told the virtual event howimportant Jerusalem is to God
and how he ordained the Jewsto be the keepers of the city.
- I had this sudden realawareness that the Lord had
shown me something ofhimself and that he was
was very delighted
that I had come to his house
because he always comes to mine.
But I had come to his
and I saw something andexperienced something.
So as I pray over you
and I pray over Jerusalemand I pray over the city,
I want to pray over thatrevelation of him and all that
he says that he is,and that he wants to be
to the Jews, to theChristians, to the whole world,
that he wants the worldto know him as he is.
And not as the ungodly want to define him
but to show himself as Israel'sfaithful shield and buckler.
And to show himself as the reliable
faithful one to his word.
And to know that the Jewsare the keepers of the city
not just the politicians own over it
but they are the keepers
that God ordained.
Keepers of his city.
And they should never let it be divided
while all can be welcome to come.
They are the ones chosen to see
to it that he is magnified,glorified, honored.
And so he can be revealed to the world.
- As Terri Copeland Pearsonssays, pray for the peace
of Jerusalem.
Pray also for the ongoingAbraham Accords and also
for the tragic conflict between Armenia
and Azerbaijan.
Well, that's all for thisedition of Jerusalem Dateline.
Thanks for joining us.
And remember, you can followus on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube.
I'm Chris Mitchell.
We'll see you next timeon Jerusalem Dateline.
(upbeat music)