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(upbeat music)
- Well, it's time for your email
and Pat this first onecomes from Lily who says,
"Why are people who callthemselves Christians
"and prayer warriors afraid of the virus?
"to live with God we haveto die at some point,
"so why are they afraid?
"I'm not afraid of dying."
- Well, don't be afraid ofdying but the Bible says,
"The wise man sees thedanger and hides himself,
"the fool goes on and is punished."
Look, this thing is deadly
and we've already shown in this program,
the consequences of this coronavirus
and it does terrible things to people.
So it's not a questionof being afraid of it,
it's being wise and thewise man sees the danger
and hides himself, so what's the hiding?
Where you wear a mask or you avoid crowds,
I mean that's just smart,
the wise man hiding,you're not lacking faith
if somebody's shooting a machine gun,
you don't jump up and run into it.
I mean, it'd be better to get a (mumbles)
that the bullets goover your head alright.
- This is Darla, who says Pat, Jesus said,
He's preparing a mansion for us.
Is it possible that we can ask Him
for a certain kind of place to live?
Like you, I love horses.
I was 78 when I took my first ride
on a gorgeous horse named Michael,
I would love to spend eternity living
with those wonderful creaturesaround me, your thoughts?
- Well, I think the Bible indicates
there must be horses in heaven,
'cause the host of thembe coming on white horses,
but there are no dogson heaven, apparently.
- [Interviewer] We know that.
- I'm an animal lover, I'vegot dogs, I've got horses
I've trained on everything, I love 'em.
Look, I hate to tell you,
but the translationmansion is bad translation.
Jesus said, "In my Father'shouse are many resting places."
many rooms, it's a big houseand there's plenty of room,
but mansion is bad translation, okay?
- Well this is Marlene who says,
"How do I deal with an adultdaughter when she bullies me?
"I wouldn't co-signfor her on an apartment
"because her prior history is
"to never pay rent or anything on time,
"now my grandchildren don'thave anything to do with me."
- The Bible says, "Honoryour mother and father,
"that your days might be long on the land
"the Lord your God gives you."
If anybody is disobedient to their parent
and does not honor theirparents for heaven's sakes,
don't give into some wasteful child
who wastes your money andwants you to co-sign on notes
and don't put yourself at risk
with somebody, let them learn how
all you are is enablingthat particular person.
And the fact that she wouldn't let
her grandchildren talk toyou, just keep on loving them,
but don't give intotheir bullying, alright?
- Yeah, that's hard,this is Kathie who says
"The Bible says wherevertwo or more are gathered
"Jesus is there, does thatmean when I pray alone
"He isn't there and doesn't hear me?"
- No, it does mean that at all
many people have prayed alone,
I do a lot of praying by myself
and it's nice to have others,
but there's somethingabout the fellowship.
And the Bible says, "Don'tforsake the assembling
"of yourselves together."
So it's nice to be able to assemble,
but if you're praying by yourself,
God will hear your prayersit's within your heart,
God is a spirit and they that worship him
worship in spirit and truth,
that has nothing to dowith crowd, alright?
- This is Mary who says,"Due to losing my job,
"we just had to move inwith my mother-in-law.
"She has so many petpeeves and we're trying
"to respect her home but it's hard.
"Can you tell me how to keepthe peace in her house?"
I wanna hear this one.
(both laughing)
- Well I would say do everything you can
to get another job and move out.
(both laughing)
- A lot of wisdom there.
- In the meantime just keepyour mouth shut don't argue
let the old lady if she's yakking away
let her keep on yakking, justdon't answer and don't argue,
I mean just live with it,
I mean, you've got a financial problem
and they're doing you a favor,
so just receive that alright?
- This is Pamela who says,
"If the upcoming election is in doubt
or jeopardy, contested, et cetera
due to mail-in ballots would Nancy Pelosi
become president as Speaker of the House?
- No I don't think the electoralcollege works that way,
if it goes into the House there's a vote,
by a State on who wouldbe the next president.
But I don't think we will have that,
but that Nancy Pelosi isn't,
that wouldn't necessarily be chosen,
somebody's gotta votefor her for president.
- That's all the time we have for today.
(both laughing)
- We don't wanna scare you with stuff.
(both laughing)