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The 700 Club - July 29, 2020

A search for truth drives one singer to the brink of suicide. Hear what saved her life. Plus, pastor Tim Ross explains why Christians should be stirring up trouble on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up a search for truth.

- I did everything I coulddo to try and find truth.

- [Narrator] At thebusiness end of a barrel.

- I was in my dorm roomand had a gun to my head.

- [Narrator] What drove thissinger to the brink of suicide?

- And I just broke.

- [Narrator] Plus, stir up trouble.

Pastor Tim Ross shares why Christians

should be doing just that.

On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

Attorney General Barr under fire

as congressional democrats grilled him

for nearly five hours.

Their accusations, "Aidingand abetting the president

in violating his oath of office."

And for the first time in thehistory of the United States

is one political party now inopposition to law and order

in favor of terrorism?

Here's Charlene Aaron.

- Attorney General Barr spentnearly five contentious hours

before the House Judiciary Committee.

Democratic chairman, Jerry Nadler

set the tone right out of the gate.

- In your time at the department,

you have aided and abetted

the worst failings of the president.

- [Charlene] Barr firing back

that he's not doing thepresident's bidding.

- I'm supposedly punishingthe president's enemies

and helping his friends.

What enemies have I indicted?

Could you point to one indictment

that has been under the department

that you feel is unmerited?

- [Charlene] Others directly accusing him

of violating his oath.

- There's nothing moredangerous to our republic

than an attorney general whorefuses to uphold his oath,

refuses to uphold anddefend the constitution

and swears allegiance to justone person, Donald Trump.

Sadly, that's where we are-

- My loyalty is to the constitution,

that's why I came into government.

- [Male] The lady yields back.

- [Male] The lady just accused him

of not adhering to his oath of office.

Let him talk.

- [Charlene] Republican Jim Jordan,

the ranking minority member,

said the democrat's hostilityis all about one thing,

Barr's investigation of the Russia probe

and his one word description

of the Obama administration's actions.

- Spying, that one word,

that's why they're afteryou, Mr. Attorney general.

15 months ago, April 10th,2019 in a Senate hearing,

you said this sentence,

"I think spying on a politicalcampaign is a big deal."

And since that day,

since that day,

when you had the courageto state the truth,

they attacked you,

they've been attacking you ever since,

every day, every week,

for simply stating the truth

that the Obama/Biden administration

spied on the Trump campaign.

- [Charlene] The attorneygeneral made news at the hearing,

revealing a separateinvestigation is underway

in the unmasking of GeneralMichael Flynn and others

in surveillance reports

by members of the Obama administration.

- I've asked another US attorney

to look into the issue of unmasking

because of the high number of unmaskings

and some that do not readily appear

to have been in theline of normal business.

- Wait a minute, I want to be clear,

so there is anotherinvestigation on that issue

specifically going on at thejustice department right now?

- Yes.

- [Charlene] He alsosaid peaceful protests

in the wake of the killing of George Floyd

have been hijacked by violentrioters and anarchists.

And he defended sending federal agents

to Portland and other cities.

- What unfolds nightlyaround the courthouse

cannot reasonably be called protest.

It is by any objective measure

an assault on the governmentof the United States.

- The Mueller report and voter fraud

also came up in the hearings.

In fact, one republican lawmaker

said Barr was blamed for so much,

he's surprised democrats

didn't try to pin theCOVID-19 pandemic on him.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Well CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst, David Brody,

is going to join us now.

And David, could youtell me what is going on

with this Nadler investigation?

- I don't even know where to begin, Pat.

You've got the hearing,

you've got the Durham investigation.

Look, let's just start with this,

it was not the HouseJudiciary Committee yesterday,

it was the House Grand Standing Committee.

It was a bunch of democrats grand standing

and basically getting allof their frustration out,

aimed at the president, through Bill Barr,

and that's what we saw.

Look, you know, what's interesting Pat,

on all of this is that Bill Barr

at one point during the hearing said,

"Hey, I thought this was a hearing,

and that means I'm supposed to be heard?"

And he couldn't even be heard.

I mean, at one point Jerry Nadler,

the chairman of the HouseJudiciary Committee actually said,

"Well, actually Barr askedfor a five minute break,"

and Jerry Nadler said,

"No, you can't have a fiveminute break for lunch."

The whole thing was was unraveling.

But, Jim Jordan pegged it correctly,

this is all about the fact that Bill Barr

is looking into spying,

the spying that theObama/Biden administration did

on the Trump campaign.

And that's why Democratshave to stop Barr now

to discredit him before someof this information comes out,

which we believe is going to come out

sometime before the November election.

It feels like an Octobersurprise to me, Pat.

- David, let me ask you this,

I don't believe in the history of America,

we've ever had a timewhere one political party

actually supported domestic terrorism,

supported violence andsupported the actions

against the police.

Is this unusual in our democracy?

- Yeah, it's unprecedented.

I mean, if you think about it,

Bill Barr actually said

in that hearing yesterday to democrats,

he said, "Hey, can we get anybody,

anybody on your side of the ledger

to say something about violence

against federal courthouses in America?"

Which is what we've been seeing now

for 62 straight nights in Portland.

And so you're right, Pat.

Look, Pat, I mean, I think it'spretty clear the last time,

if you just do a quick Control F,

Control Find in the constitution,you search assemble,

you see the words peacefully assemble,

you don't see the wordsviolently assemble.

And I think the problem here,

and the media has practicedjournalistic malpractice here

to the Nth degree,

along with the democrats,

who are basically calling

all of these rioters andanarchists, peaceful protesters

or they're just calling them protesters.

The problem is they're not.

There are three groups, right?

I mean, you've got the peaceful protesters

that are there for the dayinto the early evening.

Then the anarchists come out at night,

and remember, you know, you'vegot that situation going on.

And then you have the federalagents that are, you know,

to a degree, have exacerbatedthe whole situation.

So that's what's going on.

The problem is

is that what the media is doing

is they're conflating the two.

If there are some peaceful protesters

in with the anarchists,

all of a sudden everybody's a protester.

Not true at all.

And we know is somethingabout an apple in the bunch,

a one bad anarchist ruins the whole bunch.

And that's exactly what'shappening here, Pat.

- Well, David, Joe Biden also announced

a minority economic plan.

He said, he'll announced avice president next week.

What do you think is going to be the pick?

Do you have any idea here?

- Well, I think it's between two.

It's between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice,

those are the two,

what I believe are goingto be finalists here.

I personally believe, go aheadand cue this tape up, Pat,

if I'm right.

If I'm wrong, you can buryit somewhere in the archives,

but I think it's going to be Susan Rice.

Look, well why exactly?

Because this is a very importantvice presidential pick.

Normally, it doesn'treally matter too much.

This time around, it's different.

Joe Biden will be 81.

If he won, he would be 81going into a second term.

He's not gonna run for a second term,

we pretty much know that,

which means the folks

that are voting thistime around for Joe Biden

are in essence votingfor the vice president

to be the presidentialnominee going forward.

And so Susan Rice,

the former national security advisor,

the former UN ambassadorof the United Nations.

I mean, look, she is someone

that Joe Biden believescould step in on day one

and be president of the United States.

There is no learning curve there,

she's been around the action.

Having said that,

she's got a controversialand sorted past, to a degree,

if you've talked to conservatives,

when it comes to theunmasking of General Flynn

and everything going on with spy gate,

as the Trump administration calls it.

- David, as I recallthe Benghazi hearings,

there was rioting againstour facility in Benghazi

and Susan Rice went on television

to say the reason was notbecause of some Muslim riot,

but because of a track

that had been published a few days before,

which was just nonsense,

I mean, she lied through her teeth.

Could you talk about that?

- Yeah, sure.

No, you're a 100% right,

you have the facts correct.

And that is another notch inthe conservative attack machine

that will go against Susan Rice

if she's the one picked.

I think he's gonna pick her

just because she's readyto be president in his mind

and he needs someone

that will have a veryshort learning curve.

Kamala Harris, I will say,

is potentially the other pick here.

She could actually get it as well,

and we even saw somenotes that he had prepared

when he had talked to reporters yesterday.

She was on those notes.

So that may give us an indication

that she's definitely inthe running here in the end.

- Okay, well, David, thank you.

Problem with the Kamala Harris,

apparently she attackedhim during those debates

and it's a question as whetherhe'll forgive and forget.

But Susan Rice, in my opinion,is an absolute disaster.

And she worked a long time ago

when I was involved with things in Africa,

she was the advisor on Africa

and she was, in my opinion,

an absolute disaster.

So to see her as apotential next president

should give a frightenand pause and you know,

night sweats to anybodywho contemplates it.

Well, in other news,

the dollar is taking a deep dive

while gold is hitting record highs.

And what does this poseand why does this pose

a risk for our economy?

John Jessup has more.

- That is right, Pat.

The two are moving in opposite directions.

The dollar has been fallingsince it peaked in March.

The dollar index hasdropped 10% since then

with a sharp plunge this month

set to be the worst in over nine years.

Meanwhile, gold ishitting new record highs,

closing in on anothermajor milestone, $2,000.

Now Wall Street's Goldman Sachs,

warns the rising price ofgold and other concerns

could pose long termproblems for the dollar.

They write, "Combined with a record level

of debt accumulation by the US government,

real concerns around thelongevity of the dollar

as a reserve currencyhave started to emerge."

The dollar has been theworld's primary currency,

Pat, of course, you know,

since the end of World War II.

Yeah, John, I've been talkingabout this for some time.

When you're the reserve currency,

that means that everybodyhas to take the dollar.

So the Federal Reserve canprint the dollars and wants to

and everybody's got to take them

because that is a reserve currency.

So a number of the othercountries are saying,

look, you're inflatingyour dollar all to pieces

and we think this should be a basket of,

well, of precious metals, such as gold.

And so a lot of centralbanks are buying gold

and the price of gold has gone up.

You remember it was atone time, $250 an ounce.

Now it's crowding in on $2,000

and it could go to three,four, 5,000 an ounce.

And the price of silver,silver is next to gold

and it's been actually a oversold

but silver is a commoditythat has some value.

Gold is just, there it is.

I mean it's one of those things

that there are only so manyounces of it in the world.

But for smart investors,

to put some money into gold and silver

and there's some yours trulyhas been the last few days

trying to get some ofthat in the portfolio

'cause I think it's very important.

- But you've always had gold.- Huh?

- You've always had gold.

- I've always had it,

but I've got more of it recently.

- [Wendy] Okay, good advice, good to know.

- John, what else you got?

- All right, Pat, turning to COVID-19

and progress on those vaccineswe've been reporting on.

HHS Secretary, Alex Azar,

says there could be tensof millions of doses

of a vaccine this year.

And there's more good newsfrom drug maker, Moderna.

Tests showing seven out of eight primates

who received the vaccine,

showed no trace of thevirus in their lungs

just two days after exposure.

This as the coronavirus task force

has identified 21 States as hot zones

calling on them to put inplace greater restrictions.

- We are still seeingsignificant outbreaks occurring

from birthday parties, graduationparties, family reunions.

- It wasn't just me being an outliner.

Dr. Birx was saying the same thing

that one, is universal wearing of masks,

avoid crowds, close the bars.

- The president announced Tuesday

that the Eastman KodakCompany is switching gears

to help increase domestic drug production.

The camera and technology company

winning a $765 million government loan

to make ingredients used ina number of generic drugs.

Well, social media companiesare targeting posts

about the effectiveness ofthe drug hydroxychloroquine

in treating COVID-19.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebookall taking down a video

with doctors testifyingto the drug's success

in treating patients.

American front line doctors made the video

at a summit hosted by Tea Party Patriots

in Washington this week.

The video, retweeted by President Trump,

was seen millions oftimes across social media

before Facebook, YouTube and Twitter

took action to remove it.

When the president'sson, Donald Trump Jr.,

Tweeted the clip,

Twitter deleted the video

and temporarily suspended his account for,

"Spreading misleading andpotentially harmful information

related to COVID-19."

President Trump,

who has taken the drug andtouted its effectiveness,

is accusing social media companies

of censorship for political reasons.

While the FDA has rescinded its approval

for emergency use of the drug,

a recent study by a doctor

from Yale University'sPublic School of Health, Pat,

found hydroxychloroquine highly effective

as an early treatment,

especially when combined

with specific antibiotics and zinc.

- Well, antibiotics and zinc,

but in terms of defense againstCOVID, it's highly unlikely.

You know, I really believe the president

would do himself a tremendous favor

if he just stayed out of this.

He is the chief executive,

not the chief medicalofficer of the United States.

And I think he just layshimself open to criticism.

And I think the issue

that he should drill on every single day,

stay on the message, Mr. President,

the message is violence andanarchy taking over our cities

and the Antifa and Black Lives Matter

and other organizations are hijacking

so-called peaceful protests.

And the answer that the peopleare looking for in America

is will you keep us safe from violence,

will you protect us againstoverseas aggression?

And if he stays on thosethemes, he will be victorious.

But he gets off on these sidetracks,

like telling people totake hydroxychloroquine,

that's not his business.

You know, however intelligent it may be,

Mr. President, believe itfrom those who just love you,

stay on message,

you've only got a few moreweeks before the election,

stay on message.


- Pat, so many of thenation's senior citizens

are in a state of permanent quarantine

and studies show that'sbad for their health

since loneliness increasesthe risk of dying by 70%.

Now, one senior livingcommunity is using technology

to allow residents to interactwith those on the outside

and share their wisdomwith the next generation.

Mark Martin has more.

- [Mark] We've seen how this pandemic

put a damper on family celebrations

from birthdays to marriages,

to senior class milestones

like proms and graduation ceremonies.

To help lift up membersof the class of 2020,

residents at the senior living community,

Westminster Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay,

reached out with advice andlessons learned from the past.

- You are there to learn.

Go to every class.

I never cut a classwhile I was in college.

- [Mark] Resident andformer teacher Neola Waller

chatted with Cox High Schoolsenior, Alexandria Pezzano,

as part of the programSeniors Celebrating Seniors.

By using a Birdsong tablet,

the video communication tool

developed by Westminster Canterbury,

the residents safely spokewith the graduating seniors.

- What kind of advice did you give her?

- Well, having taughtseniors for 30 years,

I have lots of advice

and your time is too shortfor me to tell it all.

But I had some items.

For one, I said,

just remember when you go to college,

you will be learning something

and your parents willexpect you to graduate

with a marketable skill.

- [Mark] Pezzano plans toattend Old Dominion University

to major in neonatal nursing.

She describes Waller,who's 91 years young,

as an amazing woman.

- As a first generation college student,

it was really hard tokind of like figure out

what I was expecting to get into.

So her adopting me really made me

kind of like get inspiration

on like what to expect andhow to pursue my career.

She gave me really great advice.

- And Pezzano says

what made a relationshipwith Waller even more special

was the fact that Wallertaught at Cox High School

for 30 years.

- I still keep in touchwith a lot of my students.

- It was just amazing to speak to her.

We had a great relationship

and honestly, I feel like we're gonna have

a forever relationship,

like I'm going to come backfrom school and like visit her

just to talk to her about advice

on what I should do in school

'cause I know I'm gonna be lost.

- She has a wonderful smile,

which I think will be very healing

and accepting of her patients.

I have loved talking with you.

- I know, you've givenme such great advice.

- [Mark] Mark Martin,CBN news, Virginia Beach.

- Great story, thanks Mark.

Pat, that's a story that'llput a smile on your face.

- It should.

Ladies and gentlemen, isn't that great?

You know, the Bible saysrise up before the gray hair

but I do think that wehave been so much oriented

toward the youth culture

that the old people havesort of been relegated.

Now you're an old fossil,get off the stage,

let us take over.

But I think to look at the ageof those who've got wisdom,

and for these young kids in high school

to look to these seniorsfor advice is beautiful.

And I commend Westminster Canterbury,

which in an extraordinary nursing facility

and senior citizen facility.

And they, they by the away,

got ahead of this corona thing,

they have a complete lockdown,

they let nobody visit anybody,

I don't care what their relationship was,

and not one single case of COVID

took place in that nursing home.

And you look at the governor of New York

and he's being condemnedbecause what he did,

he took sick people and putthem into nursing homes,

and the next thing,

you know, the spread was virulent

and dozens and dozens of people died,

as one doctor,

who happened to be aSenator from Kentucky said,

"That governor should have been impeached

because of what he did.

By putting those sickpeople into nursing homes,

because he was afraid thehospitals were too full,

he caused the death ofa whole lot of people."

But Westminster Canterbury set the stage.

They wouldn't let one single person,

I don't care what therelationship or anybody,

nobody came into that facility,

and as a result, not onesingle case of COVID.

- That's beautiful.- It's beautiful.

- Wow, I love it.- It's a great facility.

- Alrighty, well still ahead,

a backup singer for Katy Perryand an American idol alum,

what drove this worshipleader to the brink of suicide

and what stopped her?

Tasha Layton shares her story coming up.

Plus, your questions andPat's honest answers.

A viewer wants to know,

"I've read that the unbelieving spouse

is saved by the believing spouse.

So does my husband get afree ride into heaven?"

Stay tuned for Pat's answeron that and much more

right after this.

(inspiring music)

Tasha Layton was on a search for truth.

Where did it take her?

To Buddhist camps, Islamicmosques and New Age schools.

So when did her searchnearly come to an end?

The night that Tasha puta loaded gun to her head.

♪ Can you make somethingfrom the wreckage ♪

I'm Tasha Layton.♪ Would you take this heart ♪

Well, I grew up in a Christian home.

I read my Bible every day.

I was super excited to serve God.

I went on missions trips andI was just really passionate.

Then, just like a lot of people,

experienced some pretty severe church hurt

and I couldn't reconcile howpeople could be Christian

and yet lie about other people.

It was very wounding,

especially as a teenager.

I just doubted myself.

I doubted who I was in Christ.

I needed to know that Jesuswas who he said he was

and who he says he isbecause I was so hurt.

I started to study music in college

because I always wantedto serve God in music,

but I changed my majorfrom music to religion

and I just tried to seek outtruth wherever I can find it.

I went through this period of searching.

And so I went to Buddhist meditation camp,

I went to synagogue, I went to mosque,

I studied mysticism inEurope for a summer.

I did everything I coulddo to try and find truth.

I think what I found withthe other religions I studied

was that every one of them sortof had a piece of the truth,

some piece or some fulfillment,

but it was never holistic for me.

It was never a somethingthat changed my whole being

or changed me from the inside out.

I think I just felt very alone

and I thought no one understands,

no one else understands.

When I hit rock bottom

was really when I tried to commit suicide.

I was in my dorm roomand had a gun to my head.

A friend walked in thatday into my dorm room

and saw what was happening

and just hugged me andgrabbed me and I just broke.

In all of these other religions,

you had to strive to reach God,

you had to be good enough,

or do all the right things

to reach enlightenment or the divine.

I realized that inChristianity, Jesus pursued us.

He came down to earth.

And when I think about the grace of God,

he'll always be there

and he prevented,

he's the one that walked in that room

and I thought, okay, this is different.

I just knew that I wanted to serve God

with my spirit, my soul, my mind.

I went back to church andfelt the spirit of God again.

I felt God's truth movefrom my head to my heart.

That started a trajectoryof healing in my life.

And I remember the call of Godon me when I was a teenager.

And I decided to pursue that again.

And I ended up going toseminary in California.

And then when I graduated,

I was a worship pastor at a church.

Some friends of mine wereauditioning for American Idol

and had asked me if I wanted to do it

and I ended up making it,

I was on the same season asTori Kelly, Lauren Daigle.

It was fun and I left thinking,

I feel like maybe I'm supposedto do something like this

and made the transition andended up singing professionally.

That's when I decided to move to Nashville

and pursue music andwrite music for myself.

♪ My mind is racing ♪

♪ With the question are you still good ♪

Now, I'm putting out music

and touring as an artistand a worship leader.

I met my husband shortly after I moved.

And so we ended up getting married

and he's a writer and producerand we have two little ones.

We just are loving our littlefamily and enjoying life.

♪ Though the mountains maybe moved into the sea ♪

The song Into the Sea, It's Gonna be Okay,

it's based on Psalm 46,

and there's never been a moment

where we've needed to hear that more.

♪ It's gonna be okay ♪

♪ It's gonna be okay ♪

What I love about the song

is that it can speak toindividual situations,

but it's also speaking to our world.

And I think we can relateon a lot of levels.

I would say to anyone whois questioning their faith,

God's not intimidated by their questions,

and he is pursuing them.

He's already done the work.

And so there's grace that comes from that

that is more beautiful thananything else on the planet

or anything we can experience.

- Tasha was searching for the truth

and she finally found it.

His name is Jesus.

And if you are searching todayfor the truth like Tasha,

or maybe even right now,you're contemplating suicide,

I just want you to stop rightnow because God loves you.

And Tasha found that love.

She couldn't find itin any other religion,

but she found it inJesus, in Christianity,

because like she said, he paidthe price for you and for me,

and all we have to do is receive.

So if you need someoneto pray with right now,

we want to make it easy for you.

Just give us a call,

just go to your phone rightnow, call 1-800-700-7000,

someone is standing by,

they want to pray with you, they love you.

They're gonna tell you some good news.

And we all need the good news of Jesus.

So call us right now, 1-800-700-7000.

All right, we are goingright into some email.

- Let's go into email, we're ready to go.

- Okay, this viewer says,

"Dear Pat, if I am aChristian and I am saved,

but my husband is not,

will he still be allowedto get into heaven?

He curses, says he hates certain people

he doesn't even know.

He never goes to church,

has bullied our children

while they were growing up, as well as me,

with cursing and threatsof throwing us out.

I've read that the unbelieving spouse

is saved by the believing spouse.

So does my husband get afree ride into heaven?"

- I think you misread the Bible.

It says your children are born holy

if one of you is a Christian, the mother,

especially the female line,

that would take care of the children.

But it says that yourgodly conduct as a wife

can lead your husband to the Lord,

but in no way, does it saybecause you are a Christian,

your husband, who's an ungodly man,

is gonna get a free ride into heaven.

I think you've misread the word.

He's gonna stand on his own.

Believe me, if he continuesthe course he's on,

he's hasn't got heaven in mind,

he's got something much, much worse, okay?

- It's amazing how many people

think they can ride thecoattails of their grandparents,

their parents, their spouse.

- There's no such thingas generational salvation.

I mean, if your father was to the Lord,

those things, there isa generational thing,

we call it epigenetics,

where the godly living of parents

will reflect in their children's health

and well, their whole endeavor.

But if you set anexample of your children,

your children will follow that example.

And that's what we'retalking about, all right?

- Amen. All right, wellhere's a question from Rose.

She says, "My parents, both in their 70s,

don't believe COVID-19 is asdangerous as everybody says.

They just came back froma trip to a busy city.

We asked them to stay in their home,

away from us until after 14 days.

My parents think we live in fear

and we don't believe God hascontrol over the situation.

We do believe God has control over all.

We just want to be responsible.

How can we keep ourselves safe

without making them feel offended?"

- The Bible says the wise man

sees the danger and hides himself,

the fool goes on and is punished.

We know this is a dread virus

and if you're exposed to it,

it will affect you and doterrible things to you.

And if you can stay away from it

by wearing a mask andstaying out of the crowds,

then you will be in much better shape.

So this, this has nothing to do

with faith or anything else,

it has to do with wisdom.

Do not forsake wisdom, okay?

- Good advice.

All right, Aisha says,

"After a human dies, can theyturn into a guardian angel?"

- Heavens, no.

Where'd you ever get an idea like that?

You can't turn into an angel.

You're you.

When you die, you'regoing to be with the Lord

or you're going to be apart from the Lord,

but your spirit will live on.

You don't turn into an angel.

An angel is a different creature, alright?

- All right, Cole says,

"I often hear Christians

talk about storming the gates of hell.

Yet, I cannot seem tofind anything scriptural

that tells us to storm the gates of hell.

What is your understanding of this?"

- Well, the Bible saysthat the gates of hell

cannot prevail against it.

Gates don't move.

Gates do not move.

So the gates of hell

are subject to assault by the Christians.

The gates of hell cannotprevail against us,

that's what the Bible says,

but I don't know whatelse you're talking about.

But that's what's there

and it has to do withthe faith and the belief.

- [Wendy] Fervent prayer, perhaps?

- You're praying and you'restorming the gates of hell,

you're breaking through for God,

and they can't prevail against that.

But gates don't move,

so that they're not coming against you.

Gates are stationary.

- All right.

Carol writes,

"I know that I'm supposed to tithe 10%.

So my question is, how do I do that

when I'm struggling to stay afloat?

How often am I supposed to tithe

and can I tithe at any church,even if I'm not a member?"

- Several questions.

Number one, you give tothe place you were blessed

and you can give to God'swork in a number of places.

There are people thatdo God's work all over

that is legitimate that you can give to.

But you don't have to tithe.

That is your workbetween you and the Lord.

And I must say that ifyou want a blessing,

it isn't a question of do you have to,

but it's what opportunity doyou have to give money away?

Because God will take that money

and he will put hisstamp of approval on it

and multiply it 30, 60, and a 100 fold.

So you want blessing,that's how to get blessing.

And there are those who withhold more,

and it attends only to poverty,

and to those who give generously

and it brings forth a great harvest.

So it's a question of blessing.

So if I were you, I'dlook for opportunities,

but no, you don't haveto give to a church,

if you've got a tithe.

I mean, there's so manyworthwhile organizations

that are doing God's work

and the question is,

way back in Melchizedek and Abraham

Abraham gave a tithe toMelchizedek, who blessed him,

and I think that was thestandard in the Old Testament.

- All right, thank you so much, Pat.

Great answers and awesome questions.

Well, coming up, we want toupset you, in a good way,

and we want you to upset the world.


Pastor and author, Tim Ross has the answer

and he joins us live,

later on today's 700 Club.

Also ahead, surgeons cutinto her sternum with a saw

and 20 years of pain followed.

How did this woman finallyget relief in an instant?

Stay tuned to find out.

(inspiring music)

- Welcome back to Washington

for this CBN News Break.

New York's vote by mailin its' June primary

has caused delays in the count

and concerns that some ofthe votes were tossed out.

The state has struggled

because it collected more than 10 times

the usual number of mail-in ballots.

Voting ended June 23rd,

but the results of several races,

including two closely watchedcongressional primaries,

are still unknown.

White House PressSecretary, Kayleigh McEnany,

blasted New York's vote countingas a "absolute catastrophe"

and a reason to question voting by mail

in the November elections.

Well four big tech CEOstestify before Congress today,

including Apple, Facebook,Amazon, and Google.

They all agreed to appearto answer questions

about their practices fromboth sides of the aisle.

Critics question whether the companies

stifle competition and innovation,

and whether they raiseprices for consumers.

Many republicans argue thatsome big tech platforms

censor conservatives online.

Big tech has its defenders too though

saying they've made lifeand communication easier

during the coronavirus outbreak.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of The 700 Club

right after this.

(dramatic music)

- Keep calm and carry on

has become a popular phrasein our culture these days.

But it's the opposite of whatpastor and author Tim Ross

is advocating.

He wants you to be upset andhe wants you to upset others.


Take a look.

- [Male] Tim Ross is the lead pastor

of Embassy City Church in Irving, Texas,

a multiethnic,multigenerational congregation.

Pastor Ross points outthat in the New Testament,

Paul and Silas causedtrouble all over the world

by sharing the truth of the gospel.

He says believers todayare to do likewise.

- Would literally upset the world

with the message, hopeand love of Jesus Christ.

- [Male] With a new book, Upset the World,

Pastor Ross explains howto do every day evangelism

and change lives in the process.

- Please welcome toThe 700 Club, Tim Ross.

Welcome Tim.

- Thank you so much.

I'm so grateful to be with you.

- Tim, why do you want people to be upset

and to upset other people?

- Well, the premise comes rightfrom Acts chapter number 17,

verse number six,

"Paul and Silas have causedtrouble all over the world

and now they're heredisturbing our city too."

The claim that the Jewishpeople made about Paul and Silas

was both exaggerative andprophetic at the same time.

Exaggerative, in that Paul and Silas

hadn't gone literally all over the world,

but prophetic in that they would.

2,000 years later, we as thedisciples of Jesus Christ,

are still the ones makingdisciples of all nations

and turning people's lives upside down

with the message, loveand hope of Jesus Christ.

- That is a great story.

And you've just describedwhat the early church did

to upset the world.

What does it look like today?

How can we be upsetterstoday in our culture?

- Well, you know,

we live in a culture thatis very confused right now,

very cynical right now.

And one of the major thingsthat we can do as believers,

what sets us apart,

is our love for one another

and the kindness that weexpress on a day to day basis.

When you have a culture that doesn't trust

and you have a culture thatis apprehensive of humanity,

one of the best things thatwe can give people is what the

love of Jesus looks like in action.

And so I'm encouragingeverybody as they get this book

to learn what it means to beprompted by the Holy Spirit

on a day to day basis,

to look for those opportunitiesto upset people's world.

- Well you share a verypersonal upset in your own life

that began when you werejust eight years old.

Tell us about that.

- Yeah, so I was sexually abusedwhen I was eight years old

by a neighbor that livedacross the street from me.

At the age of 12, I wasexposed to pornography

and by the time I was 19, Iwas a full blown porn addict.

I was highly promiscuous,

I was low self esteem,

had a lot of low self worth.

All of that was traumatizing,

but nothing was more traumatic in my life,

then January 14th of 1996.

And that is the day that Igave my life to Jesus Christ.

I know that word traumahas a negative connotation,

but seriously, the most upsetting thing

that's ever happened to me,

wasn't the sexual molestation,

it wasn't the porn addiction.

It was my encounter with Jesus Christ

and his ability to take a broken life

and turn it upside down.

- Yeah, upsetting in a, like you said,

traumatically good way.

And Tim, you also share anexample of upsetting the world

that occurred when a group wascoming to picket your church.

What happened?

- Yeah, so we had a LGBTQIAis all of their letters now,

group that wanted to comeand picket our church.

They realized andidentified that our beliefs

didn't promote their lifestyle.

And there was someapprehension amongst the staff

as to what was gonnahappen when they showed up.

And so I took it as a momentto kind of gather our staff

and say, hey, God's givenus an opportunity here

to upset them.

They expect our response to be distant.

And I think we should draw closer to 'em.

So we found that it wasgonna rain that day.

So we got extra umbrellas,got some donuts and muffins,

and we also got a bunch of hugs ready

along with some coffee,

and we endeavored on that day,

to not move away from them,but to move close to them,

hug them, love on them,

give them some food, some hot coffee,

to continue to protest us

and make sure that they were dry

by giving them some umbrellas.

Upsetting people's world doesn't mean

that everything that you do for a person

is gonna make them agree with you,

but it is gonna make themwalk away with the conclusion

that these people are different.

- So, I'm curious aboutwhat happened that day?

What was the feedback?

How did they respond when youcame out with the umbrellas

and the donuts and the coffee?

- Well, this is thebest part of the story.

It rained so hard theyactually never showed up.

So who got upset that day?

Well, it was us, it was our staff.

God did something in our heart

so that we wouldn't be on the defensive

when people came on the offensive with us,

that we would be open to love

in the midst of hate and anger,

not retreating away from that.

So the people that gotupset that day was us.

God was teaching us a lesson.

- Talk about a counter cultural message

that we need so badlyright now, Tim, that's it.

Well, you call your church apicture of heaven on earth.

Why is that?

- Well, we have a verymulti-ethnic church.

I always express thatI pastor the equivalent

of an interracial couple.

So we have blacks and whitesand Hispanics and Asians

and people that are 13%Russian and 72% English.

I don't call it a melting pot

because when you melt something,

you lose the ability to discern.

I call it a salad, right?

When you think about a salad,

you want your lettuce to lettuce,

your tomatoes to be tomatoes.

If you're like me, you wantyour olives to be olives.

It is the unique individualityamongst this group

that makes the salad so good.

And we know that the Holyspirit is the dressing

that makes it all come together.

- Amen.

Well, here's your book, "Upset the World".

Tim, what do you want peopleto take away from this?

- My biggest takeaway that I want people

to have from this book, first of all,

is that you get upset yourself,

that you are reminded of the relationship

you came into with Jesus

and how upsetting of amoment it was for you.

Upset by definition simplymeans to turn upside down.

And I don't know anybody

that's come into arelationship with Jesus Christ

that has not had theirlife turned upside down

by his message, his love and his hope.

The second thing I wantpeople to walk away with

is that we have a mandate to upset others.

It's not enough thatJesus came into your life

and did it for you.

It's now time for youto use your testimony

accompanied by his blood

to see people's lives upset as well.

- It's time, it is time.

All right, the book iscalled "Upset the World".

It's available wherever books are sold.

Tim, God bless you,

thanks so much for being with us.

- Thank you for having me.

It was my honor.

- Well, coming up open heart surgery

saved this woman's life,

but it left her in pain for 20 years.

What two words finally set her free?

The answer after this.

(inspiring music)

Open heart surgery savedNancy Bradley's life,

but it brought her a world of pain.

For 20 years, she sufferedbut she never lost hope

that one day she'd be healed.

How did it finally happenwhen you least expected it?

Take a look.

(gentle music)

- The doctor said that Iwould need open heart surgery

and that it would be five bypasses.

- [Male] It was 1998 whenNancy Bradley learned

that all five major arteries

entering her heart were blocked.

The news left her and herhusband, Omar, reeling.

- At seven o'clock, I had the stress test

and by 11 o'clock I was in surgery.

- I was shocked that it was that serious

because she had never slowed down any.

She just complained of beingshort of breath a little bit.

- [Male] The surgery was successful,

but recovery was a different story.

To access her heart, surgeonshad to cut into her sternum

using a saw.

- I was in the hospital for nine days.

I came home on the ninthday and I was really sore.

They had me wired together.

- [Male] As weeks,months, and years passed,

the pain persisted.

- It should have gone away,

but some people never recover from that

because that's a sensitivepart of the body.

- I had a huge sensitivityin the sternal area.

I couldn't pick up anything

and if I squeezed something,

it centered right into the sternal area

and caused it to hurt, just ache.

Sometimes when I wouldjust move or bend down,

it would aggravate it.

- [Male] The pain continued for 20 years

with flare ups so agonizing,

Nancy often turned to theLord asking for relief.

- I'd say, "God, I give it to you,

I give it to you.

I need your touch, I need your help.

And you know, Lord,

I'm trusting for this toleave in the name of Jesus."

- [Male] Through the years,

Nancy and Omar have found encouragement

watching The 700 Club.

- When I listen to The 700 Club,

one of the greatest things that they do

is when they have a word of knowledge,

when they pray for someone,

or when they bless somebody in some way.

That that to me is soencouraging, so helpful.

- Then in July 2019, whilewatching The 700 Club,

Nancy heard a word thatwas not only encouraging,

but life changing.

- Gordon had a word of knowledge

for someone that hadhad open heart surgery

and they were havingproblem in the sternal area.

- You're someone, you've hadrecurring pain in your sternum

from open heart surgery

and it just never seems to go away

and you're not even asking for relief,

but God sees your pain right now

and he's saying be healed

and that entire bone be restored now

'cause no more pain, no more discomfort,

in Jesus' name, be healed and be set free.

- I kind of jumped out of mychair and I said, that's me.

I know it's me, God did something for me.

I know God did something for me.

- And I said, is it bothering you now?

- And she said, no, it's not hurt,

I don't hardly feel it.

- By the grace of God, the pain is gone.

I do not have the pain.

And I am so grateful for what he did

because I can lift now and I am free.

- [Male] Freedom from decades of pain

has given Nancy a newfound sense of living.

She exercises and walks more

and she continues to live a life

that testifies of God'shealing power and love.

- I try to live for him everyday and ask for his blessing

that I would be a blessing to others

because he's such a blessing to me.

And I'm so grateful.

- God sent his word and he healed Nancy

and he wants to heal you todaytoo, whatever your need is.

And we're gonna pray foryou in just a moment.

But first, we've got some praise reports.

Pat.- Go ahead.

- Okay, Rick writes,

"On July 6th,

Pat prayed for someonewith a crushed shoulder.

Five years ago, I suffered a bad fall,

landed on my shoulder and mydoctor used the word crushed.

He repaired it with screws and a plate,

but said the repair probably wouldn't last

more than four or five years.

My shoulder repair had beencoming apart over the last year,

causing pain and limited use.

I just happened to catch yourshow and Pat's healing prayer.

Somehow I knew it was for me.

During the next week, it was amazing.

I have almost no pain and90% use of my shoulders back.

Thank you, Lord.

This helped me find who I am in Christ."

- [Pat] Isn't that beautiful?

- [Wendy] Love it.

- Here's one right now from Cassandra.

You don't know Cassandra, do you?

- [Wendy] No don't knowanybody by that name.

- [Pat] Well, on June 20th,June of this year, actually,

"I prayed that God would heal

a condition of hypothyroidism.

I'd struggled with it for years.

I was watching the programand we were praying

and Wendy had this word,

someone has a low thyroidcondition for a while,

God is healing it.

After reviewing my labresults, the doctor said,

your thyroid is good, no problems.

She said, I am healed."

- [Wendy] Praise God,that's a miracle, I love it.

- We're gonna join hands.

Let's pray.

Folks, nothing's impossible with God.

Now right now, I want you to pray with us.

Wendy, and I want to pray for you

and we're going to believe God.

Father, thank you for thesemarvelous words of healing.

We know you're powerful, Lord.

We know nothing is impossible with you.

You created this earth.

You put man and woman on this earth

and you can know how to fix their bodies.

Thank you Lord, in Jesus name.

Thank you for it.

Wendy, what do you?

- Yeah, there's someone,

you've lost your job

and you just lost arelationship you were in

and you're actually thinkingof taking your own life.

And God is saying to you, daughter,

I have more for you and I love you

and that will be the biggestmistake you would ever make.

Trust me, there are better days coming

and I'm sending help now.

In Jesus name,

just start praising Godbecause he's sending help.

Thank you, God.

- There's one, I believethe name is Marsha,

you've got a problem rightin the center of your being.

And just touched your hand on that

and God is healing it rightnow in the name of Jesus.

Thank you, father.

- There's someone withjust crippling arthritis

in several parts of your bodyand your hands and your feet.

And it's really difficult to get around.

You can hardly get anywherewithout someone helping you,

but God is touching you right now

and that arthritis isleaving in Jesus name.

You're going to havemobility again in Jesus name.

- There's a, a neck condition,

reach up and touch yourneck, in the name of Jesus,

there's little nodules there

that are just going away right now.

Jesus touch.

Thank you, Lord.- Thank you, God.

- Well Today's Power Minuteis from the Book of James.

"The prayer of faith will save the sick

and the Lord will raise him up.

So for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson.

Tomorrow, we've got JeremiahJohnson and his message.

You won't want to miss it.

See you later.


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