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News on The 700 Club: July 29, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” July 29, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Attorney General Barr under fire

as Congressional Democrats grilled him

for nearly five hours.

Their accusations quote, "aidingand abetting the president

and violating his oath of office."

And for the first time in the history

of the United Statesis one political party

now in opposition to law andorder in favor of terrorism.

Here's Charlene Aaron.

- Attorney General Barr spentnearly five contentious hours

before the House Judiciary Committee.

Democratic ChairmanJerry Nadler set the tone

right out of the gate.

- In your time at thedepartment, you have aided

and abetted the worstfailings of the president.

- [Charlene] Barr firing back

that he's not doing thepresident's bidding.

- I'm supposedly punishingthe president's enemies

and helping his friends.

What enemies have I indicted?

Could you point to one indictment

that has been under the department

that you feel is unmerited?

- [Charlene] Others directly accusing him

of violating his oath.

- There's nothing moredangerous to our Republic

than an attorney general who refuses

to uphold his oath, refuses to uphold

and defend the Constitution,

and swears allegiance to justone person, Donald Trump.

Sadly, that's where we are today.

- My loyalty is the Constitution.

- Mr. Chairman, I yield back.

- That's why I came into government.

- [Nadler] General, yields back.

- The lady just accusedhim of not adhering

to his oath of office, let him talk.

- [Charlene] Republican Jim Jordan,

the ranking minoritymember, said the Democrat's

hostility is all about one thing.

Barr's investigation of the Russia probe

and his one word description

of the Obama administration's actions.

- Spying, that one word.

That's why they're afteryou, Mr. Attorney General.

15 months ago, April 10th, 2019,

in a Senate hearing yousaid this sentence, quote,

"I think spying on a politicalcampaign is a big deal."

And since that day, since that day,

when you had the courageto state the truth,

they attacked you, they'dbeen attacking you ever since.

Every day, every week forsimply stating the truth

that the Obama-Biden administration spied

on the Trump campaign.

- [Charlene] The attorneygeneral made news

at the hearing revealing a separate

investigation is underway in the unmasking

of General Michael Flynn and others

in surveillance reports by members

of the Obama administration.

- I've asked another US attorney to look

into the issue of unmasking because

of the high number of unmaskings

and some that do not readily appear

to have been in theline of normal business.

- Wait a minute, I want to be clear.

So there's anotherinvestigation on that issue

specifically going on at theJustice Department right now?

- Yes.

- [Charlene] He also saidpeaceful protests in the wake

of the killing of GeorgeFloyd have been hijacked

by violent rioters and anarchists.

And he defended sending federal agents

to Portland and other cities.

- What unfolds nightlyaround the courthouse

cannot reasonably be called protests.

It is by any objective measure an assault

on the government of the United States.

- The Mueller Report and voter fraud

also came up in the hearings.

In fact, one Republicanlawmaker said Barr was blamed

for so much he surprisedDemocrats didn't try

to pin the COVID-19 pandemic on him.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst David Brody is going

to join us now.

And David, could youtell me what is going on

with this Nadler investigation?

- I don't even know where to begin, Pat.

You've got the hearing, you'vegot the Durham investigation.

Let's just start with this.

It was not the HouseJudiciary Committee yesterday,

it was the House Grand Standing Committee.

It was a bunch of Democrats grand standing

and basically getting allof their frustration out

aimed at the president through Bill Barr.

And that's what we saw.

It was interesting, Pat,on all of this is that

Bill Bar at one pointduring the hearing said,

"Hey, I thought this was a hearing

and that means I'm supposed to be heard."

And he couldn't even be heard.

At one point Jerry Nadler, the chairman

of the House JudiciaryCommittee actually said,

well, actually Barr askedfor a five minute break

and Jerry Nadler said,

"No, you can't have a fiveminute break for lunch."

The whole thing was was unraveling.

But Jim Jordan pegged it correctly.

This is all about the fact that

Bill Barr is looking into spying.

The spying that theObama-Biden administration did

on the Trump campaign and that's why

Democrats have to stop Barr now

to discredit him before someof this information comes out,

which we believe is goingto come out sometime

before the November election.

It feels like an Octobersurprise to me, Pat.

- David, let me ask you this.

I don't believe in the history of America

we've ever had a timewhere one political party

actually supported domesticterrorism, supported violence,

and supported actions against the police.

Is this unusual an era of democracy?

- It's unprecedented.

If you think about it, andBill Barr actually said

in that hearing yesterdayto Democrats, he said,

"Can we get anybody, anybodyon your side of the ledger

to say something about violence

against federal courthouses in America"

which is what we've been seeing now

for 62 straight nights in Portland.

And so you're right, Pat.

I think it's pretty clear.

If you just do a quickControl F, control Find

in the Constitution, you search assemble,

you see the words peacefully assemble.

You don't see the wordsviolently assemble.

And I think the problem hereand the media has practiced

journalistic malpracticehere to the Nth degree

along with the Democrats whoare basically calling all

of these rioters andanarchist peaceful protesters

or they're just calling them protesters.

The problem is they're not.

There are three groups.

You've got the peaceful protesters

that are there for the dayinto the early evening.

Then the anarchists come out at night.

And remember, you've gotthat situation going on.

And then you have the federal agents that

to a degree have exacerbatedthe whole situation.

So that's what's going on.

The problem is is thatwhat the media is doing is

they're conflating the two.

If there are some peaceful protesters

in with the anarchists,

all of a sudden everybody's a protester.

Not true at all.

And we know is somethingabout an apple and the bunch,

one bad anarchist ruins the whole bunch.

And that's exactly what'shappening here, Pat.

- David, Joe Biden also announceda minority economic plan.

He said he'll announced avice president next week.

What do you think is going to be the pick?

Do you have any idea?

- I think it's between two.

It's between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice.

Those are the two what I believe are going

to be finalists here.

I personally believe, go ahead

and cue this tape up, Pat, if I'm right.

If I'm wrong, you can buryit somewhere in the archives.

But I think it's going to be Susan Rice.

Why exactly?

Because this is a very importantvice presidential pick.

Normally it doesn'treally matter too much.

This time around it's different.

Joe Biden will be 81, if he won,

he would be 81 going into a second term.

He's not going to run for a second term.

We pretty much know that,

which means the folks thatare voting this time around

for Joe Biden are in essencevoting for the vice president

to be the presidentialnominee going forward.

And so Susan Rice, the formernational security advisor,

the former UN Ambassadorof the United Nations,

she is someone that JoeBiden believes could step in

on day one and be presidentof the United States.

There is no learning curve there.

She's been around the action.

Having said that she's got a controversial

and sordid past to a degreeif you talk to Conservatives

when it comes to theunmasking of General Flynn

and everything going on with Spygate,

as the Trump administration calls it.

- David, as I recall,the Benghazi hearings,

there was rioting againstour facility in Benghazi

and Susan Rice went on television

to say the reason was notbecause of some Muslim riot,

but because of a tract thathad been published a few

days before which was just nonsense.

She lied through her teeth.

Could you talk about that?

- Yeah, sure.

No, you're 100% right.

You have the facts correct.

And that is another notch inthe Conservative attack machine

that will go against SusanRice if she's the one picked.

I think he's going to pick her just

because she's ready tobe president in his mind.

And he needs someone that will have a very

short learning curve.

Kamala Harris, I will say,

is potentially the other pick here.

She could actually get it as well.

We even saw some notesthat he had prepared

when he talked to reporters yesterday.

She was on those notes sothat may give us an indication

that she's definitely inthe running here in the end.

- Okay, well, David, thank you.

The problem with the Kamala Harris,

apparently, she attackedhim during those debates.

It's a question of whetherhe'll forgive and forget.

But Susan Rice, in my opinion,is an absolute disaster.

She worked a long timeago when I was involved

with things in Africa, she was the advisor

on Africa and she was, in myopinion, an absolute disaster.

So to see her as apotential next president

should give a fright andpause and night sweats

to anybody who contemplates it.

In other news, the dollaris taking a deep dive

while gold is hitting record highs.

And why does this posea risk for our economy?

John Jessup has more.

- That is right, Pat.

The two are moving in opposite directions.

The dollar has been fallingsince it peaked in March.

The dollar index hasdropped 10% since then

with a sharp plunge this month set

to be the worst in over nine years.

Meanwhile, gold ishitting new record highs,

closing in on anothermajor milestone, $2,000.

Now Wall Street's GoldmanSachs warns the rising price

of gold and other concernscould pose longterm

problems for the dollar.

They write, "Combined with a record level

of debt accumulation by the US government

real concerns around thelongevity of the dollar

as a reserve currencyhave started to emerge."

The dollar has been theworld's primary currency, Pat,

of course you know, sincethe end of World War II.

- John, I've been talkingabout this for some time.

When you're the reserve currency,

it means that everybodyhas to take the dollar.

So the federal reserve can print

all the dollars it wants to andeverybody's got to take them

because that is a reserve currency.

So a number of the othercountries are saying,

"Look, you're inflatingyour dollar all to pieces.

And we think this should be a basket

of precious metals, such as gold."

And so a lot of centralbanks are buying gold

and the price of gold has gone up.

You remember it was atone time, $250 an ounce.

Now it's crowding in on$2,000 and it could go

to three, four, 5,000 an ounce.

And the price of silver,the silver is next to gold.

It's been actually oversold

but silver is a commoditythat has some value.

Gold, it's just there it is.

It's one of those things that there's

only so many ounces of it in the world.

The smart investors that put some money

into gold and silver andthere's some, yours truly,

has been the last few daystrying to get some of that

in the portfolio 'cause thatthing is very important.

- But you've always had gold.

You've always had gold.

- I've always had it butI've got more of it recently.

(both laughing)

- [Wendy] Okay, good advice, good to know.

- John, what else you got?

- All right, Pat, turning to COVID-19

and progress on those vaccineswe've been reporting on.

HHS Secretary Alex Azarsays there could be tens

of millions of dosesof a vaccine this year.

And there's more good newsfrom drug maker Moderna.

Tests showing seven out of eight primates

who received the vaccine showed no trace

of the virus in their lungsjust two days after exposure.

This as the CoronavirusTask Force has identified

21 states as hot zones calling on them

to put in place greater restrictions.

- We are still seeingsignificant outbreaks occurring

from birthday parties, graduationparties, family reunions.

- It wasn't just me being an outliner.

Dr. Birx was saying the same thing.

That one is universal wearing of masks,

avoid crowds, close the bars.

- The president announced Tuesday

that the Eastman Kodakcompany is switching gears

to help increase domestic drug production.

The camera and technologycompany winning a $765 million

government loan to make ingredients used

in a number of generic drugs.

Social media companies are targeting posts

about the effectiveness ofthe drug hydroxychloroquine

in treating COVID-19.

Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook all taking

down a video with doctors testifying

to the drug's successin treating patients.

American frontline doctors madethe video at a summit hosted

by Tea Party Patriotsin Washington this week.

The video, retweeted by President Trump,

was seen millions oftimes across social media

before Facebook, YouTube,

and Twitter took action to remove it.

When the president's son DonaldTrump Jr. tweeted a clip,

Twitter deleted the videoand temporarily suspended

his account for quote,"spreading misleading

and potentially harmfulinformation related to COVID-19."

President Trump who has taken the drug

and touted its effectiveness is accusing

social media companies ofcensorship for political reasons.

While the FDA has rescinded its approval

for emergency use of the drug,

a recent study by a doctorfrom Yale University's

Public School of Health, Pat,

found hydroxychloroquine highly effective

as an early treatmentespecially when combined

with specific antibiotics and zinc.

- Antibiotics and zinc.

But in terms of a defense against COVID,

it's highly unlikely.

I really believe the president would do

himself a tremendous favor ifhe just stayed out of this.

He is the chief executive,

not the chief medicalofficer of the United States.

And I think he just layshimself open to criticism.

And I think the issue that he should drill

on every single day, stay onthe message Mr. President,

the message is violence andanarchy taking over our cities.

And the Antifa and BlackLives Matter and other

organizations are hijackingso-called peaceful protests.

And the answer that thepeople are looking for

in America is will youkeep us safe from violence?

Will you protect us againstoverseas aggression?

And if he stays on thosethemes, he will be victorious.

But he gets off on these sidetracks

like telling people totake hydroxychloroquine.

That's not his business.

However intelligent itmay be, Mr. President,

believe it from those who just love you.

Stay on message.

You've only got a few moreweeks before the election.

Stay on message.


- Pat, so many of thenation's senior citizens are

in a state of permanent quarantine

and studies show that'sbad for their health

since loneliness increasesthe risk of dying by 70%.

Now one senior livingcommunity is using technology

to allow residents to interactwith those on the outside

and share their wisdomwith the next generation.

Mark Martin has more.

- [Mark] We've seen howthis pandemic put a damper

on family celebrations frombirthdays to marriages,

to senior class milestones

like proms and graduation ceremonies.

To help lift up membersof the Class of 2020,

residents at the senior living community

Westminster Canterbury onChesapeake Bay reached out

with advice and lessonslearned from the past.

- You are there tolearn, go to every class.

I never cut a classwhile I was in college.

- Resident and formerteacher Neola Waller chatted

with Cox High Schoolsenior Alexandria Pezzano

as part of the program,Seniors Celebrating Seniors.

By using a Birdsong tablet,the video communication tool

developed by Westminster Canterbury,

the residents safely spokewith the graduating seniors.

What kind of advice did you give her?

- Having taught seniors for 30 years,

I have lots of advice andyour time is too short

for me to tell it all.

But I have some items.

For one, I said, "Just rememberwhen you go to college,

you will be learning something

and your parents will expect you

to graduate with a marketable skill."

- [Mark] Pezzano plans toattend Old Dominion University

to major in neo-natal nursing.

She describes Waller,who's 91 years young,

as an amazing woman.

- As a first generation collegestudent, it was really hard

to figure out what I wasexpecting to get into.

So her adopting me really maybe kind

of like get inspiration on what to expect

and how to pursue my career.

She gave me really great advice.

- And Pezzano says whatmade her relationship

with Waller even more special was the fact

that Waller taught at CoxHigh School for 30 years.

- [Waller] I still keep intouch with a lot of my students.

- It was just amazing to speak to her.

And we had a greatrelationship and honestly,

I feel like we're going tohave a forever relationship.

I'm going to come back from school

and visit her just to talk to her

about advice on whatI should do in school.

'Cause I know I'm going to be lost.

- She has a wonderful smile,

which I think will be very healing

and accepting of her patients.

I have loved talking with you.

- [Pezzano] I know, you'vegiven me such great advice.

- [Mark] Mark Martin,CBN News, Virginia Beach.

- Great story, thanks, Mark.

Pat, that's a story that'llput a smile on your face.

- It should.

Ladies and gentlemen, isn't that great?

The Bible says rise upbefore the gray hair.

But I do think that wehave been so much oriented

toward the youth culturethat the old people

sort of been relegated.

Now you're an old fossil, getoff stage, let us take over.

But I think to look at the ageof those who've got wisdom.

And for these young kids in high school

to look to these seniorsfor advice is beautiful.

And I commend Westminster Canterbury,

which is an extraordinary nursing facility

and then senior citizen facility.

And they, by the way, gotahead of this corona thing.

They had a complete lockdown.

They let nobody visit anybody.

I don't care what the relationship was

and not one single caseof COVID took place

in that nursing home.

And you look at the governor of New York

and he's being condemnedbecause what he did,

he took sick people and putthem into nursing homes.

And the next thing you know,

the spread that was virulent and dozens

and dozens of people died as one doctor

who's happened to be asenator from Kentucky said

that governor should have been impeached

because of what he did by putting

those sick people into nursing homes,

because he was afraid thehospitals were too full,

he caused the death ofa whole lot of people.

But Westminster Canterbury set the stage.

They wouldn't let one single person,

I don't care what therelationship or anybody,

nobody came into that facility.

And as a result, not onesingle case of COVID.

- [Wendy] That's beautiful,

- It's beautiful.

- Wow, I love it.


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