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CBN NewsWatch PM: July 20, 2020

CBN NewsWatch PM: July 20, 2020 Read Transcript

- This is CBN NewsWatch.

Hello everyone, thank youso much for joining us

for CBN NewsWatch, I'm George Thomas.

Ongoing unrest in Portland, Oregon,

the head of the police union there is

accusing city leaders of allowing the city

to be destroyed, as violent protests are

in their seventh week.

Dale Hurd has the story.

- Two straight monthsof rioting in Portland,

but judging from hiscomments to the media,

Portland mayor, TedWheeler's, chief concern is

not the destruction of his city,

but the presence of federalofficers in Portland,

trying to stop the chaos.

Portland police declareda riot Saturday night,

after hundreds of demonstrators broke

into the Portland PoliceAssociation building

and set it on fire.

(rioters shouting)

Protestors were chanting,"Every city, every town,

"burn the precincts to the ground,"

but with increasing violenceand damage now in the millions,

what Portland's mayor wants is

for federal law enforcementofficers who are in the city

to protect federal property, to go away.

He's accusing them of violatingprotesters' civil rights.

- Leave, your presence hereisn't wanted, it's not needed

Unmarked vehicles driving into crowds,

pulling people off the streetswithout any probable cause,

as far as I can tell, andthe people who are engaging

in those activities aren't even willing

to identify who they are

and they don't wearinsignia on their uniforms.

That's a real threat to democracy."

- In a tweet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

called the federal officers stormtroopers,

but on Fox News Sunday,

President Trump defendedfederal involvement.

- If you look at what'sgoing on in Portland,

those are anarchists and we'vetaken a very tough stand.

If we didn't take a standin Portland, you know,

we've arrested many of these leaders.

If we didn't take that stand right now,

you would have a problem like,

they were gonna lose Portland.

- There were alsocontinuing violent protests

in Seattle and Chicago whereBlack Lives Matter protesters

pelted police with projectiles.

Former 60's radical David Horowitz

accuses Democratic leaders of helping

what he calls terrorists.

- Why is half the country torn up?

Because Democrats are aidingand abetting terrorists.

What else can you callthese people on the streets,

destroying everything, beating up people?

They're terrorists, and the Democrat party

is in bed with them.

- And the head of Portland's police union

accuses city leadersof condoning the chaos.

- This is no longer about George Floyd.

This is no longer about racial equity.

This is about violence,rioting, destruction.

- But incredibly,Oregon's attorney general

is seeking a court orderto stop federal agents

from arresting rioters in Portland

and three House Democraticchairs are calling

for an investigationof federal involvement.

Dale Hurd, CBN news.

- Thank you, Dale.

Meanwhile, Prager university is hoping

to bring communities together

in a show of support for police.

Today they launched theirnew Back the Blue campaign,

a nationwide initiative to spread messages

of gratitude and appreciationfor law enforcement.

Joining us now from PragerUniversity is Will Witt.

Will, thank you so muchfor coming on the show.

So what is your reactionto what's been happening

in Portland and othercities with ongoing riots?

Was it situations likethis that inspired you

to Back the Blue initiative?

- Yeah, I think what's goingon is a terrible thing,

I heard on that video before,

the guy said that it's notabout George Floyd anymore,

and it's really not, ofcourse, that the police officer

who murdered George Floyd

should be held accountablefor his actions,

but most police officers,the vast majority,

are good cops who are risking their lives

every day to defend us.

So with what's been going onin the media, these protesters,

the radical left out in the streets

trying to defund the police,

we decided at Prager U that it was time

to defend the police and back the blue.

So that's why we started this campaign.

- What about those who saymajor police reform is needed?

- If there's major policereform needed, you know,

those are things that are really held up

to the city councils ofthese different communities.

You know, we're seeing it in Minneapolis.

We're seeing it in differentplaces across the country,

but as we're seeing that,in places where they are,

police presence isdiminishing, like in New York,

where they cut that anti-crimeunit, crime is going up.

So murders are going up,violent crime is going up

in all these places where we're seeing

the police being defunded.

So this police reform doesn'tseem to be doing the job

that the left is actuallyclaiming it would do.

- Yeah, Will, what are ways your group

and others can support police reform

while also standing for public safety,

law and order and respecting officers?

- Well, I think we can alwayslook and say, you know,

police officers canalways use more training.

I think, myself, that policeofficers are trained very well.

They're not trained to be racist.

They're trained to deescalate situations,

but of course there canalways be more training

that can be done, but police need

to be heralded as heroesin our communities.

If you make them feel terrible,

who's going to want tobe a police officer?

Then, the only people who are going

to come and become police officers

are going to be the bottom-of-the-barrel

type of people with noother options in America.

You want to make themfeel proud of their job,

proud of their position so thatwe get the best of the best.

- How can people participatein the Back the Blue campaign?

- Well, the first thing you can do is

go to and sign

our thank you letter to police officers.

Second thing you can post ourPrager U pro-police content

all over your social media,

and you can also makea message of gratitude

to the police and postit on your social media,

tagging Prager U and we're doing a lot

to try and defend the police,

and I hope that you guys all join us

with the #backthebluetoday and all this week.

- All right, terrific.

We'll have to leave it there.

Well, thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast.

Now to the latest on the Corona--

- Thank you.- You're welcome.

- to the latest on the Coronavirus crisis,

the US now reportingnearly 3.8 million cases

with many of America'shotspots still struggling

to contain the virus.

Texas is one of the eight States

setting new records for daily deaths,

officials there bringing inrefrigerated mobile morgues

as hospitals are becoming overrun.

In Florida, 12,400 new cases on Sunday,

one of its highest daily totals

and less than 20% of ICU bedsare available nationwide.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti

admitting his stateprobably opened too soon

and warning of a likely second shutdown.

- I think we're on the brink of that.

We have to be as vigilant right now

as we were the first day.

But good news, potentiallypromising early results

from Oxford university'sCovid vaccine tests

showing a positive immuneresponse in phase one

and phase two of its initial trial.

China still faces, I'msorry, one other note,

be sure to tune into Faith Nation

for the very latest on this issue

as our nation's capital, anotherpotential relief package,

as Covid-19 shows no signs of going away.

As always, you can watch it right here

on the CBN News Channel.

Overseas, China stillfaces global criticism

for its mishandling ofthe Covid-19 crisis.

Now, some say the Chinese Communist party

is using the pandemic as anexcuse for targeting Christians.

- Now under this, the pretext

of Covid-19 Coronavirus,

the Chinese Communist partyhas intensified its persecution

by banning all the church activities,

even those services orworship or prayer meetings

in believers own homes withtheir own family members.

- The government also arresting Christians

who call for online prayer meetings.

And earlier this month,

more than 100 publicsecurity Bureau police

and others were sent tooversee the demolition

of crosses at more churchesin China's Xinjiang province.

Security guards eportedly beat Christians

who tried to stop the cross removals.

Chinese police are alsointerrupting services

and arresting church leaders.

Here to talk more about

what's going on inChina's church crackdown

is senior internationalcorrespondent, Gary Lane.

Gary, Christians say itis the worst persecution

that they have seen since MaoZedong's cultural revolution.

Tell us, when did this latestwave of persecution begin?

- Well, of course, itdidn't start with Covid-19,

as you know, that's just the excuse now,

as we mentioned, but George,this started back in 2015.

And if you recall, I knowyou reported about it,

I did too, the removal ofcrosses from atop churches,

mostly in Zhejiang province.

Hundreds of them were removed

and then raids on churches,

and you know, back in2018, you reported this,

Wang Yi, Wang Yi was the head pastor

of the Early Rain Covenant Church.

On December 9th, 2018, he was arrested,

and along with about ahundred members of his church,

the leadership there, most ofthem have been released now,

but he received nine years in prison,

simply for leading an unregistered church.

The church was growing and that's

what the Communists were worried about,

but we still don't know where he is

or what's happened to him.

- Yeah.

- It's recent examples.

- You talked about the crosses,

but can you talk aboutmore recent examples

of this latest crackdownagainst Christians?

- Well, we mentioned the twochurches in Zhejiang province.

We had two of them on July 7th,

where crosses were removed fromthe top of their buildings.

The Christians come out toprotest, they get beaten.

And an 80 year old man,George, was violently

shoved to the ground, an 80 year old man.

Also on July 5th, raids ofanother church in Guilin,

and some of the believers there stood out

in front of the PublicSecurity Bureau office

and started singing hymns as they awaited

the release of some of theirleaders, but this is ongoing.

- Yeah, and you talk aboutsome of these individuals,

are they actually beingarrested and charged

and sentenced to prisonfor a certain period?

- Well, they're charged.

Now, whether they're sentenced to prison,

they have to wait until their trial,

but what is happening, George,

this is all part of sinisthization,

which is, in other words,it is China saying,

"This is a new policy whereby,

"to be a good citizen ofChina, you must be faithful.

"You must show fidelityto the Communist party

"and to our leaders, to our nation."

You do that by putting up posters

or portraits of our leaders.

Here's a church where youdon't see a cross there,

but you see Mao and nextto him is Xi Jinping,

the president for life,no cross in that church.

Also on the sides of the churches,

things like propagandaposters and sayings,

rather than quotes fromJesus and the Bible.

And this is happening toindividuals in their homes as well.

- Obviously very familiarto what's, you know,

similar to what'shappening in North Korea.

- Yes.

- You know, with the leaders

of the Kim dynasty and so forth.

- Almost like a cult following.

- Exactly, I'm curious,

what can we in the United States do?

What can the presidentof the United States do?

- Well, there isn't a lotyou can do, but you know,

the President and Congress have enacted

the Hong Kong Autonomy Act.

In addition to that,for the Uighur Muslims,

the Uighur Human Rights Act,

those things can punishthe Chinese and individuals

who are involved in violatinghuman rights of the people.

But, Christians say, weneed something like that.

Well, there is the InternationalReligious Freedom Act,

which grants the Presidentand members of Congress,

the authority to enact legislation

that would punish individualswho violate human rights.

Beyond that, George, I would say, pray.

We as believers need topray for the Christians,

like Pastpr Wang Yi,nobody knows where he is.

He's suffering in prison.

Also pray for revival in China.

- All right, terrific, Gary, as always.

Thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast.

Coming up, one Christian photographer

and blogger takes action when it comes to

protecting his beliefs and his business.

But, before we go to the break,

here's a look at what'strending on

(dramatic music)

(paws plopping)

(birds chirping)

(water gushing)

(man moaning)

(water plinking)

(woman sighing)

- [Narrator] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

(dog plopping)

Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep.

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside the story

with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBN Jerusalem

bureau chief Chris Mitchell,

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN news channel.

- [Narrator] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest.

Life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body, mind and spirit,

life in your everyday.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully,

- Welcome back to the broadcast.

You are watching the CBN News Channel.

A Virginia photographer andblogger is suing the state

over a new law that he believes threatens

his freedom of religion and his business.

It all centers aroundthe Virginia Values Act., Tre Goins-Phillips is here

to tell us more about this.

So Tre, thank you for coming on the show.

What is the Virginia ValuesAct, and what it does?

- Yeah, thanks for having me.

So the Virginia Values Act is really,

it codifies an additional class of people

who are protected from discrimination and,

you know, sort of just male,female, black, white, Hispanic,

it adds now sexual orientationand gender identity

as a governmentally-protected class

from any sort of discrimination,

whether that be inemployment or in housing

or in public spaces, public or private.

They're now considered a protected group.

- Chris Herring, thephotographer and blogger

is being represented byAlliance Defending Freedom.

What are they saying aboutthis law and the case?

- So the concern forChris, as a photographer

who's also a Christian, is that this law

would make it easieressentially, for individuals

and for the state tofile lawsuits against any

sort of organization,Christian or otherwise,

that doesn't, for example,he's a photographer who refuses

to do photography for a gaywedding, a same sex marriage,

'cause that goes against this conviction.

And the concern in hislawsuit is that they could

essentially discriminate and really

fine a Christianorganization out of business.

- [George] And to this point,

could he and otherChristian business owners

be fined out of business?

- Yeah, that actually isa top concern for Chris,

and it's also the AllianceDefending Freedom,

which is the organizationrepresenting him,

they're concerned that that could happen.

In other cases, they see this as,

really could be punitivetoward Christian organizations,

because Chris has madeclear that he serves people

regardless of their sexual orientation.

There are just certain events,

certain instances like asame-sex wedding that he won't do

because of his convictions.

And he fears that that could be used,

this act could be used against him,

that he could be tied up in litigation.

He could be buried in finesfor every day that he refuses

to photograph a same-sexwedding, for example.

- Yeah, as I mentioned,Chris is being represented

by Alliance, Defending Freedom.

I'm curious, are theyarguing that such a law

goes against constitutionalfreedoms of speech and religion?

- Yeah, they are.

They see this as 100% athreat to religious liberty

because Chris, like many others,

I'm sure has said, as a Christian,

he also wouldn't do things

that promote pornographyor that promote abuse.

So he's saying that,or promote alcoholism.

He said, "So it's not likeI'm just picking one thing

"and saying I'm against it."

If it goes against Christian orthodoxy,

he's opposed to it.

And they definitely see thisas something that infringes

on the right to religious liberty

that are guaranteed in our Constitution.

- All right, terrific. Tre,

thank you so much forcoming on the broadcast.

Tre Goins-Phillips with

By the way, you can hear more

on today's importantspiritual and cultural issues,

you can catch it on Faithwire's,Faith versus Culture

tonight at 9:30 Eastern,

right here on the CBN news channel.

After the break, howCBN's Operation Blessing

is helping families struggling

to survive in the Philippines.

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

(man moaning)

(cereal whooshing)

(man moaning)

(container plopping)

(pitcher plunking)

(juice pouring)

(bowl sliding)

- [Announcer] life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep today.

[Narrator] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest."

Life in your family,

life in your finances,

life in your body, mind and spirit,

life in your everyday.

At We're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.

Life, live it fully,

- And welcome back tothe CBN News Channel.

We head overseas where the iconic jeepneys

that usually run throughthe city and streets,

the city and streets of The Philippines

are sitting idle becausepassengers, as you can imagine,

are staying home in the middleof this Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the drivers, sometimesalong with their children,

are still on the streets,begging for food and help.

CBN's Lucille Talusan reports from Manila

on how Operation Blessing is helping them

in their struggle to survive.

- [Lucille] While other kids are

in the comfort of their homes

during the Covid-19 pandemic,

11 year old Cedie Sebastianis out in the streets

begging for money to buy food.

- (speaking in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] I pity myfather because he cannot work.

We don't have food to eat.

That's why I beg, so wecan have money to buy rice,

food and milk for my sister.

- [Lucille] Cedie's fatheris among the thousands

of jeepney drivers whoare struggling financially

after they lost their jobswhen the Philippine government

imposed a Corona virus lockdown in March.

- [Interpreter] It hurtsto see my son begging,

but I can't stop him.

He tells me just to stand nearby,

so I can quickly come tohim when the policeman

tries to arrest him.

- Although some routeshave recently been opened,

allowing 6,000 drivers to operate,

this is only a small fraction

of the more than 50,000 jeepneys

that used to fill thestreets of Metro Manila.

I have to keep my face mask on

so that I will not getfined for a hundred dollars.

Behind me are the jobless jeepney drivers

and they have resorted tobegging for food and money

out here in the streets.

Most of them have been evictedfrom their rented places

because they don't havemoney to pay the rent.

So now, they have toendure the discomforts

of living in the jeepney as their home.

- [Interpreter] We livehere since the lockdown.

It's very difficult,especially for our children.

There's a lot of mosquitoesand it's very hot.

I appealed to the authoritiesto open our routes

so we can earn again,

because it's been four monthsnow that we don't have income.

- [Lucille] Like the rest of the drivers,

Nilo Malibiran is frustrated

over his family's miserable condition.

- [Interpreter] It is makingme cry to see my family suffer.

I want to buy them manythings, but I don't have money.

Our son got sick and I don'thave money to buy his medicines

and buy him milk, it's so frustrating.

- [Lucille] To alleviate their suffering,

Operation Blessing reached out

to the jeepney driversand gave them food bags

that contained rice, cannedgoods, noodles, cereal, coffee,

and other basic needs.

- [Interpreter] Thank youfor everything you gave us.

This is really a big help becausewe can't buy those things.

- [Interpreter] I am veryhappy with everything

that Operation Blessinghas given us, it's a lot.

Now we have plenty of food to eat.

I don't have to beg, thank you so much.

(man speaking foreign language)

- [Lucille] A volunteerpastor of Operation Blessing

gathered the jeepney drivers to share

with them the message ofsalvation through Christ.

He prayed for their faith tobe strengthened as they wait

for the day that theycan drive their jeepneys

in the streets again.

Lucille Talusan, CBN News, Manila.

- Up next, an Ohio couple who thought

they'd never have a baby of their own.

They just celebratedthe birth of their son.

How their journey toparenthood was unique.

(dramatic music)

(paper rustling)

(plastic crinkling)

(lid plopping)

(buttons beeping)

(copier whirring)

(paper tearing)

(woman sighing)

- [Announcer] Life is betterwith a good night's sleep.

Get your free DVD or bookletof Protect Your Sleep today.

- I'm Efrem Graham andthis is Studio Five.

Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening

in the world of music, sports,television, and movies,

- The fact that Ryan Coogler

was gonna be directing the film.

I knew that somethingspecial was going to happen.

- We'll chat with artists atthe forefront of entertainment

and explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said,

"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Well no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Announcer] Watch Studio Five,

Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Narrator] Remember fora moment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should

have the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(soft piano music)

(children laughing)

(uplifting music)

- I am Regent's first RSEC graduate.

(girls laughing)

(students cheering)

(birds tweeting)

- Well, our next story is pretty amazing.

Four years after goingthrough a uterine transplant,

a woman in Ohio is celebratingthe birth of her son.

31 year old, Michelle, wasborn with a rare condition

that left her without a uterus,

thinking she would nevercarry her own child.

Michelle and her husbandconsidered adoption.

But one day, a Facebook postabout a uterus transplant,

well, that took themdown a different road.

She went through anin-depth screening process

and later a successful14-hour uterus transplant

at Cleveland clinic.

Her recovery took about six months,

but a team of caregiversfrom more than 12 specialties

helped prepare her for the big day,

which finally came true over the weekend

with the birth of their baby boy,

both parents expressing their gratitude

for their amazing journey.

- I didn't start to feel himkick until like 27 weeks.

That was one thing like I wanted

to feel and see was him moving.

To know that somebodyelse's uterus helped me

achieve him and to hold him,

it was like the best thing in the world.

- Aw, and the baby's boy's name, Cole.

And he spent a week in the NICUbefore going home in March.

Well folks, that's it forthis edition of CBN NewsWatch.

From the Christian BroadcastingNetwork headquarters

here in Virginia Beach, Virginia,

it is a scorcher outthere, please stay safe,

stay healthy and have awonderful rest of the day.

Goodbye, and God bless.

(dramatic music)


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