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News on The 700 Club: July 20, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” July 20, 2020.: Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome folks.

I have a brief, quickannouncement about my book.

I Walked with the Living God.

Kevin Sorbo, who played Hercules.

- [Terry] Yes, he's a good friend.

- He's done an audio versionand I just got a copy of that.

- [Terry] Isn't that great?

- He read the whole thing.- Is that so?

- Yeah. Just came out.- Wow!

- It's just two of these.

So it's something that'smoving along pretty nicely.

- That's wonderful. Imean, that is a work.

Because the book is a big book,and it's full of reading--

- Oh, it's a powerful reading.

And he's got a wonderful voice.

And he loves the Lord andI'm just real thrilled.

- [Terry] That's awesome.

That's along with the audiobook,which is doing quite well

in the ratings.

- That's great. You can put itin your car and drive there.

- With Kevin's voice soothingyou as you go down the road.

- [Terry] That's great.

- Well. Anarchy in America.

Protests have rocked Portland,Oregon for more than 50 days.

Rioters in the streetshave buildings on fire,

attacked police, and beaten people.

Now, federal agentshave stepped in to help.

And so why is the mayordemanding they leave?

He claims they're causing the problem.

The height of hypocrisy and foolishness.

Dale Hurd has more.

- Nearly two straight monthsof rioting in Portland,

but judging from his commentsto the media, Portland mayor

Ted Wheeler's chief concernis not the destruction

of his city, but thepresence of federal officers

in Portland trying to stop the chaos.

Portland police declared a riot

Saturday night afterhundreds of demonstrators

broke into the PortlandPolice Association building

and set it on fire.

(protestors chanting)

Protestors were chanting, "Every city,

"every town, burn theprecincts to the ground."

But with increasing violenceand damage now in the millions,

what Portland's mayor wants is

for federal law enforcementofficers who are in the city

to protect federal property to go away.

He's accusing them of violatingprotestors' civil rights.

Leave. Your presence here,isn't wanted, it's not needed.

Unmarked vehicles driving into crowds,

pulling people off the streetswithout any probable cause,

as far as I can tell,

and the people who areengaging in those activities

aren't even willing toidentify who they are

and they don't wearinsignia on their uniforms.

That's a real threat to democracy.

- [Dale] In a tweet, HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi called

the federal officers stormtroopers,

but on Fox News Sunday,

president Trump defendedfederal involvement.

- If you look at what'sgoing on in Portland,

those are anarchists, andwe've taken a very tough stand.

If we didn't take a stand in Portland,

we've arrested many of these leaders.

If we didn't take that stand right now,

you would have a problem.

Like, they were going to lose Portland.

- [Dale] There were alsocontinuing violent protest

in Seattle and Chicago, whereBlack Lives Matter protesters

pelted police with projectiles.

Former Sixties radical David Horowitz,

accuses democratic leaders of helping

what he calls terrorists.

- Why is half the country torn up?

Because Democrats are aidingand abetting terrorists.

What else can you callthese people in the streets,

destroying everything, beating up people?

They're terrorists.

And the Democrat party is in bed with it.

- [Dale] And the head ofPortland's police union

accused his city leadersof condoning the chaos.

- This was no longer about George Floyd.

This was no longer about racial equity.

This is about violence,rioting, destruction,

- But incredibly Oregon'sattorney general is

seeking a court orderto stop federal agents

from arresting rioters in Portland,

and three house Democratic Chairs

are calling for an investigationof federal involvement.

Dale Hurd, CBN news.

- Thanks, Dale

And I've been reading abiography of President Grant.

It's a fascinating biography.

Ulysses S. Grant.

When he was president,

he was facing riots in the South

and he actually had PhilSheridan take a whole division

of American troops down there.

And when they did it,

he was dealing with the Ku Klux Klan.

He got that place in orderwith a whole division

of federal troops under a skilled general.

I don't know at what point

something like this is possible,

but something's gotta be done.

And this is outrageous.


The left is so hypocritical,

And we saw something interesting.

It was in the New York postabout the founding families

of the New York Times, andtheir ties to the Confederacy.

The Ochs family camefrom down in the South,

and moved up to New York.

They had the Chattanooga Times.

Then they started aboutthe New York Times.

Well, columnist Michael Goodwinwrites that Bertha Levy Och,

mother of the Times'patriarch Adolph S. Ochs,

supported to the South and slavery.

He also cites evidence thatuncle she lived with before

the Civil War owned at least five slaves.

And he writes about compellingevidence that a brother

of a Revolutionary War era ancestor

of the Sulzberger branch of the family

was involved in the slave trade.

They actually had advertisementsout advertising along

with their merchandising,

that they had certain numbers of slaves,

and they described them.

Now, these are the people,

ladies and gentlemen,

who want to take down the statue

of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson,

because they were called slave owners.

They also have this idea of 1619

as the beginning of America,

America didn't believein the beginning of 1620,

you didn't believe thatit would begin in 1607,

according to this account,

it only began when Black people

were brought into the slaves.

And that suddenly startedAmerica as an oppressive regime.

The hypocrisy of the NewYork Times! Think of that.

They were actually, the family was buying

and selling slaves.

Should the New York Timesget its act together

before it starts pointingthe finger at somebody else?

What did they say about Caesar'swife who was not supposed

to be above reproach?

(Terry and Pat laugh)

It's unbelievable, Terry.

- Well, you you almostdon't know where to go

with what's happeningin the country today.

It's so against everything that we studied

and knew about the countryand were raised with,

and you can't watch what'shappening in Portland

without recognizing thatthere is another force

behind that, that is-- Oh, absolutely.

Antifa is a radical group that started,

they were against the Nazis in Germany.

Now they're against everything.

They're just total anarchists.

And they want to destroy everything.

And of course, Black LivesMatter, we pointed out,

the founders, threewomen, two of whom were,

they bragged about the fact

they were trained asMarxist revolutionaries.

This isn't just a peacefulprotest any longer.

And what's being done, nowthere's a young student group

that is going in and theyjust love to tear stuff down.

I mean, they just, it'sjust kids going wild.

- You see some of theseyoung people, some of them,

not all of them,

but walk down the streetand hit an 87 year old woman

in the face, and then just keep going.

- I mean-- Knock them down.

- What's wrong with them?

- Well, there's a spirit of violence,

and it's demonic, but how do we stop it?

Well, something's gotta be done.

And I don't know what allthe laws are that give

the president a certain amount of power,

but he certainly has power

to protect the federal installations.

And the mayor of Portlandis off his rocker.

And Nancy Pelosi, to say

that these are stormtroopers,it's unbelievable.

We must support the police.

And this is going to take Donald Trump.

Believe me, it's going towin the White House for him.

Those are the American peopleare sick of this violence

that's going on Seattleand Portland, and now

over the country.

Well, they was a song aboutBaby, It's Cold Outside.

Well, it's not cold outside. It's hot.

I mean, it's powerful hot.

July is now the worst month on record

for the Coronavirusvirus cases with no sign

of slowing down,

and we're going to talk about a heat wave,

but we've got a wave of infection as well.

John Jessup has more.

- That is right, Pat.

That more than 140,000Americans now have died

from the coronavirus,

and new cases are nearing 70,000 a day.

And as Pat was just saying,

July now has the highest numberof new cases of any month,

more than one million.

In Texas, mobile morgues are set up

outside overflowing hospitals.

It's one of eight statessetting new records

in coronavirus deaths.

In the past seven days,

21 States have hitrecord numbers of cases.

On Fox News Sunday,

the president defended hisadministration's response.

- I take responsibilityalways for everything,

because it's ultimately my job to.

Now, we have somewhat ofa surge in certain areas,

and other areas we're doing great,

but we have a surge in certain areas.

- [John] On the positive side,

Dr. Francis Collins told CBN News

he believes we'll see avaccine by the end of the year.

- I am cautiously optimisticthat by the end of 2020,

let's say around aboutDecember, one or more

of the several vaccines that are now going

through rigorous testing willhave been shown to be safe

and effective, and will be

available for the public.

Although, probably we will not immediately

have 300 billion doses.

It'll take a littlewhile to scale that up,

but we'll have a lot at that point.

So, prayers and hopes, andall kinds of good thoughts

would be appreciated becausethis is all hands on deck,

flat out, we gotta make this work.

For more on the coronavirus,let's go back to Pat.

- Well, CBN medical reporter,

Laurie Johnson, is joining us now.

Laurie, what is the statusof these virus chasers?

These, well, do we have a vaccine?

Do we have anything tostop this coronavirus?

- Well, as a matter of fact, Dr. Collins

was eluding to the factthat it looks very promising

that we are going to haveat least one vaccine,

perhaps more than one vaccine,

that is safe and effectiveby the end of the year.

And that it can be distributedto the neediest of people.

We're talking about peoplewho live in nursing homes,

healthcare workers, and the like,

and perhaps the entire country, Pat,

can have a vaccine ifthey want it by spring.

But before a vaccine is available,

the number of therapeutics,

the drugs, and the treatmentsare really ramping up.

And many of them are in theirfinal stages of testing.

And those look very promising as well.

- Talk about little children.

What is the status?

Little infants, are theyimmune from this thing?

- Well, we know that we haveseen some positive cases

in infants, and that'svery disturbing, of course.

We never want to see children get sick.

But happily, we aren'tseeing any deaths in infants,

and very few, almost zerodeaths in very young children,

which sort of plays intothe narrative about,

here we are in the middle of July,

and the beginning of school is coming.

The kids have been outof school since March.

What do we do about school openings?

And so individual schooldistricts all over the country

are wrestling with this,

because we see that the caseload and the death rates,

certainly for children,

especially very youngchildren is almost zero.

But then, of course, we haveto consider the teachers

and the maybe olderrelatives that children

go home to at night.

So it's a very complicated situation,

but we do know that the death rate

and the infection rateamong children is very low,

lower than we typicallysee every year of deaths

among children for pneumonia and the flu.

- Well, do they bring this stuff home?

Is that the the worry?

That they themselves don't catch it,

but they're carriers?

- Well, it's actually,

at first it was more ofa concern than it is now

because the evidence isbearing out that children

actually are less likely to get the virus,

and not the super spreadersthat some other age groups

tend to be.

So it looks like childrenare, for some reason,

a little bit moreprotected from getting it

and spreading it than originally thought.

They're not completely immune,

but their risk is lowerthan originally thought.

And it does vary from age to age.

And of course, we alwayshave to be very mindful

in any age group of these,what we call co-morbidities,

these underlying conditions.

So you have children whohave some serious issues

with maybe asthma, or someother autoimmune diseases.

They are at higher riskthan the general population.

- The president has been widely criticized

because he may have been telling his joke,

but it has to do withtesting and the death rate.

What about testing? Dowe have enough tests?

Are we getting to a word back fast enough

from the laboratories?

- Well, most health experts will say

that the testing hasjust grown exponentially,

and more testing is better, andthere's never really enough.

And so we definitely want more testing,

but as far as the death rate,

that's a very different equation.

So when we hear about cases,

we're talking about peoplewho have tested positive

and that's very high,

but we also need tolook at the death rate.

In fact, many healthprofessionals say the death rate

is even more important.

And right now, the death ratein the United States is 3.8%.

That means that of all thepeople who test positive

for COVID-19, 3.8% of them die.

But again, that's a little misleading

because it makes it seem likeeverybody's risk is 3.8%.

I just pointed out childrenhave practically 0% death rate,

but people over 80, theirdeath rate is more like 10%.

So the older you are, and themore comorbidities you have,

the greater your chanceof dying from this.

One of the most concerningcomorbidities is obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes.

We know that the United Stateshas an extremely high rate

of obesity, and Type 2Diabetes, compared to the rest

of the world.

So when you talk about our death rate,

most experts will say that that

can more likely be blamed on comorbidities

in the United States than who'soccupying the White House.

- (laughs) Very, very cogent.

Thank you so much, Laurie.

- My pleasure.

- Lori always raises a fresh perspective.

- I think we're all ears for anything new

that's coming up.

- Well, somebody said, well,

what's the secret of your long life?

Well, one of the thing isI am an expert on nutrition

and I eat very, very carefully.

And I think it's so important.

I mean, that you feed your body,

the right stuff, that you takethe right kind of supplements

and you keep your weight down,

but anyhow, we're notgoing to get this stuff.

If we do get it, we can overcome it.

And you know, yeah.

- Well, I think it'sreally good news to know

that our children are not is vulnerable.

It's seems that that whatLaurie was talking about

with the comorbidity,

that's an across the board thing

no matter what age you are.

And so rather than walking infear, as a lot of people are,

let's see this as anincentive to do the things

that you're talking about.

To look at, what are weeating, what is our exercise?

- She talked about the metabolic syndrome,

and the metabolic syndrome has to do with

this overweight and the other things

that are going wrong, but let's face it.

God is on the throne.

He is in charge, and let's trust in him.

And you will not fear for the terror

that is walking at night,

or the wasting at noonday.

A thousand will fall at your side,

but it will not come by you.That's what the Bible says.

Read it, Psalm 91. John?

- Pat, congressionalRepublicans hash out the details

of the next round of economic aid

at a White House meetingwith President Trump today.

House Democrats have already passed

a $3 trillion spending bill,

the GOP expected to release

a trillion dollar plan this week.

One big issue, the $600 boostto weekly unemployment checks

set to expire this week.

Democrats want to extend it,

but Republicans likely will propose a cut.

President Trump wants a liability shield,

so businesses can't be suedIf people contract the virus.

He's also insisting on a payroll tax cut,

- But what about the payroll tax cut?

- I want to see it. I want to see it.

- And if it's in not the bill?

- I'll have to see, but yeah,

I would consider notsigning it if we don't have

a payroll tax cut.

- One point of contention,

congressional Republicanshave proposed billions more

in spending for testing and for the CDC

and National Institutes for Health.

The president reportedly is against it.

A pastor was attacked anda police chief injured

in Northern Virginia over the weekend,

during a Saturday Bible study

at Grace Covenant Church in Chantilly.

The Fairfax CountyPolice Chief, Ed Rostler,

and another church member,came to the pastor's defense,

after the suspect stabbed the pastor

who was leading the group.

He and another church memberwere taken to the hospital

with minor injuries.

Another pastor at thechurch said in a statement,

"We are in prayer for all the injured.

"We are grateful for the courageexhibited, that prevented

"worse from happening."

Well, today, parts of theMid-Atlantic and Northeast

will have their hottestday of the summer so far.

Temperatures will rise well into the 90s,

and some places could top 100 degrees.

Add in the humidity and itcould feel as hot as 115

in some areas.

Meteorologists encourageeveryone to stay indoors,

if possible, saying if you have to go out,

drink plenty of water,

and avoid strenuous labor or exercise

in the late morning, afternoon,or early evening hours.

Some good advice there. Pat?

- It's breaking records, folks.

There's a heat wave of massive proportion.

And the temperature hereis usually pretty benign,

but it was like 103 yesterday.- It was crazy.

- I think the heat indexis a lot higher than that.

So, and you look at Phoenix,it's just off the charts.

- Yeah. And it's so easy.

You don't realize you'redehydrating and so have an issue.

So, you really need to keepup on the water intake.

- (laughs) I know.

Well, I was out in Arizona,

in my jogging days, and I was out jogging,

and I didn't understand,I didn't have any sweat.

And I thought, this is strange.

I shouldn't be sweating,'cause I'm out there running.

And then I realized that it was so hot

that the perspiration was-

- Drying right off.- Drying immediately.

- And I was close to the heat prostration,

and didn't even realize it.

So play it safe, but it is powerful hot.

And I think it's goingto be breaking records,

from what I understand.

Many cities, especially on the East Coast,

you're looking at triple digits in places

that don't normally have them, by the way.

And stay inside. Okay.


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