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The 700 Club - July 17, 2020

Two swimmers are stranded miles from shore and drifting into the open ocean. Witness their survival on the high seas. Plus, two friends show the nation how to move forward after confronting the sins of the past. Hear their message to each other ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Today, twofriends showing the nation

how to move forward.

- We can definitely riseabove racism in America.

- [Gordon] After confrontingthe sins of the past.

- His family is the familythat owned our family.

- [Gordon] Their message to each other.

- I love this man like my own brother.

- [Gordon] And to our country.

- [Matt] Maybe we'llget a great awakening.

- [Gordon] Then, two swimmersstranded miles from shore.

- All we see is ocean.

- [Gordon] Their survivalon the high seas.

- This, to me, was our last chance.

- On today's "700 Club."

(dramatic news music)

Well welcome to "The 700 Club."

Israel's Iron Dome has been abashen

against terrorist attacks.

Well now, something is threateningthis anti-missile system

that could have dangerousimpacts far beyond

the Jewish state.

- What is it?

Chris Mitchell has theanswer from Jerusalem.


(missile blasts)

- [Chris] Israel's IronDome anti-missile system

is literally a life saveragainst terror attacks by groups

like Hamas or Hezbollah.

This amendment, introducedby Senate Democrat

Chris Van Hollen could conceivably prevent

the deployment of this joint U.S.-Israel

defense system to protectareas like the West Bank

or Jordan Valley.

The amendment states,

"No U.S. funds may support the deployment

"of United States defensearticles, services, or training

"to territories in the WestBank unilaterally annexed

"by Israel after Julyfirst, 2020 or to facilitate

"the unilateral annexationof such territories."

- The Van Hollen amendment is an example

of American legislatorswho cut off their nose

to spite their own face.

Namely, their face ofAmerica's own interests.

- [Chris] Israel's formerCongressional Liaison,

Ambassador Yoram Ettinger,argues this move could have

a negative impact beyondthe West Bank while also

undermining Israel and the U.S.

- Such a proposal reflectsa total disconnect

by those Senators fromMiddle East reality.

When Israel and Jordanconcluded a peace treaty

in October of 1994, the topJordanian military commanders,

they told Israeli colleaguesif Palestinian state

was of the Jordan River,would it doom the pro-American

Hashemite regime east of the Jordan River.

- Others argue the amendment contradicts

President Obama's 2016Memorandum of Understanding

between the U.S. and Israel.

That allowed Israel todefend itself by itself.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

had hoped to announce annexationof 30% of Judean Samaria,

the West Bank, on July first.

But a combination ofWhite House indecision

and a rebound of COVID-19has delayed that decision.

Annexation is a proposalopposed by Senators

like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

- Those American senators would do well

for their own American interest.

Israel in the West Bankhas become very potent

element of deterrence inface of Iran's ayatollahs.

- [Chris] Ettinger doesn'tview the Van Hollen amendment

as an anomaly.

On the contrary, hesees it as more evidence

of an ideological shift in America.

- Certainly, that transformationof the American society

has also afflicted Capitol Hill as well,

the House of Representatives,and the Senate.

The secret, so to speak,of the very unique bond

between the U.S. and Israel has rested

on the Judeo-Christian rootsof both the U.S. and Israel.

A departure from Judeo-Christianroots, a departure

by America from thoseroots would also mean

a departure from very specialU.S.-Israel relations,

which would not bode well foreither the U.S. or Israel.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Well let me underline what this bill

from Senator Hollen would actually do.

You have incoming missiles being launched

by terror groups in

areas that are under the control

of the Palestinian authorityor under the control of Hamas.

This bill means that the Israelis

would not be able to defend themselves

against those missiles.

That's the intent of the bill.

Can you imagine anyonetelling us in the U.S.

if you've got incomingmissiles, well I'm sorry because

our development funds wentinto creating this system

of defense for you, you can't use it.

We would absolutely rise up against that.

And it makes no sense to tell Israel

you can't defend your ownborders, you can't defend

your citizens from attack.

And that's what's happening and that's...

I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime

where a U.S. Senator wouldactually propose a bill

and have it move forward.

But that's where we'regoing and this is coming

from the Democrats.

And you've got to start asking why.

Why is there now a risinganti-Israel sentiment

on the part of what

we should be, natural allies.

You know, look at the facts.

The facts are Israel'sthe only stable democracy

in the Middle East.

Israel has been our friendsince its founding in 1948.

The Palestinians havenever missed an opportunity

to miss an opportunity.

They've had opportunity,after opportunity,

after opportunity to form their own state

and come to peace with Israel.

They have refused it every single time.

And their goal still remainsto drive Israel into the sea.

That means an ethnic cleansing, that means

a removal of all Jews from the territory.

That is staggering tome that U.S. senators

would support that kind of ideology.

But that's what we're dealing with

and this is absolutely real.

When Jordan controlled thecity of Jerusalem after 1948,

there was an ethniccleansing of Jerusalem.

The Jewish Quarter was--

all Jews were removedfrom the Jewish Quarter.

And they announcedthey'll never come back,

there will never be a Jewishpopulation in Jerusalem again.

That shows their aim, thatshows what they're all about

and why to put some kindof restriction on Israel,

I don't know.

But this is somethingthat all Christians need

to be aware of, be educated onwhat's happening politically

in our United States of America

and we're in danger of turning against

our only ally in the Middle East.

Well in other news, the numberof new Coronavirus cases

has hit a new record.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN News bureau in Washington.


- That is right, Gordon.

The U.S. recorded a littleover 77,000 new cases,

easily the highest numberfor a single day yet.

One reason for the highernumber of cases, more testing.

Still, deaths are rising instates like Florida and Texas

and Arizona is runningout of room in morgues.

Despite problems in thosestates, the total number

of deaths there remainsfar below what happened

in New York and NewJersey earlier this year.

Dr. Anthony Fauci saysthings are a mixed bag

across the country rightnow and on Facebook,

he had a warning for younger people.

- You have to haveresponsibility for yourself

that you're getting infectedis not just you in a vacuum,

you're propagating a pandemic.

- Dr. Fauci's warningcomes as teens and children

account for an increasingnumber of Coronavirus cases

and scientists aren't surewhether they'll spread

the disease if schools reopen.

Although many doctorssay they want their kids

back in school, some teachersare torn over the issue.

Charlene Aaron explains why.

- As the pandemic continues to surprise

medical experts, the debate grows on how

the country's schools can safely reopen.

Top federal health andeducational officials, however,

support President Trump'scall that students must

return to the classroomfor in-person learning.

This issue has becomecentral for the president

as he's pressuringgovernors to make it happen

in the fall.

In Florida, some schooldistricts want students in class

as early as August, despitea surge in state cases.

- Ultimately, it's not a caseof if schools should reopen,

it's simply a matter of how.

They must fully open and theymust be fully operational

and how that happens isbest left to education

and community leaders.

- [Charlene] Last month,the CDC issued guidance

on reopening classes.

- We're prepared to work with each school,

each jurisdiction to help them

use the differentstrategies that we propose

that help do this safely so they come up

with the optimal strategyfor those schools.

- [Charlene] Recommendationsincludes masks

for students and teachers,staggered schedules,

wider distance betweendesks, and eating meals

in classrooms instead of the cafeterias.

Rules that Nicole Aaron, aSpecial Education teacher

in D.C. says would be difficult to follow.

- My kids, because of their disabilities,

they're not gonna be able to

wear a mask all day.

They have sensory needsand different things

and challenges that will not allow them

to be able to keep a mask on.

If they can't wear a mask,then what are we really

exposing ourselves to,even if we have on a mask,

at some point, you know,wearing a mask all day

for eight hours is a hard thing to do.

- [Charlene] A recent USA Today Ipsos poll

shows one in five teachersare unlikely to return

if their schools reopen, many citing fear

over putting themselvesand their families at risk.

It's a concern shared by Nicole Aaron.

- As a parent and as a teacher is

if I go back to school, thenmy kids have to go somewhere.

If their schools aren't open,then I have to send them

to childcare and I'mputting them in danger.

If I go back to school,then I could bring COVID

into my home so eitherway, I'm exposing my family

to COVID, regardless ofif I'm going out to work

or if I'm having totake them to childcare.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile,plans for re-openings

are likely to vary fromdistrict to district

as the virus looksdifferent in each community.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Weighing some very difficult decisions.

Thanks, Charlene.

Well as businesses andgovernments work furiously

to find a Coronavirustreatment, the United States,

United Kingdom, and Canadaare accusing computer hackers

believed to be Russian intelligence

of trying to steal valuableprivate information

about a possible vaccine.

George Thomas has that story.

- In a joint communication,those governments allege

that a hacking group known as Cozy Bear

is attacking academic andpharmaceutical companies

involved in developinga Coronavirus vaccine.

Britain's ForeignSecretary calling Russia's

alleged activitiesegregious and unacceptable.

- I think that's pretty appalling to have

the Russian governmentengaged in that endeavor.

I think he needs calling out.

- [George] According to a 16 page document

released by Britain's NationalCyber Security Center,

the Russians are targetingseveral global organizations

with hacking programs calledWellMess and WellMail.

- One of the things that the report stated

was that a lot of this information

came from phishing attacks,

that is sending emailsand getting people to send

personal information thatthen hackers could use

to get in.

And so as ever with these things,

the weak link in the securityisn't so much the computers,

it's the people.

- [George] The hackinggroup Cozy Bear is familiar

to U.S. intelligence.

Washington identified them as one of two

Russian government-linkedgroups that broke

into the DNC's computernetwork, stealing emails

and other documents ahead ofthe 2016 Presidential election.

- The biggest takeawayfrom these attacks is that

other countries are actively targeting

the health researchindustry and we're seeing

the pharmaceutical companiesand others being targeted

because they have theinformation that can be used

to help alleviate this global pandemic.

- [George] In April, the U.S. Department

of Homeland Security warned that various

cyber criminal groups aroundthe world, including in Russia

and China, were targetingCOVID-19 research.

- Russia not only canderive benefit economically

by speeding up their owndevelopment of a vaccine,

but they could also disrupt our efforts

to develop a vaccine.

- [George] On Thursday,the White House said

the U.S., U.K., andCanada are working to stop

Russia's nefarious actions.

- We worked very closelywith our allies to ensure

that we would take measures to keep

that information safeand we continue to do so

and we're aware of those activities.

- [George] The reportdoesn't specify whether

Russia's president knewabout the hacking job.

The Kremlin has rejected the allegations.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- Thanks, George.

Gordon, more and more,the threat is moving from

traditional warfare to cyber warfare.

- Well and once you create state sponsored

cyber warfare teams, whatdo you expect them to do?

They're going to continuetheir nefarious activities.

And let's call this out for what it is,

this is egregious behavior.

Because what it does,it actually hinders us

from getting a vaccine.

If the scientists involved,if the doctors involved

have to worry about exchanginginformation over the internet

or exchanging email informationwith their colleagues

in an effort to develop the vaccine,

if that information flowis in any way interrupted

by this kind of behavior,

well then that's terrible for all of us

and we have to realizewe're all in this together.

If a vaccine is developed,of course it's going to be

shared with the whole world.

Let us have the freedom toexplore these treatments

and these vaccines without the worry

that some horrible hackeris trying to interrupt it

or steal information.

Please, we've all got tocome together on this one

and realize we all share this planet,

we're all sharing thisvirus, and we will all

share the cure.


- Well coming up later, swept out to sea.

Two teenagers struggled to stay afloat.

What saves their lives?

Well you have to see it to believe it.

But first, meet two menunited by a prayer kettle

and a dream.

Hear how they made a stunning discovery

about their past and howthey're using their friendship

to help heal America's racial divide.

(dramatic news music)

(dramatic news music)

- The sons of former slavessitting with the sons

of former slave owners.

Well that was a dream ofDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

back in 1963.

Well today, it's a realityfor two best friends

and their amazing story isnothing short of miraculous.

- [Paul] The Lord spokeseparately to Will Ford

and Matt Lockett to goto the Lincoln Memorial

the same day.

There at a prayer meeting, they met

right where Martin Luther King gave his

"I Have A Dream" speech.

- Sons of former slaves andsons of former slave owners

will be able to sit down together

at the table of brotherhood.

- [Paul] They became fast friends.

- Doing life together, praying together,

you know, great friendship.

- I love this man like my own brother.

- Now they speak about racial healing,

like in the seven part retreat

from CMAX.TV Seven Days To Change.

Always nearby is this kettle,

which Will's enslavedancestors prayed under

so their sometimes violent slave masters

wouldn't hear those prayers and beat them.

But several years ago, Mattand Will's relationship

took a blow when theyfound out both their pasts

and that kettle intertwined.

They learned Matt's ancestorsowned Will's ancestors.

- My friend, his family is thefamily that owned our family.

- I'd been listening tothe story of the slaves

who prayed under the kettle for years.

Then all of a sudden, I foundout that I had a connection

to that actual story and itwas to that of the slave owner.

That made it very personal for me.

- I had to go to a deeperlevel of forgiveness.

'Cause now I had a faceconnected to these stories

of slaves being beat

and why we have to havesecret prayer meetings.

- And it was hard because

all of the pain of

a history and the pain of a community

where that pain is endured, it had a face

and it had a name and itwas a face that I loved.

- Yeah, it was a little bit of a struggle

for several months.

And I'm glad we hashed it out.

- [Paul] They believe thenation can now hash it out.

- We can definitely riseabove racism in America.

- The whole nation is in alearning moment right now.

- Through this retreat, we're gonna hit

on all these differenttouch points where people

have been dehumanized, made less than,

and heal this thing.

- [Paul] Just like Will and Matt did,

in fellowship and at home.

- It started in a prayermeeting and we took it

into our living rooms.

- 'Cause this is theplace where change starts.

It starts with us right on this level.

- [Paul] But people willneed to get up and act.

- It's going to take usgoing beyond our bubbles,

going beyond our comfortzones, and finding one another.

We need the white communityto make an effort to get past

their comfort zones and engage and connect

with other people of color.

- [Paul] Matt prays peoplewon't be dismissive.

- I think there's acommon sentiment that hey,

I wasn't there, youweren't there, get over it.

And I wanna encourage us that there is

a dismissive attitudethat we need to address

in the church

that we dare not dismiss thepain that has historical roots

that has endured to this day.

- [Paul] Will likes to say it's gonna take

a united church to heal a divided nation.

- We need to connect withthe parts of the body

that need healing, thatneed help right now.

It affects all of us spiritually.

'Cause when one part of the body is hurt,

all of us are hurt.

- We have this foundationof believing in redemption

and so as the cultureis in this tug of war

over who did what and who'sright and who's wrong,

we're actually in aposition to step in and say,

"You know what?

"There's a thing called repentance

"and there's a thing called forgiveness."

- [Paul] And the mightylove that forgives.

- When you think thatJesus loved us so much

that he'd rather die thanspend eternity without us.

And you think,

"Okay, well what kind of love is that

"that brings worth, that brings dignity,

"that brings value toevery single person?"

- And if we can introducethat into the culture,

oh, the work of God, I think,

could explore in a powerful way right now

like we've never known.

Maybe we'll get a great awakening.

- [Paul] They hope peoplewho gather and go through

the Seven Days to Change Retreat together

will come to have relationshipslike Will and Matt's.

Tested, but a propheticfulfillment of what

Martin Luther King dreamedof in the exact spot

where God brought Matt and Will together.

- There is this table of brotherhood,

Dr. King talked aboutsons of former slaves

sitting with the sonof former slave owners

and listen, we're hereto tell America right now

there's still room at the table.

- [Paul] Paul Strand,CBN News, Washington.

- Wow.

There's plenty of room atthe table of brotherhood.

But we have to be intentional to say

we wanna sign up for that.

We want to be at the table of brotherhood.

You don't integratechurches, you don't integrate

prayer meetings, youdon't integrate societies

without being intentional to say

let us come together, let us sit together,

let us break bread together,let's have shared life,

let's not be separated cultures,separated neighborhoods,

but let's be one nationunder God, indivisible

with liberty and justice for all.

It takes intent to do thisand so let us intend to do it.

If you want to know moreabout how you can get involved

in this kind of thing, it's called

Seven Days To Change.

It's COVID-compliant, it'san online, virtual retreat

and you can go to for a link.


- Well coming up, a lawfirm's radical idea.

Had the owner lost her mind?

That's what her staff waswondering so what was her plan?

And how did it pay off big time?

Plus, he's the speaker who'sa self-professed hope dealer.

So why did he sufferwith crippling anxiety?

Carlos Whittaker joins us live.

That's later on today's "700 Club."

(mellow upbeat music)

(upbeat news music)

- Well Janet Ward Blackdidn't lose her mind,

but her staff thought she did.

Their law firm was barelymaking enough money

to cover the bills and thenJanet had a radical idea.

For every dollar the business brings in,

give away a dime.

Well here's what happenedwhen the firm gave it a try.

(bright music)

- [Narrator] Janet WardBlack owns a law firm

in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Her team specializes in civil litigation,

helping clients navigatesome of the most difficult

times in their lives.

- Justice is God's idea

so we help people seekjustice when they're not able

to do it for themselves.

- [Narrator] Her firm hasalso been making a difference

around the world through giving.

Already a faithful tither,Janet Ward says the idea

came to her after Christmas in 2012.

- I felt like the Lord was telling us

if we started tithing on thelaw firm's gross revenue,

I would in fact be tithingfor all of our 30 employees.

- [Narrator] But at thetime, the firm was only

a few years old and barely breaking even.

- It was mathematically impossible

so there were tremendous risksinvolved for our business

to do this so I knew thatGod would have to do it

if that's what he wanted us to do.

- [Narrator] The first person she told

was her ExecutiveDirector, Rhonda Halloway.

- And I said,

"You mean gross revenue asin before we do anything

"with a dollar, we'regonna give away a dime?"

She said,

"That's exactly what I mean."

So I was, you know, stoic as I could be

and nodded my head.

I went home that nightand I told my husband,

"Janet Ward has lost her mind."

All the things run through your mind,

how am I gonna explainthis to the employees?

How are we going to do that?

- [Narrator] But Rhonda,who's also a Christian,

was willing to give it a try.

- I honestly did not know where the money

was gonna come from, but Iwas committed to doing it.

That we would do something--

- [Narrator] So they formeda committee that would decide

where that 10% would go.

- We looked to Matthew25 about hungry, thirsty,

jailed, strangers,naked, sick and we said,

"Why don't we use those as parameters?"

- [Narrator] As the firm'soffice manager and bookkeeper,

Wendy Campbell said sheknew it would be tough

to give away 10% of theirrevenue and still meet

all of their overhead and payroll.

- In the numbers, inthe balance statements,

in the income statements,I didn't think it was

a bad idea, but I didn't necessarily know

how we were gonna pull it off.

- [Narrator] But monthafter month, they did.

- Around month four, Irealized no matter what we had

in the bank account,enough was always there.

We had not suffered atall and we actually had

reported a profit everysingle one of those months.

- Cases were just kindafalling into our laps,

settlements that weweren't expecting to get

that were much larger thanwe were expecting to get.

This was not our math, thiswas definitely God's math

because I was writingchecks that I shouldn't

have been able to write.

- Not only did he allow us to tithe 10%,

but he allowed us togive the biggest bonuses

we've ever given in thehistory of the law firm.

- It really made usfeel like we were doing

what we were supposed to do.

And that's really

kinda been the story theentire time since them.

- [Narrator] This smallNorth Carolina law firm

has given to over 160 organizations

and helps change thecourse of countless lives.

Rhonda says her favoritepart is delivering the news

to those organizationsselected to receive a donation.

- Their reaction is just

something that you don't get to see.

How lucky am I to be a partof being able to do this?

- We thought when we startedthis that we would be

doing things for otherpeople, but we're the ones

that are blessed by it.

- It just makes you feellike everything you've done,

every prayer you've sent off,every case you've worked,

every time you pull into the parking lot,

it made a difference.

It changed a life.

That to me, just speaks the love of Jesus.

- [Narrator] It's been over seven years

since the fledgling firm took a step

into the impossible,giving out of obedience

and a heart to help others.

- There's a verse that says,

"Test me in this.

"I will protect your90% if you give me 10%."

Frankly, we'd much ratherhave God protecting our 90%

than us trying to protect our 100%.

- And we don't have toworry about next month,

next year, we don't even really

have to worry about tomorrow,

we just have to take that stepand trust that he's walking

with us today.

- You have to take thatstep, that same step.

It sounds crazy and itsounds counter-intuitive

but it works and it worksbecause God promises

that it will work.

When you test him inthis, when you test him

with your tithes and offerings to say,

"I want to know and be securethat God is working with me

"and I want to do it his way,"

then wonderful things happen.

For Janet, for her lawfirm, they all thought

she was crazy.

She said we're going to takea dime from every dollar

we get and we're going to give that away.

And the joy of giving,the joy of announcing

to the recipients, here's our donation

to what you're doing,we want to help others,

it's amazing that the promise comes true.

When you help others, you'reactually helping yourself.

And you saw the success, what was a firm

barely breaking even, it goes into growth,

goes into profitability, allbecause they made a decision

to give away 10%.

If you'd like to start doingthat, give us a call to say,

"Yes, I wanna become amember of The 700 Club."

How much is it?

It's just $20 a month, thatbreaks out to 65 cents a day.

We also have 700 Club Gold for you,

which is $40 a month.

We have 1000 Club, that's $1,000 a year.

That breaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level, do it now and say yes,

I wanna join.

Now when you call withyour pledge, we've got

a gift for you, it's called,

"Do You Need A Miracle?

"Real Life Stories of God At Work Today."

It will encourage yourfaith and let you know

that God is with you and hismiracles are with you too.

Real life stories that will encourage you,

joys when you join, call us.



- Well still to come, an amazing story.

Alone in the open oceanand gasping for air.

Two teenagers were drowning in rough seas

and you'll never believethe name of the ship

that saved them.

Also ahead, ready to take yourmild faith to a wild faith

full of wonder?

Author and speaker CarlosWhittaker shows you how

to enter wild.

That's coming up.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic news music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News Break.

Attorney General Bill Barrblasted China Thursday,

warning that it's usingevery means at its disposal

to become the strongestpower in the world.

Barr said China is usinga wide range of tactics,

many illegal, includingstealing intellectual property,

cyber tax, spying, among others.

He warned the ChinesCommunist Party quote,

"poses a real threat to U.S.technological leadership"

and he cautioned American businesses about

promoting policies that favor China.

CBN's Operation Blessingserved as an answer to prayer

for a Peruvian family inneed in South America.

In countries like Peru, public knowledge

about the Coronavirus spreads more slowly

than here in the United States.

So when Gladys started feeling symptoms,

she didn't know what it was.

But the single motherof four heard about it

later on TV and radio.

It's hard for people like her

to stay home because sheneeds to go to the market

every day for food.

She also didn't have anyincome for medicine or food

while she fought the disease.

But she told her children,

"Let's pray to God and askhim for strength and courage."

She believes God answered her prayer

through Operation Blessing.

Gladys received a large package of food

and cleaning supplies.

Afterwards, she said,

"I would love to say thank you."

Operation Blessing thanksits faithful partners

for their support duringthe COVID-19 pandemic.

And you can find out moreabout Operating Blessing

by visiting

Gordon and Terry will be back with more

of "The 700 Club" right after this.

(dramatic news music)

- "Written in Stone" isan amazing documentary

that will take you onthe streets of Jerusalem,

to Galilee, to Bethlehem to show you

the archeological evidencefor Jesus of Nazareth

and for the early church.

Churches like the Churchof Zion on Mount Zion

that had a secret exit sothat we know it was built

during a time of great persecution.

You'll be in the Churchof the Holy Sepulchre,

you'll be at the Church ofthe Nativity in Bethlehem,

the church that was builtat Saint Peter's house

in Galilee and Capernaum.

It's all on this DVD andit's yours for a gift

of any dollar amount.

And here's the thing that youjust can't underline enough.

The archeology of todayis proving the Bible.

There hasn't been a singlearcheological discovery

in Israel that contradictsthe Biblical record.

And this will show you therecord behind Jesus of Nazareth.

If you'd like it, it's yours.

Gift of any dollaramount, all you have to do

is call us.

1-800-700-7000 or you can text

"STONE" to 51555 or you cango to

Get it today.

You'll enjoy it.

Terry, over to you.

- Every great speakeris a gifted storyteller

and Carlos Whittaker is no exception.

He speaks at some of the largest churches

and conferences in the country.

He's even spoken at the White House.

Take a look.

- I hear the chains--

- [Narrator] Carlos Whittakeris a popular speaker,

worship leader, andself-professed hope dealer.

He also cares passionatelyabout healing racism.

In his recent Instagrampost, which went viral,

Carlos explains that he thoughthis older, white neighbor

was racist because he'd never given Carlos

the time of the day.

It turns out, the manis quite the opposite.

Carlos's new book is called "Enter Wild"

and encourages us allto exchange mild faith

for a life of wild abundance.

- Well please welcome to "The 700 Club,"

the wild man himself, Carlos Whittaker.

Carlos, it's great tohave you with us today.

- Oh, good morning, Terry.

Good to see you.

- I love the book, "Enter Wild."

You encourage Christiansto step into the wild.

What do you mean by that?

- Well I feel like for so many Christians,

we take John 10:10, where it says,

"A thief comes to steal,to kill, and to destroy,

"I've come that they may havelife and have it to the full,"

and that's kinda what it feels like

when you become aChristian at the beginning.

But I'll tell you what,for so many Christians,

after a few years, it doesn't feel like

life to the full anymore.

It maybe feels like life to the half.

And the book is simplya call to leave mild

and to actually do ministry like Jesus did

in a wild way.

So that's what the book is for.

- You know, we live in such a crazy time.

The world is noisy and


What are a couple of ways that we can move

into the kind of abundantlife that Jesus has for us

and that you're talking about?

- Absolutely.

In the book, I...

It's divided into threesections, Enter Rest,

Enter War, and Enter Wild.

And in the Enter Rest section,the whole purpose of that

is so that we can hear the voice of God.

You cannot get into thewild until you actually

can hear and decipher God's voice.

So what I help people do inthe first section of the book

is to lower the volume oflife and then the volume

of God goes up.

If you have difficultyhearing the voice of God,

the first thing I'd askyou to do is look at

your screen time on your phone.

How much time are you consumingthe content of the world

as opposed to consumingthe content of God?

And so when we lower the volume of life,

the volume of God goes up.

It's exactly whathappened to the Israelites

when they were being chasedby the Egyptian army.

Moses told them to stand stillat the edge of the Red Sea

and sure enough, what happened?

He put that rod in the sandand the sea split wide open

and they walked to the promised land.

So many of us, our promise land is waiting

when we just lower the volume of life.

- You refer to yourself as the hope dealer

and yet, you struggledfor years with anxiety.

It almost cost you your marriage.

You know, anxiety,

I know so many people today who are truly

suffering with that.

Talk about that.

- Yeah, you know, anxiety is,

it used to be like thechurch's dirty little secret.

Nobody wanted to talk about it.

But the more that we see,especially in this season,

right, of the pandemicand racial injustice

and all the things thatwe're suffering with.

We have to stay at home,should I homeschool the kids,

anxiety is a normal thing in our life.

Fear is a normal thing in ourlife that begins to grow up.

And so this is what I tell people,

how I got out of it after 13years of crippling anxiety

was I began to pray the promises of God

as opposed to praying the problems.

And when you look in thegospels, Jesus never prayed

the problem, he always prayed the promise.

So instead of praying,

"Lord, I'm so anxious.

"Lord, I'm so worried.

"Lord, I'm so fearful."

No, instead, go to theword and start praying,

"I am the body of Christ,Satan has no power of me,

"I overcome evil with good, I am of God

"and greater is he that is in me

"than he that is in the world.

"I'll fear no evil."

When we pray the promises, Terry,

that is when our anxiety begins to lessen.

- You'd had an opportunityto speak at the White House

and that opportunityactually came as an open door

from the Lord after

an anxiety-provokingsituation financially.

Share that.

- Absolutely.

I felt when I was firstlearning to hear about

the voice of God, I feltlike God was telling me

to stop leading worshipand to start speaking.

And it was so scarybecause I'll tell you what,

all of my financial incomewas from leading worship.

But finally, I said,

"Okay, God, if this isreally you, I'm gonna do it."

So Terry, I went to my inbox and I deleted

and I canceled every singleworship leading opportunity

that I had in 2014 but Iemailed them all and I said,

"But if you need a speaker,God's asking me to speak."

Well sure enough,

87 our of 87 worship leadingopportunities said, you know,

"We're fine, we don't need a speaker

"but congratulations on yourfollowing the voice of God."

So for 13 days, I watched mybank account and the deposits

go down and my wife'sfaith was just growing.

But mine wasn't.

And I started to get angryat God and I started to get

filled with anxiety.

And day 14, after I'd gone to Home Depot

to fill out an application, Starbucks

to fill out an application'cause I had to take care

of my family, I got oneemail in my booking inbox.

And it just said,

"The White House wouldlike to invite you to..."

So I deleted it becauseI thought it was spam.

Why would I get an emailfrom the White House?

Well then my publicist called me

about 30 minutes later, she said,

"They know you deleted the email."

And I said,

"What email?"

So I went back to mydeleted items, opened it up,

and it said,

"The White House wouldlike to invite you to be

"the keynote speaker atthe Easter Prayer Breakfast

"in the East Wing of theWhite House next Wednesday."

And Terry, I'll tell you what,

the Lord showed me in thatmoment 'cause seven days later,

I was sitting in front of the President

and I got to say,

"Listen, policies may beable to change a few things

"but only the blood ofthe cross of Jesus Christ

"can change this nation."

And I was able to actually share and sing

"Nothing But The Blood ofJesus" in the White House.

And so here's the thing,if you've ever prayed

a big prayer and you feellike you're in the desert,

obedience doesn'tnecessarily produce something

the next day.

Sometimes we have to waitin the silence in order

to see God come through.

- I loved the story early on in your book

where you talked about flyfishing and how, you know,

you knew you needed toget quiet with the Lord

but, you know, you'rehalf Black, half Hispanic,

my people don't do that.


- That's right, that's what I said.

My people don't do thatand a friend of mine

invited me to Montana tofly fish and I was like,

"Bro, I ain't nevertouched a fish in my life.

"I don't wanna touch those things."

But when I finally got in my waders,

stood in the middle of theBig Horn River, and I watched

that brown trout come upand grab ahold of that fly,

something in my heartexploded and I realized

I was created to be a fly fisherman.

So the next thing I know, Icall myself a Rednexican now.

Like I hunt and I fishand I do all the things

that I didn't even knowonce I stood still,

lowered the volume of life,then the Lord began to show me

some desires in my heartI didn't even know existed

and that's how I reallycommune with him now.

- It's such a wonderfully written book.

It's so inviting.

And I wanna just mention to our viewers

it's called "Enter Wild."

Listen believers, get outthere and buy this book.

Well worth the read.

Thank you so much, Carlos,wonderful to have you with us.

- Thank you, Terry, so much.

- Well up next, two teenagerscaught in the outgoing tide

treading water with no land in sight.

How did a stranger's last minute decision

save their lives?

Find out when we come back.

Plus, we're gonna be prayingfor you and your needs

after this so stay with us.

(dramatic news music)

(upbeat music)

- Exhausted arms, achinglegs, Tyler and Heather

were teenagers usingevery ounce of strength

to stay alive.

The two friends had beenswept out into the ocean

with no rescue in sightand time was running out.

What spared them from a watery grave?

Well, take a look.

- I would just all like,

"It's not that far, let'sjust go swim over there."

- [Narrator] It was a perfect beach day

on Florida's east coast.

Tyler Smith and Heather Brownwere enjoying Senior Skip Day

with their classmates fromChrist Church Academy.

Before long, they decided to swim across

the Saint Augustineinlet from Vilano Point

to Anastasia Island, 500 yards away.

- We just kinda keep going,like past the sand bar,

just kinda keep getting deeper.

- [Narrator] As athletes,the two 17 year-olds

were fairly good swimmers.

But barely halfway across,they started getting tired.

- It was a lot further than we thought but

we saw a red buoy and we're like,

"Let's swim to that, we'll grab onto it,

"we'll rest for a minute, andthen we'll just keep going."

- [Narrator] Despite their efforts,

they weren't gettingany closer to the buoy.

- It just kept getting furtherand further to the right.

But then it's like you realize

no, you're moving furtherand further to the left.

- [Narrator] They had gottencaught in the outgoing tide.

- My heart was beatingfaster after I stopped seeing

the red buoy.

There was nothing left.

All we see is ocean.

- [Narrator] Tyler andHeather stop swimming

and started treadingwater, doing their best

to stay afloat as the current continued

to carry them out to sea.

- That's when I was prettyactually like, scared.

And he was just like,

"Heather, I don't know what to do."

I was like,

"Tyler, what's the plan?"

We were like just keep swimming.

Like it was as long as youjust keep yourself afloat,

we can hold out til rescue.

- [Narrator] Back onthe beach, their friends

finally notice the two were missing,

unaware of their attemptto swim across the inlet.

Someone called 9-1-1 andalerted their parents.

Heather's mother, BJ washelping at her church

when she got the call.

- It's your worstnightmare of a phone call

that you would ever wanna have.

He said,"BJ,

"Heather and Tyler are missing."

You know, nobody knew and so I just,

the tears start forming,I just start bawling.

It was a deep panic thatmy child has drowned.

- [Narrator] BJ and othersat the church started to pray

for the missing teenagers.

- I want her alive, Lord.

Please don't take her from me, you know?

Keep her floating.

Give them both the strength.

When there's nothing youcan do, you have to pray.

- [Narrator] By now, Heather and Tyler

had been fighting the roughseas an hour and a half

and praying desperately for a miracle.

- I was like, screaming like,

"God, like please help."

Like I was saying pleaseover and over again.

- God, please just save us.


can you please just send something for us.

I really thought thatwas gonna be the last day

of my life.

- [Narrator] Thenexhausted and losing hope,

they heard a boat engine over the waves.

- All I see is this like, big yacht

just coming down along theisland where all the other boats

are going and I was just like,

"There's no way it's coming towards us."

But it made even like asharper turn towards us.

- [Narrator] The boat, however,wasn't coming for them.

The owner, Eric Wagner,and his three man crew

were headed up the coastwhen they made a last minute

decision to take the53 foot yacht for a run

in the open ocean.

- The wind was strong, lot ofwaves, the engines are loud.

We have to talk loudly tohear each other on the boat,

let alone, somebody that's off the boat.

- [Narrator] As the boatpassed by about 200 yards away,

the teens realized no one had seen them.

- So I was just like waving it, screaming.

This, to me, was our last chance.

If we don't get on this boat,we're not getting out of here


- We thought we heard a scream,

we thought we heard something.

And we all stoppedtalking and looked around.

Cory was behind the wheel at the time

so he starts cranking thewheel over and he says,

"There's people back there."

- [Narrator] Heather and Tyler watched

as the boat came around.

- And then all of asudden, I see someone wave

and I was like,

"Yes, yes."

- All we do is like hugeach other, we're like

we're getting out of this.

Looking back at it, likeGod saved us from this.

- [Narrator] By the time they pulled

the exhausted teenagersaboard, they had drifted

two miles off the coast.

- Heather came on first.

The very first thing she said to me,

she looked me in the eye, and she said,

"God is real."

- Mr. Eric heard me and he was like,

"It's crazy how you say that 'cause

"you wanna know the name of our boat?"

He's like,

"It's called The Amen."

- We just broke down crying.

We were like, no way, like thisis straight out of a movie.

Like there's no way he did this.

- [Narrator] Then Heather'smom got another call.

This time, it was her daughter.

- I'm so glad to hear yourvoice, I'm so grateful.

Like oh my God, thank you God.

And it was just such a, likea celebration right there.

- [Narrator] Tyler andHeather went on to graduate

and look forward to moving on to college

and their future goals.

No matter where they go,they know they serve a God

who loves them and answers their prayers.

- It really has brought me closer to

talking to him like afriend and it's just...

It's miraculous.

- It grows your relationship with God and

relieves you of likedoubt and it builds a bond

when you are truly ready tocome to him hopeless, like

he's gonna rescue you.

- You can always cometo him, not hopeless,

but full of hope, knowing that he is

and he is a very present help

in our time of need, our time of trouble.

For Heather to get onboardand her first words is

"there is a God."

Here they are, two miles off of shore,

given up hope, what do we do?

God had inspired 'em.

Nobody goes out into theopen ocean in a yacht

when you've got wind and waves like that

but they said,

"Let's just take an ocean run and see,"

and then God works a miracle.

And right down to the nameof the boat, The Amen.

He wants to do miracles for you right down

to the name of amen

so you stand back and you see the manifold

wisdom of God.

The Greek behind that isalmost like looking at

drapes on a curtain where there are lots

of little folds in itand you have to literally

go to them and you gottaopen them up to see.

That's what the way God works.

You have to literallyopen it up and look inside

and you go,

"Wow, God knew all of this.

"He shaped all of thesethings together for our good.

"He was there in our time of trouble.

"He wasn't just there, hewas prepared in advance

"to answer our prayer."

Now, when you have thatattitude, God is prepared

in advance to answer your prayer.

He is prepared, he's ready,

he's willing, he's able.

Well then it gives youall the faith you need

to believe for miracles.

Now Terry and I are gonna pray for you.

Before we pray, here's someother stories of miracles.

Here's Gwen from Hillsboro, Tennessee.

She lived with hip pain,back pain for years.

She rarely watches "The700 Club," but one day,

she felt compelled to watch.

It was June four, 2020,

which just so happens to be my birthday.

Well then Terry said,

"Someone, you have painin your lower back,

"in the cradle of your hipsand if you sit, it's sore.

"If you lay down, it's sore.

"It affects your walking.

"God is healing that right now for you.

"You are going to feel awarmth come over the whole part

"of your body as he sets you free."

Well as Gwen agreed with Terry by faith,

"the pain completely left her body.

Gwen later called CBN'sprayer line, is now rejoicing

in how great she feels.

Believe God.

Believe in his son, believein the one that he sent,

believe in the blood of Christ,

believe in his resurrection,believe in his love.

He's already prepared it all for you.

These things are just gifts for you and I

and all we have to dois open them by faith.

Let's pray.

Lord God Almighty, we come toyou, we come to you believing,

knowing that you'vealready prepared the way,

you've already prepared the answer.

Before we even ask, you are ready.

So we stand believing

and in an act of faith,we lay hands on that area

of the body that needs healing.

We say out loud to it,

"Be healed and be made whole."

There's someone, you'relaying your right hand

over your forehead and onthe right side of your face,

you've got tremendous pain.

God has healed that for you right now.

In Jesus's name, just receive it.


- Someone else, you've been seeing doctors

because your whole metabolicsystem is just messed up

and it's so affectingyour life and your health.

Jesus is healing that for you right now.

Just lift up your hands and praise him

and receive your healingtoday in his name.

- There's someone elsewith a bacterial infection.

God is just cleansing that.

There's some kind of amoeba in your body.

God's releasing you fromall of it in Jesus's name.

Well they're playing themusic, we've got time

for this word from Psalm 91.

"I will be with him in trouble.

"I will deliver him and honor him.

"With long life I will satisfy him

"and show him my salvation."

(theme music)


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